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in Velvet Light Trap (Fall 2005) iss.56 Call No: DVD RESEARCH FOLDER Subject: DVD; DVD, FILMS ON; HOME EQUIPMENT; HOME EXHIBITION; PRESERVATION OF FILMS; CRITERION COLLECTION; MANGA; BROOKER, WILL; AROSTEGUY, SUSAN; LORD OF THE RINGS: FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING, THE (US, Peter Jackson, 2001); LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS, THE (US, Peter Jackson, 2002); LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING, THE (US, Peter Jackson, 2003); FIGHT CLUB (US, David Fincher, 1999) Contents: A DVD edition of Velvet Light Trap. Index follows:; -- Introduction.; -- Craig Hight - Making-of documentaries on DVD: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and Special Editions.; -- Nathan Carroll - Unwrapping archives: DVD Restoration Demonstrations and the markteting of authenticity.; -- Bradley Schauer - The Criterion Collection in the New Home Video Market: An interview with Susan Arosteguy.; -- Derek Johnson - Star Wars fans, DVD, and cultural ownership: an interview with Will Brooker.; -- Laurie Cubbison - Anime Fans, DVDs, and the authentic text.; -- James Kendrick - Aspect ratios and Joe Six-Packs: home theatre enthusiasts' battle to legitimze the DVD experience.
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2 create in Sydney Morning Herald (22/02/2013) p.24 More info |
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20th Century Fox : Darryl F. Zanuck and the creation of the modern film studio / Scott Eyman New York: Running Press, Call No: 19TWE EYM Author: Eyman, Scott Edition: 2021 Place: New York Publisher: Running Press PhysDes: 296 pages : illustrated ; 24 cm Subject: TWENTIETH CENTURY-FOX; ZANUCK, DARRYL F.; BORZAGE, FRANK; CHAPLIN, CHARLES; DUNNE, PHILIP; FORD, JOHN; HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY (US, John Ford, 1941); LONGEST DAY, THE (US, Ken Annakin & Andrew Marton & Bernhard Wicki, 1962); PARAMOUNT STUDIOS; POWER, TYRONE; SCHENCK, JOSEPH M.; SOUND OF MUSIC, THE (US, Robert Wise, 1965); TEMPLE, SHIRLEY; WAYNE, JOHN; TAYLOR, ELIZABETH Summary: From New York Times bestselling author Scott Eyman, this is the story of one of the most legendary and influential studios in film history, from its inception up to its demise in 2019.
March 20, 2019 marked the end of an era -- Disney took ownership of the movie empire that was Fox. For almost a century before that historic date, Twentieth Century-Fox was one of the preeminent producers of films, stars, and filmmakers. Its unique identity in the industry and place in movie history is unparalleled -- and one of the greatest stories to come out of Hollywood. One man, a legendary producer named Darryl F. Zanuck, is the heart of the story. This narrative tells the complete tale of Zanuck and the films, stars, intrigue, and innovations of the iconic studio that was. -- publisher's web site ISBN: 9780762470938
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100 westerns / Edward Buscombe London: British Film Institute, 2006. Call No: 736.1 BUS Author: Buscombe, Edward CorpAuthor: BFI Source: UK Place: London Publisher: British Film Institute PubDate: 2006 PhysDes: 248 p. : 17 cm Series: BFI Screen Guides Subject: WESTERNS; NATIVE AMERICANS IN FILMS; GENRES; BUSCOMBE, EDWARD; ANTONIO DAS MORTES (BL, Glauber Rocha, 1969); BEGUILED, THE (US, Don Siegel, 1971); BIG SKY, THE (US, Howard Hawkes, 1952); BROKEN ARROW (US, Delmer Daves, 1950); BULLET FOR THE GENERAL, A (IT, Damiano Damiani, 1966); BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID (US, George Roy Hill, 1969); CALAMITY JANE (US, David Butler, 1953); COWBOY (US, Delmer Davies, 1958); DANCES WITH WOLVES (US, Kevin Costner, 1990); DEAD MAN (US, Jim Jarmusch, 1995); DESTRY RIDES AGAIN (US, George Marshall, 1939); DODGE CITY (US, Michael Curtiz, 1939); DUEL IN THE SUN (US, King Vidor, 1946); PER UN PUGNO DI DOLLARI (IT/SP/GW, Sergio Leone, 1964); PER QUALCHE DOLLARO IN PIU (IT/SP/GW, Sergio Leone, 1965); FORT APACHE (US, John Ford, 1948); BUONO, IL BRUTTO, IL CATTIVO, IL (IT, Sergio Leone, 1966); GO WEST (US, Buster Keaton, 1925); GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY, THE (US, Edwin S. Porter, 1903); GREY FOX, THE (CN, Philip Borsos, 1982); HANGING TREE, THE (US, Delmer Daves, 1958); HEAVEN'S GATE (US, Michael Cimino, 1980); HIGH NOON (US, Fred Zinnemann, 1952); HIGH PLAINS DRIFTER (US, Clint Eastwood, 1973); IRON HORSE, THE (UK, John Ford, 1924); JOHNNY GUITAR (US, Nicholas Ray, 1954); LAST OF THE MOHICANS, THE (US, Michael Mann, 1992); LAST WAGON, THE (US, Delmer Daves, 1956); LITTLE BIG MAN (US, Arthur Penn, 1970); LONG RIDERS, THE (US, Walter Hill, 1980); MAGNIFICENT SEVEN, THE (UK, John Sturges, 1960); MAN FROM LARAMIE, THE (US, Anthony Mann, 1955); MAN OF THE WEST (US, Anthony Mann, 1958); MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE, THE (US, John Ford, 1962); MCCABE AND MRS MILLER (US, Robert Altman, 1971); MISSOURI BREAKS, THE (US, Arthur Penn, 1976); MONTE WALSH (US, William A. Fraker, 1970); MY DARLING CLEMENTINE (US, John Ford, 1946); C`ERA UNA VOLTA IL WEST (IT/FR, Sergio Leone, 1968); ONE-EYED JACKS (US, Marlon Brando, 1961); OPEN RANGE (US, Kevin Costner, 2003); OUTLAW JOSEY WALES, THE (US, Clint Eastwood, 1976); PAT GARRETT AND BILLY THE KID (US, Sam Peckinpah, 1973); PURSUED (US, Raoul Walsh, 1947); RAMROD (US, Andre de Toth, 1947); RANCHO NOTORIOUS (US, Fritz Lang, 1952); RED RIVER (US, Howard Hawks, 1948); RIDE THE HIGH COUNTRY (US, Sam Peckinpah, 1962); RIO BRAVO (US, Howard Hawks, 1959); SEARCHERS, THE (US, John Ford, 1956); SHANE (US, George Stevens, 1953); SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON (US, John Ford, 1949); SHOOTING, THE (US, Monte Hellman, 1966); SHOOTIST, THE (US, Donald Siegel, 1976); STAGECOACH (US, John Ford, 1939); SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF (US, Burt Kennedy, 1969); FA TALAI JONE (TH, Wisit Sasanatieng, 2000); TWO RODE TOGETHER (US, John Ford, 1961); ULZANA'S RAID (US, Robert Aldrich, 1972); UNFORGIVEN (US, Clint Eastwood, 1992); VIVA MARIA (US, Louis Malle, 1965); WILD BUNCH, THE (US, Sam Peckinpah, 1969); DAVES, DELMER; WAYNE, JOHN; Stewart, James; EASTWOOD, CLINT; FORD, JOHN Summary: The Western is one of Hollywood cinema’s most potent and enduring genres, bound up with America’s understanding of itself as a frontier nation. Edward Buscombe provides an illuminating guide to a hundred key films of the genre, from Broken Arrow to The Wild Bunch by way of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, A Fistful of Dollars, The Magnificent Seven and The Searchers. Each entry includes a plot synopsis, major credits, and a commentary on the film’s significance, together with its production and exhibition history. Edward Buscombe’s introduction to the volume discusses the criteria for selecting a mere hundred essential Westerns out of the thousands that have been made since the birth of cinema. He considers the relative weight to be attached to the acknowledged great directors of the genre, such as John Ford and Sam Peckinpah, and to lesser known but significant figures such as Delmer Daves. He takes stock of the contribution of the great Western stars, including John Wayne, James Stewart and Clint Eastwood. And he argues for a selection that takes into account Westerns of the silent era, B-Westerns and singing cowboys, and those Westerns made outside America. [Taken from back cover.] ISBN: 1844571122
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101 Movies that changed the world! : #47, Picnic at Hanging Rock in Empire (Australian Ed.) (September 2003) iss.30 p.75 More info |
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$195k slug for Jay's movie sequel in The Australian (14/06/2016) p.6 Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; [FIFTY-SEVEN] 57 FILMS Author: Owen, Michael PhysDes: Clippings File Article Subject: POLITICAL FILMS. AUSTRALIA; [FIFTY-SEVEN] 57 FILMS Summary: Report about the payment by the South Australian government to production company 57 Films for a movie about the state premier's (Jay Weatherell) trade visit to China. Details of the amount paid are given and the links from to the production company and the state government are looked at as well
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The 250 greatest films you've never seen : Aus/NZ in Empire (Australian Ed.) (October 2007) iss.79 p.52-53 PhysDes: Article Subject: ROADGAMES (AT, Richard Franklin, 1981); PATRICK (AT, Richard Franklin, 1978); ALEXANDRA'S PROJECT (AT, Rolf De Heer, 2003); QUIET AMERICAN, THE (US, Joseph L. Mankiewicz, 1957); PROPOSITION, THE (AT/UK, John Hillcoat, 2005) Summary: List of little-known Australian and New Zealand films, ranging from 1978-2005
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1951 1976 British Film Institute productions : a catalogue of films made under the auspices of the Experimental Film Fund 1951-1966 and the Production Board 1966-1976 London: British Film Institute, 1977. Call No: F027(41)BFI "1951/1976" CorpAuthor: British Film Institute Source: UK Place: London Publisher: British Film Institute PubDate: 1977 PhysDes: 30 cm ; 135 p. Subject: PRODUCTION. UK Notes: catalogue
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1951-1994 production catalogue London: British Film Institute, 1994. Call No: REFERENCE SECTION; 027(41) BFI "1951/94" CorpAuthor: British Film Institute Source: UK Place: London Publisher: British Film Institute PubDate: 1994 PhysDes: 30 cm ; 68 p. Subject: PRODUCTION. UK Notes: catalogue
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The $5000 indy film that has conquered Hollywood in Sydney Morning Herald (28/03/2017) p.10 More info |
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[A place for me : poster] Call No: P PLA PhysDes: 4 posters : colour ; 100 x 70 cm Subject: PLACE FOR ME, A (US, Josh Boone, 2012); STUCK IN LOVE (US, Josh Boone, 2012) Summary: Image: Top half of poster features floating images of Jennifer Connelly, Greg Kinnear, Kristen Bell, Nat Wolff and Lily Collins. Bottom half of poster features Greg Kinnear and Jennifer Connelly walking on a beach.
Text: "A story about first loves and second chances." Notes: One poster has a small tear at the bottom
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The ABC : aunt Sally and the sacred cow / Clement Semmler Carlton, Victoria: Melbourne University Press, 1981. More info |
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The ABC can't (and shouldn't) produce more local drama content in Crikey.com.au (13/06/2017) p.- More info |
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ABC must step up local content in The Australian [Editorial] (2/05/2017) p.13 Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION Author: [Editorial] PhysDes: Clippings File Article Subject: AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION; PRODUCTION, TV. AUSTRALIA Summary: Comment on the recent essay by Kim Dalton on the ABC. This article agrees with Mr Dalton and urges the ABC to spend it's money on creating more Australian content and to move away from it's digital platforms
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ABC production : discussion paper on the future of ABC television production / Economic Development Committee [of the] Parliament of Victoria Melbourne: Parliament of Victoria, 1999. Call No: 210.61(94) ECO Author: Economic Development Committee of the Parliament of Victoria Source: AT Place: Melbourne Publisher: Parliament of Victoria PubDate: 1999 PhysDes: 22 pages ; 30 cm + 1 press statement + 1 letter Subject: AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION; PRODUCTION TV AUSTRALIA; PRODUCTION, TV. AUSTRALIA; TV AND THE STATE. AUSTRALIA Summary: Paper details an inquiry into government funded national broadcasting and the concentration of the ABC's activities in Sydney. It proposes that the majority of the ABC's television production should be be incorporated into a distinct department or unit to be headquartered or run out of Melbourne, as this would provide significant cost savings to the ABC and would be consistent with the Victorian Government strategy of encouraging and developing high-tech exploitation of the State's artistic skills Contents: Chairman's foreword -- Part one: Inquiry overivew and aims of discussion paper -- Part two: Benefits to the ABC of locating non-news and current affairs television production in Melbourne -- Appendix 1: Terms of reference -- Appendix 2: Australian crew rates comparison
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ABC staffer's 'national hero' tweet deleted in Weekend Australian (14/05/2016) p.7 More info |
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ABC unit closure defies trends in The Australian (30/05/2016) p.28 Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION Author: Bodey, Michael PhysDes: Clippings File Article Subject: AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION; POLITICS AND TV. AUSTRALIA Summary: Report on the closure of the ABC's Fact Check division and why this closure is out of step with the trends around the world that show a growth in fact checking units in many countries
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About "Le Viol" in Melbourne Film Bulletin (April 1968) iss.2 p.26-27 More info |
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Abraham Polonsky : twenty years after - in Sydney University Film Group Bulletin (August 1971) iss.55 p.4 - 6 More info |
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Accident (1967) in Hobart film news (November/December 1979) vol.32 iss.10 p.4-5, 8 More info |
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Accounting for tastes : Australian everyday cultures / Tony Bennett, Michael Emmison, John Frow Cambridge ; Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1999. More info |
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ACMAsphere Melbourne, Australia: Australian Communications and Media Authority, 2005. More info |
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The acoustic mirror : the female voice in psychoanalysis and cinema / Kaja Silverman Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988. Call No: 626:396 SIL Author: Silverman, Kaja Place: Bloomington Publisher: Indiana University Press PubDate: 1988 PhysDes: x, 257 p. ; 25 cm Series: Theories of representation and difference Subject: PSYCHOANALYSIS AND THE CINEMA; SEMIOLOGY; FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA; FREUD, SIGMUND Summary: Analysis of the sound-track of films specifically focused on the female voice, understood not only as dialogue, narration or commentary but as means of generating subjectivity. Notes: Includes index; Bibliography: p. 235-253 ISBN: 0253204747 (pbk.); 0253302846 LON: 87045834; 5540482 Contents: Lost objects and mistaken subjects: a prologue -- Body talk -- The fantasy of the maternal voice: female subjectivity and the negative Oedipus complex -- Disembodying the female voice : Irigaray, experimental feminist cinema, and femininity -- The female authorial voice
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The act of documenting : documentary film in the 21st century / Brian Winston, Gail Vanstone and Wang Chi London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017. Call No: 761 WIN Author: Winston, Brian; Vanstone, Gail; Chi, Wang Source: UK Place: London Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic PubDate: 2017 PhysDes: xii ; 271 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm Subject: DOCUMENTARY FILMS; FILMMAKING; AESTHETICS; EDITING; PRODUCTION; CAMERAS Summary: “Fiercely argued, urgently rendered, and rigorously researched, The Act of Documenting whacks through the ethical, political, moral, evidentiary, and argumentative acts undergirding documentary production and reception. This gutsy, vital book cuts to the core of documentary: it interrogates the place of documentary in the world and how it engages people and ideas in ways that truly matter. Moving adroitly between the histories of analog documentary and the promising landscapes of digital forms, this substantial, sage book irrefutably shows that ethics, politics, and philosophical inquiry override formats, interfaces, and technologies. Polemical yet lyrical, forceful yet inviting, this book leaves the reader exhilarated with new ways of thinking about and through documentary. The opening chapter précis could be assembled as an intellectual toolkit for all us in the act of documentary-theorists, historians, practitioners, programmers, or offered as a manifesto cracking open the most salient issues demanding our attention and action.” -- Patricia R. Zimmermann, Professor of Screen Studies, Ithaca College, USA Notes: Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN: 9781501309175
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Activist film festivals : towards a political subject / Sonia Tascon and Tyson Wils [editors] Bristol, U.K. ; Chicago, USA: Intellect Books, 2017. Call No: 151 TAS Author: Tascon, Sonia; Wils, Tyson Edition: 2017 Place: Bristol, U.K. ; Chicago, USA Publisher: Intellect Books PubDate: 2017 PhysDes: vi, 250 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm Subject: FESTIVALS; POLITICAL FILMS Summary: Film festivals are an ever-growing part of the film industry, but most considerations of them focus almost entirely on their role in the business of filmmaking. This book breaks new ground by bringing scholars from a range of disciplines together with industry professionals to explore the concept of festivals as spaces through an activist lens, as spaces where the sociopolitical identities of communities and individuals are confronted and shaped. Tracing the growth of activist and human rights-focused films from the 1970s to the present, and using case studies from San Francisco, Brazil, Bristol, and elsewhere, the book addresses such contentious topics as whether activist films can achieve humanitarian aims or simply offer "cinema of suffering." -- publisher's web site ISBN: 9781783206346
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Adam film world Los Angeles, Calif. : Knight Publishing Corp: Call No: held v.4, no.7-v.8, no.2 Aug. 1973-Jan. 1981 incomplete --; IN STORAGE. OVERNIGHT RETRIEVAL Source: US Place: Los Angeles, Calif. : Knight Publishing Corp PhysDes: v. : ill Subject: PORNOGRAPHIC FILMS Notes: Description based on: Vol. 4, no. 7 (Aug. 1973) LON: abn97041327; 13019085
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Adaptation and the avant-garde : alternative perspectives on adaptation theory and practice / William Verrone London: Bloomsbury academic, 2013. Call No: 753.8VER Author: Verrone, William Source: UK Place: London Publisher: Bloomsbury academic PubDate: 2013 PhysDes: vi, 275 p. ; 24 cm Subject: ADAPTATIONS; AVANT-GARDE FILMS; EXPERIMENTAL FILMS; GREENAWAY, PETER; GODARD, JEAN-LUC; MADDIN, GUY; SVANKMAJER, JAN; SCORPIO RISING (US, Kenneth Anger, 1964); FRUIT OF PARADISE [OVOCE STROMU RAJSKYCH JÍME] (CS/BE, Vera Chytilova, 1970); FRUIT OF PARADISE [OVOCE STROMU RAJSKYCH JÍME] (CS/BE, Vera Chytilova, 1970); HITLER, A FILM FROM GERMANY (GW/UK/FR, Hans Jurgen Syberberg, 1977)
HITLER - EIN FILM AUS DEUTSCHLAND; STREET OF CROCODILES (UK, Brothers Quay, 1986); DANTE QUARTET, THE (US, Stan Brakhage, 1987); ALICE (SZ/GW/UK, Jan Svankmajor, 1988)
NECO Z ALENKY; ALICE [NECO Z ALENKY] (SZ/GW/UK, Jan Svankmajer, 1988); PROSPERO'S BOOKS (UK/FR, Peter Greenaway, 1991); WISCONSIN DEATH TRIP (US, James Marsh, 1999); SPECTRES OF THE SPECTRUM (US, Craig Baldwin, 1999); DRACULA: PAGES FROM A VIRGIN'S DIARY (CN, Guy Maddin, 2002) Summary: Adaptations have occurred regularly since the beginning of cinema, but little recognition has been given to avant-garde adaptations of literary or other texts. This compelling study corrects such omissions by detailing the theory and practice of alternative adaptation practices from major avant-garde directors. Avant-Garde films are often relegated to the margins because they challenge our traditional notions of what film form and style can accomplish. Directors who choose to adapt previous material run the risk of severe critical dismay; making films that are highly subjective interpretations or representations of existing texts takes courage and foresight. An avant-garde adaptation provokes spectators by making them re-think what they know about film itself, just as much as the previous source material.Adaptation and the Avant-Garde examines films by Peter Greenaway, Jean-Luc Godard, Guy Maddin, Jan Svankmajer and many others, offering illuminating insights and making us reconsider the nature of adaptation, appropriation, borrowing, and the re-imagining of previous sources. -- extract taken from the back of the book. -- Notes: Formerly CIP. --
Includes bibliographical references and index -- ISBN: 9781441163523 Contents: -- pt. I Historical and Theoretical Background -- ch. 1 Defining the Avant-Garde Film -- ch. 2 Adaptation Theory and Practice -- ch. 3 Appropriation -- ch. 4 The Exploitative Adaptation -- ch. 5 Why Avant-Garde? -- pt. II A Chronology of Avant-Garde Film Adaptation -- ch. 6 A Brief Narrative History of Avant-Garde Film Adaptation or, Some Instances of Avant-Garde Adaptation -- pt. III Case Studies -- ch. 7 The Fall of the House of Usher -- ch. 8 Scorpio Rising -- ch. 9 Fruit of Paradise -- ch. 10 Hitler: A Film from Germany -- ch. 11 Street of Crocodiles -- ch. 12 The Dante Quartet -- ch. 13 Alice -- ch. 14 Prospero's Books -- ch. 15 Wisconsin Death Trip -- ch. 16 Spectres of the Spectrum -- ch. 17 Dracula: Pages from a Virgin's Diary --
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Adaptation theory and criticism : postmodern literature and cinema in the USA / by Gordon E. Slethaug New York: Bloomsbury, 2014. Call No: 753.1(73) SLE Author: Slethaug, Gordon E. Source: US Place: New York Publisher: Bloomsbury PubDate: 2014 PhysDes: vi, 275 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Subject: ADAPTATIONS; LITERATURE AND THE CINEMA; CRITICISM; USA; THEORY; POSTMODERNISM AND THE CINEMA; POSTMODERNISM AND THE CINEMA. USA; SIX DEGREES OF SEPARATION (US, Fred Schepisi, 1993); SHORT CUTS (US, Robert Altman, 1993); AGE OF INNOCENCE, THE (US, Martin Scorsese, 1993); GANGS OF NEW YORK (GG/IT/US, Martin Scorsese, 2002); GREAT GATSBY, THE (US/AT, Baz Luhrman, 2013); SMOKE SIGNALS (US, Chris Eyre, 1998); SMOKE (US, Wayne Wang, 1995); DO THE RIGHT THING (US, Spike Lee, 1989); BROKEN FLOWERS (US, Jim Jarmusch, 2005); SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN (US, Rupert Sanders, 2012); SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS (US, David Hand, 1937) Summary: "Exploring Hollywood feature films as well as small studio productions, Adaptation Theory and Criticism provides the reader with an informative background on adaptation theory and postmodern methodology and includes eight case studies on more than a dozen American films, some of which have been used before (Age of Innocence, Gangs of New York, The Great Gatsby, and Do the Right Thing) and some that have received less consideration (Six Degrees of Seperation, Smoke, Smoke Signals, Broken Flowers, and various Snow White narratives including Enchanted, Mirrir Mirror, and Snow White and the Huntsman. Useful for both film and literary studies, Gordon Slethaug's Adaptation theory and criticism cogently combines existing scholarship with new theories and insights, encouraging readers to think about intertextual connections between literature and film in the USA." -- BOOK BLURB Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. [255]-269) and index ISBN: 9781623564407 Donation: Senses of Cinema Contents: -- introduction -- 1.Modernism/postmodernism and origin/intertextual play in adaptation theory -- Modernism: High culture, poetic genius, and influence -- Postmodernism: Textuality, intertextuality, pastiche/bricolage, freeplay, and interculturalism -- 2.Adaptation, surplus value, and supplementation in Six Degrees of Separation and Short Cuts -- Surplus, supplementation, and transformation in John Guare's Six Degrees of Separation -- E Pluribus Unum: Raymond Carver's fiction and Robert Altman's Short Cuts -- 3.Intertextual doubling in The Age of Innocence, Gangs of New York, and The Great Gatsby -- Tribalization as intertextual symptom: Scorcese's The Age of Innocence and Gangs of New York -- Ironized intertextuality: The Age of Innocence and The Great Gatsby -- 4.Freeplay, citation, and ethnocriticism: Single and multiple sources in Smoke Signals, SMOKE, and Do the Right Thing --
-- Ethnocriticism and adaptation: Sherman Alexie's The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven and Chris Eyre's Smoke Signals -- From Lee to Auster and Wang: Postmodern indeterminacy and racial relations in Do the Right Thing and SMOKE -- Beyond Auster's short story: Do the Right Thing and SMOKE -- 5.Palimpsests and bricolage: Playful and serious citation in Broken Flowers and Snow White's offspring -- Palimpsest, play, and the myth of filiation in Broken Flowers: Clues, signs, and referential mania -- Snow White's offspring: The hyper-palimpsest -- 6.Conclusion -- works cited -- index --
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Adaptations : from text to screen, screen to text / edited by Deborah Cartmell and Imelda Whelehan London New York: Routledge, 1999. Call No: 753 ADA Author: Cartmell, Deborah; Whelehan, Imelda Source: US/UK Place: London New York Publisher: Routledge PubDate: 1999 PhysDes: xvii, 247 p. : ill. ; 24 cm Subject: ADAPTATIONS; ADAPTATIONS. AUSTEN, JANE; ADAPTATIONS. SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM; ANIMATION; BATMAN IN FILMS; TELEVISION AND THE CINEMA; TELEVISION IN FILMS; CAMPION, JANE; BATMAN [TV] (US, 1965-67); SCARLET LETTER, THE (US, Roland Joffe, 1995); SENSE AND SENSIBILITY (US, Ang Lee, 1995); EMMA (UK, Douglas McGrath, 1996); CLUELESS (US, Amy Heckerling, 1995); LITTLE WOMEN (US, George Cukor, 1933); LITTLE WOMEN (US, Gillian Armstrong, 1994); LITTLE WOMEN (US, Mervyn LeRoy, 1948); NAKED LUNCH (CN/UK, David Cronenberg, 1991); SCHINDLER'S LIST (US, Steven Spielberg, 1993); TRAINSPOTTING (UK, Danny Boyle, 1996); ORLANDO (UK/RU/FR/NE, Sally Potter, 1992); PIANO, THE (AT, Jane Campion, 1993); PORTRAIT OF A LADY, THE (UK/US, Jane Campion, 1996); BATMAN (US, Tim Burton, 1989); [ONE HUNDRED AND ONE] 101 DALMATIANS (US, Stephen Herek, 1996) Summary: "Adaptations surveys the key approaches and debates surrounding adaptation, and explores why adaptations of both 'high' and 'low' cultural texts have become increasingly popular. Beginning with the history of Shakespeare on film, from Olivier's and Branagh's Hamlet, contributors examine screen versions of literary classics, from Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter and Louisa May Alcott's Little Women to Thomas Keneally's Schindler's Ark and Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting. Adaptations goes on to consider adaptation in reverse: How writers like Virginia Woolf incorporated cinematic elements into their work, and explains why there had to be a novel of Jane Campion's The Piano. Contributors examine adaptations from comics to film, such as the Batman movies, Star Trek's incarnations as a long-running tv series, and then as a sequence of movies, and 101 Dalmations' [sic] move from children's novel to cartoon to live-action film." - BOOK BLURB Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 226-238) and index ISBN: 041516737X (hbk); 0415167388 (pbk); 041516737X (hardcover : alk. paper); 0415167388 (pbk : alk. paper) LON: 14255526 Contents: Part 1: an overview -- Adaptations: the contemporary dilemmas / Imelda Whelehan; Part 2: from text to screen -- Introduction / Deborah Cartmell -- The Shakespeare on screen industry / Deborah Cartmell -- Conservative Austen, radical Austen: Sense and Sensibility from text to screen / Julian North -- From Emma to Clueless: taste, pleasure and the scene of history / Esther Sonnet -- Imagining the puritan body: the 1995 cinematic version of Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter / Roger Bromley -- Four Little Women: three films and a novel / Pat Kirkham and Sarah Warren -- Will Hollywood never learn? David Cronenberg's Naked Lunch / Nicholas Zurbrugg -- Adapting the Holocaust: Schindler's List, intellectuals and public knowledge / Mark Rawlinson -- Speaking out: the transformations of trainspotting / Derek Paget; Part 3: from screen to text and multiple adaptations -- Introduction / Deborah Cartmell -- Orlando: coming across the divide / Sharon Ouditt -- Jane Campion and the limits of literary cinema / Ken Gelder -- The wrath of the original cast: translating embodied television character to other media / Ina Rae Hark -- Batman: one life, many faces / Will Brooker -- 'Thou art translated': analysing animated adaptation / Paul Wells -- 'A doggy fairy tale': the film metamorphoses of The Hundred and One Dalmatians / Imelda Whelehan
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Address to the 40th Annual Motion Picture Industry Convention / [address by Kim Williams, Chief Executive, Australian Film Commission, late 1985] 1985. More info |
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Adjust your set for some true blue TV in Daily Telegraph (19/11/2016) p.18 Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; PRODUCTION, TV. AUSTRALIA Author: Dunk, Tiffany PhysDes: Clippings File Article Subject: PRODUCTION, TV. AUSTRALIA Summary: Report on the large amount of Australian television shows programmed for Australian TV networks in 2017. Quotes are Network Ten's Chief Programming Officer and the ABC's Director of Television
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Adrienne Pickering in Sun Herald [Sunday Life] (16/04/2017) p.1 More info |
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Adult movies New York: Pocket Books, November, 1982. More info |
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Adventures in Le Magic Kingdom in Australian Financial Review [Boss] (08/07/2016) p.38 Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS Author: Gray, Joanna PhysDes: Clippings File Article Subject: WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS; POWELL, CATHERINE Summary: Profile piece on Catherine Powell, an Australian based Disney executive who has been hired to run EuroDisney
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Advice and consent in Sydney University Film Group Bulletin (Aug. 1971) vol.` iss.55 p.23-25 More info |
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The aesthetics and psychology of the cinema / Jean Mitry ; translated by Christopher King Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1997. Call No: 611 MIT Author: Mitry, Jean Source: US Place: Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana Publisher: Indiana University Press PubDate: 1997 PhysDes: xv, 403 pages ; 27 cm Series: The Society for Cinema Studies translation series Subject: BAZIN, ANDRE; PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FILMS; AESTHETICS; THEATRE AND THE CINEMA Summary: "The Aesthetics and Psychology of the Cinema supplies the missing link between classical film theorists like Balacz and Munsterberg and the film semioticians like Metz. Mitry is the apotheosis and grand summation of the psychological and formalist views of film. This one-volume condensation of the classic Esthetique et psychologie du cinema concentrates purely on film matter." -- taken from the National Library of Australia Catalogue Record Notes: "Translated from the abridged edition ... (1990)"--T.p. verso. -- Includes bibliographical references (pages 381-387) and index. ISBN: 0253333024 Contents: pt. 1: Preliminaries -- Cinema and creation -- Cinema and language -- Word and image -- pt. 2: The film image -- The image itself -- Structures of the image -- pt. 3: Rhythm and montage -- The beginnings of montage -- Cinematic rhythm -- The psychology of montage -- pt. 4: Rhythm and moving shots -- The liberated camera and depth-of-field -- Speech and sound -- pt. 5: Time and space of the drama -- In search of a dramatic structure -- Content and form.
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Aesthetics of film / Jacques Aumont ... [et al.] ; translated and revised by Richard Neupert Austin: University of Texas Press, 1992. More info |
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AFACT info leads to Melbourne mans sentencing in Encore (Online) (May 25, 2005) Call No: DVD RESEARCH FOLDER Author: Staff writers Subject: PIRACY. AUSTRALIA; AUSTRALIAN FEDERATION AGAINST COPYRIGHT THEFT Summary: -- On how a Melbourne man (Edwin Slade) was gaoled for pirated DVD's and for a quantity of marijuana.; -- "AFACT investigation revealed that Slade had been selling the pirated discs for $15 per disc at Caribbean Gardens Markets and other markets in the suburbs of Melbourne." Notes: accessed from: Encore Magazine. Reed Business. AFI Research Collection, RMIT University. (14 June 2007).
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The Affairs of Anatol (1921) in Australian film guide vol.1 iss.12 p.46 More info |
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Affective authorship : contemporary Asian Australian documentary in Studies in Australasian cinema (2008) vol.2 iss.2 p.157-170 Author: Smaill, Belinda PhysDes: Article Subject: DOCUMENTARY FILMS. AUSTRALIA; ASIANS IN FILMS. AUSTRALIA; ETHNIC GROUPS AND THE CINEMA; PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FILMS; FINISHED PEOPLE, THE (AT, Khoa Do, 2003); LETTERS TO ALI (AT, Clara Law, 2004); SADNESS: A MONOLOGUE BY WILLIAM YANG (AT, Tony Ayres, 1999); CHINESE TAKEAWAY (AT, Mitzi Goldman, 2002) Summary: Documentary is a genre not widely understood through its capacity to engage the emotions. This article works to acknowledge the affective labour performed by documentary and, more specifically, the way emotions give meaning to documentary subjects. The analysis explores the production of Asian Australian subjects as documentary authors in four prominent films produced over the previous decade: Chinese Takeaway (Mitzi Goldman, 2002), Sadness: A Monologue by William Yang (Tony Ayres, 1999), The Finished People (Khoa Do, 2003) and Letters to Ali (Clara Law. 2004). These texts allow for a fruitful examination of the way the emotions that shape the expression of these author-subjects, such as mourning and care, might impact on the documentary representation of cultural otherness. Asian Australian subjectivity coalesces in and around these texts in a manner that is founded on the activity of mourning. Included here are not only the bereavements of loved ones, but also the losses that are bound to the movements of modernity, such as the lost fullness which is the promise of diaspora, the failure or absence of universal citizenship and the lack of safety in life lived in advanced capitalism. This article explores not only the absences suggested in these films, but also how these absences present a site of ethical encounter for the viewer that both resists reducing and assimilating the Asian Australian author to a devalued ethnic other while also addressing a community of viewers through a relation of reciprocity based in caring attachments to the social realm. -- Abstract Notes: Part of Special Issue: Transnational Asian Australian Cinema. Part 1
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L'Affiche (1924) in Australian film guide vol.1 iss.12 p.49 More info |
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African cinema : politics & culture / Manthia Diawara Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1992. More info |
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After taste : cultural value and the moving image / edited by Julia Vassilieva and Constantine Verevis Abingdon: Routledge, 2012. Call No: 62(04) AFT Source: K Place: Abingdon Publisher: Routledge PubDate: 2012 PhysDes: viii, 173 pages ; 25 cm. Subject: B-MOVIES; CRITICISM; RECEPTION; AMATEUR FILMS; LOW BUDGET FILMS; CULTURE AND THE CINEMA; SOCIETY AND THE CINEMA; POPULAR CULTURE AND THE CINEMA Summary: In the wake of the debates over high/low culture distinction spilling into the effective dismantling of the boundary that once separated them, the past decade has seen the explosion of ‘bad taste’ production on screen. Starting with paracinema or ‘badfilm’ – a movement that has grown up around sleazy, excessive, or poorly executed B-movies and has come to encompass disreputable and unworthy films – this trend has been evident in various formats: on television and in video-art, low-budget and straight to TV films, amateur and home movies. The proliferation of trash on screen can be seen as delivering the final blow to the vexed issue of taste.
