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[Ba wang bie ji : Leslie Cheung as Cheng Dieyi a Peking opera performer in costume with elaborate head-dress and fan]

Miramax films, c. 1993.

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[Ba wang bie ji : Leslie Cheung as Cheng Dieyi a young man who is a performer in the Peking opera]

Miramax films, c. 1993.

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[Ba weng bei ji : Gong Li as Juxian a young lady in 20th century China.]

Miramax films, c. 1993.

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title clippings file

BAWANG BIEJI : (HK, Chen Kaige, 1993)

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Genre, gender, race and world cinema : an anthology / Edited by Julie F. Codell

Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing, 2006.

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King of the children and the new Chinese cinema : an introduction / Tony Rayns et al.

London: Faber and Faber Limited, 1989.

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Perspectives on Chinese cinema / edited by Chris Berry

London: BFI Pub., 1991.

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title clippings file

TEN MINUTES OLDER: THE TRUMPET : (GG, Kaige Chen/ Werner Herzog/ Jim Jarmusch/ Aki Kaurismaki/ Spike Lee/ Wim Wenders, 2002)

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