Australian cinema : industry, narrative and meaning / John Tulloch Sydney: George Allen & Unwin, 1982.
Call No: 71(94) TULAuthor: Tulloch, John, 1942 Place: SydneyPublisher: George Allen & UnwinPubDate: 1982PhysDes: 272 p. : ill. ; 23 cmSubject: AUSTRALIA ; IMPERIALISM AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA ; STATE AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA ; INDUSTRY, FILM. AUSTRALIA ; NARRATIVE IN FILMS. AUSTRALIA ; HALL, KEN G. ; AUSTRALASIAN FILMS ; SMITH, BEAUMONT ; HOWE, W.J. ; DOYLE, STUART ; KRACAUER, SIEGFRIED ; BREAKING OF THE DROUGHT, THE (AT, Franklyn Barrett, 1920) ; HORDEN MYSTERY, THE (AT, Harry Southwell, 1920) ; JUNGLE WOMAN, THE (AT, Frank Hurley, 1926) ; LIFE STORY OF JOHN LEE - THE MAN THEY COULDN'T HANG, THE (AT, Arthur W. Sterry, 1921) ; HAYSEEDS, THE (AT, Beaumont Smith, 1933) ; MAN FROM KANGAROO, THE (AT, Wilfred Lucas, 1920) ; SQUATTER'S DAUGHTER, THE (AT, Ken G. Hall, 1933) Notes: Cinema industries. Australia, ca 1920- ca 1940 (ANB/PRECIS SIN 0527041); Ill. on lining papers; Includes bibliographical references and indexISBN: 0868611484 (pbk.); 0868611409 : price unknownLON: 2138387
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Cinema and the invention of modern life / edited by Leo Charney, Vanessa R. Schwartz Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1995.
Call No: 403 CINAuthor: Charney, Leo ; Schwartz, Vanessa R. Source: USPlace: Berkeley, CaliforniaPublisher: University of California PressPubDate: 1995PhysDes: vii, 409 pages : illustrations ; 24 cmSubject: BENJAMIN, WALTER ; KRACAUER, SIEGFRIED ; LUMIERE, AUGUSTE & LOUIS ; PATHE Summary: "Casting aside the traditional conception of film as an outgrowth of photography, theater, and the novel, the essays in this volume reasses the relationship between the emergence of film and the broader culture of modernity. The cultural developments and historical transformations that became known as "modernity" were themselves cinematic, according to these leading scholars in film and cultural studies.They link the popularity of cinema in the later nineteenth century to emerging cultural phenomena such as window shopping, mail-order catalogs, and wax museums and show how film was uniquely prepared to reflect the new ways of seeing, thinking, and experiencing." -- taken from back coverNotes: Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN: 0520201124Contents: Introduction / Leo Charney and Vanessa R. Schwartz -- 1. Tracing the Individual Body: Photography, Detectives, and Early Cinema / Tom Gunning -- 2. Unbinding Vision: Manet and the Attentive Observer in the Late Nineteenth Century / Jonathan Crary -- 3. Modernity, Hyperstimulus, and the Rise of Popular Sensationalism / Ben Singer -- 4. The Poster in Fin-de-Siecle Paris: "That Mobile and Degenerate Art" / Marcus Verhagen -- 5. "A New Era of Shopping": The Promotion of Women's Pleasure in London's West End, 1909-1914 / Erika D. Rappaport -- 6. Disseminations of Modernity: Representation and Consumer Desire in Early Mail-Order Catalogs / Alexandra Keller -- 7. The Perils of Pathe, or the Americanization of the American Cinema / Richard Abel -- 8. Panoramic Literature and the Invention of Everyday Genres / Margaret Cohen -- 9. Moving Pictures: Photography, Narrative, and the Paris Commune of 1871 / Jeannene M. Przyblyski. -- 10. In a Moment: Film and the Philosophy of Modernity / Leo Charney -- 11. Cinematic Spectatorship before the Apparatus: The Public Taste for Reality in Fin-de-Siecle Paris / Vanessa R. Schwartz -- 12. Effigy and Narrative: Looking into the Nineteenth-Century Folk Museum / Mark B. Sandberg -- 13. America, Paris, the Alps: Kracauer (and Benjamin) on Cinema and Modernity / Miriam Bratu Hansen. -- Contributors -- Index
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Cinema verite in America : studies in uncontrolled documentary / written by Stephen Mamber Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, [1974].