More importantly, it prompts a reconsideration of some critical issues surrounding production, circulation, understanding and teaching of ‘bad objects’ in the media. This collection of essays, written by international film and television scholars, provides detailed critical analysis of the issues surrounding judgements of cultural value and taste, feeling and affect, cultural morals and politics, research methodologies and teaching strategies in the new landscape of ‘after taste’ media. Addressing global and local developments – from global Hollywood to Australian indigenous film and television, through auteurs Sergei Eisenstein to Jerry Bruckheimer, on to examples such as Twilight to Sukiyaki Western Django – the essays in this book offer a range of critical tools for understanding the recent shifts affecting cultural, aesthetic and political value of the moving image.
This book was originally published as a special issue of Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies. Notes: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN: 9780415845939 Contents: 1. Introduction: after taste: cultural value and the moving image / Julia Vassilieva and Constantine Verevis -- Part I: Critical methods and approaches. 2. `An idleness bordering on the wacky': Paul Cox and the contradictions of an Australian art cinema / Adrian Martin -- 3. Hollywood: bad cinema's bad `other' / Jane Mills -- 4. Cultural value and viscerality in Sukiyaki Western Django: towards a phenomenology of bad film / Jane Stadler -- 5. Sergei Eisenstein's Que viva Mexico! through time: historicizing value judgement / Julia Vassilieva -- Part II: Taste and value. 6. Transitional tastes: teen girls and genre in the critical reception of Twilight / Lisa Bode -- 7. `Flesh dissolved in an acid of light': the B-movie as second sight / Simon Sellars -- 8. Making the commercial personal: the authorial value of Jerry Bruckheimer television / Tom Steward -- 9. Blowing chunks: Fear Factor, reality television and abjection as a disciplinary practice / Scott Wilson -- Part III: Feeling and affect. 10. Labours of love: home movies, paracinema, and the modern work of cinema spectatorship / Minette Hillyer -- 11. Dead time: cinema, Heidegger, and boredom / Richard Misek -- Part IV: Teaching bad objects forum. 12. Teaching bad objects: introduction / Jodi Brooks -- 13. The state of the discipline: film studies as bad object / Jodi Brooks -- 14. Beyond good/should/bad: teaching Australian Indigenous film and television / Therese Davis -- 15. Teaching Australian television studies / Belinda Smaill.
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After the great divide : modernism, mass culture, postmodernism / Andreas Huyssen Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986. More info |
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Agnes Varda between film, photography, and art / by Rebecca J. DeRoo Oakland, California: University of California Press, c2018. Call No: 81VAR DER Author: DeRoo, Rebecca J. Source: US Place: Oakland, California Publisher: University of California Press PubDate: c2018 PhysDes: x, 238 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm Subject: FILM; CRITICISM; FEMININITY IN FILMS; FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA; NOUVELLE VAGUE; MOVEMENTS AND STYLES IN FILM HISTORY; FRANCE; VARDA, AGNES; POINTE COURTE, LA (FR, Agnes Varda, 1954); BONHEUR, LE (FR, Agnes Varda, 1965); ONE SINGS, THE OTHER DOESN’T (FR/BE, Agnes Varda, 1977); DAGUERREOTYPES (FR/G, Agnes Varda, 1978) Summary: "Agnes Varda is a prolific film director, photographer, and artist whose cinematic career spans more than six decades. Today she is best known as the innovative “mother” of the French New Wave film movement of the 1950s and '60s and for her multimedia art exhibitions. Varying her use of different media, she is a figure who defies easy categorization. In this extensively researched book, Rebecca J. DeRoo demonstrates how Varda draws upon the histories of art, photography, and film to complicate the overt narratives in her works and to advance contemporary cultural politics. Based on interviews with Varda and unparalleled access to Varda's archives, this interdisciplinary study constructs new frameworks for understanding one of the most versatile talents in twentieth and twenty-first century culture. " -- BOOK BACK COVER Notes: Includes bibliographical references and index; Also issued online ISBN: 9780520279414 Contents: -- Acknowledgments -- Reinterpreting Varda: the mother of the new wave reframes its histories -- Complicating neorealism and the new wave: La Pointe Courte -- Filmic and feminist strategies: questioning ideals of happiness in Le Bonheur -- Reconsidering contradictions: feminist politics and the musical genre in L'une Chante, L'autre Pas -- The limits of documentary: identity and urban transformation in daguerreotypes -- Melancholy and merchandise: documenting and displaying widowhood in L'iIe Et Elle -- Varda now: autobiography, memory, and retrospective -- notes -- bibliography -- index --
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Aim for the heart : the films of Clint Eastwood / Howard Hughes London ; New York: I.B. Tauris, 2009. Call No: 81EAS HUG Author: Hughes, Howard Source: US/UK Place: London ; New York Publisher: I.B. Tauris PubDate: 2009 PhysDes: xxxi, 252 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Subject: EASTWOOD, CLINT; PER QUALCHE DOLLARO IN PIU (IT/SP/GW, Sergio Leone, 1965); TWO MULES FOR SISTER SARA (US, Don Siegel, 1969); PER UN PUGNO DI DOLLARI (IT/SP/GW, Sergio Leone, 1964); HIGH PLAINS DRIFTER (US, Clint Eastwood, 1973); OUTLAW JOSEY WALES, THE (US, Clint Eastwood, 1976); PALE RIDER (US, Clint Eastwood, 1985); UNFORGIVEN (US, Clint Eastwood, 1992); COOGAN'S BLUFF (US, Don Siegel, 1968); DIRTY HARRY (US, Don Siegel, 1971); MAGNUM FORCE (US, Ted Post, 1973); ENFORCER, THE (US, James Fargo, 1976); SUDDEN IMPACT (US, Clint Eastwood, 1983); TIGHTROPE (US, Richard Tuggle, 1984); CITY HEAT (US, Richard Benjamin, 1984); DEAD POOL, THE (US, Buddy Van Horn, 1988); ROOKIE, THE (US, Clint Eastwood, 1990); IN THE LINE OF FIRE (US, Wolfgang Peterson, 1993); PERFECT WORLD, A (US, Clint Eastwood, 1993); PAINT YOUR WAGON (US, Joshua Logan, 1969); BEGUILED, THE (US, Don Siegel, 1971); PLAY MISTY FOR ME (US, Clint Eastwood, 1971); BREEZY (US, Clint Eastwood, 1973); BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY, THE (US, Clint Eastwood, 1995); EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE (US, James Fargo, 1978); BRONCO BILLY (US, Clint Eastwood, 1980); ANY WHICH WAY YOU CAN (US, Buddy Van Horne, 1980); PINK CADILLAC (US Buddy van Horn, 1989); HONKYTONK MAN (US, Clint Eastwood, 1982); BIRD (US, Clint Eastwood, 1988); WHITE HUNTER, BLACK HEART (US, Clint Eastwood, 1990); SPACE COWBOYS (US, Clint Eastwood, 2000); MYSTIC RIVER (US, Clint Eastwood, 2003); MILLION DOLLAR BABY (US, Clint Eastwood, 2004); THUNDERBOLT AND LIGHTFOOT (US, Michael Cimino, 1974); EIGER SANCTION, THE (US, Clint Eastwood, 1975); ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ (US, Donald Siegel, 1979); ABSOLUTE POWER (US, Clint Eastwood, 1997); TRUE CRIME (US, Clint Eastwood, 1999); BLOOD WORK (US, Clint Eastwood, 2002); WHERE EAGLES DARE (US, Brian G. Hutton, 1969); KELLY'S HEROES (US, Brian G. Hutton, 1970); FIREFOX (US, Clint Eastwood, 1982); HEARTBREAK RIDGE (US, Clint Eastwood, 1986); FLAGS OF OUR FATHERS (US, Clint Eastwood, 2006); LETTERS FROM IWO JIMA (US, Clint Eastwood, 2006) Summary: "Clint Eastwood is one of the world’s most popular action stars, who has matured into one of America’s finest producer-directors. Entertaining, illuminating and packed with information, Aim for the Heart is the first book to cover his full life in the movies, showing how as both actor and filmmaker Eastwood aims for the heart of the drama, whatever the story.
Alongside details of all his movies, Eastwood’s story is illustrated with film stills, glimpses behind the scenes, and rare poster advertising material. Also featuring the most comprehensive credits filmography ever compiled on Eastwood’s work, as star and director."-- BOOK BLURB Notes: "Eastwood filmography": p. [215]-235 -- Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN: 9781845119027 Contents: Preface: Aim for the art -- Acknowledgements -- Universal casting: the early films -- Ridin' easy: Rawhide -- pt. 1. The westerns: A fistful of dollars (1964) -- For a few dollars more (1965) -- The good, the bad and the ugly (1966) -- Hang 'em high (1968) -- Two mules for Sister Sara (1970) -- Joe Kidd (1972) -- High plains drifter (1973) -- The outlaw Josey Wales (1976) -- Pale Rider (1985) -- Unforgiven (1992) -- pt. 2. The cops: Coogan's bluff (1968) -- Dirty Harry (1971) -- Magnum force (1973) -- The enforcer (1976) -- The gauntlet (1977) -- Sudden impact (1983) -- Tightrope (1984) -- City heat (1984) -- The dead pool (1988) -- The rookie (1990) -- In the line of fire (1993) -- A perfect world (1993) -- The lovers: The witches (1967) -- Paint your wagon (1968) -- The beguiled (1971) -- Play Misty for me (1971) -- Breezy (1973) -- The bridges of Madison County (1995) -- pt. 4. The comedies: Every which way but loose (1978) -- Bronco Billy (1980) -- Any which way you can (1980) -- Pink Cadillac (1989) -- pt. 5. The dramas: Honkytonk man (1982) -- Bird (1988) -- White hunter black heart (1990) -- Midnight in the garden of good and evil (1997) -- Space cowboys (2000) -- Mystic river (2003) -- Million dollar baby (2004) -- pt. 6. The thrillers: Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974) -- The Eiger sanction (1975) -- Escape from Alcatraz (1979) -- Absolute power (1996) -- True crime (1999) -- Blood work (2002) -- pt. 7. The war movies: Where eagles dare (1968) -- Kelly's heroes (1970) -- Firefox (1982) -- Heartbreak ridge (1986) -- Flags of our fathers (2006)/Letters from Iwo Jima (2006) -- Epilogue -- Eastwood filmography.
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The airways belong to you? in Lumiere (March-April, 1972) iss.14 p.28-29 More info |
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AJANDEK EZ A NAP : (HU, Peter Gothar, 1979) More info |
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Alex Massis to produce, Mizrahi to direct "Sutter's Gold" in Australasian Cinema (5-18/8/1983) vol.12 iss.14 p.8 More info |
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Alfred Hitchcock and the making of Psycho / Stephen Rebello London: Mandarin, 1992. Call No: 79 PSY REB Author: Rebello, Stephen Place: London Publisher: Mandarin PubDate: 1992 PhysDes: x, 224 p., [16] p. of plates : ill., ports ; 20 cm. Subject: BLOCH, ROBERT; HITCHCOCK, ALFRED; BASS, SAUL; STEFANO, JOEY; HERRMANN, BERNARD; MILES, VERA; PSYCHO (US, Alfred Hitchcock, 1960); DIABOLIQUES, LES (FR, Henri-Georges Clouzot 1955) Notes: Originally published: London : Boyars, 1990.
Bibliography: p. 207-211. Includes index. ISBN: 0749309709 Contents: Foreword -- 1. The Awful Truth -- 2. The Novel -- 3. The Director -- 4. The Deal -- 5. The Screenplays -- 6. Preproduction -- 7. Shooting -- 8. Postproduction -- 9. Publicity -- 10. The Release -- 11. Afterglow and Aftermath
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Alice doesn't : feminism, semiotics, cinema / Teresa de Lauretis Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984. More info |
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The Alien Queen - "Aliens" : Ingenious rod puppets designed by Doug Beswick made the Alien Queen come alive in combat in Cinefantastique (October 1986) vol.16 iss.4/5 p.10, 123 More info |
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Alien zone : cultural theory and contemporary science fiction cinema / edited by Annette Kuhn London New York: Verso, 1990. Call No: 735.1 KUH Author: Kuhn, Annette Source: UK/US Place: London New York Publisher: Verso PubDate: 1990 PhysDes: viii, 231 p. : ill. ; 24 cm Subject: FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA; POSTMODERNISM AND THE CINEMA; SCIENCE-FICTION FILMS; SEX IN FILMS; TECHNOLOGY IN FILMS; ALIEN (UK, Ridley Scott, 1979); BLADE RUNNER (US, Ridley Scott, 1982) Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 229-231) ISBN: 0860912787; 0860919935 (pbk.) LON: 6923144 Contents: -- Introduction : cultural theory and science fiction cinema / Annette Kuhn -- Visions of the future in science fiction films from 1970 to 1982 / H. Bruce Franklin -- The alien messiah / Hugh Ruppersberg -- Commodity futures / Thomas B. Byers -- Technophobia / Michael Ryan and Douglas Kellner -- Making culture into nature / Michael Stern -- Feminism, humanism and science in Alien / James H. Kavanagh -- Feminism and anxiety in Alien / Judith Newton -- Primal conditions and conventions : the genre of science fiction / Daniel Dervin -- The virginity of astronauts : sex and the science fiction film / Vivian Sobchack -- Time travel, primal scene and the critical dystopia / Constance Penley -- Alien and the monstrous-feminine / Barbara Creed -- The doubles of fantasy and the space of desire / J.P. Telotte -- 'You've got to be fucking kidding!' : knowledge, belief and judgement in science fiction / Steve Neale -- Cataract surgery : cinema in the year 2000 / Paul Virilio -- Ramble city : postmodernism and Blade runner / Giuliana Bruno -- Who programs you? : the science fiction of the spectacle / Scott Bukatman -- Gynesis, postmodernism and the science fiction horror film / Barbara Creed -- Feminist futures : a generic study / Anne Cranny-Francis
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Alien zone II : the spaces of science-fiction cinema / edited by Annette Kuhn London New York: Verso, 1999. Call No: 735.1 KUH Author: Kuhn, Annette Place: London New York Publisher: Verso PubDate: 1999 PhysDes: 308 p. : ill. ; 20 cm Subject: SCIENCE-FICTION FILMS; CITIES IN FILMS; BODY IN FILMS; DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY; UTOPIA IN FILMS; FANS; INTERNET AND THE CINEMA; MASCULINITY IN FILMS; POSTMODERNISM AND THE CINEMA; RACIAL ISSUES AND THE CINEMA; SPECTATORSHIP; ADAPTATIONS. WELLS, H.G.; VAN DAMME, JEAN-CLAUDE; SCHWARZENEGGER, ARNOLD; CREED, BARBARA; TRUMBULL, DOUGLAS; JOHNNY MNEMONIC (US, Robert Longo, 1995); THINGS TO COME (UK, William Cameron Menzies, 1936); BLADE RUNNER (US, Ridley Scott, 1982); ALIEN [...] (UK/US, 1979-92); ALIEN (UK, Ridley Scott, 1979); ALIENS (US, James Cameron, 1986); ALIEN RESURRECTION (US, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 1997); BRAZIL (UK, Terry Gilliam, 1985); DEMOLITION MAN (US, Marco Brambilla, 1993); MAX HEADROOM [TV] (US, 1987-89); METROPOLIS (G, Fritz Lang, 1926); TOTAL RECALL (US, Paul Verhoeven, 1990); [TWO THOUSAND AND ONE] 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY (UK, Stanley Kubrick, 1968) Notes: Filmography: p. [276]-284; Includes bibliographical references (p. [285]-298) and index ISBN: 1859842593 (paper); 1859847463 (cloth) LON: 20466609
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All you ever want to know about SEX - and how it sells in Courier-Mail (28/02/2004) p.75-76 More info |
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Allegories of cinema : American film in the sixties / David E. James Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1989. Call No: 771.1(73) JAM Author: James, David E., 1945 Place: Princeton, N.J. Publisher: Princeton University Press PubDate: 1989 PhysDes: xiii, 388 p. : ill. ; 26 cm Subject: UNDERGROUND FILMS; POLITICAL FILMS; BLACK POWER FILMS; WOMEN AND THE CINEMA; ART CINEMA. USA; VIETNAM WAR FILMS; BRAKHAGE, STAN; ANGER, KENNETH; WARHOL, ANDY; MEKAS, JONAS; FILM ABOUT A WOMAN WHO... (US, Yvonne Rainer, 1974); EASY RIDER (US, Dennis Hopper, 1969) Notes: Includes index; Bibliography: p. 362-377 ISBN: 0691047553 (alk. paper); 0691006040 (pbk.) LON: 5820741 Contents: Stan Brakage, p29-57 -- Andy Warhol, p58-84 -- Jonas Mekas, p100-118 -- "Film that cannot be one: Kenneth Anger" p149-155 -- "Yvonne Rainer: Film about a woman who...", p326-334 -- "Allegories of production: Easy rider", p12-17 -- "Cinema and black liberation", p177-194 -- "Film and the war: representing Vietnam", p195-212 --
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Along Film Row in Australasian Cinema (29/4/1983) vol.12 iss.7 p.9-11 More info |
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Along Film Row in Australasian Cinema (24/9/1982) vol.11 iss.17 p.6-7 More info |
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Along Film Row in Australasian Cinema (27/8/1982) vol.11 iss.15 p.34-36 More info |
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Along Film Row in Australasian Cinema (23/07/1982) vol.11 iss.13 p.6 More info |
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Alternative worlds in Hollywood cinema : Resonance between realms / James Walters Chicago: Intellect, 2008. Call No: 735.3 (73) WAL Author: Walters, James Source: US Place: Bristol; Chicago Publisher: Intellect PubDate: 2008 PhysDes: 232 p. : ill. ; 23 cm Subject: FANTASTIC FILMS; FANTASY FILMS; DREAMS IN FILMS; MEMORY IN FILMS; INNOCENCE IN FILMS; REPETITION IN FILMS; TIME IN FILMS; POINT-OF-VIEW; NARRATIVE IN FILMS; FLEMING, VICTOR; LANG, FRITZ; GONDRY, MICHEL; CAPRA, FRANK; RAMIS, HAROLD; MINNELLI, VINCENTE; ROSS, GARY; WIZARD OF OZ, THE (US, Victor Fleming, 1939); WOMAN IN THE WINDOW, THE (US, Fritz Lang, 1944); ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND (US, Michael Gondry, 2004); IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE (US, Frank Capra, 1946); GROUNDHOG DAY (US, Harold Ramis, 1993); BRIGADOON (US, Vincente Minnelli, 1954); PLEASANTVILLE (US, Gary Ross, 1998); DONNIE DARKO (US, Richard Kelly, 2001); BACK TO THE FUTURE [...] (US, Robert Zemeckis, 1985-90); ABRE LOS OJOS (SP, Alejandro Amenabar, 1997); AWFUL TRUTH, THE (US, Leo McCarey, 1937); LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST, THE (US/CN, Martin Scorsese, 1988); MAGNIFICENT AMBERSONS, THE (US, Orson Welles, 1942); LETTER FROM AN UNKNOWN WOMAN (US, Max Ophuls, 1948) Summary: "The use of alternate realities in cinema has been brought to new heights by such recent films as 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' and 'Donnie Darko'. 'Alternative Worlds in Hollywood Cinema' is the first book to analyze these imaginary realms, tracing their construction and development across periods, genres and history.
"Through an analysis of such landmark films as 'The Wizard of Oz', 'It's a Wonderful Life' and 'Groundhog Day', Walters reveals how unconventional worlds are crucial to each film's dramatic agenda and narrative structure. This groundbreaking volume unifies decades of divergent work by film scholars and points the way towards a new theoretical framework for understanding fantasy in the context of popular film. 'Alternative Worlds in Hollywood Cinema' will be an essential resource for film studies scholars and movie buffs alike." (Taken from the back cover.) Notes: Includes Filmography, Bibliography and Index ISBN: 9781841502021
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Altman on Altman / Robert Altman and David Thompson (ed.) London: Faber and Faber, 2005. Call No: 81ALT THO Author: Altman, Robert and Thompson, David Source: UK Place: London Publisher: Faber and Faber PubDate: 2005 PhysDes: xxii, 306p. ; b+w ill. : 22cm. Subject: ALTMAN, ROBERT; M*A*S*H (US, Robert Altman, 1969); LONG GOODBYE, THE (US, Robert Altman, 1973); THIEVES LIKE US (US, Robert Altman, 1974); CALIFORNIA SPLIT (US, Robert Altman, 1974); NASHVILLE (US, Robert Altman, 1975); BUFFALO BILL AND THE INDIANS (US, Robert Altman, 1976); QUINTET (US, Robert Altman, 1979); PERFECT COUPLE, A (US, Robert Altman, 1979); HEALTH (US, Robert Altman, 1980); POPEYE (US, Robert Altman, 1980); COME BACK TO THE FIVE AND DIME JIMMY DEAN, JIMMY DEAN (US, Robert Altman, 1982); STREAMERS (US, Robert Altman, 1983); SECRET HONOR (US, Robert Altman, 1984); FOOL FOR LOVE (US, Robert Altman, 1985) Summary: In these conversations with David Thompson, Altman reflects on his start in industrial filmmaking, as well as his tenure in television directing Alfred Hitchcock Presents and Bonanza, and his big break in feature films as the director of the enormously popular M*A*S*H, a project for which he was the last possible resort behind fourteen other directors. The resulting portrait reveals a quixotic man whose films continue to delight and challenge audiences, both in the United States and beyond. Notes: Includes index and bibliography ISBN: 0571220894
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The American animated cartoon : a critical anthology / edited by Danny Peary and Gerald Peary New York: Dutton, c1980. Call No: 772(73) AME Author: Peary, Gerald; Peary, Danny, 1949 Edition: 1st ed Place: New York Publisher: Dutton PubDate: c1980 PhysDes: x, 310 p. : ill. ; 23 cm Subject: ANIMATED FILMS. USA; ROAD RUNNER; DAFFY DUCK; GOOFY; MICKEY MOUSE; MIGHTY MOUSE; POPEYE; [MISTER] MR MAGOO; WARNER BROS.; FLEISCHER STUDIO; UPA; DISNEY, WALT; GRIFFIN, GEORGE; HUEMER, DICK; JONES, CHUCK; CLAMPETT, BOB; MCCAY, WINSOR; AVERY, TEX; BLANC, MEL; HUBLEY, FAITH & JOHN; HANNA, WILLIAM; BAKSHI, RALPH; BRAY, JOHN RANDOLPH; LANTZ, WALTER; HARMAN, HUGH; WRIGHT, PRESCOTT; MCKIMSON, ROBERT; TYTLA, VLADIMIR; DUMBO (US, Walt Disney, 1941); SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS (US, David Hand, 1937); BAMBI (US, David Hand, 1942) Notes: Includes bibliographies and index ISBN: 0525476393 : $10.95 LON: 1776676
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The American cinema : directors and directions, 1929-1968 New York: Dutton, 1968. Call No: 802.25(73) SAR Author: Sarris, Andrew Edition: [1st ed.] Place: New York Publisher: Dutton PubDate: 1968 PhysDes: 383 p. 22 cm Subject: DIRECTORS. USA; LUBITSCH, ERNST; LOSEY, JOSEPH; FORD, JOHN; GRIFFITH, DAVID WARK; HAWKS, HOWARD; HITCHCOCK, ALFRED; OPHULS, MAX; VON STERNBERG, JOSEF; PREMINGER, OTTO; STURGES, PRESTON; WALSH, RAOUL; LEWIS, JERRY; WELLES, ORSON LON: 31835
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American cinematographer : Shooting in the U.K. July 1998. More info |
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American directors : volume 1 / Jean-Pierre Coursodon with Pierre Sauvage New York: McGraw-Hill, c1983. Call No: 802.25(73) COU vol.1 Author: Coursodon, Jean-Pierre; Sauvage, Pierre Place: New York Publisher: McGraw-Hill PubDate: c1983 PhysDes: 2 v. ; 24 cm Subject: DIRECTORS. USA; BERKELEY, BUSBY; BORZAGE, FRANK; BROWN, CLARENCE; CAPRA, FRANK; CHAPLIN, CHARLES; CUKOR, GEORGE; CURTIZ, MICHAEL; DAVES, DELMER; DEMILLE, CECIL B.; DWAN, ALLAN; FLEMING, VICTOR; FORD, JOHN; HAWKS, HOWARD; HITCHCOCK, ALFRED; HUSTON, JOHN; KING, HENRY; LA CAVA, GREGORY; LANG, FRITZ; LEROY, MERVYN; LEWIS, JOSEPH H.; LUBITSCH, ERNST; MAMOULIAN, ROUBEN; MANN, ANTHONY; MCCAREY, LEO; PREMINGER, OTTO; SHERMAN, VINCENT; SIRK, DOUGLAS; STAHL, JOHN M.; VON STERNBERG, JOSEF; STEVENS, GEORGE; STURGES, PRESTON; TOURNEUR, JACQUES; ULMER, EDGAR G.; VIDOR, KING; WALSH, RAOUL; WELLMAN, WILLIAM; WILDER, BILLY; WYLER, WILLIAM Notes: Includes filmographies and indexes ISBN: 0070132623 (pbk. : v. 2) : $8.95; 0070132631 (v. 1) : $13.95; 0070132615 (pbk. : v. 1) : $8.95; 007013264X (v. 2) : $13.95 LON: 2198273
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American ethnographic film and personal documentary : the Cambridge turn / Scott MacDonald Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013. Call No: 769(73) MAC Author: MacDonald, Scott Source: US Place: Berkeley Publisher: University of California Press PubDate: 2013 PhysDes: viii, 415 pages : ill. ; 24 cm Subject: ETHNOGRAPHIC FILMS; DOCUMENTARIES. USA; MARSHALL, JOHN; GARDNER, ROBERT; ASCH, TIMOTHY; PINCUS, ED; WEINSTEIN, MIRIAM; GUZZETTI, ALFRED; MCELWEE, ROSS; MOSS, ROBB; DAVENPORT, NINA; ASCHER, STEVEN; JORDAN, JEANNE; NEGROPONTE, MICHEL; GIANVITO, JOHN; OLCH, ALEXANDER; SIEGEL, AMIE; BARBASH, ILISA; CASTAING-TAYLOR, LUCIEN Summary: "American Ethnographic Film and Personal Documentary is a critical history of American filmmakers crucial to the development of ethnographic film and personal documentary. The Boston and Cambridge area is notable for nurturing these approaches to documentary film via institutions such as the MIT Film Section and the Film Study Center, the Carpenter Center and the Visual and Environmental Studies Department at Harvard. Scott MacDonald uses pragmatism's focus on empirical experience as a basis for measuring the groundbreaking achievements of such influential filmmakers as John Marshall, Robert Gardner, Timothy Asch, Ed Pincus, Miriam Weinstein, Alfred Guzzetti, Ross McElwee, Robb Moss, Nina Davenport, Steve Ascher and Jeanne Jordan, Michel Negroponte, John Gianvito, Alexander Olch, Amie Siegel, Ilisa Barbash, and Lucien Castaing-Taylor. By exploring the cinematic, personal, and professional relationships between these accomplished filmmakers, MacDonald shows how a pioneering, engaged, and uniquely cosmopolitan approach to documentary developed over the past half century. "-- ISBN: 9780520275621 Contents: Machine generated contents note: A Tentative Overview of Boston-Area Documentary Filmmaking -- Ethnographic Film and Personal Documentary -- Pragmatism: Learning from Experience -- The Mission of American Ethnographic Film and Personal Documentary: The Cambridge Turn -- Subjects for Further Research -- Acknowledgments -- 1.Lorna and John Marshall -- Beginnings: Lorna Marshall and First Film -- John Marshall: The Hunters -- Idylls of the !Kung -- Pedagogy -- Expulsion from Eden: Bitter Melons and Nlai, the Story of a !Kung Woman -- The Pittsburgh Police Films and Brakhage's Eyes -- Putting Down the Camera and Picking Up the Shovel -- The Road Taken: A Kalahari Family -- A Process in Time -- 2.Robert Gardner -- East Coast/West Coast: Early Experiments -- Gardner and the Marshalls -- Dead Birds -- The Experience of Filmmaking as Thought Process -- Robert Fulton: Reality's Invisible---"Serious Playing Around" -- Screening Room: Midnight Movies -- City Symphony: Forest of Bliss --
Contents note continued: The Return of the Repressed: Ika Hands -- Still Journeying On: Unfinished Examinations of a Life -- Studio7Arts: Sharon Lockhart's Double Tide and Robert Fenz's Correspondence -- 3.Timothy Asch -- Dodoth Morning and the Ethnographic Deadpan -- Asch and the Yanomamo -- The Ax Fight -- 4.Ed Pincus and the Emergence of Personal Documentary -- The Miriam Weinstein Quartet and Richard P. Rogers's Elephants: Fragments of an Argument -- Ed Pincus's Diaries (1971--1976) -- Alfred Guzzetti: Family Portrait Sittings -- Guzzetti: It's a Small World -- Guzzetti: Time Exposure -- 5.Alfred Guzzetti and Personal Cinema -- Air -- Experimental Video: "Language Lessons" -- Scylla and Charybdis -- Still Point -- 6.Ross McElwee -- Finding a Muse: Charleen -- Finding a Voice: Ann Schaetzel's Breaking and Entering and McElwee's Backyard -- Doppleganger: Sherman's March -- Nesting Dolls: Time Indefinite -- On the Road Again: Six O'Clock News --
Contents note continued: Occupational Hazards: Bright Leaves -- Orpheus: In Paraguay and Photographic Memory -- 7.Robb Moss -- Riverdogs: A Possible Eden -- The Tourist: "Freelance Editing" -- Voyage of Life: The Same River Twice -- 8.Panorama: Other Approaches to Personal Documentary -- Steven Ascher and Jeanne Jordan: Families in Transition -- Michel Negroponte: Getting Involved -- Leacock and Lalonde -- The Subject Rebels: Nina Davenport's Films and Ed Pincus and Lucia Small's The Axe in the Attic -- The Political Is the Personal: John Gianvito's Profit Motive and the Whispering Wind and Jeff Daniel Silva's Balkan Rhapsodies -- Alexander Olch's The Windmill Movie: "This Little Seance of Flickering Light" -- Amie Siegel's DDR/DDR -- 9.Lucien Castaing-Taylor and Sensory Ethnography -- Ilisa Barbash, Lucien Castaing-Taylor, and Sweetgrass -- "Sheeple": Castaing-Taylor's Audio-Video Installations --
Contents note continued: The Sensory Ethnography Lab: J. P. Sniadecki, Stephanie Spray, Verena Paravel, and Leviathan
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American Film Marketing Assocn. appoints DDA in Australasian Cinema (29/10/1982) vol.11 iss.19 p.11 More info |
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American history/American film : interpreting the Hollywood image / edited by John E. O'Connor and Martin A. Jackson ; foreword by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr New York: Ungar, c1979. Call No: 409(73) AME Author: O'Connor, John E; Jackson, Martin A Place: New York Publisher: Ungar PubDate: c1979 PhysDes: xxix, 290 p. : ill. ; 22 cm Subject: NATIONAL IDENTITY IN FILMS. USA; NATIONAL CULTURE AND THE CINEMA. USA; ETHNIC GROUPS IN FILMS. USA; BLACK CINEMA. US; WORKING CLASS IN FILMS. USA; COMMUNISM AND THE CINEMA. USA; HISTORICAL FILMS. USA; WORLD WAR II FILMS. USA; HISTORY AND THE CINEMA. USA; STEAMBOAT ROUND THE BEND (US, John Ford, 1935); SCAR OF SHAME, THE (US, Frank Peregini, 1927); PUBLIC ENEMY, THE (US, William Wellmen, 1931); WAY DOWN EAST (US, David Wark Griffith, 1920); BIG PARADE, THE (US, King Vidor, 1925); DRUMS ALONG THE MOHAWK (US, John Ford, 1939); MISSION TO MOSCOW (US, Michael Curtiz, 1943); BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES, THE (US, William Wyler, 1946); RED RIVER (US, Howard Hawks, 1948); VIVA ZAPATA (US, Elia Kazan, 1952); INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS (US, Don Siegel, 1956); [DOCTOR] DR STRANGELOVE: OR, HOW I LEARNED TO STOP WORRYING AND LOVE THE BOMB (UK, Stanley Kubrick, 1964); BONNIE AND CLYDE (US, Arthur Penn, 1967); ROCKY (US, John G. Avildsen, 1976) Notes: Includes index; Bibliography p. 279-282 ISBN: 0804422635 : $12.50; 0804466165(pbk. :) $3.95 LON: 1282547
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American history, American television : interpreting the video past / edited by John E. O'Connor ; foreword by Erik Barnouw New York: Ungar, c1983. Call No: 45:93 OCO Author: O'Connor, John E Source: US Place: New York Publisher: Ungar PubDate: c1983 PhysDes: xliii, 420 p. : ill. ; 22 cm Series: Ungar film library Subject: HISTORY AND TV.USA; ALLEN, ROBERT; AMOS 'N' ANDY SHOW, THE [TV] (US, 1951-53); ETHNIC GROUPS AND TV; BRIAN'S SONG (US, Buzz Kulik, 1971); BUSH [GEORGE SNR.] ON TV; COLD WAR ON TV; COMEDY PROGRAMMES. USA; COMMERCIALS.TV.USA; KENNEDY FAMILY ON TV; MARTY (US, Delbert Mann, 1954); MILTON BERLE SHOW, THE (US, 1954-56); NEWS PROGRAMMES.USA; NIXON [RICHARD M.] ON TV; POLITICAL PERSONALITIES ON TV.USA; POLITICS AND TV. USA; ROOTS [TV] (US, 1977); SEE IT NOW [TV] (US, 1951-58); SOAP OPERAS. USA; YOU ARE THERE [TV] (US, Sydney Lumet, 1953-55) Notes: Includes index; Bibliography: p. 395-405 ISBN: 0804426686 : $13.50; 0804466211 (pbk.) : $7.95 LON: 2795583
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American horrors : essays on the modern American horror film / edited by Gregory A. Waller Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c1987. Call No: 735.2 WAL Author: Waller, Gregory A. (Gregory Albert), 1950 Place: Urbana Publisher: University of Illinois Press PubDate: c1987 PhysDes: 228 p., [10] p. of plates : ill. ; 23 cm Subject: HORROR FILMS. USA; DE PALMA, BRIAN; POLANSKI, ROMAN; HALLOWEEN (US, John Carpenter, 1978); HELL NIGHT (US, Thomas De Simone, 1981); HOWLING, THE (CN, Joe Dante, 1981); REPULSION (UK, Roman Polanski, 1965); LOCATAIRE, LE (FR, Roman Polanski, 1976); NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (US, George A. Romero, 1968); ROSEMARY'S BABY (US, Roman Polanski, 1968); EXORCIST, THE (US, William Friedkin, 1973); EYES OF LAURA MARS (US, Irvin Kershner, 1978); EYES OF A STRANGER (US, Ken Wiederhorn, 1981); DRESSED TO KILL (US, Brian De Palma, 1980); FRIDAY THE 13TH [...] (US, 1980-) Notes: Includes index; Filmography: p. [195]-205; Bibliography: p. [206]-219 ISBN: 0252014480 (pbk. : alk. paper); 0252014472 (hard : alk. paper) LON: 5194657
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American independent cinema : a sight and sound reader / edited by Jim Hillier London: British Film Institute, 2001. Call No: 71(73) AME Author: Hillier, Jim Place: London Publisher: British Film Institute PubDate: 2001 PhysDes: xvii, 283 p. : ill., ports. ; 24 cm Subject: USA; INDEPENDENT FILMS. USA; CASSAVETES, JOHN; BRAKHAGE, STAN; WARHOL, ANDY; ETHNIC GROUPS IN FILMS. USA; BLACK FILMMAKERS. US; DASH, JULIE; DAUGHTERS OF THE DUST (US, Julie Dash, 1991); RIGGS, MARLON; TONGUES UNTIED (US, Marlon Riggs, 1989); CROOKLYN (US, Spike Lee, 1994); FRIDAY (US, F. Gary Gray, 1995); CLOCKERS (US, Spike Lee, 1995); LEE, SPIKE; GIRL SIX (US, Spike Lee, 1996); GET ON THE BUS (US, Spike Lee, 1996); SLAM (US, Marc Levin, 1998); HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE CINEMA; POISON (US, Todd Haynes, 1991); MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO (US, Gus Van Sant, 1991); VAN SANT, GUS; SWOON (US, Tom Kalin, 1992); GO FISH (US, Rose Troche, 1994); TOTALLY F***ED UP (US, Gregg Araki, 1993); HAYNES, TODD; SAFE (US, Todd Haynes, 1995); DOOM GENERATION, THE (US, Gregg Araki, 1995); PEIRCE, KIMBERLY; BOYS DON'T CRY (US, Kimberly Peirce, 1999); JARMUSCH, JIM; NIGHT ON EARTH (US, Jim Jarmusch, 1991); SLACKER (US, Richard Linklater, 1990); SURE FIRE (US, Jon Jost, 1990); LINKLATER, RICHARD; BEFORE SUNRISE (US, Richard Linklater, 1995); LIVING IN OBLIVION (US, Tom DiCillo, 1995); WALKING AND TALKING (US, Nicole Holofcener, 1996); HARTLEY, HAL; HENRY FOOL (US, Hal Hartley, 1997); HAPPINESS (US, Todd Solondz, 1998); GHOST DOG: THE WAY OF THE SAMURAI (US, Jim Jarmusch, 1999); TIMECODE (US, Mike Figgis, 2000); ALTMAN, ROBERT; SHORT CUTS (US, Robert Altman, 1993); ANDERSON, PAUL THOMAS; BOOGIE NIGHTS (US, Paul Thomas Anderson, 1997); MAGNOLIA (US, Paul Thomas Anderson, 1999); FERRARA, ABEL; BAD LIEUTENANT (US, Abel Ferrara, 1992); BLACKOUT, THE (US, Abel Ferrara, 1997); ADDICTION, THE (US, Abel Ferrara, 1995); FUNERAL, THE (US, Abel Ferrara, 1996); JONZE, SPIKE; BEING JOHN MALKOVICH (UK/US, Spike Jonze, 1999); KORINE, HARMONY; GUMMO (US, Harmony Korine, 1997); JULIEN DONKEY-BOY (US, Harmony Korine, 1999); LYNCH, DAVID; TWIN PEAKS: FIRE WALK WITH ME (US, David Lynch, 1992); LOST HIGHWAY (US, David Lynch, 1996); SAYLES, JOHN; CITY OF HOPE (US, John Sayles, 1991); LONE STAR (US, John Sayles, 1996); LIMBO (US, John Sayles, 1999); HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER (US, John McNaughton, 1986); ONE FALSE MOVE (US, Carl Franklin, 1991); BALLAD OF LITTLE JO, THE (US, Maggie Greenwald, 1993); EVEN COWGIRLS GET THE BLUES (US, Gus Van Sant, 1993); PULP FICTION (US, Quentin Tarantino, 1994); Tarantino, Quentin; USUAL SUSPECTS, THE (US, Bryan Singer, 1995); BOUND (US, Larry Wachowski & Andy Wachowski, 1996); NORMAL LIFE (US, John McNaughton, 1996); THIS WORLD, THEN THE FIREWORKS (US, Michael Oblowitz, 1997); JACKIE BROWN (US, Quentin Tarantino, 1997); BIG LEBOWSKI, THE (US, Joel Coen, 1998); OUT OF SIGHT (US, Steven Soderbergh, 1998); LIMEY, THE (US, Steven Soderbergh, 1999); SODERBERGH, STEVEN; HANGIN' WITH THE HOMEBOYS (US, Joseph B. Vasquez, 1991); JUST ANOTHER GIRL ON THE I.R.T. (US, Leslie Harris, 1992) ISBN: 0851707580 : ¦40.00; 0851707599(pbk.) : ¦12.99 LON: 20980358
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American screenwriters / [introduction and commentary by] Karl Schanzer & Thomas Lee Wright New York: Avon Books, c1993. Call No: 802.24(73) SCH Author: Wright, Thomas Lee, 1953; Schanzer, Karl Place: New York Publisher: Avon Books PubDate: c1993 PhysDes: xii, 274 p. ; 22 cm Subject: SCRIPTWRITERS. USA; PRODUCTION DEALS; VALDEZ, LUIS; BLACK, SHANE; CAMERON, JAMES; PRICE, RICHARD; RUBIN, BRUCE JOEL; KHOURI, CALLIE; ROBINSON, PHIL ALDEN; SINGLETON, JOHN; DIXON, LESLIE; THOMPSON, CAROLINE; KAZAN, NICHOLAS; ESZTERHAS, JOE; RASCOE, JUDITH; GANZ, LOWELL; MANDEL, BABALOO; RICKMAN, THOMAS; BASS, RON ISBN: 0380767279 : $12.00 ($14.00 Can.) LON: 9905548 9905548
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American television during a television presidency / edited by Karen McNally Detroit, Michigan: Wayne State University Press, April 2022. Call No: 49[32](73) AME Author: McNally, Karen Edition: 2022 Place: Detroit, Michigan Publisher: Wayne State University Press PubDate: April 2022 PhysDes: 336 pages ; 24 cm Series: Contemporary approaches to film and media Subject: TELEVISION. USA; TRUMP, DONALD; APPRENTICE, THE [TV] (US, 2004); CHERNOBYL [TV] (US/UK, 2019); POLITICS AND TV. USA; GOOD WIFE, THE [TV] (US, 2009); BLACKLISTING. USA; PLOT AGAINST AMERICA (US, 2020); SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE [TV] (US, 1975-); STAR TREK [ GENERAL]; AMERICAN HORROR STORY [TV] (US, 2011) Summary: In American Television during a Television Presidency, Karen McNally and contributors critically examine the various ways in which television became transfixed by the Trump presidency and the broader political, social, and cultural climate. This book is the first to fully address the relationship between TV and a presidency consistently conducted with television in mind.
