newspaper article
ABC-Netflix deal 'a waste of our taxes' in Daily Telegraph (10/11/2016) p.51
Call No: TITLE CLIPPINGS FILE; GLITCH [TV](AT, 2015-)Author: - PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NETFLIX ; FILM VICTORIA ; AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION ; SEVEN NETWORK ; GLITCH [TV](AT, 2015-) Summary: Comments by Seven West Media chairman Kerry Stokes regarding the funding of TV show GLITCH, which was partially funded by Australian public organisations and streaming company Netflix. Stokes is upset at Netflix co producing a show with Australian government funds that the Australian commercial broadcasters are unable
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australian broadcasting corporation
ABC sets new prime-time target of 60pc Australian content in Australian Financial Review [General news] (22/9/2015) p.10
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Baz's 70s tale gets down and punky in The Australian (08/01/2016) p.13
Call No: TITLE CLIPPINGS FILE in production; GET DOWN, THE [TV] in productionAuthor: Bodey, Michael PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NETFLIX ; LUHRMANN, BAZ ; GET DOWN, THE [TV] (US, 2016) Summary: Report on the upcoming Baz Luhrmann project, THE GET DOWN, which will be broadcast on Netflix. There is some information about other Netflix productions to be released in 2016
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The big picture : The fight for the future of movies / Ben Fritz Boston: Eamon Dolan Book/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2018.
Call No: 210.31(73) FRIAuthor: Fritz, Ben Source: USPlace: BostonPublisher: Eamon Dolan Book/ Houghton Mifflin HarcourtPubDate: 2018PhysDes: xxv, 278 pages ; 24 cm.Subject: SONY CORPORATION ; MARVEL ENTERTAINMENT ; AMAZON ; NETFLIX ; IMAX ; WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS ; BUENA VISTA INTERNATIONAL ; WARNER BROS. ; FRANCHISES ; STAR WARS [...] (US, 1977-2015) Summary: "The stunning metamorphosis of twenty-first-century Hollywood and what lies ahead for the art and commerce of film. In the past decade, Hollywood has endured a cataclysm on a par with the end of silent film and the demise of the studio system. Stars and directors have seen their power dwindle, while writers and producers lift their best techniques from TV, comic books, and the toy biz. The future of Hollywood is being written by powerful corporate brands like Marvel, Amazon, Netflix, and Lego, as well as censors in China. Ben Fritz chronicles this dramatic shakeup with unmatched skill, bringing equal fluency to both the financial and entertainment aspects of Hollywood. He dives deeply into the fruits of the Sony hack to show how the previous model, long a creative and commercial success, lost its way. And he looks ahead through interviews with dozens of key players at Disney, Marvel, Netflix, Amazon, IMAX, and others to discover how they have reinvented the business. He shows us, for instance, how Marvel replaced stars with "universes," and how Disney remade itself in Apple's image and reaped enormous profits. But despite the destruction of the studios' traditional playbook, Fritz argues that these seismic shifts signal the dawn of a new heyday for film. The Big Picture shows the first glimmers of this new golden age through the eyes of the creative mavericks who are defining what our movies will look like in the new era." -- Book jacket.Notes: Includes bibliographical references (pages 247-263) and index.ISBN: 9780544789760Contents: A notes on sources ix -- Introduction: Groundhog Day-How franchises killed originality in Hollywood xii -- Part 1: How Hollywood got here -- The Odd Couple: Lynton and Pascal's glory days at Sony -- Reality Bites: How everything went wrong for the movie business -- Inception: The secret origin of the superhero movie -- Revenge of the Nerds: The rise of Marvel Studios -- Spiderman: Homecoming- why Sony gave up its most valuable asset -- Star Wars: The decline of the A-list -- A Star is Born: Netflix, the new home for movie stars -- Frozen: Why studios stopped making mid-budget dramas -- Trading places: How tv stole movies' spot atop Hollywood -- Part 2: Where Hollywood is headed -- The Terminator: Disney, the perfect studio for the franchise age -- The Producers: Creativity meets franchise managment -- The Shop Around the Corner: Amazon saves the indie film business -- Apt Pupil: China's shifting relationship with Hollywood -- Field of Dreams: Studio defectors and the future of nonfranchise films -- The Last Picture Show?
