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BEGGER'S OPERA, THE : (UK, Jonathan Miller, 1983)
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China on screen : cinema and nation / Chris Berry New York: Columbia University Press, 2006.
Call No: 71(51) BERAuthor: Berry, Chris Place: New YorkPublisher: Columbia University PressPubDate: 2006PhysDes: xi, 313 p. ; 23 cmSeries: Film and CultureSubject: CITY OF SADNESS, A [ ; TAIWAN ; MASCULINITY IN FILMS ; FAMILY IN FILMS ; INDUSTRY, FILM. CHINA ; HISTORICAL FILMS. CHINA ; WOMEN IN FILMS. CHINA ; REALISM IN FILMS. CHINA ; OPERA IN FILMS ; LEE, ANG ; LINGYU, RUAN Summary: Explores Chinese cinema from its beginnings to the present day in relation to how China depicts its national identity.ISBN: 0231137079Contents: 1. Introduction: cinema and the national -- 2. Time and the National: History, Historiology, Haunting -- 3. Operatic Modes: Opera Film, Martial Arts, and Cultural Nationalism -- 4. Realist Modes: Melodrama, Modernity, and Home -- 5. How Should a Chinese Woman Look? Woman and Nation -- 6. How Should Chinese Men Act? Ordering the Nation -- 7. Where Do You Draw the Line? Ethnicity in Chinese Cinemas -- 8. The National in the Transnational
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Film's new take on icon in Herald Sun (07/06/2016) p.12
Call No: TITLE CLIPPINGS FILE in production; UTZON: THE MAN BEHIND THE OPERA HOUSE in productionAuthor: - PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: UTZON: THE MAN BEHIND THE OPERA HOUSE in production Summary: Mention of the production of a film about the architect Jorn Utzon and his work on designing the Sydney Opera House
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GRAND OPERA : (US, James Benning, 1979)
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The horror reader / edited by Ken Gelder New York, NY: Routledge, 2000.
Call No: 735.2 HORAuthor: Gelder, Ken, 1955 Place: New York, NYPublisher: RoutledgePubDate: 2000PhysDes: xiii, 414 p. ; 25 cmSubject: CANNIBALISM IN FILMS ; DRACULA IN FILMS ; ETHNOGRAPHIC FILMS ; FAN MAGAZINES ; FANTASTIC FILMS ; GENDER AND THE CINEMA ; GHOST FILMS ; HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE CINEMA ; HORROR FILMS ; HORROR FILMS. HONG KONG ; HORROR FILMS. ITALY ; HORROR FILMS. USA ; IMPERIALISM AND THE CINEMA ; MONSTERS IN FILMS ; PORNOGRAPHY AND THE CINEMA ; PSYCHOANALYSIS AND THE CINEMA ; RACIAL ISSUES AND THE CINEMA ; SERIAL KILLERS IN FILMS ; SLASHER FILMS ; THEORY ; VAMPIRE FILMS ; WOMEN AND THE CINEMA ; ARGENTO, DARIO ; BAVA, MARIO ; CASTLE, TERRY ; CHEUNG, LESLIE ; CORMAN, ROGER ; CRONENBERG, DAVID ; TODOROV, TZVETAN ; AMERICAN GOTHIC (US, John Hough, 1987) ; CURSE OF FRANKENSTEIN, THE (UK, Terence Fisher, 1957) ; BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN, THE (US, James Whale, 1935) ; FRANKENSTEIN (US, James Whale, 1931) ; FRIDAY THE 13TH (US, Sean S. Cunningham, 1980) ; HALLOWEEN (US, John Carpenter, 1978) ; HAUNTING, THE (US, Robert Wise, 1963) ; KING KONG (US, Merian C. Cooper & Ernest B. Schoedsack, 1933) ; NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (US, George A. Romero, 1968) ; OPERA (IT, Dario Argento, 1987) ; ROSEMARY'S BABY (US, Roman Polanski, 1968) ; PSYCHO (US, Alfred Hitchcock, 1960) ; SINNUI YAUMAN (HK, Ching Siu Tung, 1987) ; CHINESE GHOST STORY, A (HK, Ching Siu Tung, 1987) ; SUSPIRIA (IT, Dario Argento, 1977) ; YANZHI KOU (HK, Stanley Kwan, 1987) Notes: Includes bibliographical references and indexISBN: 041521355X (HB : alk. paper); 0415213568 (PB : alk. paper)LON: 21262689
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LOVE OPERA : (AT, Liselle Mei, 2020) Digital clippings file available
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Masks in Horror cinema : eyes without faces / Alexandra Heller-Nichols Cardiff: University of Wales Press,