The sixteen chapters cover everything from the political theater of televised impeachment hearings to the potent narratives of fictional drama and the stinging critiques of comedy, as they consider the wide-ranging ways in which television engages with the shifting political culture that emerged during this period. Approaching television both historically and in the contemporary moment, the contributors - an international group of scholars from a variety of academic disciplines- illuminate the indelible links that exist between television, American politics, and the nation’s broader culture. As it interrogates a presidency played out through the lens of the TV camera and reviews a medium immersing itself in a compelling and inescapable subject, American Television during a Television Presidency sets out to explore what defines the television of the Trump era as a distinctive time in TV history. From inequalities to resistance, and from fandom to historical memory, this book opens up new territory in which to critically analyze television’s complex relationship with Donald Trump, his presidency, and the political culture of this unsettled and simultaneously groundbreaking era.
Undergraduate and graduate students and scholars of film and television studies, comedy studies, and cultural studies will value this strong collection. -- publisher's web site ISBN: 9780814349359 Donation: Senses of Cinema
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AMERICAN VIDEOGRAPHER September 1998. More info |
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AMERICAN VIDEOGRAPHER April 1999. More info |
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AMERICAN VIDEOGRAPHER April 1998. More info |
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Amusing ourselves to death : public discourse in the age of show business / Neil Postman London: Methuen, 1987. More info |
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Anarchists in films / by Pietro Ferrua Portland, Or.: P. Ferrua, 1983. More info |
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Anatomy of film / Bernard F. Dick New York -- Hampshire: St Martins Press -- Macmillan Press, 1998. Call No: 62 DIC Author: Dick, Bernard F Edition: Third edition Source: US/UK Place: New York -- Hampshire Publisher: St Martins Press -- Macmillan Press PubDate: 1998 PhysDes: xv, 302 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm Subject: AGE OF ILLUSIONS, THE [ALMODOZÁSOK KORA] (HU, Istvan Szabo, 1965); ALLEN, WOODY; BOGART, HUMPHREY; CAPRA, FRANK; CITIZEN KANE (US, Orson Welles, 1941); HITCHCOCK, ALFRED; PSYCHO (US, Alfred Hitchcock, 1960); WELLES, ORSON; WILDER, BILLY Summary: "Exploring both the humanistic and analytical aspects of film evaluation and criticism, [the book] encourages students to develop a critical awareness of film as art, as literature, and as everyday life. This highly readable and jargon-free classic illustrates the most recent film techniques and includes examples from films students are likely to have seen on television or video. This edition has been updated with examples from recent films such as Shine, Thelma and Louise, Natural Born Killers, and the Age of Innocence, as well as examples of film adaptation for film and literature classes, such as Sabrina and Clueless." -taken from back cover Notes: Previous ed.: 1990 -- Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN: 0312153996 Contents: Film, cinema, or movie: Understanding the medium -- Graphics and sound -- Film, space and image -- Film genres -- Film subtext -- Film director -- Film and literature -- Film as film -- Film criticism: Theory and practice -- Appendices: Films discussed and directors; Art vs. violence in a Clockwork Orange; Basic film library
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Andrzej Wajda : history, politics, and nostalgia in Polish cinema / by Janina Falkowska New York: Berghahn Books, 2007. Call No: 81WAJ FAL Author: Falkowska, Janina Source: US Place: New York Publisher: Berghahn Books PubDate: 2007 PhysDes: viii, 340, [8] p. of plates : ill., plates ; 24 cm Subject: HISTORY AND THE CINEMA. POLAND; POLITICS AND THE CINEMA. POLAND; NOSTALGIA IN FILMS; POLAND; WAJDA, ANDRZEJ Summary: "The work of Andrzej Wajda, one of the world's most important filmmakers, shows remarkable cohesion in spite of the wide ranging scope of his films, as this study of his complete output of feature films shows. Not only do his films address crucial historical, social and political issues; the complexity of his work is reinforced by the incorporation of the elements of major film and art movements such as Socialist Realism, Italian Neorealism, the documentary tradition, French New Wave, Surrealism, the grotesque, the theatre of the absurd, propaganda film, Polish Romantic tradition and many other artistic phenomena (jazz, Polish student subculture). It is the reworking of all these different elements by Wajda, as the author shows, which give his films their unique visual and aural qualities."--BOOK JACKET. Notes: Formerly CIP; Includes bibliographical references (p. [294]-304) and index; Filmography: p. [305]-331 ISBN: 1845452259 Contents: -- acknowledgments -- Introduction : Andrzej Wajda : his words and his archives -- 1. The life and times of Andrzej Wajda -- 2. The birth of a master : films of the fifties -- 3. Fight for perfection : films of the sixties -- 4. Between politics and the themes of life and death : films of the seventies -- 5. Nostalgia and remorse : films of the eighties -- 6. Grande finale : films of the nineties -- conclusion -- illustrations -- endontes bibliography -- filmography -- prizes --
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Andy Pandy goes feral in Metro (2000) iss.121/122 p.60-66 More info |
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Animation : the global history / Maureen Furniss London: Thames & Hudson, 2017. Call No: 772 FUR Author: Furniss, Maureen Edition: 2017 Place: London Publisher: Thames & Hudson PubDate: 2017 PhysDes: 464 pages : illustrated ; 28 cm Subject: ANIMATION; PRE-CINEMA HISTORY; ART AND THE CINEMA; DISNEY, WALT; EXPERIMENTAL FILMS; COMPUTERIZED ANIMATION AND SPECIAL EFFECTS; STOP-MOTION TECHNIQUE; JAPAN; MIYAZAKI, HAYAO; UPA; COMIC STRIPS AND THE CINEMA; COMIC STRIP CHARACTERS IN FILMS; COMIC STRIP CHARACTERS ON TV; SVANKMAJER, JAN Summary: Maureen Furniss surveys the cultural, political and economic context of how this dynamic industry evolved, emphasizing both artistic and technical achievements from around the world – from Hollywood to Tokyo, from Moscow to Sydney. Featuring a timeline for each of its six parts, Animation: The Global History provides readers with a clear and accessible chronology of events. A ‘Global Storyline’, highlighting the major themes of the era, opens each chapter, and an end-of-book glossary defines key terms used throughout the book.
Topics include: Development of animation; Growth of the studio system; Stylistic differences between the major studios; Modernist animation; Animation in World War II; International animation; Experimental animation; Television animation; Animation in art and video games. -- publisher's web site ISBN: 9780500252178
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Anime from Akira to Howl's Moving Castle : experienceing contemporary Japanese animation / Susan Napier Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. Call No: 772(520) NAP; 2 copies Author: Napier, Susan Edition: Revised Source: US/UK Place: Basingstoke, England Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan PubDate: 2005 PhysDes: 355 p. ; 24 cm Subject: ANIMATION; ANIMATION. JAPAN; ANIMATORS; MIYAZAKI, HAYAO; AKIRA (JA, Katsuhiro Otomo, 1989); GHOST IN THE SHELL (JA/UK Oshii Mamoru, 1995)
KOKAKU KIDOTAI; KOKAKU KIDOTAI (JA/UK Oshii Mamoru, 1995); BAREFOOT GEN (JA, Masaki Mori, 1983); PRINCESS MONONOKE (JA, Hayao Miyazaki, 1997)
MONONOKE HIME; MONONOKE HIME (JA, Hayao Miyazaki, 1997); GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES (JA, Isao Takahata, 1989); HOTARV NO HAKA (JA, Isao Takahata, 1988); RANMA 1/2 [TV] (JA, Rumiko Takahashi, 1989) Summary: "This new edition of the groundbreaking popular book is a must-have for both seasoned and new fans of anime. Japanese animation is more popular than ever following the 2002 Academy Award given to Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away. It confirmed that anime is more than just children's cartoons, often portraying important social and cultural themes. With new chapters on Spirited Away and other recent releases, including Howl's Moving Castle-Miyazaki's latest hit film, already breaking records in Japan--this edition will be the authoritative source on anime for an exploding market of viewers who want to know more." -- BOOK BLURB Notes: Previous ed.: published as Anime´ from Akira to Princess Monoke. New York; Great Britain: Palgrave, 2001. ISBN: 9781403970527 Contents: -- acknowledgments -- foreword to the revised edition -- introduction -- chapter one : why anime? -- chapter two : anime and local/global identity -- body, metamorphosis, identity -- chapter three : Akira and Ranma 1/2 : the monstrous adolescent -- chapter four: controlling bodies : the body in pornographic anime -- chapter five : ghosts and machines : the technological body -- chapter six : doll parts : technology and the body in Ghost in the Shell -- chapter seven : stray: gender panics, masculine crises, and fantasy in Japanese animation -- magical girls and fantasy worlds -- chapter eight : the enchantment of estrangement : the Shojo in the world of Miyazaki Hayao -- chapter nine : now you see her, now you dont: the disappearing Shojo -- chapter ten : carnival and conservatism in romantic comedy -- remaking master narratives: anime confronts history -- chapter eleven : no more words : Barefoot Gen, Grave of the fireflies , and "victim's history' -- chapter twleve : Princess Mononoke: fantasy, the feminine, and the myth of 'progress' -- chapter thirteen : waiting for the end of the world : apocalyptic identity -- chapter fourteen : elegies -- conclusion : a fragmented mirror -- notes -- bibliography -- index --
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[Annie's coming out : stills file] More info |
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Another cinema for another society / Gaston Roberge Calcutta: Seagull Books, 1985. Call No: 408.1(540) ROB Author: Roberge, Gaston Source: II Place: Calcutta Publisher: Seagull Books PubDate: 1985 PhysDes: 151p. : ill. ; 22cm Subject: CRITICISM; HISTORY OF CINEMA. INDIA; INDUSTRY, FILM. INDIA; NATIONAL CULTURE AND THE CINEMA. ASIAN COUNTRIES; POLITICS AND THE CINEMA; SOCIETY AND THE CINEMA; BAZIN, ANDRE; EISENSTEIN, SERGEI M.; RAY, SATYAJIT; WELLES, ORSON; BRON, PETER; BRONENOSETS POTEMKIN [BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN] (UR, Sergei Eisenstein, 1925); GANDHI (UK/II, Richard Attenborough, 1982); NANOOK OF THE NORTH (US, Robert Flaherty, 1922); NAPOLEON (FR, Abel Gance, 1927) Summary: "Father Gaston Roberge, Director of Chitrabani, a Calcutta-based institution involved in development communication, and a media critic in his own right, with five title to his credit already, proposes, in his latest work, a militant programme... for another cinema committed to the building up of another society.' He offers revaluations of the established systems of film aesthetics, with fresh insights into the thoughts and works of Eisenstein, Bazin, Welles, and Ray; before analysing the Indian social scene in depth and detail, to suggest a comprehensive model for a parallel Indian cinema, complete with a new scheme for film and media education for the new cinema" -Book blurb ISBN: 0861320751 Donation: donated by the family of Wayne Levy, 2006 Contents: Preface -- Part one: cinema -- Introduction: a militant programme -- What is it in cinema that makes it cinema -- Montage: the formative principle -- An anthropology of the cinema -- An exercise in film appreciation or the magnificent Andre Bazin -- Author-ity, text-uality and read-in(g) -- Part two: society -- The end of a film era -- Nine and one facts and not a few illusions -- Of many movies and some words to talk about them -- Films for social change -- Politics in film -- The politics of non-political cinema -- The cultural and social influence of foreign films -- History through films and filmed history -- Conclusion -- Film education for a new movie-man -- index
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Another Video Pirate walks the plank in Australasian Cinema (15/10/1982) vol.11 iss.18 p.2 More info |
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Anthony Perkins visits Australia for 'Psycho II' in Australasian Cinema (5-18/8/1983) vol.12 iss.14 p.5 More info |
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Antipodean gothic cinema [manuscript] : a study of the (postmodern) Gothic in Australian and New Zealand film since the 1970s / by Romana Ashton Queensland: 2005. Call No: 735.2 (93) ASH Author: Ashton, Romana Source: AT Place: Queensland PubDate: 2005 PhysDes: 317 p. ; 30 cm Subject: HORROR FILMS. AUSTRALIA; HORROR FILMS. NEW ZEALAND; PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK (AT, Peter Weir, 1975); PIANO, THE (AT, Jane Campion, 1993); DOGS IN SPACE (AT, Richard Lowenstein, 1986); BAD BOY BUBBY (AT, Rolf de Heer, 1993); NIGHT THE PROWLER, THE (AT, Jim Sharman, 1978); HEAVENLY CREATURES (NZ, Peter Jackson, 1994); WAKE IN FRIGHT (AT, Ted Kotcheff, 1971); SUMMERFIELD (AT, Ken Hannam, 1977); SHAME (AT, Steve Jodrell, 1988); MAD MAX (AT, George Miller, 1979); MAD MAX II (AT, George Miller, 1981); CARS THAT ATE PARIS, THE (AT, Peter Weir, 1974) Summary: "Although various film critics and academics have located the Gothic in Antipodean cinema, there has been no in-depth study of the Gothic and its ideological entanglements with postmodernism within this cinema. This study is divided into two parts and locates the (postmodern) Gothic in twelve Australian/New Zealand films ranging from Ted Kotcheffs Wake in Fright (1971) to Peter Jacksons Heavenly Creatures (1994). Part one theorizes the Gothic as a subversive cultural mode that foreshadows postmodernism in terms of its antithetical relationship with Enlightenment ideals. Interconnections are made between proto-postmodern aspects of early Gothic literature and the appropriation and intensification of these aspects in what has been dubbed the postmodern Gothic. The dissertation then argues that the Antipodes was/is constructed through Euro-centric discourse(s) as a Gothic/(proto)-postmodern space or place, this construction manifest in, and becoming intertwined with the postmodern in post 1970s Antipodean cinema. In part two, a cross-section of Australian/New Zealand films is organized into cinematic sub-genres in line with their similar thematic preoccupations and settings, all films argued as reflecting a marked postmodern Gothic sensibility. In its conclusion, the study finds that S2Antipodean Gothic cinemaS3, particularly since the 1970s, can be strongly characterized by its combining of Gothic/postmodernist modes of representation, this convergence constitutive of a postmodernized version of the Gothic which is heavily influenced by Euro-centric constructions of the Antipodes in Gothic/(proto)-postmodern related terms. " - ABSTRACT Notes: Thesis (Doctor of Philosophy) - Central Queensland University: School of Humanities - Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education, December 2005; Bibliography: leaves 299-314 ; filmography: leaves 315-318 ; telegraphy: leaf 319; We have two copies of this Thesis - they are both filed at 735.2 (93) ASH and are identical. One is labelled 'copy 1' and the other 'copy 2' Contents: -- Part one: Theorizing the (postmodern) gothic in Antipodean cinema -- 1. A gothic/postmodern poetics: two convergent models. -- 2. Antipodean Gothic/(Proto)-postmodern connections: the European unconscious and the cultural construction of the Antipodes. -- 3. Antipodean cinema: an uneasy background -- Part two: analyzing the (postmodern) gothic in Antipodean cinema. -- 4. Anitpodean ccolonial gothic: 'Picnic at Hanging Rock' and 'The Piano'. -- 5. Anitpodean urban gothic: 'Dogs in Space' and 'Bad Boy Bubby'. -- 6. Antipodean surburban gothic: -- 'The Night the Prowler' and 'Heavenly Creatures'. -- 7. Antipodean rural gothic: 'Wake in Fright', 'Summerfield', and 'Shame'. -- 8. Antipodean sci-fi car crash films and the gothic: 'The Cars that Ate Paris', 'Mad Max', and 'Mad Max - The Road Warrior'. -- Conclusion -- Bibliography -- Filmography -- Teleography. ID2: 290
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Apocalypse postponed / Umberto Eco ; edited by Robert Lumley Bloomington London: Indiana University Press British Film Institute, 1994. Call No: 403 ECO Author: Eco, Umberto; Lumley, Robert, 1951 Place: Bloomington London Publisher: Indiana University Press British Film Institute PubDate: 1994 PhysDes: vii, 227 p. : ill. ; 24 cm Series: Perspectives Subject: POPULAR CULTURE AND THE CINEMA; SOCIETY AND THE CINEMA; GINGER AND FRED [GINGER E FRED] (IT/FR/GW, Federico Fellini, 1986); GINGER AND FRED [GINGER E FRED] (IT/FR/GW, Federico Fellini, 1986) Summary: An erudite and witty collection of Umberto Eco's essays on mass culture from the 1960s through the 1980s, including major pieces which have not been translated into English before. The discussion is framed by opposing characterizations of current intellectuals as apocalyptic and opposed to all mass culture, or as integrated intellectuals, so much a part of mass culture as to be unaware of serving it. Organized in four main parts, "Mass Culture: Apocalypse Postponed," "Mass Media and the Limits of Communication," "The Rise and Fall of Counter-Cultures," and "In Search of Italian Genius," Eco looks at a variety of topics and cultural productions, including the world of Charlie Brown, distinctions between highbrow and lowbrow, the future of literacy, Chinese comic strips, whether countercultures exist, Fellini's Ginger and Fred, and the Italian genius industry Notes: Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN: 0851704468 (pbk.); 0253318513 (U.S. : cloth); 0851704182 (cloth) LON: 10612725
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Approaches to popular film / edited by Joanne Hollows and Mark Jancovich Manchester New York New York: Manchester University Press Distributed exclusively in the USA and Canada by St. Martin's Press, 1995. Call No: 62 APP Author: Hollows, Joanne; Jancovich, Mark Place: Manchester New York New York Publisher: Manchester University Press Distributed exclusively in the USA and Canada by St. Martin's Press PubDate: 1995 PhysDes: 203 p. : ill. ; 23 cm Series: Inside popular film Subject: GENRES; AUTEUR THEORY; FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA; THEORY; POPULAR CULTURE AND THE CINEMA; STARS Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. [192]-196) and index ISBN: 0719043921; 071904393X (pbk.) LON: 11213175 URL status: URL: 'http://-'
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Archives recreate 'Our Century' in Encore (25 Feb, 1998) vol.16 iss.1 p.34 More info |
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Arrows of desire : the films of Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger / Ian Christie London Boston: Faber and Faber, 1994. Call No: 802(41) CHR Author: Christie, Ian, 1945 Edition: New ed Place: London Boston Publisher: Faber and Faber PubDate: 1994 PhysDes: xx, 163 p. : ill. ; 22 cm Subject: PRESSBURGER, EMERIC; Powell, Michael; KORDA, ALEXANDER; ARCHERS, THE Summary: Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger formed the greatest creative partnership in the history of British Cinema - The Archers. Their films were often controversial: Churchill tried to suppress the release of The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp. Later, The Red Shoes and The Tales of Hoffman startled and enchanted cinema audiences with their use of colour, form and music. In the last ten years the magic, poetry and passion of their work has been acknowledged around the world and they are firmly in the pantheon of film masters Notes: Originally published : London : Waterstone, 1985; Includes bibliographical references (p. [117]-119) and index; Filmography (p. [120]-157) ISBN: 0571162711 (pbk) LON: 10846724
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The art of the film : an introduction to film appreciation / by Ernest Lindgren London: G. Allen and Unwin, 1948]. More info |
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Ashes and diamonds / [screenplay by Jerzy Andrzejewski and Andrzej Wajda] [and] Kanal [screenplay by by Jerzy Stefan Stawinski] [and] A generation [screenplay by Bohdan Czeszko]; three films, by Andrzej Wajda [text prepared and translated by Boleshaw Sulik] London: Lorrimer, 1973. Call No: 792 WAJ Author: Andrzejewski, Jerzy, 1909; Wajda, Andrzej, 1926; Stawinski, Jerzy Stefan, 1921- Kanal. English. 1973; Czeszko, Bohdan. Pokolenie. English. 1973 Place: London Publisher: Lorrimer PubDate: 1973 PhysDes: 238 p. illus. 21 cm Subject: POKOLENIE (PL, Andrzej Wajda, 1954); KANAL (PL, Andrzej Wajda, 1956); ASHES AND DIAMONDS [POPIOL I DIAMENT] (PL, Andrzej Wajda, 1959) Notes: Original Polish films entitled, Pokolenie, Kanal, and Popio i diament; On spine: The Wajda trilogy ISBN: 0900855967; 0900855959 (pbk.) LON: 348559 348559
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The Asian cinema experience : styles, spaces, theory Oxford [Oxfordshire] ; New York: Routledge, 2013. Call No: 756(5) TEO Author: Teo, Stephen Source: UK Place: Oxford [Oxfordshire] ; New York Publisher: Routledge PubDate: 2013 PhysDes: xv, 269 p. : ill., ports. ; 24 cm Series: Media, culture and social change in Asia ; 30 Subject: INDIAN CINEMA; CITY OF SADNESS, A [; JAPAN; KOREA; TAIWAN; THAILAND; SINGAPORE; MALAYSIA; IRAN; BOLLYWOOD; POPULAR CULTURE AND THE CINEMA; CULTURE AND THE CINEMA; NATIONALISM AND THE CINEMA; THEORY; ASIAN COUNTRIES; NATIONAL CULTURE AND THE CINEMA. ASIAN COUNTRIES; WORLD CINEMA; BLOCKBUSTERS; ANIMATION; HORROR FILM; GHOST FILMS; EROTIC FILMS; EROTIC FILMS. ASIA Summary: "This book explores the range and dynamism of contemporary Asian cinemas, covering East Asia (China, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan), Southeast Asia (Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia), South Asia (Bollywood), and West Asia (Iran), in order to discover what is common about them and to engender a theory or concept of "Asian Cinema". It goes beyond existing work which provides a field survey of Asian cinema, probing more deeply into the field of Asian Cinema, arguing that Asian Cinema constitutes a separate pedagogical subject, and putting forward an alternative cinematic paradigm. The book covers "styles", including the works of classical Asian Cinema masters, and specific genres such as horror films, and Bollywood and Anime, two very popular modes of Asian Cinema; "spaces", including artistic use of space and perspective in Chinese cinema, geographic and personal space in Iranian cinema, the private "erotic space" of films from South Korea and Thailand, and the persistence of the family unit in the urban spaces of Asian big cities in many Asian films; and "concepts" such as Pan-Asianism, Orientalism, Nationalism and Third Cinema. The rise of Asian nations on the world stage has been coupled with a growing interest, both inside and outside Asia, of Asian culture, of which film is increasingly an indispensable component--this book provides a rich, insightful overview of what exactly constitutes Asian Cinema." -- BOOK BLURB Notes: Includes bibliographic references and index; Includes filmography ISBN: 9781138815780 Contents: pt. I Styles -- 1.Kurosawa and classical style in Asian Cinema -- 2.Satyajit Ray and the Indian sensitivity of affect -- 3.The historical blockbuster style -- 4.The abstract transnational style of anime -- 5.Asian horror and the ghost-story style -- 6.The `Bollywood' style -- pt. II Spaces -- 7.Space in Asian melodrama -- 8.Iranian cinema and inward space -- 9.Domestic space and the family in South Korean cinema -- 10.Erotic space in Asian films -- pt. III Theory -- 11.The world and Asian Cinema -- 12.Asian Cinema and other cinemas.
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The assassination of Marilyn Monroe / Donald H. Wolfe London: Little Brown and Company, 1998. Call No: 81MON WOL Author: Wolfe, Donald H. Source: US Place: London Publisher: Little Brown and Company PubDate: 1998 PhysDes: 532 p. : ill. ; 25 cm Subject: TWENTIETH CENTURY-FOX; MONROE, MARILYN; MILLER, ARTHUR; MONTAND, YVES; KENNEDY, JOHN F.; SINATRA, FRANK; ZANUCK, DARRYL F.; PRINCE AND THE SHOWGIRL, THE (UK, Laurence Olivier, 1957); BUS STOP (US, Joshua Logan, 1956); LET'S MAKE LOVE (US, George Cukor, 1960); SOME LIKE IT HOT (US, Billy Wilder, 1959) ISBN: 0316640190
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Athens international film festival : April 25 - May 3, 1986 / Athens international film festival US: [s.n.], 1986. Call No: FESTIVAL CATALOGUE SHELVES Place: US Publisher: [s.n.] PubDate: 1986 PhysDes: 63 p. : ill. ; 28 cm Subject: FESTIVALS. USA [VARIOUS]; IMPORT OF FILMS; Powell, Michael Notes: The Athens international film festival includes a selection of feature length films, short films, animated films and documentary films. Highlights of the festival include a Michael Powell retrospective and a New French Cinema program. The catalogue also includes film summaries and numerous black and white stills.
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The Atlanta international film festival 1972 : August 11-20 / The Atlanta international film festival US: [s.n.], 1972. Call No: FESTIVAL CATALOGUE SHELVES Place: US Publisher: [s.n.] PubDate: 1972 PhysDes: 48 p. : ill. ; 28 cm Subject: FESTIVALS. USA [VARIOUS]; FOREIGN FILMS
USE: IMPORT OF FILMS; PREMINGER, OTTO; CAPRA, FRANK; WATKINS, PETER Notes: The Atlanta international film festival includes a program of feature length films, short films and animated films. The festival also has seminars and retrospectives outlining the work of Otto Preminger, Frank Capra and Peter Watkins. The catalogue also includes film summaries and numerous black and white stills.
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Attack on pirates : studio moves to block illegal sites in Herald Sun (19/02/2016) p.4 Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; VILLAGE ROADSHOW Author: Johnson, Neala PhysDes: Clippings File Article Subject: PIRACY. AUSTRALIA; VILLAGE ROADSHOW Summary: Report on Village Roadshow looking to force internet service providers to block the site SolarMovie
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The audience studies reader / edited by Will Brooker and Deborah Jermyn Oxon: Routledge, 2003. Call No: 412(04)BRO Author: Brooker, Will; Jermyn, Deborah Source: UK Place: Oxon Publisher: Routledge PubDate: 2003 PhysDes: xviii, 347 p. ; 25 cm Subject: AUDIENCES; PSYCHOLOGY AND THE CINEMA Notes: Includes bibliographic references and index ISBN: 9780415254359 Language: English Contents: The people's choice : how the voter makes up his mind in a presidential campaign / Paul F. Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson, Hazel Gaudet -- Mass persuasion : the social psychology of a war bond drive / Robert K. Merton -- Analysis of the film Don't Be a Sucker : a study in communication / Eunice Cooper, Helen Dinerman -- Tendency systems and the effects of a movie dealing with a social problem / Charles Winick -- Culture industry reconsidered / T.W. Adorno -- Seduction of the innocent / Fredric Wertham -- The uses of literacy / Richard Hoggart.
The Newson Report : a case study in 'common sense' / Martin Barker -- The nationwide audience / David Morley -- The practice of everyday life / Michel de Certeau -- Understanding popular culture / John Fiske -- 'We're here, we're queer and we're not going catalogue shopping' / Gregory Woods -- Visual pleasue and narrtive cinema / Laura Mulvey -- Babel and Bablylon : spectatorship in American silent film / Miriam Hansen -- Star gazing : Hollywood cinema and female spectatorship / Jackie Stacey.