Call No: 761.2(73) MAMAuthor: Mamber, Stephen Place: Cambridge, Mass.Publisher: MIT PressPubDate: [1974]PhysDes: vi, 288 p. : ill. ; 23 cmSubject: CINEMA VERITE ; CINEMA-DIRECT ; BRANDO, MARLON ; DREW, ROBERT ; LEACOCK, RICHARD ; MAYSLES, ALBERT & DAVID ; PENNEBAKER, D. A. ; WISEMAN, FREDERICK ; FLAHERTY, ROBERT ; FONDA, JANE ; VERTOV, DZIGA ; ZAVATTINI, CESARE ; ROUQUIER, GEORGES ; RENOIR, JEAN ; KRACAUER, SIEGFRIED ; CRISIS (US, James Lipscomb, Hope Ryden, Richard Leacock and D.A. Pennebaker, 1963) ; DON'T LOOK BACK (US, D.A. Pennebaker, 1967) ; HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, A (US, Joyce Chopra/Richard Leacock, 1963) ; HIGH SCHOOL (US, Frederick Wiseman, 1969) ; JANE (US, D.A. Pennebaker, 1962) ; MEET MARLON BRANDO (US, Albert Maysles & David Maysles, 1966) ; SALESMAN (US, David Maysles & Albert Maysles & Charlotte Zwerin, 1969) Summary: A study of the Cinema verite approach to film making, primarily made up of examinations of particular films. "The relationship between camera and subject, problems of structure, and distinctive characteristics of each filmmaker's approach are also discussed.Notes: Bibliography: p. [276]-283ISBN: 0262130920LON: 508990Contents: Cinema verite: definitions and background -- Drew Associates -- Direct cinema and crisis structure -- The Maysles brothers -- D. A. Pennebaker -- Richard Leacock -- Frederick Wiseman -- Conclusion
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Levy Collection
Cinema verite in America : studies in uncontrolled documentary / Stephen Mamber Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, c1974.
Call No: 761.2(73) MAM COPY 2Author: Mamber, Stephen Source: UKPlace: Cambridge, MAPublisher: MIT PressPubDate: c1974PhysDes: vi, 288 p. : ill. ; 24 cmSubject: CINEMA VERITE ; CINEMA-DIRECT ; BRANDO, MARLON ; FONDA, JANE ; DREW, ROBERT ; LEACOCK, RICHARD ; MAYSLES, ALBERT & DAVID ; PENNEBAKER, D. A. ; WISEMAN, FREDERICK ; FLAHERTY, ROBERT ; VERTOV, DZIGA ; ZAVATTINI, CESARE ; ROUQUIER, GEORGES ; RENOIR, JEAN ; KRACAUER, SIEGFRIED ; CRISIS (US, James Lipscomb, Hope Ryden, Richard Leacock and D.A. Pennebaker, 1963) ; DON'T LOOK BACK (US, D.A. Pennebaker, 1967) ; HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, A (US, Joyce Chopra/Richard Leacock, 1963) ; HIGH SCHOOL (US, Frederick Wiseman, 1969) ; JANE (US, D.A. Pennebaker, 1962) ; MEET MARLON BRANDO (US, Albert Maysles & David Maysles, 1966) ; SALESMAN (US, David Maysles & Albert Maysles & Charlotte Zwerin, 1969) Summary: A study of the Cinema verite approach to film making, primarily made up of examinations of particular films. "The relationship between camera and subject, problems of structure, and distinctive characteristics of each filmmaker's approach are also discussed.Notes: Bibliography: p. [276]-283ISBN: 0262130920Donation: donated by the family of Wayne Levy, 2006
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Film : a montage of theories N.Y.: Dutton, 1966.