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Calls for Netflix to invest in local industry in Australian Financial Review (12/12/2016) p.29
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; SCREEN PRODUCERS AUSTRALIAAuthor: Mason, Max PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NETFLIX ; SCREEN PRODUCERS AUSTRALIA Summary: Screen Producers Australia has called upon Netflix and other foreign owned streaming services to contribute to Australian television production
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Changes could entice Netflix here in Sydney Morning Herald (9/12/2017) p.18
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FIULE; NETFLIXAuthor: Quinn, Karl PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NETFLIX ; PAY TV. AUSTRALIA ; FUNDING. AUSTRALIA Summary: Pilots for new Netflix series could be shot in Australia if the recommendations of a parliamentary inquiry into the sustainability of the film and television industry are adopted.
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Do not adjust your set yet, Netflix is no game changer in Weekend Australian [Inquirer] (28/03/2015) p.17
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; NETFLIXAuthor: Bodey, Michael PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NETFLIX ; PAY TV. AUSTRALIA ; DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION ; INDUSTRY, TV. AUSTRALIA Summary: Opinon piece stating that Netflix's arrival in Australia is not as big a deal as has been made out, and that TV watching is still the main way people connect with media.Notes: Term Subscription Video On Demand (SVOD) used
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First it took TV... in The Australian [The Deal] (21/04/2017) p.14
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; NETFLIXAuthor: Burke, Justin PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NETFLIX ; DUBBING ; VIDEO ON DEMAND Summary: A profile piece on the streaming media company Netflix, and their plans for the future
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Foxtel rival has no cultural connection, says Freudenstein in The Australian [Media] (30/03/2015) p.28
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; NETFLIXAuthor: Davidson, Darren PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NETFLIX Summary: An article about Netflix. Freudenstein points out that Netflix will have to spend heavily on programs, especially Australian made ones to get noticed amid othe local subscription video-on-demand providers.
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Gloves come off as Netflix and Hollywood fight for dominance in The Australian (27/03/2017) p.22
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Guthrie defends Netflix, ABC deal in Australian Financial Review (17/11/2016) p.29
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iiNet's data shows Netflix strong start in Sydney Morning Herald [Business News] (30/03/2015) p.16
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; NETFLIXAuthor: Lynch, Jared PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NETFLIX Summary: An article about the launch results of Netflix into Australia
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Lifting the lid on Netflix's 'ratings' in The Australian [Business News] (28/08/2015) p.25
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; NETFLIXAuthor: Flint, Joe ; Fritz, Ben PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NETFLIX Summary: An article about Netflix and other video on demand services and their viewership and ratings data.
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digital clippings file
NETFLIX Digital clippings file available
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; DIGITAL CLIPPINGS FILEPhysDes: ClippingsSubject: NETFLIX URL status: URL: 'http://file://Q:/S/'
Checked: 31/08/2021 1:30:03 PM
Status: Error
Details: Failed to send HTTP request (WinHttpSendRequest)
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Netflix after more Australian content in Saturday Age (11/6/2016) p.14
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; VIDEO ON DEMANDAuthor: Lallo, Michael PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NETFLIX ; VIDEO ON DEMAND ; PRODUCTION, TV. AUSTRALIA Summary: Report on the streaming video on demand services wishes for more suitable Australian content, with the success of shows like MISS FISHER'S MURDER MYSTERIES, WENTWORTH, and WOLF CREEK
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Netflix CEO 'unconcerned' about local use of VPNs in Australian Financial Review [Technology] (17/03/2015) p.26
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; NETFLIXAuthor: Chow, Ky PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NETFLIX ; DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION Summary: Netflix talks about the Australian digital television market and how they are poised to enter that market
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Netflix chasing more incentive in production in Australian Financial Review (26/09/2017) p.18
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; NETFLIXAuthor: Max Mason PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NETFLIX Summary: US streaming giant Netflix wants tax offsets and funding rules for Australian produced programming to be broadened to allow it to access the incentives. In its submission to the Turnbull government's Australian and Children's Screen Content Review, the Californiabased company said support for content production would help make Australia an attractive destination for producing film and television.