Women viewing violence / Philip Schlesinger, Rebecca Dobash, Russell Dobash, C. Kay Weaver -- 'Out of the closet and into the universe' : queers and Star Trek / Henry Jenkins -- Beatlemania : girls just want to have fun / Barbara Ehrenreich, Elizabeth Hess, Gloria Jacobs -- Histories, fictions and Xena : Warrior Princess / Sara Gwenllian-Jones -- Suffering and solace : the genre of pain / Camille Bacon-Smith -- Inside subculture : the postmodern meaning of style / David Muggleton -- Reading the romance : women, patriarchy and popular literature / Janice Radway.
Living room wars : rethinking audiences for a postmodern world / Ien Ang -- Feminism and youth culture / Angela McRobbie -- Girl talk : adolescent magazines and their readers / Dawn H. Currie -- '"Just a book", she said...' : reconfiguring ethnography for the female readers of sexual fiction / Esther Sonnet -- Enlightened racism : The Cosby Show, audiences and the myth of the American dream / Sut Jhally, Justin Lewis -- The export of meaning : cross-cultural readings of Dallas / Tamar Liebes and Elihu Katz.
The color purple : Black women as cultural readers / Jacqueline Bobo -- Television, ethnicity and cultural change / Marie Gillespie.
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Audio-vision : sound on screen / Michel Chion; foreword by Walter Murch; edited and translated by Claudia Gorbman New York: Columbia University Press, 2019. Call No: 634 CHI Author: Chion, Michel Edition: 2019 Place: New York Publisher: Columbia University Press PubDate: 2019 PhysDes: xxiii, 270 pages : illustrated ; 23cm Subject: SOUND; GODARD, JEAN-LUC; HITCHCOCK, ALFRED; MUSIC AND THE CINEMA; MUSIC IN FILMS; RESNAIS, ALAIN; ROBBE-GRILLET, ALAIN; WELLES, ORSON; Wenders, Wim; DOLCE VITA, LA (FR/IT, Federico Fellini, 1960); PERSONA (SW, Ingmar Bergman, 1966); PSYCHO (US, Alfred Hitchcock, 1960); TYSTNADEN (SW, Ingmar Bergman, 1963) Summary: Michel Chion’s landmark Audio-Vision has exerted significant influence on our understanding of sound-image relations since its original publication in 1994. Chion argues that sound film qualitatively produces a new form of perception. Sound in audiovisual media does not merely complement images. Instead, the two channels together engage audio-vision, a special mode of perception that transforms both seeing and hearing. We don’t see images and hear sounds separately—we audio-view a trans-sensory whole.
In this updated and expanded edition, Chion considers many additional examples from recent world cinema and formulates new questions for the contemporary media environment. He takes into account the evolving role of audio-vision in different theatrical environments, considering its significance for music videos, video art, commercial television, and the internet, as well as conventional cinema. Chion explores how multitrack digital sound enables astonishing detail, extending the space of the action and changing practices of scene construction. He demonstrates that speech is central to film and television and shows why “audio-logo-visual” is a more accurate term than “audiovisual.” Audio-Vision shows us that sound is driving the creation of a sensory cinema.
This edition includes a glossary of terms, a chronology of several hundred significant films, and the original foreword by sound designer, editor, and Oscar honoree Walter Murch. -- publisher's web site ISBN: 9780231185899 Contents: Foreword (1994), by Walter Murch -- Preface -- Part I. The Audiovisual Contract -- 1. Projections of Sound on Image -- 2. The Three Listening Modes -- 3. Lines and Points: Horizontal and Vertical Perspectives on Audiovisual Relations -- 4. The Audiovisual Scene -- 5. The Real and the Rendered -- 6. Phantom Audio-Vision; or, The Audio-Divisual -- Part II. Beyond Sounds and Images -- 7. Sound Film Worthy of the Name -- 8. Toward an Audio-Logo-Visual Poetics -- 9. An Introduction to Audiovisual Analysis -- Glossary -- Chronology: Landmarks of the Sound Film -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index
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Audiovisual industries in Australia : a discussion paper / [Graeme Taylor, Peter Dempster] Canberra: Bureau of Industry Economics, 1994. More info |
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Aunty must re-energise its audience in Canberra Times [TV Guide] (24/04/2017) p.3 Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION Author: Mathieson, Craig PhysDes: Clippings File Article Subject: AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION; ABC IVIEW; KATERING SHOW, THE [TV](AT, 2015-); YOU CAN'T ASK THAT [TV](AT, 2016); MY YEAR 12 LIFE [TV](AT, 2017); PLEASE LIKE ME [TV] (AT, 2013 - ); WARRIORS, THE [TV](AT, 2017) Summary: Commentary on a number of recent ABC shows, how they have performed, and what the ABC could do to ensure their productions are successful Notes: A
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Aural Auteur : sound in the films of Rolf De Heer / David Bruno Starrs Brisbane, Queensland: 2009. Call No: 81:634DEH STA Author: Starrs, David Bruno Source: AT Place: Brisbane, Queensland PubDate: 2009 PhysDes: 263 p. : ill. ; 30 cm Subject: AUTEUR THEORY; DIRECTORS. AUSTRALIA; SOUND; THEORY; DE HEER, ROLF; DANCE ME TO MY SONG (AT, Rolf de Heer, 1998); [DOCTOR] DR PLONK (AT, Rolf de Heer, 2007); EPSILON (AT/IT, Rolf de Heer, 1995); OLD MAN WHO READ LOVE STORIES (AT/SP/FR/NL, Rolf de Heer, 2000); PROPOSITION, THE (AT/UK, John Hillcoat, 2005); TRACKER, THE (AT, Rolf de Heer, 2002) Summary: "An interpretative methodology for understanding meaning in cinema since the 1950s, auteur analysis is an approach to film studies in which an individual, usually the director, is studied as the author of his or her films. The principal argument of this thesis is that proponents of auteurism have privileged examination of the visual components in a film-makers' body of work, neglecting the potentially significant role played by sound.
The thesis seeks to address this problematic imbalance by interrogating the creative use of sound in the films written and directed Rolf de Heer, asking the question, "Does his use of sound make Rolf de Heer and aural auteur?" In so far as the term 'aural' encompasses everything in the film that is heard by the audience, the analysis seeks to discover if de Heer has, as Peter Wollen suggests of the auteur and her or his directing of the visual components (1968, 1972 and 1998), unconsciously left a detectable aural signature on his films.
The thesis delivers an innovative outcome by demonstrating that auteur analysis that goes beyond the mise-en-scene (i.e. visuals) is productive and worthwhile as an interpretative response to film. De Heer's use of the aural point of view and binaural sound recording, his interest in providing a 'voice' for marginalised people, his self-penned song lyrics, his close and early collaboration with composer Graham Tardif and sound desinger Jim Currie, his 'hands-on' approach to sound recording and sound editing and his predilection for making films about sound are all shown to be examples of de Heer's aural auteurism.
As well as the three published (or accepted for publication) interviews with de Heer, Tardif and Currie, the dissertation consists of seven papers refereed and published (or accepted for publication) in journals and internatiional conference proceedings, a literature review and a unifying essay. The papers presented are close textual analyses of de Heer's films which, when considered as a whole, support the thesis' overall argument and serve as comprehensive auteur analysis, the first such sustained study of his work, and the first with an emphasis on the aural. " -- ABSTRACT Notes: Presented to the Creative Industries Faculty, Queensland University of Technology. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 2009; Includes bibliographical references (p. 213-231) Contents: -- part one: introduction -- chapter 1: the research problem, objective/aims, subject and methodologies -- chapter 2: the literature and contextual review -- part two: the seven refereed and published papers of the thesis -- chapter 3: a paper utilising genre analysis and signalling an interest in the auteurism of Rolf de Heer -- chapter 4: the first of two papers utilising standard auteur analysis -- chapter 5: the second of two papers utilising standard auteur analysis -- chapter 6: a paper arguing for the methodological innovation of the thesis: aural auteur analysis -- chapter 7: the first of three papers utilising aural auteur analysis -- chapter 8: the second of three papers utilising aural auteur analysis -- chapter 9: the third of three papers utilising aural auteur analysis -- part three: conclusion -- chapter 10: the unifying essay -- 11: references/bibliography and filmography -- 12: appendicies -- list of figures --
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Australia's audiovisual markets : key statistics on Australia's cinema, video, television and interactive media markets / edited by Cathy Gray and Rosemary Curtis Sydney [New South Wales]: Australian Film Commission, 2004. Call No: 20(94) AUS Author: Australian Film Commission Edition: 1st edition Source: AT Place: Sydney [New South Wales] Publisher: Australian Film Commission PubDate: 2004 PhysDes: 96 pages : colour charts ; 30 cm Series: Get the picture Subject: INDUSTRY, FILM. AUSTRALIA; STATISTICS. AUSTRALIA; INDUSTRY, TV. AUSTRALIA; PRODUCTION. AUSTRALIA; DISTRIBUTION. AUSTRALIA; EXHIBITION. AUSTRALIA Summary: Australia's Audiovisual Markets is the first of a new series of publications which feature key data from Get the Picture Online, the Australian Film Commission's comprehensive web-based statistics collection. Its graphic style and short chunks of information complement the detailed data available online to provide a unique perspective on the state of Australia's cinema, video, television and interactive media markets. -Taken from back cover. Notes: Includes an index; Includes a list of abbreviations ISBN: 1920988004 ID2: 145
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Australia's lost films : the loss and rescue of Australia's silent cinema / Ray Edmondson and Andrew Pike Canberra: National Library of Australia, 1982. More info |
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Australia's top 10 executive producers in Encore (12 Feb, 1999) vol.17 iss.2 p.23-24 PhysDes: Article; Illustration(s) Subject: PRODUCERS. AUSTRALIA; BECKER, RICHARD; BORGLUND, MIKAEL; HAMILTON, GARY; BURKE, GRAHAM; CHETTY, DEVESH; HANNAY, DAVID; KNIGHT, ANDREW; BEILBY, PETER; VIZARD, STEVE; Penfold-Russell, Rebel; SHTEINMAN, JONATHAN; WHITE, TIMOTHY Summary: Contacts and brief biogs for Encore list of top Australian executive producers.
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Australian animation : an international history / Dan Torre & Lienors Torre Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, Call No: 246(94) TOR Author: Torre, Dan; Torre, Lienors Edition: 2018 Place: Cham, Switzerland Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan PhysDes: xii, 260 pages : illustrated ; 22 cm Subject: ANIMATED FILMS. AUSTRALIA; ANIMATION. AUSTRALIA; FELIX THE CAT; PORTER, ERIC; HANNA-BARBERA; MCLAREN ANGUS; PETTY, BRUCE; STITT, ALEX; TUPICOFF, DENNIS; MARCO POLO JUNIOR VERSUS THE RED DRAGON (AT, Eric Porter, 1972); DOT AND THE KANGAROO (AT, Yoram Goss, 1977); GRENDEL, GRENDEL, GRENDEL (AT, Alexander Stitt, 1981); LOST THING, THE (AT/UK, Andrew Ruhemann/Shaun Tan, 2010) Summary: This book provides the most comprehensive history and analysis of Australian animation published to date. Spanning from the 1910s to the present day, it explores a wide-range both of independent animation, and of large-scale commercial productions. Presented within a uniquely international context, it details the frequent links between Australian animation and overseas productions. New perspectives and original information are offered on a variety of international subjects such as: Felix the Cat, the Australian Hanna-Barbera studios, and the Australian Walt Disney studios. Drawing on both extensive archival research and original interviews this book illuminates, for the first time, the breadth and richness of Australia’s animation history. -- publisher's web site ISBN: 9783319954912
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Australian content on pay tv / Bureau of Transport and Communications Economics Canberra: Australian Govt. Pub. Service, 1997. Call No: 210.41(94) AUS CorpAuthor: Bureau of Transport and Communications Economics Source: AT Place: Canberra Publisher: Australian Govt. Pub. Service PubDate: 1997 PhysDes: xxi, 97 p. ; 30 cm Series: Working paper 31 Subject: PAY TV. AUSTRALIA; STATE AND TV. AUSTRALIA; PROGRAMMING. AUSTRALIA Summary: This "study analyses the economic effects on the production industry and the Pay TV Industry of those options for Australian content which were considered viable by the ABA. -- During the course of the study, BTCE and ABA officers met with representatives from the Pay TV industry, the film and television program production industry and its employer and union groups, free-to-air television, and various government organisations." - TAKEN FROM FOREWORD ISBN: 0642271232 Contents: Foreword -- Acknowledgments -- Abbreviations -- Executive summary -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Required level of expenditure on Australian programming IF section 102 had operated as intended -- 3. Capacity of the Australian film and television program production industry to supply additional Australian programming -- 4. Expansion required by other options -- 5. Capacity of the Pay TV industry to buy new Australian programs and the implications for government film and television assistance programs of increased output for Pay TV -- Conclusion -- Appendix I. Effect of Section 102 expenditure on industry output -- Appendix II. Estimated effects of increases in film channel costs on channel providers -- Appendix III. Pay TV channels -- Appendix IV. Broadcasting Services Act 1992 Section 215(2) review terms of reference -- References
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Australian cultural studies : a reader / edited by John Frow and Meaghan Morris St Leonards, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin, 1993. More info |
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Australian documentary : history, practices and genres / Trish FitzSimons, Pat Laughren, Dugald Williamson Port Melbourne, Vic.: Cambridge University Press, 2011. More info |
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Australian feature (fiction) films written, directed and produced by women 1970-1995 / Lisa French 1995. More info |
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Australian feature films : November 2003 / Australian Film Commission Sydney, N.S.W.: Australian Film Commission, 2003. Call No: REFERENCE SECTION; 023(94) AUS "2003" CorpAuthor: Australian Film Commission Edition: 2003 Source: AT Place: Sydney, N.S.W. Publisher: Australian Film Commission PubDate: 2003 PhysDes: 24 p. : ill. ; 26 cm Subject: AUSTRALIAN FILM COMMISSION; PRODUCTION. AUSTRALIA; FILMOGRAPHIES. AUSTRALIA Notes: Cover title: Recent Australian feature films catalogue November 2003; 2 copies
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Australian feature films 2005 / Australian Film Commission Sydney, N.S.W.: Australian Film Commission, 2005. Call No: REFERENCE SECTION; 023(94) AUS "2005" CorpAuthor: Australian Film Commission Edition: 2005 Source: AT Place: Sydney, N.S.W. Publisher: Australian Film Commission PubDate: 2005 PhysDes: 28 p. : ill. ; 26 cm Subject: AUSTRALIAN FILM COMMISSION; PRODUCTION. AUSTRALIA; FILMOGRAPHIES. AUSTRALIA Notes: Title from cover; Includes plot summary and biographies for Director and Producer of Australian feature films released in 2005
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Australian feature films 2006 / Australian Film Commission Sydney, N.S.W.: Australian Film Commission, 2006. Call No: REFERENCE SECTION; 023(94) "2006" AUS CorpAuthor: Australian Film Commission Edition: 2004 Source: AT Place: Sydney, N.S.W. Publisher: Australian Film Commission PubDate: 2006 PhysDes: 48 p. : ill. ; 30 cm Subject: AUSTRALIAN FILM COMMISSION; PRODUCTION. AUSTRALIA; FILMOGRAPHIES. AUSTRALIA Notes: Title from cover; includes 36 page A5 supplement booklet "Recent Australian feature films catalogue May 2006" in pocket inside back cover.
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Australian feature films 2007-8 / Australian Film Commission Sydney, N.S.W.: Australian Film Commission, 2007. Call No: REFERENCE SECTION; 023(94) AUS CorpAuthor: Australian Film Commission Edition: 2007-2008 Source: AT Place: Sydney, N.S.W. Publisher: Australian Film Commission PubDate: 2007 PhysDes: 60 p. : ill. ; 30 cm Subject: AUSTRALIAN FILM COMMISSION; PRODUCTION. AUSTRALIA; FILMOGRAPHIES. AUSTRALIA Notes: Title from cover; Includes plot summary and biographies for Director and Producer of Australian feature films released in 2007/8
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Australian feature films in production and recently completed : as at May 2007 / Australian Film Commission Sydney, N.S.W.: Australian Film Commission, 2007. Call No: REFERENCE SECTION; NEW HOLDINGS SHELF; 023(94) AUS CorpAuthor: Australian Film Commission Edition: 2007 Source: AT Place: Sydney, N.S.W. Publisher: Australian Film Commission PubDate: 2007 PhysDes: 16 p. ; 22 cm Subject: FILMOGRAPHIES. AUSTRALIA; AUSTRALIAN FILM COMMISSION; PRODUCTION. AUSTRALIA Summary: This booklet provides information on features currently in production and recently completed. It supplements the AFC catalogue Australian Feature Films 2007/08 published in May 2007.--BOOKLET
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Australian feature films mini catalogue January 2006 / Australian Film Commission Sydney, N.S.W.: Australian Film Commission, 2005. More info |
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Australian feature films mini catalogue January 2007 / Australian Film Commission Sydney, N.S.W.: Australian Film Commission, 2006. More info |
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Australian film data : selected film, video and television statistics from the Australian film data base [Sydney]: Australian Film Commission, 1988. More info |
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Australian film posters 1906-1960 / [by] Judith Adamson Sydney: Currency Press with Australian Film Institute, 1978. Call No: 915(94) ADA; FOLIO Author: Adamson, Judith, 1930 CorpAuthor: Australian Film Institute Place: Sydney Publisher: Currency Press with Australian Film Institute PubDate: 1978 PhysDes: 56p. : chiefly col.ill. ; 37cm Subject: POSTERS; AUSTRALIA; STORY OF THE KELLY GANG, THE (AT, Charles Tait, 1906); ROBBERY UNDER ARMS (AT, Kenneth Brampton, 1920); FOR THE TERM OF HIS NATURAL LIFE (AT, Norman Dawn, 1927); SQUATTER'S DAUGHTER, THE (AT, Ken G. Hall, 1933); [FORTY THOUSAND] 40,000 HORSEMEN (AT, Charles Chauvel, 1940); JEDDA (AT, Charles Chauvel, 1955); OVERLANDERS, THE (UK, Harry Watt, 1946); RATS OF TOBRUK, THE (AT, Charles Chauvel, 1944); SONS OF MATTHEW (AT, Charles Chauvel, 1949) Notes: Advertising posters. Special subjects: Australian cinema films, 1906-1960. Illustrations (ANB/PRECIS SIN 0249955) ISBN: 090802388X : $7.50 Aust LON: anb90802388; 1473255 Donation: Simon Wincer ID2: 229
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The Australian film revival : 1970s, 1980s, and beyond / Susan Barber New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 9 Feb 2023. Call No: 71(94) BAR Author: Barber, Susan Edition: 2023 Place: New York Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic PubDate: 9 Feb 2023 PhysDes: 280 pages ; 24 cm Subject: AUSTRALIA; MASCULINITY IN FILMS. AUSTRALIA; FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA; ROAD MOVIES. AUSTRALIA; MOTHERS IN FILMS; ADVENTURES OF BARRY MCKENZIE, THE (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1972); ADVENTURES OF PRISCILLA, QUEEN OF THE DESERT, THE (AT, Stephan Elliott, 1994); MAD MAX [...] (AT, 1979-85); BACKROADS (AT, Philip Noyce, 1977); CARS THAT ATE PARIS, THE (AT, Peter Weir, 1974); CHANT OF JIMMIE BLACKSMITH, THE (AT, Fred Schepisi, 1978); DON'S PARTY (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1976); GETTING OF WISDOM, THE (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1977); HIGH TIDE (AT, Gillian Armstrong, 1987); MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER II, THE (AT, Geoff Burrowes, 1988); MY BRILLIANT CAREER (AT, Gillian Armstrong, 1979); PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK (AT, Peter Weir, 1975); RABBIT-PROOF FENCE (AT, Phillip Noyce, 2001); TRACKER, THE (AT, Rolf de Heer, 2002); WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD (AT, Ned Lander, 1981) Summary: The Australian Film Revival: 70s, 80s, and Beyond explores the matrix of forces – artistic, cultural, economic, political, governmental, and ideological – that gave rise to, shaped, and sustained this remarkable film movement. This engaging new study brings fresh perspectives, insights, and innovative approaches to a variety of films from a diversity of filmmakers. Areas of focus include the complex and contentious subjects of masculinity, femininity and feminism, the maternal, as well as the Indigenous road film and the protean Australian gothic. During the formative years of the revival, Australian films seemed to emerge from out of the blue in terms of global film history, with many features including Picnic at Hanging Rock (l975), Caddie (l976), The Last Wave (l977), The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith (l978), and My Brilliant Career (l979) receiving international distribution and enthusiastic critical acclaim with strong box office results. By the time the film revival was in full swing, not only did Australian audiences flock to theaters to see “homegrown” films, but the quantity of Australian films on overseas screens was so high that ardent critics declared this outpouring an Australian “New Wave.” The eyes of the world had turned to a compelling and largely unknown culture. -- publisher's web site ISBN: 9781501390029 Contents: Acknowledgements -- Dedication -- In Memory Of -- Introduction -- 1. The Ocker: Chauvinistic and Oedipal -- 2. Alternate Masculinities of Paul Cox and John Duigan -- 3. Historical Women and the Bush -- 4. Negligent, Runaway, and Abject Mothers -- 5. The Indigenous Road Film -- 6. Australian Gothic -- Index
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Australian film theory and criticism : Volume 3 / By Verevis, Constantine and Williams, Deane United Kingdom: Intellect, 2018. Call No: 67(94) VER Author: By Verevis, Constantine and Williams, Deane Place: United Kingdom Publisher: Intellect PubDate: 2018 Subject: EXPERIMENTAL FILM AND TELEVISION FUND; BIRTLES, FRANCIS; PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK (AT, Peter Weir, 1975); GILDA (US, Charles Vidor, 1946); FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA; PORNOGRAPHY AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA; DOCUMENTARIES. AUSTRALIA; MAD MAX BEYOND THUNDERDOME (AT, George Miller & George Ogilvie, 1985); CHAUVEL, CHARLES ISBN: 9781783208371
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Australian films catalogue/features / Australian Film Commission Sydney: Australian Film Commission, 2000. Call No: REFERENCE SECTION; 023(94) AUS CorpAuthor: Australian Film Commission Place: Sydney Publisher: Australian Film Commission PubDate: 2000 PhysDes: v. : ill. ; 25 cm Subject: AUSTRALIAN FILM COMMISSION; PRODUCTION. AUSTRALIA Notes: Description based on: April 2000; title from cover
Includes plot summary and biogs for Director and Producer of Australian feature films released in 2000. Frequency: Three times a year LON: 21689856
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Australian films on the world stage at Venice and Toronto in Sydney Morning Herald (30/08/2016) p.24 Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; FESTIVALS. VENICE Author: Bunbury, Stephanie PhysDes: Clippings File Article Subject: FESTIVALS. VENICE; FESTIVALS. TORONTO; PRODUCTION. AUSTRALIA Summary: Round up of Australian films to be screened at the well known Toronto and Venice Film Festivals. Discussion is around the films HACKSAW RIDGE, HOUNDS OF LOVE, and BOYS IN THE TREES, with mentions made of LIGHT BETWEEN OCEANS a film shot in Australia, and LION
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Australian films score fest. award in Australasian Cinema (12/11/1982) vol.11 iss.20 p.1 PhysDes: Article Subject: ANGELS OF WAR (AT, Andrew Pike & Hank Nelson & Gavan Daws, 1982); PLAINS OF HEAVEN, THE (AT, Ian Pringle, 1982); WOMEN OF THE SUN [TV] (AT, James Ricketson, David Stevens, Stephen Wallace, Geoffrey Nottage, 1982); FESTIVALS; INDUSTRY, FILM. AUSTRALIA Summary: Article on Australian films at the 14th Nylon International Film Festival in Switzerland.
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Australian gothic : a cinema of horror / Jonathan Rayner Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2022. Call No: 735.2(94) RAY Author: Rayner, Jonathan Edition: 2022 Place: Cardiff Publisher: University of Wales Press PubDate: 2022 PhysDes: x, 294 pages : illustrated ; 23 cm Series: Gothic Literary Studies Subject: HORROR FILMS. AUSTRALIA; BABADOOK , THE (AT, Jennifer Kent, 2014); DYING BREED (AT, Jody Dwyer, 2008); KILLING GROUND (AT, Damien Power, 2016); LOST GULLY ROAD (AT, Donna McRae, 2017); LOVED ONES, THE (AT, Sean Byrne, 2009); MAD MAX (AT, George Miller, 1979); MYSTERY ROAD (AT Ivan Sen, 2013); PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK (AT, Peter Weir, 1975); WOLF CREEK (AT, Greg McLean, 2005); WOLF CREEK 2 (AT, Greg Mclean, 2013) Summary: The term ‘Gothic’ has been applied to examples of Australian cinema since the 1970s, often in arbitrary and divergent ways. This book examines a wide range of Australian films to trace their Gothic resemblances, characteristics and meanings. By concentrating on the occurrence of Gothic motifs, characters, landscapes and narratives, it argues for the recognition and relevance of a coherent Gothic heritage in Australian film. A plethora of Gothic representatives are considered in relation to four consistent and illuminating continuities (images of the family, ideas of monstrosity, generic hybridity and the occurrence of the sublime), and this study debates the appearance and asserts the significance of Australian Gothic films within their national, cultural, literary and cinematic traditions. -- publisher's web site ISBN: 9781786838896 Contents: List of illustrations -- Introduction -- Familiarity -- Monstrosity -- Hybridity -- Sublimity -- Conclusion -- Filmography -- Bibliography -- Index
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Australian Horror Films, 1973-2010 / Peter Shelley Jefferson, North Carolina, and London: McFarland & Company Inc, c2012. Call No: 735.2 (94) SHE Author: Shelley, Peter Source: US/UK Place: Jefferson, North Carolina, and London Publisher: McFarland & Company Inc PubDate: c2012 PhysDes: vi, 320 p. : ill. ; 26 cm Subject: HORROR FILMS; HORROR FILMS. AUSTRALIA; FILMOGRAPHIES. AUSTRALIA; NIGHT OF FEAR (AT, Terry Bourke, 1973); CARS THAT ATE PARIS, THE (AT, Peter Weir, 1974); INN OF THE DAMNED (AT, Terry Bourke, 1974); END PLAY (AT, Tim Burstall, 1975); LAST WAVE, THE (AT, Peter Weir, 1977); LONG WEEKEND, THE (AT, Colin Eggleston, 1979); PATRICK (AT, Richard Franklin, 1978); SNAPSHOT (AT, Simon Wincer, 1978); THIRST (AT, Rod Hardy, 1979); NIGHTMARES (AT, John Lamond, 1980); ALISON'S BIRTHDAY (AT, Ian Coughlin, 1979); LADY STAY DEAD (AT, Terry Bourke, 1981); ROADGAMES (AT, Richard Franklin, 1981); SURVIVOR, THE (AT, David Hemmings, 1981); NEXT OF KIN (AT, Tony Williams, 1982); TURKEY SHOOT (AT, Brian Trenchard-Smith, 1981); INNOCENT PREY (AT, Colin Eggleston, 1984); RAZORBACK (AT, Russell Mulcahy, 1984); CASSANDRA (AT, Colin Eggleston, 1987); DARK AGE (AT/US, Arch Nicholson, 1988); FAIR GAME (AT, Mario Andreacchio, 1986); CONTAGION (AT, Karl Zwicky, 1988); CONTAGION (AT, Karl Zwicky, 1988); OUTBACK VAMPIRES (AT, Colin Eggleston, 1987); ZOMBIE BRIGADE (AT, Carmelo Musca, 1988); CELIA (AT, Ann Turner, 1988); CELIA (AT, Ann Turner, 1988); DREAMING, THE (AT, Mario Andreacchio, 1988); HOUSEBOAT HORROR (AT, Kendal Flanagan & Ollie Martin, 1989); KADAICHA (AT, James Bogle, 1988); OUT OF THE BODY (AT, Brian Trenchard-Smith, 1988); [THIRTEENTH] 13TH FLOOR, THE (AT, Chris Roache, 1989); BLOODMOON (AT, Alec Mills, 1990); BODY MELT (AT, Philip Brophy, 1993); BODY MELT (AT, Philip Brophy, 1993); ENCOUNTERS (AT, Murray Fahey, 1994); KOMODO (US/AT, Michael Lantieri, 1999); CUT (AT, Kimble Rendall, 2000); CTHULHU (AT, Damian Heffernan, 2000); GHOST SHIP, THE (US, Steve Beck, 2002); CUBBYHOUSE (AT, Murray Fahey, 2001); QUEEN OF THE DAMNED, THE (US/AT, Michael Rymer, 2002); DARKNESS FALLS (US, Jonathon Liebesman, 2003); LOST THINGS (AT/CN, Martin Murphy, 2003); RAZOR EATERS (AT, Shannon Young, 2003); SUBTERANO (AT/GG, Esben Storm, 2002); UNDEAD (AT, Michael Spierig & Peter Spierig, 2002); MAN-THING (US/AT, Brett Leonard, 2005); SAFETY IN NUMBERS (AT, David Douglas, 2005); WOLF CREEK (AT, Greg McLean, 2005); LIKE MINDS (AT UK, Gregory J Read, 2006); SEE NO EVIL (AT, Gregory Dark, 2006); VOODOO LAGOON (AT/UK, Nicholas Cohen, 2006); WATCH ME (AT, Melanie Ansley, 2006); BLACK WATER (AT, David Nerlich & Andrew Traucki, 2007); ROGUE (AT, Greg Mclean, 2007); STORM WARNING (AT, Jamie Blanks, 2007); ACOLYTES (AT, Jon Hewitt, 2007); DYING BREED (AT, Jody Dwyer, 2008); GATES OF HELL, THE (AT, Kelly Dolen, 2008); I KNOW HOW MANY RUNS YOU SCORED LAST SUMMER (AT, Stacy Edmonds & Doug Turner, 2008); LONG WEEKEND (AT, Jamie Blanks, 2009); RUINS, THE (AT/US, Carter Smith, 2008); COFFIN ROCK (UK/AT, Rupert Glasson, 2009); CRUSH (AT, John V. Soto & Jeff Gerritsen, 2009); DAMNED BY DAWN (AT, Brett Anstey, 2009); DAYBREAKERS (US, Michael Spierig & Peter Spierig, 2008); DAYBREAKERS (US, Michael Spierig & Peter Spierig, 2008); FAMILY DEMONS (AT, Ursula Dabrowsky, 2009); HORSEMAN, THE (AT, Steven Kastrissios, 2008); LOVED ONES, THE (AT, Sean Byrne, 2009); PREY (AT, Oscar D'Rocceter, 2007); [SEVENTH] 7TH HUNT, THE (AT, J.D. Cohen, 2009); STORAGE (AT, Michael Craft, 2009); TRIANGLE (AT/UK Christpher Smith, 2009); CLINIC, THE (AT, James Rabbitts, 2010); NEEDLE (AT, John V Soto, 2010); REEF, THE (AT, Andrew Traucki, 2010); ROAD TRAIN (AT, Dean Francis, 2010); SLAUGHTERED (AT, Kate Glover, 2010) Summary: "This pioneering work provides in-depth coverage of 76 horror films produced in Australia, where serial killers, carnivorous animals, mutants, zombies, vampires and evil spirits all receive the "antipodean" cinematic treatment unique to the Land Down Under. Titles covered were released between 1973 and 2010, a period coinciding with the revival of the long-dormant Australian film industry in the early 1970s, and continuing into the second wave of genre production spurred by the international success of the 2005 chiller Wolf Creek, The Cars That Ate Paris, The Last Wave, Roadgames, Razorback, Outback Vampires, Queen of the Damned, Black Water, and The Reef are among the titles represented. Each film is covered in a chapter that includes a cast and credits list, release information, contemporary reviews and DVD availability, as well as a synopsis and in-depth notes about the story, filmmaking techniques, acting performances, recurring themes and motifs, and overall effectiveness of the film as a work of horror. ' -- BOOK BLURB Notes: 'VOYAGE INTO FEAR (AT, Murray Fahey, 1993) listed here as (aka) ENCOUNTERS (AT, Murray Fahey, 1994); HELLION: THE DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND listed here as (aka) CUBBYHOUSE (AT, Murray Fahey, 2001); NATURE'S GRAVE listed here as (aka) LONG WEEKEND (AT, Jamie Blanks, 2009); Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN: 9780786461677 Contents: -- acknowledgments -- preface -- introduction -- the films -- bibliography -- index --
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Australian media ownership / compiled by Allan Brown St. Lucia, Q.: Dept. of Economics, University of Queensland, 1977. Call No: 203.5(94) BRO Author: Brown, Allan, 1945 Place: St. Lucia, Q. Publisher: Dept. of Economics, University of Queensland PubDate: 1977 PhysDes: 33p. ; 30cm Subject: PRESS AND TV; MEDIA. AUSTRALIA Notes: Press. Control & ownership. Australia (ANB/PRECIS SIN 009630x); Bibliography: p.33 ISBN: 0909260036 : unpriced LON: anb90926003; 1648157
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Australian motion picture yearbook 1980 / edited by Peter Beilby ; associate editor: Scott Murray North Melbourne, Victoria: Cinema Papers Pty Ltd, 1980. More info |
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Australian multicultural policy and television drama in comparative contexts / by Harvey May Queensland: 2003. Call No: 409(94) MAY Author: May, Harvey Source: AT Place: Queensland PubDate: 2003 PhysDes: xi, 274 p. ; 30 cm Subject: AUSTRALIA; DRAMAS. AUSTRALIA; MULTICULTURALISM AND TV. AUSTRALIA; TELEVISION; TELEVISION. AUSTRALIA; SOCIETY AND TV; SOCIETY AND TV. AUSTRALIA; ETHNIC GROUPS ON TV. AUSTRALIA; PIZZA [TV] (AT, Paul Fenech, 2000); PIZZA [TV] (AT, Paul Fenech, 2000-) Summary: "This thesis examines changes which have occurrred since the late 1980s and early 1990s with respect to the representation of cultural diversity on Australian popular drama programming. The thesis finds that a significant number of actors of diverse cultural and linguistic background have negotiated the television industry employment process to obtain acting roles in a lead capacity. The majority of these actors are from the second generation of immigrants, who increasingly make up a significant component of Australia's multicultural population. The way in which these actors are portrayed on-screen has also shifted from one of a 'performed' ethnicity, to an 'everyday' portrayal. The thesis develops an analysis which connects the development and broad political support for multicultural policy as expressed in the National Agenda for a Multicultural Australia to the changes in both employment and representation practices in popular television programming in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The thesis addresses multicultural debates by arguing for a mainstreaming position. The thesis makes detailed comparison of cultural diversity and television in the jurisdictions of the United States, the United Kingdom and New Zealand to support the broad argument that cultural diversity policy measures produce observable outcomes in television programming." -- ABSTRACT Notes: Presented to the Creative Industries Faculty, Queensland University of Technology; Thesis (Ph.D.)--Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 2004.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 253-274) Contents: -- glossary of abbreviations -- statement of original authorship -- acknowledgments -- introduction -- chapter one: theory, terms and methodology -- part one: Australian policy environments -- chapter two: the multicultural project -- chapter three: the cultural diversity, television and policy -- part two: international policy and production environments -- chapter four: the United States: affirmative action, 'quotas' and diversity rights. -- chapter five: the United Kingdom: policy remits for diversity and an 'everyday' multiculturalism -- chapter six: New Zealand: biculturalism and targeted subsidies -- part three: Australian popular drama: mainstreaming the multicultural -- chapter seven: Australian drama casting and production perspectives -- chapter eight: Australian television programs: texts and contexts -- conclusion -- appendix one -- appendix two -- references --
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Australian national cinema / Tom O'Regan London New York: Routledge, 1996. Call No: 408.1(94) ORE Copy Management: 2 copies Author: O'Regan, Tom, 1956 Place: London New York Publisher: Routledge PubDate: 1996 PhysDes: ix, 405 p. ; 24 cm Series: National cinemas series Subject: INDUSTRY, FILM. AUSTRALIA; POPULAR CULTURE AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA; SOCIETY AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA; NATIONAL CULTURE AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA; CRITICISM. AUSTRALIA Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. [376]-391) and indexes ISBN: 0415057310 (pbk.); 0415057302 LON: 12193364 Contents: 1. Introducing Australian national cinema -- 2. Theorizing Australian cinema -- 3. A national cinema -- 4. A medium-sized English-language cinema -- 5. Formations of value -- 6. Making meaning -- 7. Diversity -- 8. Unity -- 9. Negotiating cultural transfers -- 10. A distinct place in the cinema -- 11. Problematizing the social -- 12. Problematizing gender -- 13. Problematizing nationhood -- 14. Critical dispositions.