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The major film theories : an introduction / J. Dudley Andrew London New York: Oxford University Press, 1976.
Call No: 62 ANDAuthor: Andrew, Dudley, 1945 Place: London New YorkPublisher: Oxford University PressPubDate: 1976PhysDes: x, 278 p. : ill. ; 21 cmSubject: THEORY ; PHILOSOPHY AND THE CINEMA ; MUNSTERBERG, HUGO ; ARNHEIM, RUDOLF ; BALAZS, BELA ; KRACAUER, SIEGFRIED ; BAZIN, ANDRE ; MITRY, JEAN ; METZ, CHRISTIAN Summary: "The major film theories is designed for anyone with a serious interest in the art of film. It is both a history film theory and an introduction to the work of the most important and influential writers on the subject - Munsterberg, Arnheim, Eisenstein, Balazs, Kracauer, Bazin, Mitry and Metz. Andrew sets these major theorists one against the other forcing them to speak to common issues, thereby making them reveal the bases of their thought. He compares the formative tradition with that of the realist to illustrate the development of both theories." The final secion of the book deals with contemporary French film theory which is still in the process of develping. Andrew locates these film theories in the contect of larger intellectual movements, including Gestalt psychology, Russian formalism, Neo-Kantianism and Existentialism." -- Back coverNotes: Includes index; Bibliography: p. 261-272ISBN: 0195019911 : $3.95 (U.S.)LON: 75025465; 741859Contents: Introduction -- Part 1 : The formative tradition -- Hugo Munsterberg. Matter and means ; Form and function -- Rudolf Arnheim. Material ; The creative use of the medium ; Film form ; The purpose of film -- Sergei Eisenstein. The raw material of film ; Cinematic means : creation through montage ; Film form ; The final purpose of film -- Be´la Bala´zs and the tradition of formalism. A summary of formative film theory ; Russian formalism ; Be´la Bala´zs ; The raw material of film art ; The creative potential of film technique ; Cinematic shape or form ; Cinematic functions -- Part 2 : Realist film theory -- Siegfried Kracauer. Matter and means ; Compositional forms ; The purpose of cinema ; Rebuttals -- Andre´ Bazin. The raw material ; Cinematic means and form ; The function of cinema -- Part 3 : Contemporary French film theory -- Jean Mitry. The raw material ; Creative potential in film ; The form and purpose of cinema -- Christian Metz and the semiology of the cinema. The raw material ; The means of signification in cinema ; The forms and possibilities of film ; Semiology and the purposes of film -- The challenge of phenomenology : Ame´de´e Ayfre and Henri AgelURL status: URL: 'http://-'
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The mass ornament : Weimar essays / Siegfried Kracauer ; translated, edited, and with an introduction by Thomas Y. Levin Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995.
Call No: 62(081):408.1(430) KRAAuthor: Kracauer, Siegfried Source: USPlace: Cambridge, MAPublisher: Harvard University PressPubDate: 1995PhysDes: 403 p. ; 24 cmSubject: POPULAR CULTURE AND THE CINEMA. GERMANY ; CRITICISM ; THEORY ; KRACAUER, SIEGFRIED ; FRANKFURT SCHOOL Summary: This book is a celebration of the masses - their tastes, amusements, and everyday lives. Taking up the master themes of modernity, such as isolation and alienation, mass culture and urban experience, and the relation between the group and the individual, Kracauer explores a kaleidoscope of topics: shopping arcades, the cinema, bestsellers and their readers, photography, dance, hotel lobbies, Kafka, the Bible, and boredom. For Kracauer, the most revelatory facets of modern metropolitan life lie on the surface, in the ephemeral and the marginal. The Mass Ornament today remains a refreshing tribute to popular culture, and its impressively interdisciplinary essays continue to shed light not only on Kracauer's later work but also on the ideas of the Frankfurt School, the genealogy of film theory and cultural studies, Weimar cultural politics, and, not least, the exigencies of intellectual exile. This volume presents the full scope of his gifts as one of the most wide-ranging and penetrating interpreters of modern life. [Taken from back cover.]ISBN: 067455163X
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Theories of cinema, 1945-1995 / Francesco Casetti ; translated by Francesca Chiostri and Elizabeth Gard Bartolini-Salimbeni, with Thomas Kelso Austin: University of Texas Press, 1999.