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internet and tv. australia
Netflix, Google 'should invest in Aussie content' in Australian Financial Review [Marketing & Media] (21/9/2015) p.37
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Netflix nation : the geography of digital distribution / Ramon Lobato New York: New York University Press,
Call No: 386.5-5 LOBAuthor: Lobato, Ramon Edition: 2019Place: New YorkPublisher: New York University PressPhysDes: xii, 236 pages : illustrated ; 21 cmSeries: Critical Cultural CommunicationSubject: NETFLIX ; VIDEO ON DEMAND ; DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION Summary: Television, once a broadcast medium, now also travels through our telephone lines, fiber optic cables, and wireless networks. It is delivered to viewers via apps, screens large and small, and media players of all kinds. In this unfamiliar environment, new global giants of television distribution are emerging—including Netflix, the world’s largest subscription video-on-demand service.
Combining media industry analysis with cultural theory, Ramon Lobato explores the political and policy tensions at the heart of the digital distribution revolution, tracing their longer history through our evolving understanding of media globalization. Netflix Nations considers the ways that subscription video-on-demand services, but most of all Netflix, have irrevocably changed the circulation of media content. It tells the story of how a global video portal interacts with national audiences, markets, and institutions, and what this means for how we understand global media in the internet age.
Netflix Nations addresses a fundamental tension in the digital media landscape – the clash between the internet’s capacity for global distribution and the territorial nature of media trade, taste, and regulation. The book also explores the failures and frictions of video-on-demand as experienced by audiences. The actual experience of using video platforms is full of subtle reminders of market boundaries and exclusions: platforms are geo-blocked for out-of-region users (“this video is not available in your region”); catalogs shrink and expand from country to country; prices appear in different currencies; and subtitles and captions are not available in local languages. These conditions offer rich insight for understanding the actual geographies of digital media distribution.
Contrary to popular belief, the story of Netflix is not just an American one. From Argentina to Australia, Netflix’s ascension from a Silicon Valley start-up to an international television service has transformed media consumption on a global scale. Netflix Nations will help readers make sense of a complex, ever-shifting streaming media environment. -- publisher's web siteISBN: 9781479804948
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Netflix primed for a local content fight in The Australian [Business News] (25/03/2015) p.21
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; NETFLIXAuthor: Davidson, Darren PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NETFLIX ; PAY TV. AUSTRALIA ; BROADCASTING. AUSTRALIA ; TELEVISION. AUSTRALIA Summary: The CEO of Netflix, Reed Hastings, discusses the companies arrival onto the burgeoning Australian Subscriber Video on Demand (SVOD) market. Free to air broadcasters and other SVOD providers have warned Netflix that their arrival does not mean that they will take over the market.
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Netflix relies on digital-only strategy in The Australian [Media] (30/03/2015) p.28
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; NETFLIXAuthor: Bodey, Michael PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NETFLIX Summary: An article about the launch and susbscription campaign of Netflix in Australia
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Netflix safe, so chill, but it's a drama for local TV in Saturday Age (24/06/2017) p.18
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Netflix sets date, reveals iiNet deal in Sydney Morning Herald [Business News] (04/03/2015) p.23
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; NETFLIXAuthor: Lynch, Jared PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NETFLIX
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Netflix upsets balance of power in The Australian [Bussiness News] (17/08/2015) p.22
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; NETFLIXAuthor: Gotterfried, Miriam PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NETFLIX Summary: Forecasting and reviewing the ongoing growth of Netflix
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Netflix urges radical funding overhaul in The Australian (26/09/2017) p.19
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; NETFLIXAuthor: Stephen Brook PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NETFLIX Summary: Netflix is making 'significant' investments in Australian content and funding rules should be freed up to assist it, the global streaming channel has told a government inquiry into local content. It is believed to be the first time the channel, with more than 100 million subscribers, has made a public submission to a policy review in Australia.