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Australian popular culture / edited by Ian Craven with Martin Gray and Geraldine Stoneham Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge University Press, published in association with Australian Studies and the British Australian Studies Association, 1994. Call No: 408.1(94) CRA Author: Craven, Ian; Gray, Martin; Stoneham, Geraldine Source: UK Place: Melbourne, Australia Publisher: Cambridge University Press, published in association with Australian Studies and the British Australian Studies Association PubDate: 1994 PhysDes: 228 pages, 2 folded leaves ; 24 cm Series: Australian cultural studies Subject: COPRODUCTION. AUSTRALIA; INDUSTRY, FILM. AUSTRALIA; INDUSTRY, TV. AUSTRALIA; POPULAR CULTURE AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA; POPULAR CULTURE AND TV. AUSTRALIA Summary: "Australia's leisure culture is legendary, and as millions of British viewers of Neighbours, fans of Yothu Yindi or drinkers of Castlemaine XXXX would attest, Australian popular culture is popular outside of Australia. Australian Popular Culture is an exciting collection of essays bringing together new perspectives on the nature and meaning of a nation's changing life. The collection also explores the idea of popular culture at large. Leading authors represent a range of approaches, backgrounds and fields to explore subjects of wide interest within the categories of 'the everyday', 'the mass media' and 'critical theory'. Chapters are devoted to the Aussie Back Yard; Vegemite; postage stamps; Australian Rules football; the introduction of television; Crocodile Dundee; The Lindy Chamberlain Affair; Spycatcher; Domesticity, leisure and love and Postmodernism and Australian Culture." -Publisher description. Notes: 2 folded leaves inserted into back of book, entitled "Australian historical studies, style sheet for book reviewers"; Some text highlighted pages 66-76 ISBN: 0521466679 Contents: Introduction -- Part I. Popular Culture as the Everyday: 1. A brief cultural history of vegemite Robert White -- 2. The Australian back yard George Seddon -- 3. Stamp duty Xavier Pons -- 4. Australian football as secular religion Stephen Alomes -- Part II. Popular Culture and the 'Mass' Media: 5. Controlling the technology of popular culture and the introduction of television to Australia James Walter -- 6. 'Crocodile Dundee': the revival of American virtue Ruth Brown -- 7. The Boys from the Bush: television coproduction in the 1990s Ian Craven -- 8. Patterns of control in Australian crime fiction Stephen Knight -- 9. National fictions and the 'Spycatcher' trial Kevin Foster -- 10. Naturalising 'horror stories': Australian crime news as popular culture Christine Higgins -- Part III. Popular Culture and Critical Theory: 11. How to be a singer though married: domesticity, leisure and modern love Kay Ferres -- 12. The Wild Colonial Boy rides again and again: an Australian legend abroad Grahame Seal -- 13. Shaping the Plain Australian: Social analysis in the 1940s and 1950s Nicholas Brown -- 14. 'On the Beach': Apocalyptic hedonism and the origins of postmodernism Andrew Milner.
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Australian television : programs, pleasures & politics / edited by John Tulloch and Graeme Turner Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1989. Call No: 408.1(94) AUS Author: Tulloch, John, 1942; Turner, Graeme Place: Sydney Publisher: Allen & Unwin PubDate: 1989 PhysDes: xv, 204 p. ; 22 cm Series: Australian cultural studies Subject: TELEVISION. AUSTRALIA; NATIONAL CULTURE AND TV. AUSTRALIA; TELEVISION AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA; GAMES SHOWS. AUSTRALIA; SOAP OPERAS. AUSTRALIA; DOCUMENTARIES. AUSTRALIA; CHILDREN AND TV. AUSTRALIA; HISTORY OF TV. AUSTRALIA; PERFECT MATCH [TV] (AT, 1984-89?); PRISONER [TV] (AT, 1979-86); COUNTRY PRACTICE, A [TV] (AT, 1981-1993, 1994); LAST PLACE ON EARTH, THE [TV] (AT, 1987); VIETNAM [TV] (AT, John Duigan & Chris Noonan, 1987) Notes: Includes bibliographies and index ISBN: 0043800300 (pbk.) : price unknown LON: 6398616
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Australian television : a genealogy of great moments / Alan McKee South Melbourne, Vic.: Oxford University Press, 2001. Call No: 71(94) MCK Author: McKee, Alan. Source: AT Place: South Melbourne, Vic. Publisher: Oxford University Press PubDate: 2001 PhysDes: vi, 361 p. : ill., ports. ; 23 cm Subject: TELEVISION. AUSTRALIA; COUNTRY PRACTICE, A [TV] (AT, 1981-1993, 1994); [FOUR] 4 CORNERS [TV] (AT, 1961-); FRONTLINE [TV] (AT, 1994- ); HOMICIDE [TV] (AT, 1964-1975); IN MELBOURNE TONIGHT [TV] (AT, 1957-?, 1997-); MAVIS BRAMSTON SHOW [TV] (AT, 1964-1968); NEIGHBOURS [TV] (AT, 1985-); PRISONER [TV] (AT, 1979-86); RETURN TO EDEN [TV] (AT, 1984); SULLIVANS, THE [TV] (AT, 1975-1982) Notes: Includes index. Bibliography: p. 319-355. ISBN: 0195512251
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Australian television and international mediascapes / Stuart Cunningham and Elizabeth Jacka Cambridge Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1996. Call No: 203(94) CUN Author: Cunningham, Stuart; Jacka, Elizabeth Place: Cambridge Melbourne Publisher: Cambridge University Press PubDate: 1996 PhysDes: xix, 284 p. : ill. ; 23 cm Subject: INDUSTRY, TV. AUSTRALIA; AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION; EXPORT AND IMPORT OF TV. AUSTRALIA; TELEVISION. AUSTRALIA; PRODUCTION. AUSTRALIA; VILLAGE ROADSHOW; NATIONAL CULTURE AND TV. AUSTRALIA; NEIGHBOURS [TV] (AT, 1985-); FLYING DOCTORS, THE [TV] (AT, 1986-91); PARADISE BEACH [TV] (AT, 1993-94); BEYOND 2000 [TV] (AT, 1985-); BRIDES OF CHRIST [TV] (AT, Ken Cameron, 1991) Summary: "Describes the origins and operation of the Australian industry and the increasing globalisation of the television marketplace. Their book examines the television cultures of the countries importing Australian programs, and assesses the reasons for the success of failure of various programs" - taken from back cover Notes: Includes index; CIP confirmed; Bibliography: p. 254-270 ISBN: 052147003X; 0521469740 (pbk.) LON: 11853714
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Australian television and international mediascapes / Stuart Cunningham and Elizabeth Jacka Cambridge Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1996. Call No: 203(94) CUN Author: Cunningham, Stuart; Jacka, Elizabeth Place: Cambridge Melbourne Publisher: Cambridge University Press PubDate: 1996 PhysDes: xix, 284 p. : ill. ; 23 cm Subject: INDUSTRY, TV. AUSTRALIA; AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION; EXPORT AND IMPORT OF TV. AUSTRALIA; TELEVISION. AUSTRALIA; PRODUCTION. AUSTRALIA; VILLAGE ROADSHOW; NATIONAL CULTURE AND TV. AUSTRALIA; NEIGHBOURS [TV] (AT, 1985-); FLYING DOCTORS, THE [TV] (AT, 1986-91); PARADISE BEACH [TV] (AT, 1993-94); BEYOND 2000 [TV] (AT, 1985-); BRIDES OF CHRIST [TV] (AT, Ken Cameron, 1991) Summary: "Describes the origins and operation of the Australian industry and the increasing globalisation of the television marketplace. Their book examines the television cultures of the countries importing Australian programs, and assesses the reasons for the success of failure of various programs" - taken from back cover Notes: Includes index; CIP confirmed; Bibliography: p. 254-270 ISBN: 052147003X; 0521469740 (pbk.) LON: 11853714 Donation: Counihan donation
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Australian TV : the early years : a program of full-length screenings / program notes written and researched by Graham Shirley [Sydney]: Museum of Contemporary Art, 1992. Call No: 71(94) AUS Author: Shirley, Graham, 1949 CorpAuthor: Museum of Contemporary Art (Sydney, N.S.W.) Place: [Sydney] Publisher: Museum of Contemporary Art PubDate: 1992 PhysDes: 44 p. : ill. ; 30 cm Subject: HISTORY OF TV. AUSTRALIA; AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION; DRAMAS. AUSTRALIA; COMEDY PROGRAMMES. AUSTRALIA; DOCUMENTARIES. AUSTRALIA; CURRENT AFFAIRS PROGRAMMES. AUSTRALIA; GAMES SHOWS. AUSTRALIA; MY BROTHER JACK [TV] (AT, Gil Brealey, 1965); PRESSURE PAK SHOW, THE [TV] (AT, 1957-1959?); COUNTRY STYLE [TV] (AT, 1962-?); IT COULD BE YOU [TV] (AT, 1969-?); JONAH [TV] (AT, David Cahill & Ken Hannam, 1962-63); MATLOCK POLICE [TV] (AT, 1971-1976); ADVENTURE ISLAND [TV] (AT, 1967-1973); MAVIS BRAMSTON SHOW [TV] (AT, 1964-1968); MY NAME'S MCGOOLEY, WHAT'S YOURS? [TV] (AT, 1966-1968); SEVEN DAYS [TV] (AT, 1964-1968); [FOUR] 4 CORNERS [TV] (AT, 1961-); SAY BOW WOW [TV] (AT, Gil Brealey, 1964); CHEQUER-BOARD [TV] (AT, 1969-1975); PENTHOUSE [TV] (AT, 1961-?) Notes: "... accompanies the exhibition TV Times : 35 years of watching television in Australia' - Pref; At head of title: TV Times; Available from Museum of Contemporary Art, 132 George St, Sydney NSW 2000; Includes bibliographies ISBN: 1875632077 : price unknown LON: abn92040814; 8713155
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The Australian TV book / edited by Graeme Turner and Stuart Cunningham St. Leonards, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin, 2000. More info |
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Australian UIP execs. attend international conference in London in Australasian Cinema (13/5/1983) vol.12 iss.8 p.7, 10 More info |
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The Australians making magic behind the scenes in The Age (02/01/2017) p.10 Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; POST-PRODUCTION. AUSTRALIA Author: Quinn, Karl PhysDes: Clippings File Article Subject: POST-PRODUCTION. AUSTRALIA; TAXES. AUSTRALIA Summary: Examining the success of Australia's post-production, digital, and visual effects (PDV) industry with mentions of Illoura, Animal Logic, and Rising Sun. Criticism of the taxes offset difference between location shooting (at 16.5%) and PDV (30%) and how an overseas production can only claim one of these offsets
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Aux portes de la nuit : Le roman d'un film de Marcel Carne / Marcel Lapierre Paris: L'Orillon, 1946. More info |
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The avengers : Toby Miller Bath: Bath Press, 1997. More info |
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B is for bad cinema : aesthetics, politics and cultural value / edited by Claire Perkins and Constantine Verevis Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, c2014. Call No: 730.2 BIS Author: Perkins, Claire; Verevis, Constantine Source: US Place: Albany, New York Publisher: State University of New York Press PubDate: c2014 PhysDes: xi, 262 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm Subject: AESTHETICS; AUTHORSHIP; B-MOVIES; CULT FILMS; CULTURE AND THE CINEMA; EXPLOITATION FILMS; POLITICS AND THE CINEMA; SUBTITLES; CANDY (AT, Neil Armfield, 2005); EVIL DEAD, THE (US, Sam Raimi, 1982 [prod. 1980]); MARNIE (US, Alfred Hitchcock, 1964) Summary: B Is For Bad Cinema continues and extends, but does not limit itself to, the trends in film scholarship that have made cult and exploitation films and other "low" genres increasingly acceptable objects for critical analysis. Springing from discussions of taste and value in film, these original essays mark out the broad contours of "bad" - that is, aesthetically, morally, or commercially disreputable - cinema. While some of the essays share a kinship with recent discussions of B movies and cult films, they do not describe a single aesthetic category or represent a single methodology or critical agenda, but variously approach badcinema in terms of aesthetics, politics and cultural value. The volume covers a range of issues, from the aesthetic and industrial mechanics of low-budget production through the terrain of audience responses and cinematic effect, and onto the broader moral and ethical implications of the material. As a result, B Is For Bad Cinema takes an interest in a variety of film examples - overblown Hollywood blockbusters, faux pornographic works, and European art house films - to consider those that lurk on the boundaries of acceptability." -- BOOK BLURB Notes: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN: 9781438449951 Contents: Introduction: B for bad cinema / Claire Perkins and Constantine Verevis; Part 1: Aesthetics -- Explosive apathy / Jeffrey Sconce -- B-grade subtitles / Tessa Dwyer -- Being in two places at the same time: the forgotten geography of rear-projection / Adrian Danks -- Redeeming cruising: tendentiously offensive, coherently incoherent, strangely pleasurable / R. Barton Palmer -- The villain we love: notes on the dramaturgy of screen evil / Murray Pomerance -- From bad to good and back to bad again? cult cinema and its unstable trajectory / Jamie Sexton; Part 2: Authorship -- Coffee in paradise: the horn blows at midnight / Tom Conley -- The risible: on Jean-Claude Brisseau / Adrian Martin -- The evil dead DVD commentaries, amateurishness and "bad film" discourse / Kate Egan -- Liking The magus / I.Q. Hunter -- BADaptation: is candy faithful? / Constantine Verevis
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Bachelor boys : the Young Ones book / Elton, Ben / Mayall, Rik / Mayer, Lise United Kingdom: Sphere Books Limited, 1984. Call No: 79 YOU ELT Author: Elton, Ben; Mayall, Rik; Mayer, Lise Place: United Kingdom Publisher: Sphere Books Limited PubDate: 1984 PhysDes: [124] p. : ill., ports ; 23cm Subject: YOUNG ONES, THE [TV] (UK, 1982-84); MAYALL, RIK; EDMONDSON, ADRIAN; PLANER, NIGEL Notes: Humour in English,. 1945- - Texts (BNB/ PRECIS) ISBN: 0722157657
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Bad news for video pirates : Address to Bundaberg Convention by Ray Stevenson, Director Australian Film Secuirty Office in Australasian Cinema (13/5/1983) vol.12 iss.8 p.2 More info |
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The Baltic business / a novel by Peter Corris Melbourne: Penguin Books, 1988. More info |
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BAN JIN BA LIANG : (HK, Michael Hui, 1976) More info |
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Banking on another hit in Sunday Herald Sun (03/05/2015) p.90 More info |
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Banned : tales from the bizarre history of Australian obscenity / by James Cockington Sydney: ABC Books for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 2005. Call No: 44 COC Author: Cockington, James Source: AT Place: Sydney Publisher: ABC Books for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation PubDate: 2005 PhysDes: ix, 246 p. : ill., ports ; 24 cm Subject: PORNOGRAPHY IN FILMS; CENSORSHIP; CENSORSHIP. AUSTRALIA; ETHICS AND THE CINEMA; ETHICS AND TV; ETHICS IN FILMS; AUSTRALIA Summary: "Banned takes a fearless look at the weird ways of Australian wowserism. It describes landmark legal cases such as the Oz trial in 1964 and the decision to allow full-frontal nudity in the rock opera Hair in 1969. It also tackles more obscure scandals such as police raids on 'immoral' pyjama parties in Surfer's Paradise in the 1950s, the bikini police, the sacking of a 'Romper Room' presenter for wearing too revealing a dress and Gra-Gra's infamous crow call, among many absurd others in the history of polite society. " -- BOOK JACKET ISBN: 073331502X Contents: Contents: Great moments in obscenity -- Beyond Victoriana -- Taking the waters -- W.J. Chidley's answer -- Dirty dancing and stage kissing -- Backless Betty from Bondi -- Mr Bandparts -- Inversion and perversion -- Boult--upright -- Fun in little Bohemia -- Battle of the bikinis -- Freak show -- Moral devastation -- Sex swaps -- The knight and the witch -- Pyjama parties -- Ruth, Lenny and the Lady Chatterley word -- Toplessness -- Much ado about nothing -- Naughty little boys -- Full frontal -- Grubby gra gra -- How far is too far? -- This is too far -- Morality for the new millennium.
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Barbara Stanwyck / Al DiOrio New York: Berkley Books, 1985, c1983. Call No: 81STA DIO Author: DiOrio, Al Source: US Place: New York Publisher: Berkley Books PubDate: 1985, c1983 PhysDes: 247 p. : ill. ; 18cm Subject: Stanwyck, Barbara; BROADWAY NIGHTS (US, Jospeph Boyle, 1927); LOCKED DOOR, THE (US, George Fitzmaurice, 1929); MEXICALI ROSE (US, Erle Kenton, 1929); LADIES OF LEISURE (US, Frank Capra, 1930); ILLLICIT (US, Archie Mayo, 1931); TEN CENTS A DANCE (US, Lionel Barrymore, 1931); NIGHT NURSE (US, William Wellman, 1931); MIRACLE WOMAN, THE (US, Frank Capra, 1931); FORBIDDEN (US, FrankCapra, 1932); SHOPWORN (US, Nicholas Grinde, 1932); SO BIG (US, William Wellman, 1932); PURCHASE PRICE, THE (US, William Wellman, 1932); BITTER TEA OF GENERAL YEN, THE (US, Walter Wanger, 1933); LADIES THEY TALK ABOUT (US, Howard Bretherton and William Keighley, 1933); BABYFACE (US, Alfred Green, 1933); EVER IN MY HEART (US, Archie Mayo, 1933) Notes: Filmography and credit listing included of all Stanwycks films. ISBN: 0425094553
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Bastard boys / Sue Smith Strawberry Hills, NSW: Currency Press, 2007. Call No: 79BAS SMI Author: Smith, Sue CorpAuthor: Film Finance Corporation Australia; Australian Broadcasting Corporation; New South Wales Film and Television Office; Film Victoria; Flying Cabbage Productions Source: Australia Place: Strawberry Hills, NSW Publisher: Currency Press PubDate: 2007 PhysDes: viii, 216 p. : ill. ; 24cm Subject: SCRIPTS. AUSTRALIA; HISTORICAL DRAMAS. AUSTRALIA; SERIALS. AUSTRALIA; TRADE UNIONS. AUSTRALIA; INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS. AUSTRALIA; RESTRICTIVE PRACTICES. AUSTRALIA; LABOUR. AUSTRALIA; COURTROOM DRAMAS; SOCIAL PROBLEMS ON TV. AUSTRALIA; CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES ON TV. AUSTRALIA; POLITICS ON TV. AUSTRALIA; POLITICAL PERSONALITIES ON TV. AUSTRALIA; POLITICAL DRAMAS. AUSTRALIA; STATE AND TV; BASTARD BOYS (AT, Raymond Quint, 2007) Summary: Script for the 2007 ABC TV mini-series 'Bastard Boys'.
"On 7 April 1998, security guards moved onto Patrick Stevedores docks around Australia and ordered the waterfront workers to stand down immediately. What followed this unprecedented attack on the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) was an industrial dispute that developed into a campaign for the hearts and minds of all Australians. 'Bastard Boys' tells the story of the fight that stopped the nation.
"A political thriller, war film, buddy movie, love story and courtroom drama all rolled into one, 'Bastard Boys' follows the lives of the key players in one of the most significant events in Australia's recent past.
"Written by Sue Smith ('Brides of Christ', 'The Leaving of Liverpool', 'My Brother Jack', 'The Road from Coorain') and directed by Ray Quint ('The Secret Life of Us', 'McLeod's Daughters', 'Blue Heelers'), 'Bastard Boys' screened on ABC TV in 2007."
Cast includes Jack Thompson, Colin Friels, Geoff Morrell, Daniel Frederiksen, Anthony Hayes, Justin Smith, Rhys Muldoon and Daniel Wyllie. Notes: Includes film end credits ISBN: 9780868198095
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Baudrillard : critical and fatal theory / Mike Gane London New York, N.Y.: Routledge, 1991. Call No: 620 BAU GAN Author: Gane, Mike Place: London New York, N.Y. Publisher: Routledge PubDate: 1991 PhysDes: 243 p. ; 24 cm Subject: Baudrillard, Jean; POSTMODERNISM AND THE CINEMA Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. [229]-238) and indexes ISBN: 0415037743; 0415037751 (pbk.) LON: 7630732
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The BBC and public service broadcasting / Colin MacCabe, Olivia Stewart, editors Manchester: Manchester University Press, c1986. More info |
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BBC doctor prescribes top content in Australian Financial Review (05/09/2016) p.29 Call No: PERSONALITY CLIPPINGS FILE; MOSELY, MICHAEL Author: Mason, Max PhysDes: Clippings File Article Subject: PRODUCTION, TV; MOSLEY, MICHAEL Summary: Quotes from UK TV show presenter Michael Mosley who is visiting Australia for the Australian Subscription Television and Radio Association conference
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Behind a velvet light trap : a filmmaker's journey from Cinesound to Cannes / Anthony Buckley Prahran, Vic.: Hardie Grant, 2009. Call No: 81BUC BUC Author: Buckley, Anthony Source: AT Place: Prahran, Vic. Publisher: Hardie Grant PubDate: 2009 PhysDes: x, 406 p. : ill. (some col.), ports. ; 26 cm Subject: BUCKLEY, ANTHONY; PRODUCERS; DIRECTORS. AUSTRALIA; FILM WORKERS; FILM WORKERS. AUSTRALIA; SENTIMENTAL BLOKE, THE (AT, Raymond Longford, 1919); NIGHT THE PROWLER, THE (AT, Jim Sharman, 1978) Summary: Almost from the inception of movies, the Buckley family were involved, so it was natural for the young Tony Buckley to get a job at a film laboratory, and move into film editing. Despite being warned by a veteran of film, "There's no future in it", Buckley began a career that was to involve a cast of thousands including Australian film pioneers, Raymond Longford and Ken G. Hall, Australian and international stars, and the pick of the Australian film and television industry. As an acclaimed editor, then producer, Tony Buckley's films have attracted numerous accolades and awards. In Behind a Velvet Light Trap, Buckley chronicles the frequent disasters on the set and the antics of actors and film crew with wry humour and a firm sense of professionalism. It is an insider's view of Australian movies and television where we get to meet some of the vivid personalities including Rudolf Nureyev, Michael Powell, Patrick White, James Mason, Ruth Park, Leo McKern and Joan Sutherland. --BOOK JACKET ISBN: 9781740667906 Contents: -- Preface -- Acknowledgement -- PART ONE -- 1 -- Saturdays At The Sesqui -- 2 --The Sentimental Bloke - Meeting Raymond Longford -- 3 -- Discovering 'The Hidden Power' -- 4 -- The Voice Of Australia -- 5 -- 'There's No Future In It, Son!' -- 6 -- Seven Miles From Sydney And 10,000 Miles From Care -- 7 -- Letters Home: 189 Cromwell Road - 'Hurry, My Milliner Is Waiting!' -- 8 -- Five For Europe: A Telegram From Home -- 9 -- Another Cinesound Excusive! -- 10 -- Forgotten Cinema And The Australian Renaissance -- 11-- Michael Powell and S.Y.M -- 12 -- Home to Avening -- 13 -- 'The Locomotive that Drives Everything Else -- 14 -- Mercer Clips and Hollywood -- 15 -- Le Reveil Dans La Terreur - Wake in Fright -- 16 -- Ballet in the Bedroom -- 17 -- Insular Fairyland - anyone for Croquet? -- 18 -- ...'You wanna make a film about a woman???!!' -- 19 -- My Sons, My Horses - The Anatomy of a Motion Picture -- 20 -- 'This Bizarre Work' - The Night of the Prowler -- 21 -- The very strange case of the Unknown Industrial Prisoner -- 22 -- Not In The Public Interest - the Juanita Factor -- 23 -- Flight Ten From Honolulu - A complete Change Of Direction -- 24 -- A Landmark Australian Film -- PART TWO -- 25 -- ...And Now For Something Completely Different - Television! -- 26 -- The Tree Of Humankind - Man On A Limb! -- 27 -- The Heroes Of The Miniseries -- 28 -- Prostitution - Adapting Bryce Courtenay - And The Mysterious Case Of The Stolen Logie -- PART THREE -- 29 -- Back To The Reel World -- 30 -- On Their Selection - The $24,000 Lunch! -- 31 -- A Celebration - Then Shadows Fall -- 32 -- 'That Resilient Little Beast' - But Not Quite A Heart Stopper! -- 33 -- An Apple For The Teacher - Food for thought -- 34 -- Shattered Dreams - Broken Promises -- The Final Reel - The Full Circle
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Bela Lugosi : dreams and nightmares / Gary D. Rhodes with Richard Sheffield Narberth, PA: Collectables, c2007. More info |
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Berlin replayed : cinema and urban nostalgia in the postwall era / Brigitta B. Wagner Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2015. Call No: 408.1 (430) WAG Author: Wagner, Brigitta B. Source: US Place: Minneapolis Publisher: University of Minnesota Press PubDate: 2015 PhysDes: x, 299 pages : illustrations, maps ; 26 cm Subject: NOSTALGIA IN FILMS; URBAN LIFE IN FILMS; GERMANY; NATIONAL IDENTITY IN FILMS. GERMANY; POLITICS IN THE CINEMA; RUN LOLA RUN (G, Tom Tykwer, 1998) Summary: "In Berlin Replayed, Brigitta B. Wagner traces how old and new films set in Berlin created a collective urban nostalgia for the city's best and most conciliatory pasts in the face of its renewed prupose as the all-German capital. Exploring films such as Walter Ruttmann's Berlin: Symphony of a Great City, Wim Wenders's wings of Desire, Tom Tykwer's Run Lola Run, and Wolfgang Becker's Good Bye, Lenin!, the book illustrates how film has repeatedly remade the image of the city. Wagner focuses on four key periods: the golden 1920s, when the city was a major filmmaking center; the prewall 1950s, when Berlin had two idealogically opposed film industries; the politically transformative late 1980s and early 1990s; and the hyped start of the twenty-first century." -- BOOK BLURB Notes: Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN: 9780816691746 Donation: donated by Senses of Cinema Contents: Introduction: Auf wiedersehen, Berlin! -- Remake: Berlin symphonies and the myth of the weltstadt -- Generation: a 1950s place for us -- Virtuality: cinema, archive, and the interactive map of Potsdamer Platz -- Orientation: geographical didacticism and the X-films of new Berlin -- Epilogue: Berlin returns, again
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The best American movie writing 1998 / George Plimpton, editor New York: St. Martin's Griffin, 1998. Call No: 67(04) BES Author: Plimpton, George Place: New York Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin PubDate: 1998 PhysDes: xvi, 265 p. ; 21 cm Subject: PRODUCERS; CAMP; CENTENARY OF CINEMA; HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE CINEMA; SCORSESE, MARTIN; FRY, STEPHEN; CAMPION, JANE; BEATTY, WARREN; STABILE, SALVATORE; POLANSKI, ROMAN; DANDRIDGE, DOROTHY; HITCHCOCK, ALFRED; STREISAND, BARBRA; WATERS, JOHN (US); WILDE (UK/US/JA/GG, Brian Gilbert, 1997); WIZARD OF OZ, THE (US, Victor Fleming, 1939); GODFATHER [...], THE (US, Francis Ford Coppola, 1972-); MIRROR HAS TWO FACES, THE (US, Barbra Streisand, 1996) LON: abn98329398; 14168026
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The best film I never made : and other stories about a life in the arts / by Bruce Beresford Melbourne, Victoria: The Text Publishing Company, 2017. Call No: 81BER BER Author: Beresford, Bruce Source: AT Place: Melbourne, Victoria Publisher: The Text Publishing Company PubDate: 2017 PhysDes: 281 pages ; 24 cm Subject: INDUSTRY, FILM; INDUSTRY, FILM. AUSTRALIA; PRODUCERS; DIRECTORS; AUSTRALIA; BERESFORD, BRUCE Summary: "This entertaining collection of stories by the acclaimed director of Breaker Morant, Driving Miss Daisy and Mao’s Last Dancer includes memoirs, brief lives and revealing accounts of the film world and beyond.
Alongside unsung heroes from behind the camera and producers of dubious repute are Madeleine St John and Clive James, Margaret Olley and Jeffrey Smart, as well as a particularly seductive 1963 EH Holden—and Bruce Beresford’s father, whose strange and startling decline in old age is charted in a brilliant, poignant essay." -- BOOK BACK COVER ISBN: 9781925603101 Contents: -- I -- family, journeys, memories -- family tree -- my parents -- out of Toongabbie -- the end of the Roxy -- the lure of the EH -- in Guatemala -- pass the passport -- the age of memoirs -- inadvertant meetings - and premonitions -- II -- making and not making movies -- stumbling towards directing -- a career of sorts -- thoughts about actors and acting -- financing movies -- the Hubert Opperman saga -- the best film i never made -- III -- behind the screen -- the two Barrys -- memories of Horton Foote -- John Simon on film: an introduction -- Dino De Laurentiis, producer -- Tony Scott, director -- Robert Krasker: a sketch -- Sven Nykvist: an appreciation -- Don McAlpine, cameraman -- Ken Adam: a personal memoir -- Georges Delerue, composer -- Erich Korngold: a sketch -- IV-- opera, painters, writers -- a brief guide to American opera -- smart lessons -- a memory of Margaret Olley -- forgotten - and in Mildura -- Caravaggio and the cinema -- remembering B.S, Johnson -- Madeleine and me -- a remarkable man -- Australian literature and Film --
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Better Than Sex in Empire (Australian Ed.) (May/Jun 2001) iss.3 p.120 More info |
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Between pirates & porn brokers bonafide distributors & dealers walk a precarious plank in Australasian Cinema (27/5/1983) vol.12 iss.9 p.4 More info |
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Beyond Bollywood : The culture politics of south asian diasporic film New York: Routledge, 2004. Call No: 408.1(540) DES Author: Desai, J. Place: New York Publisher: Routledge PubDate: 2004 PhysDes: 280 p. ; ill. ; 23 cm Subject: POLITICS AND THE CINEMA; INDIA; HOMOSEXUALITY IN FILMS Summary: “Jigna Desai argues that the language of South Asian diasporic identity is the language of cinema. With its key role in South Asia, film has played a feature role in the formation of South Asian diasporic cultures and social formations and social formations such as gender, race, and sexuality. Beyond Bollywood explores the hybrid cinema of the “Brown Atlantic” through a close look at films in English from and about South Asian diasporas in the United States, Canada, and Britain.” (back cover) Notes: Index: p.273-280; Filmography; Bibliography; Notes
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Beyond bonnets : period drama, sex and transcendence in Lumina (Summer 2010) iss.2 p.129-139 Author: Pearlman, Karen PhysDes: Article Subject: HISTORICAL FILMS; CAMPION, JANE; PIANO, THE (AT, Jane Campion, 1993); PORTRAIT OF A LADY, THE (UK/US, Jane Campion, 1996); BRIGHT STAR (UK/AT/FR, Jane Campion, 2009) Summary: Recontextualising the perceived notion of 'auteur' within genre cinema using the example of Jane Campion and her period films; The piano; Portrait of a lady and, most recently, Bright star
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Beyond representation : television drama and the politics and aesthetics of identity / Geraldine Harris Manchester ; New York: Manchester University Press, distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave, 2006. Call No: 744.9 HAR Author: Harris, Geraldine Source: US Place: Manchester ; New York Publisher: Manchester University Press, distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave PubDate: 2006 PhysDes: 210 p. ; 23 cm Subject: DRAMAS; REALISM ON TV; AESTHETICS; RACIAL ISSUES AND TV; MARXISM AND THE CINEMA; POSTMODERNISM AND THE CINEMA; FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA; IMPERIALISM AND THE CINEMA; HOMOSEXUALITY AND TV; GLOBALISATION; ALLY MCBEAL [TV] (US, 1997-); BILL, THE [TV] (UK, 1984-); STAR TREK [TV] [...] (US, 1966-69, 1987-); QUEER AS FOLK [TV] (UK, 1999-2000); ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS [TV] (UK, 1992 - 1996); BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER [TV] (US, 1997-2004); [DOCTOR] DR WHO [TV] (UK, 1963-1989, 2005-); DYNASTY [TV] (AT, 1970); PRIME SUSPECT 3 [TV] (UK, David Drury, 1993); SOPRANOS, THE [TV] (US, 1999); TIPPING THE VELVET [TV] (UK, Geoffrey Sax, 2002); WILL & GRACE[TV] (US, 1998-); XENA: WARRIOR PRINCESS [TV] (US, 1995-) Summary: Beyond representation, poses the question, as to whether over the last 30 years, there have been signs of progress/progressiveness, in the representation of marginalised or subaltern identity categories, within television drama, in Britain, and the US. In doing so, it interrogates some of the key assumptions concerning the relationship between aesthetics and the politics of identity, that have influenced and informed television drama criticism during this period. [Taken from the back cover] Notes: Bibliography: p.191-20; Includes index ISBN: 0719074584 (hdbk) Donation: Donated by Senses Of Cinema, 2009
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Beyond the bottom line : the producer in film and television studies / edited by Andrew Spicer, A.T. McKenna and Christopher Meir. New York: Bloomsbury, c2014. Call No: 67(04) BEY Source: US Place: New York Publisher: Bloomsbury PubDate: c2014 PhysDes: xiii, 289 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. Subject: PRODUCERS Summary: This is the first collection of original critical essays devoted to exploring the misunderstood, neglected and frequently caricatured role played by the film producer. The editors' introduction provides a conceptual and methodological overview, arguing that the producer's complex and multifaceted role is crucial to a film's success or failure. The collection is divided into three sections where detailed individual essays explore a broad range of contrasting producers working in different historical, geographical, generic and industrial contexts. Rather than suggest there is a single type of producer, the collection analyses the rich variety of roles producers play, providing fascinating and informative insights into how the film industry actually works. This groundbreaking collection challenges several of the conventional orthodoxies of film studies, providing a new approach that will become required reading for scholars and students. --back of the book Notes: Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN: 9781441172365 Contents: Machine generated contents note: 1.Introduction / Christopher Meir -- pt. One Theoretical and Historical Contexts -- 2.'A Judge of Anything and Everything': Charles Urban and the Role of the 'Producer-Collaborator' in Early British Film / Joe Kember -- 3.Mapping a Typology of the Film Producer -- Or, Six Producers in Search of an Author / Jo Sondre Moseng -- 4.The Independent Producer and the State: Simon Relph, Government Policy and the British Film Industry, 1980--2005 / Andrew Spicer -- 5.Producing the Self: The Film Producer's Labour and Professional Identity in the UK Creative Economy / Simon Spink -- 6.Producer and Director? Or, Authorship' in 1950s Italian Cinema / Pauline Small -- 7.The Australian Screen Producer in Transition / Deb Verhoeven -- pt. Two Media and Genre Contexts -- 8.The Producer in Animation: Creativity and Commerce from Bray Studios to Pixar / Donna Kornhaber -- 9.'Trying to Ride a Naughty Horse': British Television Comedy Producers / Sarah Ralph --
Contents note continued: 10.Keith Griffiths' Poetics of Production / Sonia Friel -- 11.The American Independent Producer and the Film Value Chain / James Lyons -- pt. Three National and Transnational Contexts -- 12.Lita Stantic: Auteur Producer/Producer of Auteurs / Constanza Burucua -- 13.Beyond National Humiliation: Han Sanping and China's Post-Olympics Historical Event Blockbusters / A. T. McKenna -- 14.The Producer and Belgian Cinema(s): The Case of Jean (and Jan) Van Raemdonck / Gertjan Willems -- 15.Post-Imperial Co-Producers: Emile Sherman, Iain Canning and Contemporary Anglo-Australian Cinema / Christopher Meir.