Call No: 62 CASAuthor: Casetti, Francesco Edition: 1st edPlace: AustinPublisher: University of Texas PressPubDate: 1999PhysDes: 368 p. ; 24 cmSubject: THEORY ; PSYCHOANALYSIS AND THE CINEMA ; SEMIOLOGY ; LANGUAGE AND THE CINEMA ; POLITICS AND THE CINEMA ; GENDER AND THE CINEMA ; SOCIETY AND THE CINEMA ; IMPERIALISM AND THE CINEMA ; PERCEPTION ; SPECTATORSHIP ; BELLOUR, RAYMOND ; ADORNO, THEODOR W. ; BARTHES, ROLAND ; BAZIN, ANDRE ; BORDWELL, DAVID ; DELEUZE, GILLES ; KRACAUER, SIEGFRIED ; LACAN, JACQUES ; HORKHEIMER, MAX ; MITRY, JEAN ; MORAN, EDGAR ; LYOTARD, JEAN-FRANCOIS ; METZ, CHRISTIAN Notes: "Revised and updated by the author."; Includes bibliographical references (p. [339]-359) and indexISBN: 0292712065 (hc :acid-free paper); 0292712073 (pbk.)LON: 14328673
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Theories of film / Andrew Tudor London: Secker & Warburg, 1974.
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Theorising national cinema / Valentina Vitali and Paul Willemen (eds) London: British Film Institute, London, 2006.
Call No: 408.1 THEAuthor: Vitali, Valentina ; Willemen, Paul CorpAuthor: BFISource: UKPlace: LondonPublisher: British Film Institute, LondonPubDate: 2006PhysDes: 326 p. ill. : 24 cmSubject: ASIAN COUNTRIES ; NATIONAL CULTURE AND THE CINEMA ; JAPAN ; KOREA ; REPUBLIC OF IRELAND ; LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES ; KRACAUER, SIEGFRIED ; BURCH, NOEL ; RUSSIA ; FRANCE ; TAIWAN ; PALESTINE ; ARAB COUNTRIES ; INDIA ; ASIAN COUNTRIES ; EUROPEAN COUNTRIES ; NATIONAL CULTURE AND THE CINEMA ; NATIONAL CULTURE IN FILMS ; NATIONAL IDENTITY AND THE CINEMA ; NATIONAL IDENTITY IN FILMS ; GLOBALISATION Summary: Why do we think of clusters of films as a 'national cinema'? Why has the relationship between the nation and film become so widely and uncritically accepted? Theorising National Cinema is a major contribution to work on national cinemas, by many of the leading scholars in the filed. It addresses the knotty and complex relationships between cinema and national identity, showing that the nationality of a cinema production company, and of the films it made, have not always been seen as pertinent. The volume begins by reviewing and rethinking the concept of national cinema in an age of globalisation, and it goes on to chart the parallel developments of national film industries and the idea of the nation state in countries as diverse as Japan, South Korea, Russia, France and Italy. The issue of a 'national cinema' for nation states of contested status, with disputed borders or displaced peoples, is discussed in relation to film-making in Taiwan, Ireland and Palestine. The contributors also consider the future of national cinema in an age of transnational cultural flows, exploring issues of national identity and cinema in Latin America, Asia, the Middle-East, India, Africa and Europe.ISBN: 1844571203
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