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Parents caught in the Netflix in Daily Telegraph (11/7/2017) p.1
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australian broadcasting corporation
Push to contribute to local content in Sydney Morning Herald [Business News] (21/9/2015) p.23
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national content. australia.
Push to contribute to local content in The Age [Business News] (21/9/2015) p.25
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The Sharp threat to Foxtel in Australian Financial Review (10/08/2015) p.1
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Should Netflix be forced to screen more Australian content? in (9/05/2018) p.1
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; NETFLIXAuthor: Eltham, Ben PhysDes: Clippings File_ArticleSubject: NETFLIX ; MOBILE AND ONLINE MEDIA ; VIDEO ON DEMAND ; QUOTA. AUSTRALIA Summary: Examining the Australian content of material on Netflix and other Australian streaming providers and whether there should be some quotas put on these streaming services as there are on Australian TV broadcasters
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Stan taps Aussie content in battle with Netflix in The Australian (03/08/2015) p.25
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; STANAuthor: Bodey, Michael PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: VIDEO ON DEMAND ; STAN ; NETFLIX Summary: Interview with Stan chief executive Mike Sneesby who discusses the companies strategy to promote Australian productions with its video on demand service
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Stream of hope in The Age [Green Guide] (04/06/2015) p.6
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; VIDEO ON DEMANDAuthor: - PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NETFLIX ; STAN ; VIDEO ON DEMAND Summary: Report on the various SVOD (Streaming Video on Demand) services in Australia that are producing exclusive content. Discusses two of the services, Stan, and Netflix in some detail
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Stream of hope in Canberra Times [TV Guide] (15/06/2015) p.5
Call No: VIDEO ON DEMANDPhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: VIDEO ON DEMAND ; STAN ; NETFLIX Summary: Stan is the first SVOD to commission exclusive content for it s service. Other subscription video-on-demand have been acquiring and licensing local content.
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Stream of hope in Sydney Morning Herald [TV Guide] (15/06/2015) p.5
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; NETFLIXPhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NETFLIX Summary: Report on various types of Video on Demand services in Australia. Stan is the first SVOD to commission exclusive content for it s service. Other subscription video-on-demand have been acquiring and licensing local content.
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Swimming with the stream in Sunday Age (19/07/2015) p.4
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Sydney Confidential : US invader 'has no interest in Aussie culture' in Daily Telegraph (27/03/2015) p.46
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; FOXTELAuthor: - PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NETFLIX ; FOXTEL Summary: Report of the launch of new Foxtel channel ARTS, where Foxtel CEO Richard Freudenstein has attacked Netflix. Quotes from Graeme Blundell and Marta Dusseldorp.
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Video streaming firms 'must have local content' in Australian Financial Review (2/10/2017) p.29
Call No: SUBJECT CLIPPINGS FILE; NATIONAL CONTENT. AUSTRALIAAuthor: Max Mason PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: NATIONAL CONTENT. AUSTRALIA ; VIDEO ON DEMAND ; NETFLIX ; AMAZON ; TAXES. AUSTRALIA ; GOVERNMENT AID. AUSTRALIA Summary: Subscription video on-demand services such as Netflix, Stan and Amazon should have access to government production incentives, but they need to have local content obligations, Screen Producers Australia argues. m In its submission to the Turnbull government's Australian and Children's Screen Content Review, SPA argues, among 12 recommendations it is making, that government incentives should be platform agnostic, so that streaming services can have access to incentives, such as tax offsets.
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