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Beyond the multiplex : cinema, new technologies, and the home / Barbara Klinger Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006. Call No: 386.5 KLI Author: Klinger, Barbara Source: US Place: Berkeley Publisher: University of California Press PubDate: 2006 PhysDes: xii, 310 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm Subject: CABLE TV; DVD, FILMS ON; HOME EXHIBITION; INTERNET AND THE CINEMA; PRIVATE CINEMAS; TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTS Summary: "Since the mid-1980s, more audiences have been watching Hollywood movies at home than at movie theatersm yet little is known about just how viewers experience film outside of the multiplex. This is the first full-length study of how contemporary entertainment technologies and media - from cable television and VHS to DVD and the Internet - shape our encounters with the movies and affect the aesthetic, cultural, and ideological definitions of cinema. Barbara Klinger explores topics such as home theater, film collecting, classic Hollywood movie reruns, repeat viewings, and Internet film parodies, providing a multifaceted view of the presentation and reception of films in U.S. households. Balancing industry history with theoretical and cultural analysis, she finds that today's cinema's powerful social presence cannot be fully grasped without considering its prolific recycling in post-theatrical venues - especially the home."--BOOK BLURB Notes: Formerly CIP.; Includes bibliographical references (p. 281-287) and index ISBN: 9780520245860 Contents: The new media aristocrats: home theater and the film experience -- The contemporary cinephile: film collecting after the VCR -- Remembrance of films past: cable television and classic Hollywood cinema -- Once is not enough: the functions and pleasures of repeat viewings -- To infinity and beyond: the Web short, parody, and remediation -- Conclusion: of fortresses and film cultures
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Beyond the screen : emerging cinema and engaging audiences / Sarah Atkinson New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014. Call No: 409(-017.2) ATK Author: Atkinson, Sarah Source: US Place: New York Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic PubDate: 2014 PhysDes: xiv, 293 pages ; 24 cm. Subject: AUDIENCES; DIGITAL MEDIA AND THE CINEMA; MOBILE AND ONLINE MEDIA; MOBILE CINEMAS; POPULAR CULTURE AND THE CINEMA; SOCIETY AND THE CINEMA; TECHNOLOGY AND THE CINEMA Summary: This book presents an expanded conceptualization of cinema which encompasses the myriad ways film can be experienced in a digitally networked society where the auditorium is now just one location amongst many in which audiences can encounter and engage with films. It includes considerations of mobile, web, social media and live cinema through numerous examples and case studies of recent and near-future developments. -- taken from the back cover Notes: Includes bibliographical references, filmography and index. ISBN: 9781501308659 Donation: donated by Senses of Cinema, 2016 Contents: Introduction -- Extending cinema -- Mobile cinema -- Socially layered cinema -- The ethics of emerging cinema -- The business of emerging cinema -- The grammar of emerging cinema -- Epilogue.
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Bibliography : documentary production. / Australian Film Television & Radio School. Jerzy Toeplitz Library. Call No: FRONT DESK CorpAuthor: Australian Film Television & Radio School. Jerzy Toeplitz Library. Subject: DOCUMENTARY FILMS; PRODUCTION
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The big E in video is coming in Australasian Cinema (Friday, 30/09/1983) vol.12 iss.18 p.3 More info |
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Big role for Australian Film Producers' Assoc. in The Australasian Cinema (19/3/1982) vol.11 iss.4 p.3 More info |
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Big world, small screen : the role of television in American society / Aletha C. Huston ... [et al.] Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1993. More info |
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Billy Wilder / Bernard F. Dick Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1980. Call No: 81WIL DIC Author: Dick, Bernard F. Source: US Place: Boston Publisher: Twayne Publishers PubDate: 1980 PhysDes: 188 p. : ill. ; 21 cm Series: Twayne's Theatrical Arts Series Subject: WILDER, BILLY; APARTMENT, THE (US, Billy Wilder, 1960); AVANTI (US, Billy Wilder, 1972); ACE IN THE HOLE (US, Billy Wilder, 1951); DOUBLE INDEMNITY (US, Billy Wilder, 1944); FEDORA (GW/FR, Billy Wilder, 1978); [FIVE] 5 GRAVES TO CAIRO (US, Billy Wilder, 1943); FORTUNE COOKIE, THE (US, Billy Wilder, 1966); FRONT PAGE, THE (US, Billy Wilder, 1974); IRMA LA DOUCHE (US, Billy Wilder, 1963); KISS ME, STUPID (US, Billy Wilder, 1964); LOST WEEKEND, THE (US, Billy Wilder, 1945); LOVE IN THE AFTERNOON (US, Billy Wilder, 1957); MAJOR AND THE MINOR, THE (US, Billy Wilder, 1942); ONE, TWO, THREE (US/GW, Billy Wilder, 1961); PRIVATE LIFE OF SHERLOCK HOLMES, THE (US/UK, Billy Wilder, 1970); SABRINA (US, Billy Wilder, 1954); SOME LIKE IT HOT (US, Billy Wilder, 1959); SEVEN YEAR ITCH, THE (US, Billy Wilder, 1955); SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS, THE (US, Billy Wilder, 1957); STALAG 17 (US, Billy Wilder, 1952); SUNSET BOULEVARD (US, Billy Wilder, 1950); WITNESS FOR THE PROSECUTION (US, Billy Wilder, 1957) Notes: Includes index.
Bibliography: p. 173-174.
Filmography: p. 175-183. ISBN: 0805792740 Donation: donated by the family of Wayne Levy, 2006
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A bit on the side : east-west topographies of desire / Chris Berry Sydney: Empress Publishing, 1994. More info |
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Blake Edwards / by Peter Lehman & William Luhr Athens: Ohio: Ohio University Press, c1981. Call No: 81EDW LUH Author: Lehman, Peter Source: US Place: Athens: Ohio Publisher: Ohio University Press PubDate: c1981 PhysDes: 268p. : ill., ports. ; 24 cm Subject: EDWARDS, BLAKE; PINK PANTHER, THE (US, Blake Edwards, 1964); SHOT IN THE DARK, A (UK, Blake Edwards, 1964); TRAIL OF THE PINK PANTHER (UK, Blake Edwards, 1982); REVENGE OF THE PINK PANTHER (UK, Blake Edwards, 1978); SELLERS, PETER; PSYCHOANALYSIS AND THE CINEMA Notes: Includes index.
Filmography: v.1 p. 267-283,
Bibliography: v.1 p. 263-265,. ISBN: 0821406167 Language: English
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Blaxploitation cinema : the essential reference guide / Josiah Howard Guildford: FAB Press, 2008. Call No: 722.81 (=9) HOW Author: Howard, Josiah Source: UK Place: Guildford Publisher: FAB Press PubDate: 2008 PhysDes: 239 pages; illustrations ; 26 cm Subject: BLAXPLOITATION FILMS; POSTERS Summary: An overview of the Blaxploitation genre of cinema, with: interivews of key film directors, over 270 film listings, and colour poster reproductions for many of the films mentioned in the book ISBN: 9781903254448 Contents: About the book -- defining Blaxploitation films -- What's Going On? -- Q&A: ten directors discuss their films -- Paul Bogart, Matt Cimer, Larry Cohen, Robert A. Endelson, Jamaa Fanaka, Jack Hill, Jonathan Kaplan, Arthur Marks, Cirio H. Santiago, Don Schain -- A-to-Z Blaxploitation filmography -- bibliography -- Blaxploitation Admat gallery -- index
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Blood, drugs and bullying in Sunday Canberra Times [Relax] (29/11/2015) p.20 More info |
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Blood & Tinsel : a memoir / Jim Sharman Carlton, Vic: Miegunyah, 2008. Call No: 81SHA SHA Author: Sharman, Jim Source: AT Place: Carlton, Vic Publisher: Miegunyah PubDate: 2008 PhysDes: 403 p. : col. ill. ; 23 cm Series: Second numbered series of the Miegunyah volumes ; 104 Subject: SHARMAN, JIM; PRODUCERS; ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW, THE (UK, Jim Sharman, 1975); NIGHT OF THE PROWLER, THE (AT, Jim Sharman, 1978) Summary: : "Jim Sharman is an international director of film, musicals and theatre. His credits include the stage production of The Rocky Horror Show, which he later directed for 20th Century Fox. He has worked in Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, and his other credits include the musicals Hair and Jesus Christ Superstar. His stage work has encompassed more than seventy productions, including opera (Don Giovanni, Voss, Death in Venice), classics (Shakespeare, Strindberg, Wedekind, Brecht) and much of the stage and screen work of Nobel Laureate Patrick White. In Blood & Tinsel, Jim Sharman takes us on an epic personal journey from his colourful childhood in his father's boxing troupe to Tokyo, London, Berlin and Sydney via the international successes of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Hair and Jesus Christ Superstar. Whether recounting conversations with Lou Reed, giving us the inside story about Rocky Horror or describing a fateful meeting with Patrick White, Jim Sharman casts a brilliant story of the people and events that have shaped the times. Blood & Tinsel ranges from the rough and ready world of outback Australia in the fi fties, where boxers and panto dames shared the stage, to the cultural explosions in which Sharman played a part. Blood & Tinsel is a remarkable story about Australia. It is also a moving tribute to a family legendary in the entertainment stakes."--BOOK COVER ISBN: 9780522853773
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Blue Hawaii [sound recording] / Elvis Presley and the Jordanaires (Musical group) Australia: RCA Records, [1961]. Call No: LP Blue Hawaii Author: Presley, Elvis; Jordanaires (Musical group) CorpAuthor: RCA Records Source: US Place: Australia Publisher: RCA Records PubDate: [1961] PhysDes: 1 sound disc (29 min.) : analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo. ; 12 in Subject: PRESLEY, ELVIS; BLUE HAWAII (US, Norman Taurog, 1961) Notes: "14 great songs" from the Hal Wallis production of Blue Hawaii, a Paramount film, sung by Elvis Presley, with the Jordanaires; "An original sound track album." Contents: -- Blue Hawaii (Robin-Rainger) Chappell (2:35) with the Jordanaires -- Almost always true (Wise-Weisman) (2:24) -- Aloha oe (adapted and arranged by Elvis Presley) with the Jordanaires (1:54) -- No more (Robertson-Blair) (2:22) -- Can't help falling in love (Peretti-Creatore-Weiss) (2:59) -- Rock-a-hula baby (Wise-Weisman-Fuller) (1:58) -- Moonlight swim (Dee-Weisman) Aberbach (2:18) -- Ku-u-i-po (Peretti-Creatore-Weiss) (2:20) with the Jordanaires -- Ito eats (Tepper-Bennett) (1:25) with the Jordanaires -- Slicin' sand (Tepper-BGennett) (1:34) with the Jordanaires -- Hawaiian sunset (Tepper-Bennett) (2:30) with the Jordanaires -- Beach boy blues (Tepper-Bennett) (2:00) with the Jordanaires -- Island of love ( Tepper-Bennett) (2:40) -- Hawaiian wedding song (King-Hoffman-Manning) with the Jordanaires (2:48) -- Performer: Presley, Elvis; Jordanaires (Musical group) Music Type: Motion Picture Music Publisher Number: RCA Records: L101174
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Body Trauma TV : New Hospital Dramas / Jason Jacobs London: bfi Publishing, 2003. More info |
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"Bold! Daring! Shocking! True!" : a history of exploitation films, 1919-1959 / Eric Schaefer Durham: Duke University Press, 1999. More info |
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Bollywood : A guide to popular Hindi Cinema New York: Routledge, 2004. Call No: 71(540) GAN Author: Ganti, Tejaswini Place: New York Publisher: Routledge PubDate: 2004 PhysDes: 254 p. ; ill. ; 20 cm Subject: POPULAR CULTURE AND THE CINEMA.INDIA; INDIA; INDUSTRY, FILM. INDIA Summary: "In 'Bollywood', anthropologist and film scholar Tejaswini Ganti provides a guide to the cultural, social and political significance of Hindii cinema, outlining the history and structure of the Bombay film industry, and the development of popular Hindi filmmaking since the 1930s. Providing information and commentary on the key players in Hollywood including composers, directors and stars, as well as material from current filmmakers themselves. " (back cover) Notes: Index: p.242-254; Bibliography
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The book of the cinema / foreword by Francois Truffaut; a Chris Milsome book London: Artists House, 1979. More info |
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Boom times for the box out the back of Bourke in Saturday Age (18/03/2017) p.9 Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; REGIONAL TELEVISION Author: Battersby, Lucy PhysDes: Clippings File Article Subject: REGIONAL TELEVISION; PRIME MEDIA GROUP; SOUTHERN CROSS AUSTEREO Summary: Report on the increase of advertising revenue by country Australia TV broadcasters Prime and Southern Cross Austereo. Comments from management at these stations give reason s for why this is happening
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A BOUT PORTANT : (FR, Fred Cavaye, 2010) More info |
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Boycott backdown after PM calls for Q&A change in The Age (11/07/2015) p.4 More info |
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Brad Pitt's Plan B is working out just fine as he transitions from hunk to mogul in Saturday Age [Insight] (25/02/2017) p.24 Call No: PERSONALITY CLIPPINGS FILE; PITT, BRAD Author: Quinn, Karl PhysDes: Clippings Subject: PLAN B ENTERTAINMENT; PITT, BRAD Summary: An article about Brad Pitt and the success of Plan B Entertainment. Notes: This article was also published in theSydney Morning Herald
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Breaking and entering : land your first job in film production / April Fitzsimmons Los Angeles: Lone Eagle Publishing Co., c1997. Call No: 209.5 FIT Author: Fitzsimmons, April Source: US Place: Los Angeles Publisher: Lone Eagle Publishing Co. PubDate: c1997 PhysDes: xx, 204 pages : black and white illustrations : 23 cm Subject: EXTRAS; FILM WORKERS; FILMMAKING; INDUSTRY, FILM; LABOUR; PRODUCTION Summary: "BREAKING AND ENTERING is a book designed to give you a general idea about how to break into production and have a good time along the way. With the proper tools and information, your first steps into film production will be a little easier." [TAKEN FROM INTRODUCTION] Notes: includes bibliography and index ISBN: 0945728916 Donation: Simon Wincer Contents: Foreword -- Preface -- Acknowledgements --; Part I -- Chapter 1: the production assistant -- Chapter 2: the production assistant's golden rules --; Part II -- Chapter 3: base camp -- Chapter 4: the set -- Chapter 5: heating and air-conditioning --; Part III -- Chapter 6: a day in the life of a set PA -- Chapter 7: lock ups -- Chapter 8: the shot -- Chapter 9: paperwork --; Part IV -- Chapter 10: the cast -- Chapter 11: the crew -- chapter 12: background (extras) -- Chapter 13: stand-ins (second team) -- Chapter 14: helping out --; Part V -- Chapter 15: communications -- Chapter 16: radios -- Chapter 17: the phone -- Chapter 18: the pager --; Part VI -- Chapter 19: the production kit -- Chapter 20: tools -- Chapter 21: necessities --; Part VII -- Chapter 22: landing your first job in film production -- Chapter 23: future jobs -- Chapter 24: the DGA --; Production forms -- United States film commissions -- Appendix -- Index -- About the author
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Breaking in to the movies : film and the culture of politics / Henry A. Giroux Malden: Blackwell Publishers, 2002. Call No: 409 GIR Author: Giroux, Henry A. Source: US Place: Malden Publisher: Blackwell Publishers PubDate: 2002 PhysDes: 297 p. ; 24 cm Subject: CULTURE AND THE CINEMA. USA; POLITICS AND THE CINEMA. USA; GENDER AND THE CINEMA; VIOLENCE IN FILMS. USA; CHILDREN AND THE CINEMA; WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS; WERTMULLER, LINA; CLARK, LARRY; NORMA RAE (US, Martin Ritt, 1979); LOOKING FOR MR. GOODBAR (US, Richard Brooks, 1977); DEAD POETS SOCIETY (US, Peter Weir, 1989); DANGEROUS MINDS (US, John N. Smith, 1995); PULP FICTION (US, Quentin Tarantino, 1994); ONE EIGHT SEVEN (US, Kevin Reynolds, 1997); FIGHT CLUB (US, David Fincher, 1999) ISBN: 0631226044 Donation: donated by the family of Wayne Levy, 2006
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Breaking the glass armor : neoformalist film analysis / Kristin Thompson Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1988. Call No: 623.75 THO Author: Thompson, Kristin, 1950 Place: Princeton, N.J. Publisher: Princeton University Press PubDate: 1988 PhysDes: x, 361 p., [41] p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 25 cm Subject: FORMALISM; REALISM IN FILMS; TERROR BY NIGHT (US, Roy William Neill, 1946); VACANCES DE M. HULOT, LES (FR, Jacques Tati, 1953); TOUT VA BIEN (FR/IT, Jean-Luc Godard & Jean-Pierre Gorin, 1972); STAGE FRIGHT (UK, Alfred Hitchcock, 1950); LAURA (US, Otto Preminger, 1944); LADRI DI BICICLETTE (IT, Vittorio De Sica, 1949); REGLE DU JEU, LA (FR, Jean Renoir, 1939); PLAYTIME (FR, Jacques Tati, 1967); SAUVE QUI PEUT (LA VIE) (FR/SZ, Jean-Luc Godard, 1980); LANCELOT DU LAC (FR/IT, Robert Bresson, 1974); BANSHU (JA, Ozu Yasujiro, 1949) Notes: Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN: 0691067244 (alk. paper) LON: 5669174 ID2: 291
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Breaking up the ABC / Glyn Davis Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1988. Call No: 19ABC DAV Author: Davis, Glyn Source: AT Place: Sydney Publisher: Allen and Unwin PubDate: 1988 PhysDes: 150 pages ; 22 cm Subject: AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION; FUNDING. AUSTRALIA; GOVERNMENT AID. AUSTRALIA; GOVERNMENT CONTROL, TV. AUSTRALIA; GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS. AUSTRALIA; LAW AND TV. AUSTRALIA; LEGISLATION. AUSTRALIA; PROGRAMME CONTENT. AUSTRALIA; PUBLIC BROADCASTING. AUSTRALIA; SPECIAL BROADCASTING SERVICE; STATE AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA Summary: "The life and works of 'Aunty', the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, continue to be the subject of public debate and often heated controversy, but they are seldom analysed in any depth. In this book Glyn Davis sets out to take the ABC apart, layer by layer, to reveal the contradictions in purpose and form which bedevil Australia's public broadcasting network. Emphasising the interplay between the ABC and its social and political context, Breaking Up the ABC subjects the recent internal reforms to careful scrutiny. Will these reforms end 'Aunty's' perennial difficulties? Or is the organisation doomed to permanent crisis? Can the corporation, as David Hill hopes, win back an audience and the political support crucial to its continuing existence? Having broken up the institution, how should the pieces be rearranged? This book offers new combinations to ensure the continuing viability of public broadcasting in Australia."--BOOK BLURB Notes: Includes list of abbreviations, bibliographic references and index -- cover illustration and design by John Windus ISBN: 0043370047 Donation: Donated by Mike Counihan
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'Bright Star' : the complete poems and selected letters / John Keats London: Vintage, 2009. Call No: 79BRI KEA Author: Keats, John Source: UK Place: London Publisher: Vintage PubDate: 2009 PhysDes: xvi, 525 p. ; 20 cm Series: Vintage Classics Subject: POETRY AND THE CINEMA; Keats, John; BRIGHT STAR (UK/AT/FR, Jane Campion, 2009) Summary: "John Keats died in poverty and relative obscurity in 1821, aged only 25. He is now seen as one of the greatest English poets and a genius of the Romantic age. This collection, which contains all his most memorable works and a selection of his letters, is a feast for the senses, displaying Keat's gift for gorgeous imagery and sensuous language, his passionate devotion to beauty, as well as some of the most moving love poetry ever written. " -- BLURB Notes: Introduction by Jane Campion ISBN: 9780099529651
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The British cinema book / edited by Robert Murphy London: bfi Publishing, 2001. More info |
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British cinema, past and present / edited by Justine Ashby and Andrew Higson London New York, NY: Routledge, 2000. Call No: 71(41) BRI Author: Higson, Andrew; Ashby, Justine Source: UK Place: London New York, NY Publisher: Routledge PubDate: 2000 PhysDes: xx, 385 p. : ill. ; 24 cm Subject: ASKEY, ARTHUR; ASSOCIATED BRITISH PICTURE CORPORATION; AUDIENCES. UK; BAKER, ROY WARD; BRASSED OFF (UK, Mark Herman, 1996); BRIEF ENCOUNTER (UK, David Lean, 1945); BOX, BETTY E.; EALING STUDIOS; GREENAWAY, PETER; JARMAN, DEREK; KEILLER, PATRICK; PEEPING TOM (UK, Michael Powell, 1960); PRIVATE LIFE OF HENRY VIII, THE (UK, Alexander Korda, 1933); RADIO PARADE OF 1935 (UK, Arthur Woods, 1934); UNITED KINGDOM Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 354-369) and index ISBN: 0415220610 (alk. paper); 0415220629 (pbk. : alk. paper); 0415220610 (hc : alk. paper) LON: 21262622
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British creators of film technique : British scenario writers, the creators of the language of D.W. Griffith, G.A. Smith, Alfred Collins and some others / by Georges Sadoul London: British Film Institute, May 1948. More info |
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The British documentary film movement, 1926-1946 / Paul Swann Cambridge [England] ; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989. More info |
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British Film Institute productions 1977/8 London: British Film Institute, 1978. Call No: F027(41)BFI "1977/8" CorpAuthor: British Film Institute Source: UK Place: London Publisher: British Film Institute PubDate: 1978 PhysDes: 30 cm Subject: PRODUCTION. UK Notes: catalogue pamphlet
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British film posters : an illustrated history / Sim Branaghan; edited by Steve Chibnall London: British Film Institute, 2006. Call No: 915(41) BRA Author: Branaghan, Sim Source: UK Place: London Publisher: British Film Institute PubDate: 2006 PhysDes: 304 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. Subject: POSTERS. UK; ADVERTISING. UK Summary: A history of British film posters from 1896-1986 covering design, printing and display, including detailed biographies of major artists. Tells the story of the emergence of the illustrated film poster in the late-Victorian period through to the decline of the hand-painted tradition during the mid-1980s and the arrival of computer-aided design. The overall theme of the book is that the 'vintage' film poster represents a significant and coherent movement in twentieth-century popular art in Britain. [Taken from back cover and contents page.] ISBN: 1844572218
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British national cinema / Sarah Street London New York: Routledge, 1997. More info |
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British television drama / edited by George W. Brandt Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. More info |
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Broadband network at risk from internet piracy in Encore (June 2007) vol.25 iss.06 p.38 More info |
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Broadcast in colour : cultural diversity and television programming in four countries / by Harvey May Brisbane, Queensland: Australian Film Commission, Creative Industries Research and Applications Centre, Australian Key Centre for Cultural and Media Policy, 2002. Call No: 205.1 MAY Author: May, Harvey Source: AT Place: Sydney; Brisbane, Queensland Publisher: Australian Film Commission; Creative Industries Research and Applications Centre; Australian Key Centre for Cultural and Media Policy PubDate: 2002 PhysDes: 72 pages : 30cm. Series: Screen Industry, Culture and Policy Research Series Subject: CULTURE AND THE CINEMA; PROGRAMME POLICY; TELEVISION. AUSTRALIA; TELEVISION. UK; TELEVISION. NEW ZEALAND; TELEVISION. USA; ETHNIC GROUPS ON TV. AUSTRALIA; ABORIGINAL AUSTRALIANS ON TV Summary: 'Examines the cultural diversity policies and practices and their impact on television programming in the United States of America, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia, with a focus on drama. The study looks at the relationship between multicultural history and policy, and the developments made in the representation of a culturally diverse population on each nation's television screens' - taken from executive summary Notes: Includes appendix of acronyms ISBN: 0958015244 Contents: Acknowledgements -- About the author -- Executive summary -- Key findings -- 1. Charting the waters -- 2. The United States: affirmative action, 'quotas' abd diversity rights -- 3. The United Kingdom: policy remits for diversity and an 'everyday' multiculturalism -- 4. New Zealand: Biculturalism and targeted subsidies -- 5. Australia: the shift to cultural diversity -- 6. Conclusion -- Appendix -- About the Screen Industry, Culture and Policy Research series
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Broadcast wars : the money, the ego, the power behind your remote control / written by Michael Bodey Sydney: Hachette Australia, 2011. Call No: 20(94) BOD Author: Bodey, Michael Source: AT Place: Sydney Publisher: Hachette Australia PubDate: 2011 PhysDes: 327 p. ; 24 cm Subject: BROADCASTING; BROADCASTING. AUSTRALIA; PROGRAMME CONTENT. AUSTRALIA; RATING FOR TV. AUSTRALIA; RATINGS. AUSTRALIA; TELEVISION; TELEVISION. AUSTRALIA Summary: "This is an explosive look at the recent tumultuous years in the boardrooms and on the studio floors of Australian television. As the Nine and Seven networks traded blows, new technologies emerged and old personalities and management clung on for dear life, everyone fastened their seatbelts for a bumpy ride. From booze buses to ambulance chasing, mirrorballs to hotplates, from Sunrise to Today, Broadcast Wars gives us a fascinating insight into major media events, boardroom stoushes and fading stars' diva-like demands. Michael Bodey fearlessly analyses the personalities we love (and love to hate), the genres that came and went, and the machinations behind MasterChef, Dancing With The Stars, Underbelly, Packed To The Rafters and all the shows we love to watch and talk about. Broadcast Wars exposes the egos, the money and the powre manipulating our remote controls. ' -- BOOK BLURB Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 307- 311) and index ISBN: 9780733627767 Contents: -- prologue -- one : Seven on the skids -- two: Reality is king -- three: Sunrise for seven -- four: Seven finally hits an ace -- five: An emperor returns to nine -- six: Eddie arrives -- seven: From Beaconsfield to Lausanne -- eight: The turkey slap -- nine: The war intensifies -- ten: Sea water, cops and dirty Melbourne crims -- eleven: The barbarians grab the remote -- twelve: the format wars -- thirteen: Seven ate nine -- fourteen: Multichanelling -- fifteen: MasterChef and the new nice -- sixteen: Affidavits at ten paces -- author's note -- notes -- bibliography -- acknowledgements -- index --
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The broadcasting chronology, 1809-1980 / Yolanda Allen and Susan Spencer North Ryde, N.S.W.: Australian Film and Television School, 1983. More info |
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Broadway & Hollywood : costumes designed by Irene Sharaff / Irene Sharaff New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1976. Call No: 226.4 SHA Author: Sharaff, Irene Place: New York Publisher: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. PubDate: 1976 PhysDes: 136 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm Subject: COSTUMES; SHARAFF, IRENE; TAYLOR, ELIZABETH; ADRIAN, GILBERT; GREAT WHITE HOPE, THE (US, Martin Ritt, 1970); KING AND I, THE (US, Walter Lang, 1956); CAN-CAN (US, Walter Lang, 1960); JUSTINE (US, George Cukor, 1969); PORGY AND BESS (US, Otto Preminger, 1959); WEST SIDE STORY (US, Robert Wise, 1961); MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS (US, Vincente Minnelli, 1944); AMERICAN IN PARIS, AN (US, Vincente Minnelli, 1951) Notes: Includes index ISBN: 0442275277 : $12.50 LON: 747228
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Broccoli, producer of James Bond films receives Thalberg Award in Australasian Cinema (16/4/1982) vol.11 iss.6 p.2 More info |
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Broken screen : 26 conversations with Doug Aitken - expanding the image breaking the narrative / Doug Aitken; edited by Noel Daniel New York: Distributed Art Publishers, 2006. Call No: 802 AIT Author: Aitken, Doug Source: US Place: New York Publisher: Distributed Art Publishers PubDate: 2006 PhysDes: 302 p. : col. ill. ; 25 cm Subject: AITKEN, DOUG; AHTILA, EIJA-LIISA; ALTMAN, ROBERT; ANGER, KENNETH; BALDESSARI, JOHN; BARNEY, MATHEW; BURDEN, CHRIS; CONNER, BRUCE; DENIS, CLAIRE; DOUGLAS, STAN; ELIASSON, OLAFUR; FERRO, PABLO; FIGGIS, MIKE; HERZOG, WERNER; HILL, GARY; HOLLER, CARSTEN; HUYGHE, PIERRE; JODOROWSKY, ALEXANDRO; KOOLHAAS, REM; LYNN, GREG; NICOLAI, CARSTEN; PRINCE, RICHARD; RIST, PIPILOTTI; RONDINONE, UGO; RUSCHA, ED; VOGEL, AMOS; WILSON, ROBERT; OBRIST, HANS ULRICH Summary: Broken Screen is comprised of informal conversations between artist Doug Aitken and a roster of 25 carefully chosen artists, filmmakers, designers, and architects. Part guidebook and part manifesto, the book takes a fresh look at what it's like to create work in a world that has become increasingly fragmentary. Through casual and direct discussions Broken Screen offers a detailed navigation through the ideas behind the important yet under-documented visual language of nonlinear narratives, split screens, and fragmentary visual planes that define the most progressive moving images today. ISBN: 1933045264
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Bruce Bereford : instincts of the heart / Peter Coleman Pymble, N.S.W.: Angus and Robertson, 1992. Call No: 81BER COL Author: Coleman, Peter Source: AT Place: Pymble, N.S.W. Publisher: Angus and Robertson PubDate: 1992 PhysDes: ix, 158 p. : [16] p. of plates : ill. ; 20 cm Subject: BERESFORD, BRUCE; FILMMAKING. AUSTRALIA; ADVENTURES OF BARRY MCKENZIE, THE (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1972); GETTING OF WISDOM, THE (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1977); BREAKER MORANT (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1980); PUBERTY BLUES (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1981); TENDER MERCIES (US, Bruce Beresford, 1982); KING DAVID (US, Bruce Beresford, 1985); FRINGE DWELLERS, THE (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1986); DRIVING MISS DAISY (US, Bruce Beresford, 1989); BLACK ROBE (CN/AT, Bruce Beresford, 1991); RICH IN LOVE (US, Bruce Beresford, 1992) Summary: Peter Coleman has used his friendship with Bruce Beresford, and knowledge of the developing Australian film industry to build up an accurate behind the scenes look at the making of the many films of this most self-critical film director (taken from back of the book) ISBN: 0207175268
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Bruce Beresford : instincts of the heart / Peter Coleman Pymble, NSW, Australia New York, NY, USA: Angus & Robertson, 1992. Call No: 81BER COL Author: Coleman, Peter Place: Pymble, NSW, Australia New York, NY, USA Publisher: Angus & Robertson PubDate: 1992 PhysDes: 158 p., [16] p. of plates : ill. ; 20 cm Series: Imprint lives Subject: BERESFORD, BRUCE; ADVENTURES OF BARRY MCKENZIE, THE (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1972); BREAKER MORANT (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1980); GETTING OF WISDOM, THE (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1977); FRINGE DWELLERS, THE (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1986); BLACK ROBE (CN/AT, Bruce Beresford, 1991); RICH IN LOVE (US, Bruce Beresford, 1992); DON'S PARTY (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1976); MONEY MOVERS (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1978); CLUB, THE (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1980); TENDER MERCIES (US, Bruce Beresford, 1982); KING DAVID (US, Bruce Beresford, 1985); PUBERTY BLUES (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1981); CRIMES OF THE HEART (US, Bruce Beresford, 1986); DRIVING MISS DAISY (US, Bruce Beresford, 1989); [MISTER] MR JOHNSON (US, Bruce Beresford, 1990) ISBN: 0207175268 LON: abn92179637; 9071070
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Building a National Cinema : Soviet Film Education, 1918-1934 in Wide Angle (1987) vol.9 iss.3 p.4-20 More info |
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The business of creativity : what drives the Australian screen content producer in Lumina (Summer 2010) iss.2 p.269-277 More info |
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By gaslight in winter : a Victorian family history through the magic lantern / Colin Gordon ; designed by Craig Dodd London: Elm Tree Books, 1980. Call No: 70"00"(41) GOR Author: Gordon, Colin Source: UK Place: London Publisher: Elm Tree Books PubDate: 1980 PhysDes: 128 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm Subject: PRE-CINEMA HISTORY Summary: Reproduction of hand-coloured photographic Victorian lantern slides by the Riley Brothers in Bradford - 'The largest magic lantern outfitters in the world' Notes: Includes bibliographical references ISBN: 0241104742 Donation: donated by the family of Wayne Levy, 2006 Contents: Introduction -- Street life -- Life-model -- Excursions, rambles and tours
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Cagney / John McCabe London: Aurum, 1998. Call No: 81CAG MCC Author: McCabe, John Edition: 1st ed Source: UK Place: London Publisher: Aurum PubDate: 1998 PhysDes: xvi, 439 p. : ports. ; 24 cm Subject: WARNER BROS.; CAGNEY PRODUCTIONS; CAGNEY, JAMES; DAY, DORIS; JOHNNY COME LATELY (US, William K. Howard, 1943); PUBLIC ENEMY, THE (US, William Wellmen, 1931); WHITE HEAT (US, Raoul Walsh, 1949); YANKEE DOODLE DANDY (US, Michael Curtiz, 1941) Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 425-429) and index.
Filmography: p. 397-422 ISBN: 1854105450 Donation: donated by the family of Wayne Levy, 2006
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Cahiers du Cinema : volume four, 1973-1978: history, ideology, cultural struggle : an anthology from Cahiers du Cinema nos 248-292, September 1973-September 1978 / edited by David Wilson; with an introduction by Berenice Reynaud London; New York: Routledge, British Film Institute, 2000. Call No: 67(44) CAH Source: UK/US Place: London; New York Publisher: Routledge, British Film Institute PubDate: 2000 PhysDes: xi, 323 p. ; 24 cm Series: Cahiers du Cinema selections Subject: CULTURE AND THE CINEMA; POLITICS AND THE CINEMA; IDEOLOGY AND THE CINEMA; HISTORY AND THE CINEMA; THEORY; CRITICISM; CAHIERS DU CINEMA; ALAOUIE, BORHAN; ALLIO, RENE; DOUGLAS, JOHN; FERRO, MARC; GODARD, JEAN-LUC; HUILLET, DANIELE; A TOUT ALLURE (FR, Robert Kramer, 1982); LITTIN, MIGUEL; DUPONT LAJOIE (FR/IT, Yves Boisset, 1975); DERSU UZALA (UR/JA, Akira Kurosawa, 1975); INDIA SONG (FR, Marguerite Duras, 1975); KING KONG (US, John Guillermin, 1976); KING KONG (US, Merian C. Cooper & Ernest B. Schoedsack, 1933); LACOMBE LUCIEN (FR/IT/GW, Louis Malle, 1974); KAFR KASSEM (LE/SY, Borhan Alaouié, 1973); MILESTONES (US, Robert Kramer & John Douglas, 1975); MOSES UND ARON (GW/FR/IT, Jean-Marie Straub & Daniele Huillet, 1975); NUMERO DEUX (FR, Jean-Luc Godard, 1975); PASSION DE JEANNE D'ARC, LA (FR, Carl Th. Dreyer, 1928); PORTIERE DI NOTTE, IL (IT, Liliana Cavani, 1974); STAR WARS (US, George Lucas, 1977); SIX FOIS DEUX (FR, Jean-Luc Godard, 1976); TIERRA PROMETIDA, LA (CL, Miguel Littin, 1973); XALA (SG, Ousmane Sembene, 1974) Summary: This volume covers the vibrant and turbulent period from 1973 to 1978, in which the issues of theory, history and politics dominated critical debate. The anthology combines essays by critics such as Pascal Bonitzer, Serge Daney and Therese Giraud; round-table discussions; reviews of contemporary films from Star Wars and King Kong to Padre Padrone and Jeanne Dielman; and interviews with leading theorists including Marc Ferro and Michel Foucault, presenting a rich sampler of Cahiers' provocative and indispensible contribution to debates in film and cultural politics. [Taken from back cover.] ISBN: 0415029880 Contents: Introduction - Cahiers Du Cinema 1972-1978 - Berenice Reynaud -- Part I - Interventions and Cultural Politics -- Editorial - Cahiers Today - Cahiers du Cinema -- The Critical Function - Serge Daney -- A particular trend in French Cinema - Serge Daney, pascal Kane, Jean-Pierre Oudart, Serge Toubiana -- Round table on Chris Marker's Le Found de l'air est rouge - Jean-Paul Fargier, Therese Giraud, Sege Le Peron, Jean Narboni, Serge Daney -- Part II - Perspectives -- A matter of chance - Serge Toubiana -- Return of the same - Therese Giraud -- Theorize/terrorize - Godardian pedagogy -- On Sur et sous la communication: three questions on Six fois deux - Gilles Deleuze -- Family, history, romance - Louis Seguin -- Round table: Milestones and us - Pascal Bonitzer, Dominique Villain, Serge Daney, Jean Narboni, Serge Le Peron, Therese Giraud, Serge Toubiana -- The Aquarium (Milestones) - Serge Daney -- Part III - Theory and History -- Anti-retro - Michel Foucault in interview with Pascal Bonitzer and Serge Toubiana -- I, Pierre Riviere, having slaughtered my mother, my sister and my brother...by Rene Allio - Jean Jourdheuil, Serge Toubiana, Pascal Bonitzer, Rene Allio, Pascal Kane, Michel Foucault -- Defamations (fragments). Pretext: Karl May by H.-J. Syberberg - Jean-Pierre Oudart -- Cinema and history - Marc Ferro in interview with Serge Daney and Ignacio Ramonet -- Deframings - Pascal Bonitzer -- Cold Sex (on pornography and beyond) - Yann Lardeau -- Part IV - Third Cinema -- Our Cinema - Sidney Sokhona -- Interview with Abdelaziz Tolbi - Therese Giraud, Mohand Ben Salama -- The promised land - Serge Toubiana, Pascal Bonitzer -- The feminine eye of the Town (El Chergui) - Abdelwahab Meddeb -- Blood into sign - Jean Narboni -- Xala - Daniele Dubroux -- Part V - Reviews -- On Avanti - Pascale Kane -- An India and its other (India Song) - Pascal Bonitzer -- An uncanny familiarity (Jeanne Dielman) - Daniele Dubroux -- The sign and the ape (King Kong) - Serge Toubiana -- One more bear (Dersu Uzala) - Serge Daney -- Curdled milk (Padre padrone) - Daniele Dubroux -- America without fear or favour (Star Wars) - Serge Le Peron -- Francois Truffaut La Chambre verte - Pascal Bonitzer -- An active fear (The Passion of Joan of Arc) - Jean-Pierre Oudart -- Appendix: Cahiers du Cinema in the 1950s, the 1960s and the early 1970s
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Call for an Australian Game of Thrones to boost screen industry in Sydney Morning Herald [Arts & Entertainment] (30/10/2015) p.19 Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; INDUSTRY, TV. AUSTRALIA. 2010s Author: Maddox, Garry PhysDes: Clippings File Article Subject: INDUSTRY, TV. AUSTRALIA; DRAMAS. AUSTRALIA; PRODUCTION Summary: Article discusses the benefits of producing tv programmes that sell internationally. It also discusses the current state of the Australian film and televisin industries
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Camera politica : the politics and ideology of contemporary Hollywood film / by Michael Ryan and Douglas Kellner Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1988. Call No: 409(73) RYA Copy Management: Copy 1; Copy 2 Author: Ryan, Michael, 1951; Kellner, Douglas, 1943 Place: Bloomington, Ind. Publisher: Indiana University Press PubDate: 1988 PhysDes: xiii, 328 p. : ill. ; 25 cm Subject: DISASTERS IN FILMS. USA; SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN FILMS. USA; WORKING CLASS IN FILMS. USA; ETHNIC GROUPS IN FILMS. USA; SOUTH IN FILMS. USA; WOMEN IN FILMS. USA; BUDDY FILMS. USA; FAMILY IN FILMS. USA; VIETNAM WAR IN FILMS; HORROR FILMS. USA; VIETNAM WAR FILMS; POLITICS AND THE CINEMA. USA; FANTASY FILMS. USA; UTOPIA IN FILMS. USA; COMMUNISM AND THE CINEMA. USA; TECHNOLOGY AND THE CINEMA. USA; CONSPIRACY FILMS. USA; SPIELBERG, STEVEN; COPPOLA, FRANCIS FORD; BORDEN, LIZZIE; CIMINO, MICHAEL; Peckinpah, Sam; Reagan, Ronald; ROMERO, GEORGE; SCORSESE, MARTIN; HOOPER, TOBE; FRIEDKIN, WILLIAM; BROOKS, JAMES L.; DE PALMA, BRIAN; LUCAS, GEORGE; KUBRICK, STANLEY; MILIUS, JOHN; PAKULA, ALAN J.; SCOTT, RIDLEY; STAR WARS (US, George Lucas, 1977); CARNAL KNOWLEDGE (US, Mike Nichols, 1971); CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND (US, Steven Spielberg, 1977); DEATH WISH (US, Michael Winner, 1974); DEER HUNTER, THE (US, Michael Cimino, 1978); DRESSED TO KILL (US, Brian De Palma, 1980); E.T. THE EXTRA TERRESTRIAL (US, Steven Spielberg, 1982); FRENCH CONNECTION, THE (US, William Friedkin, 1971); JAWS (US, Steven Spielberg, 1975); TERMS OF ENDEARMENT (US, James L. Brooks, 1983); UNDER FIRE (US, Roger Spottiswoode, 1983); SHINING, THE (UK, Stanley Kubrick, 1980); APOCALYPSE NOW (US, Francis Ford Coppola, 1979); DESPERATELY SEEKING SUSAN (US, Susan Seidelman, 1985); DIRTY HARRY (US, Don Siegel, 1971); GODFATHER, THE (US, Francis Ford Coppola, 1972); KLUTE (US, Alan J. Pakula, 1971); BLADE RUNNER (US, Ridley Scott, 1982) Notes: Includes index; Bibliography: p. 321-324 ISBN: 0253313341 LON: 5193671
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Cannibalilizing queer : Brazilian cinema from 1970 to 2015 / Joao Nemi Neto Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2021. Call No: 71-032(81) NEM Author: Nemi Neto, Joao Edition: 2021 Place: Detroit Publisher: Wayne State University Press PubDate: 2021 PhysDes: x, 170 pages ; 24 cm Series: Queer Screens Subject: BRAZIL; HOMOSEXUALITY IN FILMS; AIDS IN FILMS; PORNOGRAPHIC FILMS; CANNIBALISM IN FILMS; MADAME SATA (BL/FR, Karim Ainouz, 2002); MARINS, JOSE MOJICA; ORGIA OU O HOMEN QUE DEU CRIA (BL, Joao Silverio Trevisan, 1970) Summary: Through an analysis of contemporary Brazilian cinematic production, Cannibalizing Queer: Brazilian Cinema from 1970 to 2015 discusses which queer representations are erased and which are acknowledged in the complex processes of cultural translation, adaptation, and "devouring" that defines the Brazilian understanding of sexual dissidents and minorities. João Nemi Neto argues for Brazilian cinema studies to acknowledge the importance of 1920s modernism and of antropografia, a conceptual mode of cannibalism, to adopt and extrapolate a perverse form of absorption and raise the stakes on queer theory and postcolonialism, and to demonstrate how they are crucial to the development of a queer tradition in Brazilian cinema.
In five chapters and two "trailers," Nemi Neto understands the term "queer" through its political dimensions because the films he analyzes represent characters that conform neither to American coming-out politics nor to Brazilian identity politics. Nonetheless, the films are queer precisely because the queer experiences and affection explored in these films do not necessarily insist on identifying characters as a particular sexuality or gender identity. Therefore, attention to characters within a unique cinematic world raises the stakes on several issues that hinge on cinematic form, narrative, and representation. Nemi Neto interviews and examines the work of Joao Silverio Trevisan and provides readings of films such as AIDS o furor do sexo explícito (AIDS the Furor of Explicit Sex, 1986), and Dzi Croquetes (Dzi Croquetes, 2009) to theorize a productive overlap between queer and antropofagia. Moreover, the films analyzed here depict queer alternative representations to both homonormativity and heteronormativity as forms of resistance, at the same time as prejudice and heteronormativity remain present in contemporary Brazilian social practices.
Graduate students and scholars of cinema and media studies, queer studies, Brazilian modernism, and Latin American studies will value what one early reader called "a point of departure for all future research on Brazilian queer cinema." -- publisher's web site ISBN: 9780814346105 Donation: Senses of Cinema
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Canon-fire! the art of making award-winning amateur movies / [by] Cecil Satariano London: Bachman and Turner, 1973. Call No: 22 SAT Author: Satariano, Cecil Place: London Publisher: Bachman and Turner PubDate: 1973 PhysDes: 74, [28] p. illus., ports. 23 cm Subject: AMATEUR FILMS; PRODUCTION ISBN: 0859740021 LON: 317370
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Canvas Documentaries : panoramic entertainments in nineteenth-century Australia and New Zealand / by Mimi Colligan Carlton South, Vic.: Melbourne University Press, 2002. Call No: 761(931/94)(097.1) COL Author: Colligan, Mimi Source: AT Place: Carlton South, Vic. Publisher: Melbourne University Press PubDate: 2002 PhysDes: xvi, 250 p. : ill. (some col.), ports, plans ; 22 cm x 28 cm Subject: ART AND THE CINEMA; DOCUMENTARIES; PRE-CINEMA HISTORY; AUSTRALIA; NEW ZEALAND; ENTERTAINMENT. AUSTRALIA Summary: "Long before cinema was invented, people went to picture shows. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Britain, Europe and America they were treated to dramatic pictorial spectacles. Audiences might be encircled by vast 360-degree canvases, or seated before continuous images drawn across a proscenium, or gathered in amusement parks to watch painted 3-D structures come 'alive' with the explosion of fireworks overhead. The sense of realism was enhanced by back-lighting, running commentaries and props such as real sand and trees. These spectacular representations of scenery, current events or recent battles abroad were indeed documentaries on canvas-the first travelogues. The phenomenon of complex circular panoramas and dioramas took root in Australia and New Zealand in the 1850s. They drew enthusiastic crowds, brought good work for local artists, and propogated the glories of empire in all the capital cities they toured. Canvas Documentaries captures the artistic, civic and social preoccupations of the times. Generously illustrated with paintings, etchings, engravings, mechanical drawings, architectural plans, photographs and advertising material, this beautiful book is a window on the vibrant popular culture of the Victorian era. " -- BOOK JACKET Notes: Includes bibiographical references and index; Bibliography: p 236-240 ISBN: 0522850197 Contents: -- acknowledgments -- picture show terminology -- preface -- introduction -- 1. Grand Tours for a Shilling: The English background -- 2. Moving Panoramas: Presenting the world and local exploits -- 3. Panorama Business: Far-off battles and armchair travel -- 4. Across the Stage: Moving panoramas in Australian theatre -- 5. Vesuvius in Melbourne: Outdoor modelled panoramas and fireworks -- 6. Pompeii in Australia: Pain's pyrotechnics and modelled panoramas -- 7. At the Battles: Cycloramas in Australia -- 8. Exhibiting Old Melbourne: The cyclorama of early Melbourne -- 9. Around the Country: The intercolonial cyclorama circuit -- 10. On the Move: The decline of panoramic picture shows -- list of illustrations -- notes -- select bibliography -- index --
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Captain Kidd and Bluebeard were only amateurs! in Australasian Cinema (22/7/1983) vol.12 iss.13 p.2 More info |
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Capucine co-stars in "Trail of the Pink Panther" in Australasian Cinema (16/4/1982) vol.11 iss.6 p.4 More info |
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Carceral fantasies : cinema and prison in early twentieth-century America / Alison Griffiths New York: Columbia University Press, 2016. Call No: 386.9 GRI Author: Griffiths, Alison Source: US Place: New York Publisher: Columbia University Press PubDate: 2016 PhysDes: xix, 440 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm Subject: PRISON FILMS; PRISON CINEMAS; AUDIENCES Summary: "A groundbreaking contribution to the study of nontheatrical film exhibition, Carceral Fantasies tells the little-known story of how cinema found a home in the U.S. penitentiary system and how the prison emerged as a setting and narrative trope in modern cinema. Focusing on films shown in prisons before 1935, Alison Griffiths explores both the unique experience of viewing cinema while incarcerated and the complex cultural roots of cinematic renderings of prison life." -- BOOK BLURB Notes: Includes bibliographical references, filmography and index ISBN: 9780231161060 Donation: donated by Senses of Cinema Contents: Introduction -- The carceral imaginary -- Tableaux mort: execution, cinema, and carceral fantasies -- Prison on screen: the carceral aesthetic -- The carceral spectator -- Screens and the senses in prison -- The great unseen audience: Sing Sing Prison and motion pictures -- The carceral reformer -- A different story: recreation and cinema in women's prisons and reformatories -- Cinema and prison reform -- Conclusion: the prison museum and media use in the contemporary prison
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Cartoon and puppet films in 1963 / Oldrich Adamec (editor) and Marie Benesova (compiler) 1963. More info |
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CAS PINOCHET, LE : (FR/CL/BE/SP, Patricio Guzman, 2001) More info |
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Casting clowns : Beresford tells all in Weekend Australian (18/06/2016) p.3 Call No: PERSONALITY CLIPPINGS FILE; MILLIKEN, SUE Author: Neill, Rosemary PhysDes: Clippings File Article Subject: PRODUCTION. USA; CASTING; BERESFORD, BRUCE; MILLIKEN, SUE Summary: Preview of a longer article in the same paper about the relationship between director Bruce Beresford and producer Sue Milliken and their trials and tribulations in trying to get films made in Hollywood. Their correspondence has been compiled into a book titled 'There's a fax from Bruce'
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Celluloid jukebox : popular music and the movies since the 50s / edited by Jonathan Romney and Adrian Wootton London: British Film Institute, 1995. More info |
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"Chanel Solitaire" opens at Pitt Centre on May 28th in Australasian Cinema (28/5/1982) vol.11 iss.9 p.2 More info |
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Channels for change : am opportunity to guarantee access and equity in Australian television services / Public Broadcasting Association of Australia's TV Standing Committee's response to the Communications Law Centre Report (1989) Ultimo, NSW: Public Broadcasting Association of Australia, Call No: 210.55(94) PUB CorpAuthor: Public Broadcasting Association of Australia TV Standing Committee Edition: 1990 Place: Ultimo, NSW Publisher: Public Broadcasting Association of Australia PhysDes: 114 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm Subject: COMMUNITY TV. AUSTRALIA; PUBLIC BROADCASTING. AUSTRALIA ISBN: 9780959722321
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Channels of discourse : television and contemporary criticism / edited by Robert C. Allen Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1987. More info |
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Chaplin-inspired space nurtures future talent in Sydney Morning Herald (19/08/2016) p.11 More info |
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Charlton Heston : the epic presence / Bruce Crowther London: Columbus Books, 1986. Call No: 81HES CRO Author: Crowther, Bruce, 1933 Source: UK Place: London Publisher: Columbus Books PubDate: 1986 PhysDes: 192 p. : ill. ; 25 cm Subject: HESTON, CHARLTON; TEN COMMANDMENTS, THE (US, Cecil B. DeMille, 1956); EL CID (US/IT, Anthony Mann, 1961); PLANET OF THE APES (US, Franklin J. Schaffner, 1967); JULIUS CAESAR (US, Joseph L. Mankiewicz, 1953); SOYLENT GREEN (US, Richard Fleischer, 1973) Notes: Includes index; Bibliography: p. 178; Filmography: p. 179-190 ISBN: 0862872871 (pbk.) : ª7.95 LON: 4409901
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Charlton Heston : Talks to David Austen of 'Films and Filming' in Montage (March 1970) p.29-35 More info |
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Chasing the runaways : foreign film production and film studio development in Australia 1988-2002 / Nick Herd Sydney: Currency House, 2004. More info |
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CHEMINS DE KATMANDOU, LES : (FR/IT, André Cayatte, 1969) More info |
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Child's Play : issues in Australian Children's Television 2013 2013. More info |
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Children and television : a semiotic approach / Robert Hodge and David Tripp Cambridge, U.K. Oxford, U.K.: Polity Press In association with B. Blackwell, 1986. More info |
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Children's novels and the movies / edited by Douglas Street New York: F. Ungar Pub. Co., 1983. Call No: 753.131-053.2 CHI Author: Street, Douglas Place: New York Publisher: F. Ungar Pub. Co. PubDate: 1983 PhysDes: xxiv, 304 p., [16] p. of plates : ill. ; 22 cm Series: Ungar Film Library Subject: ADAPTATIONS; CHILDREN AND THE CINEMA; ALICE IN WONDERLAND (US, Clyde Geronimi & Wilfred Jackson & Hamilton Luske & Brice Mack, 1951); ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND (UK, William Sterling, 1972); CHARLOTTE' S WEB (US, Charles A. Nichols & Iwao Takamoto, 1973); CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG (UK, Ken Hughes, 1968); FROM THE MIXED UP FILES OF MRS. BASIL E. FRANKENWEILER (US, Fielder Cook, 1973); HERO AIN'T NOTHING BUT A SANDWICH, A (US, Ralph Nelson, 1977); HOBBIT, THE (US, Jules Bass & Arthur Rankin Jr., 1977); ISLAND OF THE BLUE DOLPHINS (US, James B. Clark, 1964); KIDNAPPED (UK, Delbert Mann, 1971); KIM (US, Victor Saville, 1950); LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE, THE (UK/US, Bill Melendez, 1979); LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY (UK, Jack Gold, 1981); LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY (US, John Cromwell, 1936); LITTLE PRINCE, THE (UK/US, Stanley Donen, 1974); LITTLE WOMEN (US, George Cukor, 1933); LITTLE WOMEN (US, Mervyn LeRoy, 1948); PINOCCHIO (US, Ben Sharpsteen & Hamilton Luske, 1940); PIPPI LANGSTRUMP (GG, Olle Hellbom, 1969); PIPPI LONGSTOCKING (GG, Olle Hellbom, 1969); RAILWAY CHILDREN, THE (UK, Lionel Jeffries, 1970); SECRET GARDEN, THE (BL, Fred M. Wilcox, 1949); SOUNDER (US, Martin Ritt, 1972); TOBY TYLER, OR TEN WEEKS WITH A CIRCUS (US, Charles Barton, 1960); TOM BROWN'S SCHOOLDAYS (UK, Gordon Parry, 1951); TREASURE ISLAND (US, Victor Fleming, 1934); TREASURE ISLAND (US, Byron Haskin, 1950); TREASURE ISLAND (US, Andrea Bianchi & Jon Hough, 1972); WATERSHIP DOWN (UK, Martin Rosen, 1978); WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY (US, Mel Stuart, 1971); WIZARD OF OZ, THE (US, Victor Fleming, 1939) Summary: "For the young and the young in heart, film versions of old favourites renew the magic of first acquaintance with these wonderful stories. Several landmark films are covered here in lively examinations of the art of successful cinematic adaptation, covering children's literature from the Victorian age to the present - from Tom Brown's Schooldays to A Hero Ain't Nothing but a Sandwich [...] This is the first book to devote itself exclusively to film adaptations of children's classics. All the writers are equally at home in children's fiction and film studies. Their essays, with one exception, were especially prepared for this volume. All together, a rewarding look at old and new favourites in literature and the movies, and at the elements that have made them lastingly successful." -- BOOK BLURB Notes: Includes index; Filmography: p. 253-273; Bibliography: p. 280-290 ISBN: 0804428409 : $14.95; 0804468834 (pbk.) : $6.95 LON: 83014816; 2808775
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Chilean cinema in the twenty-first century world / edited by Vania Barraza and Carl Fischer Detroit, Michigan: Wayne State University Press, 2020. Call No: 11439 Author: Barraza, Vania; Fishcher, Carl Place: Detroit, Michigan Publisher: Wayne State University Press PubDate: 2020 PhysDes: xii,376 pages : ilustrated ; 23cm Series: Contemporary approaches to film and media Subject: CHILE; FESTIVALS; HORROR FILMS; POLITICS AND THE CINEMA Summary: Focusing on films from Chile since 2000 and bringing together scholars from South and North America, Chilean Cinema in the Twenty-First-Century World is the first English-language book since the 1970s to explore this small, yet significant, Latin American cinema. The volume questions the concept of "national cinemas" by examining how Chilean film dialogues with trends in genre-based, political, and art-house cinema around the world, while remaining true to local identities. Contributors place current Chilean cinema in a historical context and expand the debate concerning the artistic representation of recent political and economic transformations in contemporary Chile. Chilean Cinema in the Twenty-First-Century World opens up points of comparison between Chile and the ways in which other national cinemas are negotiating their place on the world stage.
The book is divided into five parts. "Mapping Theories of Chilean Cinema in the World" examines Chilean filmmakers at international film festivals, and political and affective shifts in the contemporary Chilean documentary. "On the Margins of Hollywood: Chilean Genre Flicks" explores on the emergence of Chilean horror cinema and the performance of martial arts in Chilean films. "Other Texts and Other Lands: Intermediality and Adaptation Beyond Chile(an Cinema)" covers the intermedial transfer from Chilean literature to transnational film and from music video to film. "Migrations of Gender and Genre" contrasts films depicting transgender people in Chile and beyond. "Politicized Intimacies, Transnational Affects: Debating (Post)memory and History" analyzes representations of Chile’s traumatic past in contemporary documentary and approaches mourning as a politicized act in postdictatorship cultural production.
Intended for scholars, students, and researchers of film and Latin American studies, Chilean Cinema in the Twenty-First-Century World evaluates an active and emergent film movement that has yet to receive sufficient attention in global cinema studies. -- publisher's web site ISBN: 9780814346822
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Chinese cinema : culture and politics since 1949 / Paul Clark Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Call No: 71(51) CLA Author: Clark, Paul, 1949 Place: Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] New York Publisher: Cambridge University Press PubDate: 1987 PhysDes: vii, 243 p. : ill., ports. ; 24 cm Series: Cambridge studies in film Subject: CITY OF SADNESS, A [; POLITICS AND THE CINEMA. CHINA Notes: Includes index; Bibliography: p. 227-235 ISBN: 0521326389 LON: 5540259
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Chinese connection has its limits in The Australian (25/11/2015) p.16 More info |
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Chinese film archivists in Australia in Australasian Cinema (22/7/1983) vol.12 iss.13 p.1 More info |
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Choose life : Ewan McGregor and the British film revival / Xan Brooks London: Chameleon, 1998. Call No: 81MCG BRO Author: Brooks, Xan Source: UK Place: London Publisher: Chameleon PubDate: 1998 PhysDes: x, 207 p., [24] p. of plates : ill. (some col.), ports. (some col.) ; 23 cm Subject: MCGREGOR, EWAN; SHALLOW GRAVE (UK, Danny Boyle, 1994); TRAINSPOTTING (UK, Danny Boyle, 1996); PILLOW BOOK, THE (UK/NE/FR, Peter Greenaway, 1996); LIFE LESS ORDINARY, A (US, Danny Boyle, 1997) Notes: Film and television history list for Ewan McGregor ISBN: 0233994106
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Chris Marker / Nora M. Alter Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2006. Call No: 81MAR ACT Author: Alter, Nora M. Source: US Place: Urbana Publisher: University of Illinois Press PubDate: 2006 PhysDes: xv, 205 p. : ill., ports, ; 21 cm Series: Contemporary film directors Subject: MARKER, CHRIS; NUIT ET BROUILLARD (FR, Alain Resnais, 1955); JETEE, LA (FR, Chris Marker, 1963); JOLI MAI, LE (FR, Chris Marker & Pierre Lhomme, 1963); LOIN DU VIETNAM (FR, Joris Ivens & William Klein, 1967); PRIME TIME IN THE CAMPS (FR, Chris Marker, 1994) Summary: Alter's careful study includes previously uncollected and untranslated interviews with the director and investigates the core themes and motivations behind an often unpredictable and transnational cinematic practice that defies easy classification [taken from back cover] Notes: Formerly CIP.
Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN: 0252073169
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Christmas at the movies : images of Christmas in American, British and European cinema / edited by Mark Connelly London ; New York: I.B. Tauris, 2000. Call No: 743 CON Place: London ; New York Publisher: I.B. Tauris PubDate: 2000 PhysDes: 242 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Subject: CHRISTMAS IN FILMS; REMEMBER THE NIGHT (UK, Mitchell Leisen, 1939); SCROOGE (UK, Henry Edwards, 1935); CHRISTMAS CAROL, A (US, Edwin L. Marin, 1938); SCROOGE [CHRISTMAS CAROL, A] (US, Brian Desmond Hurst, 1951); SCROOGE (UK, Ronald Neame, 1970); CHRISTMAS CAROL, A (UK, Clive Donner, 1984); SCROOGED (US, Richard Donner, 1988); MUPPET CHRISTMAS CAROL, THE (US, Brian Henson, 1992); IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE (US, Frank Capra, 1946); MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER, THE (US, William Keighley, 1941); HOLIDAY INN (US, Mark Sandrich, 1942); CHRISTMAS UNDER FIRE (UK, Harry Watt, 1941); TURKEY TIME (UK, Tom Walls, 1933); HOLLY AND THE IVY, THE (UK, George More O'Ferrall, 1953); CHEATERS, THE (US, Joe Kane, 1945); MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (US, Les Mayfield, 1994); MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (US, George Seaton, 1947); SANTA CLAUSE, THE (US, John Pasquin, 1994); ERNEST SAVES CHRISTMAS (US, John Cherry, 1988); SANTA CLAUSE: THE MOVIE (US, Jeannot Szwarc, 1985); GREMLINS (US, Joe Dante, 1984); SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT (US, Charles E. Sellier Jr., 1984); SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT PART II (US, Lee Harry, 1987); TIM BURTON'S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS (US, Harry Selick, 1993); CHRISTMAS STORY, A (US, Bob Clark, 1983); LETHAL WEAPON (US, Richard Donner, 1987); DIE HARD (US, John McTiernan, 1988); DIE HARD 2 (US, Renny Harlin, 1990); HOME ALONE (US, Chris Columbus, 1990); HOME ALONE 2: LOST IN NEW YORK (US, Chris Columbus, 1992); LONG KISS GOODNIGHT, THE (US, Renny Harlin, 1996); JINGLE ALL THE WAY (US, Brian Levant, 1996); MERLUSSE (FR, Marcel Pagnol, 1935); CHATEAU DE MA MERE, LE (FR, Yves Robert, 1990); GRANDE ILLUSION, LA (FR, Jean Renoir, 1937); VIE EST UN LONG FLEUVE TRANQUILLE, LA (FR, Etienne Chatiliez, 1988); ELISA (FR, Jean Becker, 1994); KARNAVALNAIA NOCH (UR, Eldar Ryazanov, 1956); IRONIYA SUDBY ILI S LYOGKIM PAROM (UR, Eldar Ryazanov, 1975); PLACIDO (SP, Luis Garcia Berlanga, 1961) Summary: A look at depictions of Christmas across various national cinemas and genres throughout the 20th century. Notes: Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Filmography: p. ([223]-232) ISBN: 1860643973 Contents: -- God Bless Us, Every One: Movie Adaptations Of A Christmas Carol / James Chapman -- A Hollywood Carol's Wonderful Life / Jonathan Munby -- Dreaming Of Christmas: Hollywood And The Second World War / H. Mark Glancy -- Christmas Under Fire: The Wartime Christmas In Britain / Sarah Street -- Crisis At Christmas: Turkey Time, The Holly And The Ivy, The Cheaters / Jeffrey Richards -- Santa Claus: The Movie / Mark Connelly -- You Better Watch Out: Christmas In The Horror Film / Kim Newman -- 'Peace On Earth, Goodwill To All Men': The Depiction Of Christmas In Moden Hollywood Films / Rowana Agajanian -- Christmas In French Cinema / Guy Austin -- Father Frost On 31 December: Christmas And New Year In Soviet And Russian Cinema / Birgit Beumers -- Satirizing The Spanish Christmas: Placido / Peter William Evans
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Christopher Nolan : A critical study of the films / Darren Mooney Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company Inc., Publishers, 2018. Call No: 81 NOL MOO Author: Mooney, Darren Place: Jefferson, North Carolina Publisher: McFarland & Company Inc., Publishers PubDate: 2018 PhysDes: v, 212 pages ; 26 cm. Subject: NOLAN, CHRISTOPHER; FOLLOWING (UK, Christopher Nolan, 1998); MEMENTO (US, Christopher Nolan, 2000); INSOMNIA (US, Christopher Nolan, 2002); BATMAN BEGINS (US, Christopher Nolan, 2005); PRESTIGE, THE (US/UK, Christopher Nolan, 2006); DARK KNIGHT, THE (US, Christopher Nolan, 2008); INCEPTION (US, Christopher Nolan, 2010); DARK KNIGHT RISES, THE (US/UK, Christopher Nolan, 2012); INTERSTELLAR (US, Christopher Nolan, 2014); DUNKIRK (UK/NE/FR/US, Christopher Nolan, 2017) Summary: "Christopher Nolan is one of the defining directors of the 21st century. His films have a rare ability to transcend audience expectations, ranging from gritty crime thrillers to spectacular blockbusters. They push the boundaries of possibility. This critical history covers his complete filmography, tracing his career from film student to indie darling to Oscar-nominated auteur" Notes: Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN: 9781476674803 Contents: Following -- Memento -- Insomnia -- Batman Begins -- The Rrestige -- The Dark Knight -- Inception -- The Dark Knight Rises -- Interstellar -- Dunkirk
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CILECT : list of important Australian films / compiled by Denny Lawrence [North Ryde, NSW?]: Australian Film and Television School, [1980?]. Call No: 675.1(94) LAW Author: Lawrence, Denny Source: AT Place: [North Ryde, NSW?] Publisher: Australian Film and Television School PubDate: [1980?] PhysDes: 60 leaves : 30 cm Subject: AUSTRALIAN FILM AND TELEVISION SCHOOL; SENTIMENTAL BLOKE, THE (AT, Raymond Longford, 1919); ON OUR SELECTION (AT, Raymond Longford, 1920); GIRL OF THE BUSH, A (AT, Franklyn Barrett, 1921); KID STAKES, THE (AT, Tal Ordell, 1927); FOR THE TERM OF HIS NATURAL LIFE (AT, Norman Dawn, 1927); [FORTY THOUSAND] 40,000 HORSEMEN (AT, Charles Chauvel, 1940); OVERLANDERS, THE (UK, Harry Watt, 1946); SONS OF MATTHEW (AT, Charles Chauvel, 1949); BACK OF BEYOND, THE (AT, John Heyer, 1953); WAKE IN FRIGHT (AT, Ted Kotcheff, 1971); BETWEEN WARS (AT, Michael Thornhill, 1974); SUNDAY TOO FAR AWAY (AT, Ken Hannam, 1975); PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK (AT, Peter Weir, 1975); PURE S (AT, Bert Deling, 1976); CADDIE (AT, Donald Crombie, 1976); DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND (AT, Fred Schepisi, 1976); DON'S PARTY (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1976); F.J. HOLDEN, THE (AT, Michael Thornhill, 1977); NEWSFRONT (AT, Phillip Noyce, 1978); MAD MAX (AT, George Miller, 1979); MY BRILLIANT CAREER (AT, Gillian Armstrong, 1979); PALM BEACH (AT, Albie Thoms, 1979); BREAKER MORANT (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1980); ROBBERY UNDER ARMS (AT, Kenneth Brampton, 1920); DAD AND DAVE COME TO TOWN (AT, Ken G. Hall, 1938); RATS OF TOBRUK, THE (AT, Charles Chauvel, 1944); JEDDA (AT, Charles Chauvel, 1955); THREE IN ONE (AT, Cecil Holmes, 1956); THEY'RE A WEIRD MOB (AT, Michael Powell, 1966); ADVENTURES OF BARRY MCKENZIE, THE (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1972); CASTOR AND POLLUX (AT, Phillip Noyce, 1973); MOVING ON (AT, Richard Mason, 1974); PETERSEN (AT, Tim Burstall, 1974); LEISURE (AT, Bruce Petty, 1976); STORM BOY (AT, Henri Safran, 1976); GETTING OF WISDOM, THE (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1977); LOVE LETTERS FROM TERALBA ROAD (AT, Stephen Wallace, 1977); SINGER AND THE DANCER, THE (AT, Gillian Amrstrong, 1977); CHANT OF JIMMIE BLACKSMITH, THE (AT, Fred Schepisi, 1978); MOUTH MUSIC (NZ, Gregor Nichlas, 1981); MOUTH TO MOUTH (AT, John Duigan, 1978); LAST TASMANIAN, THE (AT, Tom Haydon, 1978); NIGHT THE PROWLER, THE (AT, Jim Sharman, 1978); STEPPING OUT (AT, Chris Noonan, 1980); STIR (AT, Stephen Wallace, 1980); BEST FILMS. AUSTRALIA Summary: A list of important Australian films in two categories, films of aesthetic merit (list A), and films of historical or sociological importance (list B), with a brief synopsis of each. Notes: Reprinted October 1980 Contents: Introduction -- Methodology -- Notes on revision -- Film acquisition -- Australian cinema history on film -- references; List - category A: The sentimental bloke (1919) -- On our selection (1920) -- A girl of the bush -- The kid stakes -- For the term of his natural life -- Forty thousand horsemen -- The overlanders -- Sons of Matthew -- Back of beyond -- Desert people -- Wake in fright -- Between wars -- Sunday too far away -- Picnic at Hanging Rock -- Pure S -- Caddie -- The Devil's playground -- Don's party -- F J Holden -- Newsfront -- Mad Max -- My brilliant career - Palm Beach - Breaker Morant; List - category B: Robbery under arms (1920) -- Dad and Dave come to town -- The Rats of Tobruk -- Jedda -- Three in one -- They're a weird mob -- The daventures of Barry McKenzie -- Where dead men lie -- Gentle strangers -- Castor and Pollux -- Moving on -- Petersen -- Leisure -- Storm boy -- All in the same boat -- The getting of wisdom -- Love letters from Teralba Road -- The singer and the dancer -- The chant of Jimmie Blacksmith -- Mouth to mouth -- The last Tasmanian -- The night the prowler -- Stepping out -- Stir
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'Cine-mania' or 'cinephilia' : film festivals and the identity question in UTS Review (Nov 1998) vol.4 iss.2 p.174-187 More info |
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The Cineaste interviews : on the art and politics of the cinema / Dan Georgakas, Lenny Rubenstein Chicago: Lake View Press, c1983. Call No: 45:32 CIN Author: Georgakas, Dan; Rubenstein, Lenny CorpAuthor: Cineaste Source: US Place: Chicago Publisher: Lake View Press PubDate: c1983 PhysDes: xiv, 396 p., [8] p. of plates : ill. ; 23 cm Subject: BERTOLUCCI, BERNARDO; CANBY, VINCENT; COSTA-GAVRAS, CONSTANTIN; CRITICISM; FASSBINDER, RAINER WERNER; FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA; FONDA, JANE; GUTIERREZ ALEA, TOMAS; LITTIN, MIGUEL; MAKAVEJEV, DUSAN; PARKS, GORDON; PETRI, ELIO; POLITICS AND THE CINEMA; PONTECORVO, GILLO; Ray, Satyajit; ROCHA, GLAUBER; ROSI, FRANCESCO; ROSSELLINI, ROBERTO; SARRIS, ANDREW; SAYLES, JOHN; SCHRADER, PAUL; SCRIPTWRITERS; SEMBENE, OUSMANE; TAVERNIER, BERTRAND; WERTMULLER, LINA; Writers Guild of America; VARDA, AGNES; WAJDA, ANDRZEJ; ZANUSSI, KRZYSZTOF Notes: Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN: 0941702022 : $25.00 LON: 2921398
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Cinema and cultural modernity / Gill Branston Philadelphia: Open University Press, 2000. More info |
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Cinema and nation / [edited by] Mette Hjort and Scott MacKenzie London New York: Routledge, 2000. Call No: 408.1 CIN Author: Hjort, Mette; MacKenzie, Scott, 1967 Place: London New York Publisher: Routledge PubDate: 2000 PhysDes: xvi, 332 p., ill., 25 cm Subject: NATIONAL IDENTITY AND THE CINEMA; COPRODUCTION. EUROPEAN COUNTRIES; UNITED KINGDOM : SCOTLAND; INDONESIA; POLAND; TURKEY; INDIA; GERMANY; STATE AND THE CINEMA; CAPRA, FRANK Summary: Leading film scholars, philosophers and sociologists consider the ways in which film production and reception are shaped by ideas of national identity and belonging. The contributors discuss a wide range of cinemas, in Europe, Asia and the Americas, exploring the relationship between nation states for both the concept and the reality of national cinema.
In the book’s first three sections, contributors explore sociological approaches to national identity, challenge established ideas about ‘national cinema’, and consider the ways in which national states – from the former Soviet Union to Contemporary Scotland – use cinema in their efforts to create a national cinema, and consider how images of the nation are understood by audiences both at home and abroad.
Taken from back cover. Notes: Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN: 0415208629 (alk. paper); 0415208637 (pbk. : alk. paper); 0415208629; 0415208637(pbk.) : ¦14.99; 0415208629(cased) : No price; 0415208637(pbk.) : No price LON: 21459338
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Cinema and painting : how art is used in film / Angela Dalle Vacche Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1996. Call No: 61[929:7] VAC Author: Vacche, Angela Dalle Source: US Place: Austin, Texas Publisher: University of Texas Press PubDate: 1996 PhysDes: xi, 303 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm Subject: ART AND THE CINEMA; AMERICAN IN PARIS, AN (US, Vincente Minnelli, 1951); DESERTO ROSSO, IL (IT/FR, Michelangelo Antonioni, 1964); MARQUISE VON O..., DIE (GW/FR, Erich Rohmer, 1975); PIERROT LE FOU (FR/IT, Jean-Luc Godard, 1965); ANDREI RUBLEV (UR, Andrei Tarkovsky, 1969); NOSFERATU - EINE SYMPHONIE DES GRAUENS (G, Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, 1922); THERESE (FR, Alain Cavalier, 1986) Summary: "The visual image is the common denominator of cinema and painting, and indeed many filmmakers have used the imagery of paintings to shape or enrich the meaning of their films. In this discerning new approach to cinema studies, Angela Dalle Vacche discusses how the use of pictorial sources in film enables eight filmmakers to comment on the interplay between the arts, on the dialectic of word and image, on the relationship between artistic creativity and sexual difference, and on the tension between tradition and modernity." - taken from back cover. Notes: Includes index -- Includes bibliographical references (p. [267]-292) ISBN: 0292715838 Contents: Introduction: A Thematic and Intertextual Approach -- Ch. 1. Vincente Minnelli's An American in Paris: Painting as Psychic Upheaval -- Ch. 2. Michelangelo Antonioni's Red Desert: Painting as Ventriloquism and Color as Movement -- Ch. 3. Eric Rohmer's The Marquise of O: Painting Thoughts, Listening to Images -- Ch. 4. Jean-Luc Godard's Pierrot le Fou: Cinema as Collage against Painting -- Ch. 5. Andrei Tarkowsky's Andrei Rublev: Cinema as the Restoration of Icon Painting -- Ch. 6. F. W. Murnau's Nosferatu: Romantic Painting as Horror and Desire in Expressionist Cinema -- Ch. 7. Kenji Mizoguchi's Five Women around Utamaro: Film between Woodblock Printing and Tattooing -- Ch. 8. Alain Cavalier's Therese: Still Life and the Close-Up as Feminine Space ID2: 343
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Cinema and sentiment / Charles Affron Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982. More info |
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Cinema approaching reality : locating Chinese film theory / Victor Fan Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2015. Call No: 626(51) FAN Author: Fan, Victoria Source: US Place: Minneapolis Publisher: University of Minnesota Press PubDate: 2015 PhysDes: xii, 277 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm Subject: POLITICS AND THE CINEMA; CRITICISM. CHINA; THEORY; HISTORY OF CINEMA. CHINA; HISTORY OF CINEMA. HONG KONG; BAZIN, ANDRE Summary: Examines ways in which Chinese and Euro-American film theorists conceptualize reality and cinema. In Cinema Approaching Reality, Victor Fan brings together, for the first time, Chinese and Euro-American film theories and theorists to engage in critical debates about film in Shanghai and Hong Kong from the 1920s through the 1940s. The result is an eye-opening exploration of the potentialities in approaching cinema anew, especially in the photographic materiality following its digital turn. -- taken from the publisher's site Notes: Includes bibliographical references, filmography (253-255) and index. ISBN: 9780816693573 Contents: Introduction -- Approaching reality: Chinese ontology and the potentiality of time -- Cinema of thought: directed consciousness in Chinese Marxist film theory -- Soft film theory: life in all its presence and concreteness -- Fey Mou: the presence of an absence -- Cinema of ideation, cinema of play: the early Cantonese sound film -- Conclusion
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Cinema art nouveau / A. Ruszkowski Lyon: 1937. Call No: 67 RUS Author: Ruszkoiwski, A Place: Lyon PubDate: 1937 Subject: CHARACTERIZATION IN FILMS; CLAIR, RENE; COWARD, NOEL; DE HAVILLAND, OLIVIA; DUVIVIER, JULIEN; GANCE, ABEL; GARSON, GREER; LANG, FRITZ; LORRE, PETER; PIDGEON, WALTER; PRESLE, MICHELINE; RENOIR, JEAN; MADAME CLAUDE (FR, Just Jaeckin, 1977); REGLE DU JEU, LA (FR, Jean Renoir, 1939); ROMAN DE RENARD, LE (FR, Ladislas Starevitch, 1941 [prod. 1929-41]); VISITEURS DU SOIR, LES (FR, Marcel Carne, 1942) Language: French
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Cinema at the periphery / edited by Dina Iordanova, David Martin-Jones, and Belen Vidal Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2010. Call No: 756 CIN Source: US Place: Detroit Publisher: Wayne State University Press PubDate: 2010 PhysDes: vii, 268 p. : ill. ; 23 cm Subject: PLACE IN FILMS Notes: Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN: 9780814333884 Donation: donated by Senses of Cinema, 2013 Contents: Introduction : a peripheral view of world cinema / Dina Iordanova, David Martin-Jones, Bele´n Vidal -- Peripheral positions : (re-)drawing industries and markets. Rise of the fringe : global cinema's long tail / Dina Iordanova -- Affinitive and milieu-building transnationalism : the Advance Party initiative / Mette Hjort -- Cinema in a settler society : brand New Zealand / Duncan Petrie -- Peripheral visions : Blak screens and cultural citizenship / Faye Ginsburg -- Emerging from underground and the periphery : Chinese independent cinema at the turn of the twenty-first century / Sheldon H. Lu -- New spaces of empire : Quebec cinema's centers and peripheries / Bill Marshall -- Peripheral visions : (re-)conceiving identities and histories. The Palestinian road (block) movie : everyday geographies of second Intifada cinema / Kay Dickinson -- Islands at the edge of history : landscape and the past in recent Scottish-Gaelic films / David Martin-Jones -- Filming the times of Tangier : nostalgia, postcolonial agency, and preposterous history / Patricia Pisters -- Back to the margins in search of the core : Foreign land's geography of exclusion / Lu´cia Nagib -- Memories of underdevelopment : Torremolinos 73, cinephilia, and filiation at the margins of Europe / Bele´n Vidal -- Experience-information-image : a historiography of unfolding in Arab cinema / Laura U. Marks
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The Cinema book / edited by Pam Cook London: BFI, 1985. More info |
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The cinema book / edited by Pam Cook and Mieke Bernink London: British Film Institute, 1999. More info |
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Cinema cities, media cities : The contemporary international studio complex / Australian Film Commission Sydney: Australian Film Commission, 2003. Call No: 210.31 GOL Author: Goldsmith, Ben; O'Regan, Tom Place: Sydney Publisher: Australian Film Commission PubDate: 2003 PhysDes: 28 cm; 117 pp Series: Screen Industry, Culture and Policy Research Subject: STUDIOS, FILM. AUSTRALIA; STUDIOS, FILM. AUSTRALIA: NEW SOUTH WALES; STUDIOS, FILM. AUSTRALIA: VICTORIA; STUDIO SYSTEM; STUDIO SHOOTING; PRODUCTION CENTRES : HOLLYWOOD; PRODUCTION. AUSTRALIA; PRODUCTION. EUROPEAN COUNTRIES; PRODUCTION. UK; PRODUCTION. USA; PRODUCTION COMPANIES & STUDIOS; GOVERNMENT AID; FOX STUDIOS AUSTRALIA Summary: Studio complexes are an important part of the way places around the world compete for and participate in international production. Many studios, in a range of locations, now have the size and sophistication to service large-budget feature film production. This comprehensive study of contemporary international studio considers the circumstances in which this rash of studio complex building and renovating has occurred – in places as diverse as Rome, London, Berlin, Prague, Vancouver, Toronto, Sydney, the Gold Coast and Melbourne. Central to the study is an understanding of studio complexes as cinema and media cities providing not only sound stages but a full range of production and post-production services in the one location. Cinema Cities, Media Cities is the first published analysis of this new international studio system, its origins, its business and its policy contexts. [Taken from back cover.] ISBN: 0958015279
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Cinema in Australia : an industry profile / written and researched by Jock Given, Rosemary Curtis and Mary McCutcheon Hawthorn, Victoria: Swinburne University of Technology, June 2013. More info |
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The Cinema in education : being the report of the psychological investigation conducted by the Cinema Commission of enquiry established by the National Council of Public Morals / Edited by Sir James Marchant, K.B.E., LL.D. General Secretary London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1925. More info |
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Cinema in the digital age / Rombes, Nicholas New York: New York Columbia University Press, 2017. Call No: 62 ROM Author: Rombes, Nicholas Edition: Revised edition Place: London; New York Publisher: New York Columbia University Press PubDate: 2017 PhysDes: 22 b& w illustrations Subject: DIGITAL CINEMA; NOSTALGIA; FILMMAKING; DISTRIBUTION; DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION; MEDIA AND THE CINEMA; EDITING; PHILOSOPHY AND THE CINEMA; VIDEO FORMATS; PARANORMAL ACTIVITY : THE MARKED ONES ( US, Christopher Landon, 2014); THEORY; SPECTATORSHIP; BLUE VELVET (US, David Lynch, 1986); APPLE; COMPUTER GENERATED IMAGERY; POSTMODERNISM AND THE CINEMA; FORMATS; CINEMATOGRAPHY Summary: Have digital technologies transformed cinema into a new art, or do they simply replicate and mimic analogue, film-based cinema? Newly revised and expanded to take the latest developments into account, Cinema in the Digital Age examines the fate of cinema in the wake of the digital revolution. Nicholas Rombes considers Festen (1998), The Blair Witch Project (1999), Timecode (2000), Russian Ark (2002), and The Ring (2002), among others. Haunted by their analogue pasts, these films are interested not in digital purity but rather in imperfection and mistakes-blurry or pixilated images, shaky camera work, and other elements that remind viewers of the human behind the camera.With a new introduction and new material, this updated edition takes a fresh look at the historical and contemporary state of digital cinema. It pays special attention to the ways in which nostalgia for the look and feel of analogue disrupts the aesthetics of the digital image, as well as how recent films such as The Social Network (2010) and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)-both shot digitally-have disguised and erased their digital foundations. The book also explores new possibilities for writing about and theorizing film, such as randomization. Notes: Includes bibliographical references. ISBN: 9780231167550 Donation: Senses of Cinema Contents: Machine generated contents note: 1.Accelerationism
2.The Adorno Paradox
3.Against Method
4.Analog/ Digital Splice
5.Blood, Simple
6.Boredom and Analog Nostalgia
7.The Digital Spectacular
8.Disposable Aesthetics
9.DV Humanism
10.Filmless Films
11.Frame Dragging
12.The Ideology of the Long Take
13.Image/ Text
16.iPod Experiment
17.Ironic Mode
18.Looking at Yourself Looking
19.The Lost Underground
20.Love in the Time of Fragments
21.Media as Its Own Theory
22.Mobile Viewing
23.Moving Space in the Frame, and a Note on Film Theory
24.Natural Time
26.Paranormal Activity 2
30.Real Time
31.The Real You
32.The Reality Industrial Complex
35.Secondary Becomes Primary
36.Self-Deconstructing Narratives
37.Shaky Camera
39.Simultaneous Cinema
40.Small Screens
Contents note continued: 41.Target Video
42.Time, Memory
44.Tmesis: Skimming and Skipping
45.Undirected Films
46.Viewer Participation
47.Virtual Humanism: Part 1
48.Virtual Humanism: Part 2
49.Visible Language, Spring 1977
50.Interpreting Film Images Through Randomized Constraint: The Blue Velvet Project
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Cinema in the Federal Republic of Germany : the new German film, origins and present situation : a handbook / Hans GFunther Pflaum, Hans Helmut Prinzler ; [translation, Timothy Nevill] Bonn: Inter Nationes, 1983. Call No: 71(430.1) PFL Author: Pflaum, Hans GFunther; Prinzler, Hans Helmut Place: Bonn Publisher: Inter Nationes PubDate: 1983 PhysDes: 180 p. : ill. ; 21 cm Subject: GERMANY; GERMAN FEDERAL REPUBLIC; DIRECTORS. GERMANY; ACHTERNBUSCH, HERBERT; ACKEREN, ROBERT VAN; FASSBINDER, RAINER WERNER; GEISSENDORFER, HANS W.; HERZOG, WERNER; KLUGE, ALEXANDER; WILDENHAHN, KLAUS; ZIEWER, CHRISTIAN; SCHROETER, WERNER; STRAUB, JEAN-MARIE; THOME, RUDOLPH; SANDER, HELKE; SCHILLING, NIKLAUS; NEKES, WERNER; COSTARD, HELLMUTH; HAUFF, REINHARD; LILIENTHAL, PETER; OTTINGER, ULRIKE; PETERSEN, WOLFGANG; PRAUNHEIM, ROSA VON; SANDERS-BRAHMS, HELMA; SCHLONDORFF, VOLKER; SYBERBERG, HANS JURGEN; TROTTA, MARGARETHE VON; Wenders, Wim Notes: Translation of: Film in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Bibliography: p. 179 LON: 3594169
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Cinema militant : political filmmaking and May 1968 / Paul Douglas Grant London: Wallflower Press, 2016. Call No: 626:335.5 GRA Author: Grant, Paul Douglas Place: London Publisher: Wallflower Press PubDate: 2016 PhysDes: viii, 224 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. Subject: POLITICAL FILMS; FRANCE; DEBORD, GUY; GODARD, JEAN-LUC Notes: Includes filmography (pages 203-209), bibliographical references (pages 211-216) and index. ISBN: 9780231176675 Contents: ch. 1 Wildcat Strikes and Wildcat Cinema In May '68: ARC -- 1.1.What Is cinema militant? -- 1.2.Interrogating the absence -- 1.3.Production eclipsed by theory -- 1.4.Reception In English: Sylvia Harvey's May '68 and Film Culture -- 1.5.History in France -- 1.6.The cinema of May 1968 -- ch. 2 Jean-Pierre Thorn: "No investigation, no right to speak" -- 2.1.Jean-Pierre Thorn and Oser lutter, oser vaincre -- 2.2.The strike at Flins, as told by Jean-Pierre Thorn/ Ligne rouge -- 2.3.Ligne rouge -- 2.4.Cinema Libre -- 2.5.Les etablis -- 2.6.La greve des ouvriers de Margoline -- 2.7.Le dos au mur -- 2.8.Georgette Vacher -- ch. 3 Cinelutte: "Tout ce qui bouge est rouge" -- 3.1.Cinelutte beginnings -- 3.2.Jusqu'au bout -- 3.3.Petites tetes, grandes surfaces
anatomle d'un supermarche -- 3.4.Bonne chance la France -- 3.5.A pas lentes -- ch. 4 Les groupes Medvedkine: Before and After Chris Marker -- 4.1.The adventure of Les groupes Medvedkine -- 4.2.Medvedkin and the Cine-Train -- 4.3.CCPPO -- 4.4.Two productions by the CCPPO -- 4.5.Le groupe Medvedkine Besancon -- 4.6.Le groupe Medvedkine Sochaux -- ch. 5 Of Theory and Peasants: Groupe Cinethique -- 5.1.Groupe Cinethique -- 5.2.Le Front Paysan -- 5.3.Les Handicapes mechants and Bon pied bon oeil et toute sa tete.
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The cinema of apartheid : race and class in South African film / Keyan Tomaselli Sandton: Radix, 1989. More info |
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The cinema of Hal Hartley : flirting with formalism / edited Steven Rybin New York: Wallflower Press published by Columbia University Press, 2017. Call No: 81HAR THE Source: US Place: New York Publisher: Wallflower Press published by Columbia University Press PubDate: 2017 PhysDes: x, 197 pages ; illustrations ; 24 cm Series: Directors' cuts Subject: HARTLEY, HAL; POSEY, PARKER; AMATEUR (US, Hal Hartley, 1994); FLIRT (US/GG/JA, Hal Hartley, 1995); HENRY FOOL (US, Hal Hartley, 1997) Summary: This collection explores Hartley's work from a variety of aesthetic, cultural, and econimic contexts, while also looking closely at his collaborations with actors, the contexts of his authorial reputaion, his reworking of the romantic comedy and other genres, and the shifting economics of his filmmaking -- Taken from back cover ISBN: 9780231176170 Donation: Senses of Cinema Contents: Machine generated contents note: 1.Up Close and Impersonal: Hal Hartley and the Persistence of Tradition / David Bordwell -- 2.`Young. Middle-Class. College-Educated. Unskilled': Hal Hartley in 1991 / Mark L. Berrettini -- 3.`Some Things Shouldn't Be Fixed': Frameworks of Critical Reception and the Early Career of Hal Hartley / Jason Davids Scott -- 4.The Locality of Hal Hartley: The Aesthetics and Business of Smallness / Steven Rawle -- 5.Hal Hartley's Romantic Comedy / Sebastian Manley -- 6.A New Man: The Logic of the Break in Hal Hartley's Amateur / Daniel Varndell -- 7.Not Getting It: Flirt as Anti-Puzzle Film / Steven Rybin -- 8.Poiesis and Media in The Book of Life and No Such Thing / Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni Berns -- 9.Bodies, Space and Theatre in The Unbelievable Truth (and its American Precursors) / Zachary Tavlin -- 10.Parker Posey as Hal Hartley's `Captive Actress' / Jennifer O'Meara -- 11.The Figure Who Writes: On the Henry Fool Trilogy / Steven Rybin.
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The cinema of Hayao Miyazaki / Jeremy Mark Robinson (author) Maidstone, Kent: Crescent Moon Publishing, 2011. Call No: 81MIY ROB Author: Robinson, Jeremy Mark Edition: Second edition Source: UK Place: Maidstone, Kent Publisher: Crescent Moon Publishing PubDate: 2011 PhysDes: 514 pages ; 24 cm Subject: ANIMATED FILMS; ANIMATION; ANIMATION. JAPAN; ANIMATORS; STUDIO GHIBLI; MIYAZAKI, HAYAO; ISAO TAKAHATA; LUPIN III: THE CASTLE OF CAGLIOSTRO (JA, Hayao Miyazaki, 1979); RUPAN SANSEI: KARIOSUTORO NO SHIRO (JA, Hayao Miyazaki, 1979); NAUSICAA OF THE VALLEY OF THE WIND (JA, Hayao Miyazaki, 1984)
KAZE NO TANI NO NAUSHIKA; KAZE NO TANI NO NAUSHIKA (JA, Hayao Miyazaki, 1984); TENKU NO SHIRO RAPYUTA (JA, Hayao Miyazaki, 1986); TENKU NO SHIRO LAPUTA (JA, Hayao Miyazaki, 1987); CASTLE IN THE SKY (JA, Hayao Miyazaki, 1986); MY NEIGHBOUR TOTORO (JA, Hayao Miyazaki, 1988)
TONARI NO TOTORO; TONARI NO TOTORO (JA, Hayao Miyazaki, 1988); KIKI'S DELIVERY SERVICE (JA, Hayao Miyazaki, 1989)
MAJO NO TAKK YUBIN; MAJO NO TAKKYUBIN (JA, Hayao Miyazaki, 1989); PORCO ROSSO (JA, Hayao Miyazaki, 1993)
KURENAI NO BUTA; KURENAI NO BUTA (JA, Hayao Miyazaki, 1993); PRINCESS MONONOKE (JA, Hayao Miyazaki, 1997)
MONONOKE HIME; MONONOKE HIME (JA, Hayao Miyazaki, 1997); SPIRITED AWAY (JA, Hayao Miyazaki, 2001)
HAURU NO UGOKU SHIRO; PONYO (JP, Hayao Miyazaki, 2008)
GAKE NO EU NO PONYO; GAKE NO EU NO PONYO (JP, Hayao Miyazaki, 2008); GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES (JA, Isao Takahata, 1989); HOTARV NO HAKA (JA, Isao Takahata, 1988); ONLY YESTERDAY (JA, Isao Takahata, 1991); OMOHIDE PORO PORO (JA. Isao Takhata, 1991) Summary: Born on January 5, 1941 in Tokyo, Hayao Miyazaki is known as the ‘Japanese Disney’, a filmmaker as revered - and as popular - as Walt Disney or Steven Spielberg. Miyazaki, in short, is a true phenomenon in contemporary animation and in world cinema.
Hayao Miyazaki's movies include Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Laputa: Castle In the Sky and My Neighbor Totoro.
Hayao Miyazaki may be the most talented fantasy filmmaker of his generation: not even the finest filmmakers of Hollywood can rival his films when it comes to creating fantasy worlds, and fantastical characters and events. Miyazaki has millions of fans around the world, not least among fellow animators and filmmakers, for whom he is a genius.
What Hayao Miyazaki’s films do is to bring you completely into a fantasy world that is actually instantly recognizable and familiar. It’s as if these fantasy realms have always existed - very much like J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth or Ursula Le Guin’s Earthsea (both influences on Miyazaki). The visionary and magical elements are fused with the domestic and familial and social elements , so that it seems completely ordinary and believable that, say, flying machines soar overhead which have flapping wings like an insect, or that little white creatures pop up out of trees.
To write one hit animation movie is amazing, to write seven is remarkable. To write and direct one spectacular animated picture is very impressive, to write and direct seven features is almost unheard-of in the world of contemporary commercial animation.
This new study of Hayao Miyazaki considers all of his films and TV shows (and his manga work). It also includes chapters on Studio Ghibli; on fellow director Isao Takahata; Miyazaki's influences; his contemporaries and colleagues; his characters; his movies' relation to Western animation (including Disney); his unmade films; and his themes and motifs.
The Cinema of Hayao Miyazaki also explores Japanese animation, its production and style, some classics of anime, and digital animation.
Includes quotes by Miyazaki; fans on Miyazaki; and resources.
Fully illustrated. With filmography, bibliography and notes.
-- PUBLISHERS WEB SITE Notes: Need to add the folowing subject terms: ponpoko, my neighboursa the yamadas ISBN: 9781861713902 Contents: ONE: HAYAO MIYAZAKI -- The Cinema of Hayao Miyazaki -- Hayao Miyazaki's Movies and the Japanese Animation Industry -- Aspects of Hayao Miyazaki's Cinema --
Illustrations --
TWO: THE MOVIES -- The Castle of Cagliostro -- Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind -- Laputa: Castle In the Sky -- My Neighbor Totoro -- Kiki's Delivery Service -- Porco Rosso -- Princess Mononoke -- Spirited Away -- Howl's Moving Castle -- Ponyo On the Cliff By the Sea -- The Cinema of Isao Takahata -- Studio Ghibli's Other Movies --
Appendix -- Quotes / Hayao Miyazaki -- Thirty Best Moments in Hayao Miyazaki's Cinema -- Resource -- Filmography -- Bibliography
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The cinema of Michael Powell : International perspectives on an English film-maker / Ian Christie & Andrew Moor (eds) London: British Film Institute, 2005. Call No: 81POW CHR Author: Ian Christie; Andrew Moor Place: London Publisher: British Film Institute PubDate: 2005 PhysDes: 295 p. ; 24 cm Subject: MASCULINITY IN FILMS; WOMEN IN FILMS; WAR FILMS. UK; Powell, Michael; PRESSBURGER, EMERIC; CANTERBURY TALE, A (UK, Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, 1944); I KNOW WHERE I'M GOING! (UK, Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, 1945); MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH, A (UK, Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, 1946); BLACK NARCISSUS (UK, Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, 1947); PEEPING TOM (UK, Michael Powell, 1960); THEY'RE A WEIRD MOB (AT, Michael Powell, 1966) Summary: The films of Michael Powell (1905-90) and Emeric Pressburger (1902-1988), among them I Know Where I’m Going! (1945), A Matter of Life and Death (1947) and The Red Shoes (1948), are landmarks in British cinema, standing apart from the realist and comic mainstream with their highly stylised aesthetic and their themes of romantic longing and spiritual crisis. Powell and Pressburger are revered by film lovers and film-makers (Martin Scorsese has called them ‘the most successful experimental film-makers in the world’). In this first ever collection of essays on Powell, an international group of scholars explore his film-making landscape, providing new readings of individual films, analysing recurrent techniques and themes, and relating these to contemporary debates about gender, sexuality, nationality and cinematic spectacle. Powell, with and without Pressburger, emerges as a film-maker of lasting originality and significance. [Taken from back of book.] ISBN: 1844570940
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The cinema of Otto Preminger / by Gerald Pratley London New York: A. Zwemmer A.S. Barnes, 1971. Call No: 81PRE PRA Author: Pratley, Gerald Place: London New York Publisher: A. Zwemmer A.S. Barnes PubDate: 1971 PhysDes: 191 p. : ill. ; 16 cm Series: The international film guide series Subject: PREMINGER, OTTO ISBN: 0302021523 (Zwemmer); 0498078604 (Barnes) LON: 74141573; 470607
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Cinema of outsiders : the rise of American independent film / Emanuel Levy New York: New York University Press, c1999. Call No: 71(73) LEV Author: Levy, Emanuel, 1947 Source: US Place: New York Publisher: New York University Press PubDate: c1999 PhysDes: xiii, 601 p. : ill. ; 24 cm Subject: INDEPENDENT FILMS. USA; HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE CINEMA. USA; OUTSIDERS IN FILMS; MEN IN FILMS; FILM NOIR; FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA. USA; TYPE CHARACTERS IN FILMS; COMEDIES. USA; BLACK CINEMA. US; ETHNIC GROUPS IN FILMS. USA; YOUNG PEOPLE AND THE CINEMA; FESTIVALS. PARK CITY. SUNDANCE; ARAKI, GREGG; NUNEZ, VICTOR; BROOKS, ALBERT; SMITH, KEVIN; COEN, JOEL & ETHAN; FERRARA, ABEL; WATERS, JOHN (US); HARTLEY, HAL; HAYNES, TODD; JARMUSCH, JIM; JOST, JON; LEE, SPIKE; LINKLATER, RICHARD; LYNCH, DAVID; MAMET, DAVID; NAIR, MIRA; SAYLES, JOHN; CASSAVETES, NICK; SODERBERGH, STEVEN; SOLONDZ, TODD; SEX, LIES AND VIDEOTAPE (US, Steven Soderbergh, 1989); BLOOD SIMPLE (US, Joel Coen, 1984); BOYZ N THE HOOD (US, John Singleton, 1991); IN THE COMPANY OF MEN (US, Neil Labute, 1997); GAS FOOD LODGING (US, Allison Anders, 1992); PULP FICTION (US, Quentin Tarantino, 1994); RESERVOIR DOGS (US, Quentin Tarantino, 1992); MEAN STREETS (US, Martin Scorsese, 1973) Summary: "Cinema of Outsiders is the first and only comprehensive chronicle of contemporary independent movies from the late 1970s up to the present. From the hip, audacious early works of maverick David Lynch, Jim Jarmusch, and Spike Lee, to the contemporary Oscar-winning success of indie dynamos, such as the Coen brothers (Fargo), Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Fiction), and Billy Bob Thornton (Sling Blade), Levy describes in a lucid and accessible manner the innovation and diversity of American indies in theme, sensibility, and style."--BOOK JACKET Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 539-571) and index ISBN: 0814751237 (alk. paper) LON: 20253533
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The cinema of Satyajit Ray / Chidananda Das Gupta New Delhi: National Book Trust, India, 1994. Call No: 81RAY DAS Author: Das Gupta, Chidananda Edition: rev. and enl. ed. Place: New Delhi Publisher: National Book Trust, India PubDate: 1994 PhysDes: xv, 204 p., [48] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm Subject: Ray, Satyajit; PATHER PANCHALI (II, Satyajit Ray, 1955); APARAJITO (II, Satyajit Ray, 1957); PARASH PATHAR (II, Satyajit Ray, 1958); JALSAGHAR (II, Satyajit Ray, 1958); APUR SANSAR (II, Satyajit Ray, 1958); DEVI (II, Satyajit Ray, 1960); TEEN KANYA (II, Satyajit Ray, 1961); RABINDRANATH TAGORE (ii, Satyajit Ray, 1961); KANCHENJUNGHA (II, Satyajit Ray, 1962); ABHIJAN (II, Satyajit Ray, 1962); MAHANAGAR (II, Satyajit Ray, 1963); CHARULATA (II, Satyajit Ray, 1964);