Call No: 735.2 HELAuthor: Heller-Nichols, Alexandra Edition: 2019Place: CardiffPublisher: University of Wales PressPhysDes: 288 pages ; 22 cmSubject: SLASHER FILMS ; HORROR FILM ; FRIDAY THE 13TH [...] (US, 1980-) ; HALLOWEEN (US, John Carpenter, 1978) ; TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE [...] (US, 1974-) ; PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, THE (US, Rupert Julian, 1925) ; YOU'RE NEXT (US/UK, Adam Wingard, 2011) ; YEUX SANS VISAGE, LES (FR/IT, Georges Franju, 1959) Summary: Why has the mask been such an enduring generic motif in horror cinema? This book explores its transformative potential historically across myriad cultures, particularly in relation to its ritual and mythmaking capacities, and its intersection with power, ideology and identity. All of these factors have a direct impact on mask-centric horror cinema: meanings, values and rituals associated with masks evolve and are updated in horror cinema to reflect new contexts, rendering the mask a persistent, meaningful and dynamic aspect of the genre’s iconography. This study debates horror cinema’s durability as a site for the potency of the mask’s broader symbolic power to be constantly re-explored, re-imagined and re-invented as an object of cross-cultural and ritual significance that existed long before the moving image culture of cinema. -- publisher's web siteISBN: 9781786834966Contents: Acknowledgements -- Introduction – Why Masks? Ritual, Power and Transformation -- Chapter One: Situating Masks and Horror Cinema -- Part One: Masks, Horror and Cinema: Towards Codification -- Chapter Two: Masks and Horror in Literary and Performance Traditions and Early Cinema -- Chapter Three: Masks in Horror Film Before 1970 -- Part Two: Horror Film Masks from 1970 -- Chapter Four: Skin Masks: Ritual, Power and Transformation -- Chapter Five: Blank Masks: Ritual, Power and Transformation -- Chapter Six: Animal Masks: Ritual, Power and Transformation -- Chapter Seven: Repurposed Masks: Ritual, Power and Transformation -- Part Three: Masks as Transformational Technologies – Moving Forward By Looking Back -- Chapter Eight: Technological Masks: Ritual, Power and Transformation -- Conclusion -- Bibliography
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Movies of the twenties : and early cinema / Jurgen Muller (ed) Koln: Taschen GMBH, 2007.
Call No: 70"192" MULAuthor: Muller, Jurgen Edition: 2007Place: KolnPublisher: Taschen GMBHPubDate: 2007PhysDes: 482 pgaes : illustrated ; 26 cmSubject: HISTORY OF CINEMA. 1920's ; HISTORY OF CINEMA. SILENT PERIOD ; TRIP TO THE MOON [VOYAGE DANS LA LUNE] (FR, George Melies, 1902) ; GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY, THE (US, Edwin S. Porter, 1903) ; STUDENT VON PRAG, DER (G, Stellan Rye, 1913) ; CABIRIA (IT, Giovanni Pastrone, 1914) ; BIRTH OF A NATION, THE (US, David Wark Griffith, 1915) ; INTOLERANCE (US, David Wark Griffith, 1916) ; MADAME DUBARRY (G, Ernst Lubitsch, 1919) ; CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI, THE [CABINET DES DR. CALIGARI, DAS] (G, Robert Wiene, 1920) ; EROTIKON (SW, Mauritz Stiller, 1920) ; GOLEM, THE [ ; KID, THE (US, Charles Chaplin, 1921) ; FOOLISH WIVES (US, Erich Von Stroheim, 1922) ; [FOUR] 4 HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE, THE (US, Rex Ingram, 1921) ; THREE MUSKETEERS, THE (US, Fred Niblo, 1921) ; ABENTEUER DES PRINZEN ACHMED, DIE (GE/GG, Carl Koch & Lotte Reiniger, 1925) ; TOL'ABLE DAVID (US, Henry King, 1921) ; NOSFERATU - EINE SYMPHONIE DES GRAUENS (G, Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, 1922) ; NANOOK OF THE NORTH (US, Robert Flaherty, 1922) ; HAXAN [WITCHCRAFT THROUGH THE AGES] (SW/DK, Benjamin Christensen, 1922) ; [DOCTOR] DR MABUSE: THE GAMBLER [DR. MABUSE DER SPIELER] (G, Fritz Lang, 1922) ; SAFETY LAST (US, Fred Newmayer/Sam Taylor, 1923) ; HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME (US, Wallace Worsley, 1923) ; TEN COMMANDMENTS, THE (US, Cecil B. DeMille, 1923) ; WACHSFIGURENKABINETT, DAS (G, Paul Leni, 1924) ; THIEF OF BAGDAD (US, Raoul Walsh, 1924) ; SHERLOCK, JR. (US, Buster Keaton, 1924) ; NIBELUNGEN, DIE (G, Fritz Lang, 1922-24) ; LETZIE MANN, DER (G, Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, 1924) ; NAVIGATOR, THE (US, Buster Keaton & Donald Crisp, 1924) ; GREED (US, Erich von Stroheim, 1925) ; IRON HORSE, THE (UK, John Ford, 1924) ; GOLD RUSH, THE (US, Charles Chaplin, 1925) ; BEN HUR (US, Fred Niblo, 1925) ; BRONENOSETS POTEMKIN [BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN] (UR, Sergei Eisenstein, 1925) ; VARIETE (G, E.A. Dupont, 1925) ; BIG PARADE, THE (US, King Vidor, 1925) ; FREUDLOSE GASSE, DIE (G, Wilhelm Pabst, 1925) ; PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, THE (US, Rupert Julian, 1925) ; SON OF THE SHEIK, THE (US, George Fitzmaurice, 1926) ; LODGER, THE (UK, Alfred Hitchcock, 1926) ; GENERAL, THE (US, Buster Keaton & Clyde Bruckman, 1927) ; BLACK PIRATE, THE (US, Albert Parker, 1926) ; FAUST (G, Friedrich Wilhelm Marnau, 1926) ; ABENTEUER DES PRINZEN ACHMED, DIE (GE/GG, Carl Koch & Lotte Reiniger, 1925) ; METROPOLIS (G, Fritz Lang, 1926) ; KONETS SANKT-PETERSBURGA (UR, Vsevolod Pudovkin, 1927) ; NAPOLEON (FR, Abel Gance, 1927) ; CHAPEAU DE PAILLE D'ITALIE, UN (FR, Rene Clair, 1927) ; SUNRISE (US, Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, 1927) ; JAZZ SINGER, THE (US, Alan Crosland, 1927) ; PASSION DE JEANNE D'ARC, LA (FR, Carl Th. Dreyer, 1928) ; CROWD, THE (US, King Vidor, 1928) ; WIND, THE (US, Victor Sjostrom, 1928) ; CIRCUS, THE (US, Charles Chaplin, 1928) ; CELOVEK S KINOAPPARATOM (UR, Dziga Vertov, 1929) ; BLACKMAIL (UK, Alfred Hitchcock, 1929) ; BUCHSE DER PANDORA, DIE (G, Georg Wilhelm Pabst, 1929) ; CHIEN ANDALOU, UN (FR, Luis Bunuel, 1928) ; LITTLE CAESAR (US, Mervyn LeRoy, 1931) ; BLAUE ENGEL, DER (G, Josef von Sternberg, 1930) ; ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT (US, Lewis Milestone, 1930) ; SOUS LES TOITS DE PARIS (FR, Rene Clair, 1929) ; MOROCCO (US, Josef von Sternberg, 1930) ; WESTFRONT 1918 (G, Georg Wilhelm Pabst, 1930) ; AGE D'OR, L' (FR, Luis Bunuel, 1930) Notes: From the invention of the moving picture to the first sound movies From the first moving pictures (the Lumiere brothers' 1895 L'arrive d'un train), early westerns, fantastic pictures, and nickelodeons all the way through the golden age of silent film in the 1920s, this book covers the first three decades of the moving picture around the world. In America, we witness the birth of Hollywood, circa 1910, where film quickly became a powerful industry and D. W. Griffith put American cinema on the map; later, Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton developed a new language of visual comedy while eccentrics like Erich von Stroheim and Cecil B. DeMille turned cinema into a high art form and show biz respectively, and sex symbols like Rudolph Valentino and Greta Garbo heated up the screens.
Meanwhile, in Europe, German directors such as Ernst Lubitsch and Fritz Lang were establishing their careers and Russian greats Eisenstein and Pudovkin were already revolutionizing a nascent art form. At the end of the 1920s the very first "talkies", albeit rudimentary ones, brutally crushed the silent art, but by 1930 sound masterpieces such as Sternberg's The Blue Angel and Milestone's All Quiet on the Western Front were produced. This exploration of the founding years of cinema offers a fascinating perspective on a period in movie history that is far too often overlooked in our times. -- jacket blurbISBN: 9783822846131Donation: Megan McMurchy
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NIGHT AT THE OPERA, A : (US, Sam Wood, 1935)
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OPERA : (IT, Dario Argento, 1987)
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OPERA DO MALANDRO : (BL/FR, Ruy Guerra, 1986)
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OPERA MOUFFE, L' : (FR, Agnes Varda, 1958)
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OPERA PRIMA : (SP/FR, Fernando Trueba, 1980)
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PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, THE : (US, Rupert Julian, 1925)
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PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, THE : (US, Dwight H. Little, 1989)
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PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, THE : (UK/US, Joel Schumacher, 2004)
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PISTOL OPERA : (JA, Seijun Suzuki, 2001)
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The Psycho records / Laurence A. Rickels New York: Wallflower Press, 2016.
Call No: 735.2 RICAuthor: Rickels, Laurence A. Edition: 2016Place: New YorkPublisher: Wallflower PressPubDate: 2016PhysDes: x, 232 p. ; 24 cmSubject: SLASHER FILMS ; PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, THE (US, Rupert Julian, 1925) ; HALLOWEEN (US, John Carpenter, 1978) ; SIXTH SENSE, THE (US, M. Night Shyamalan, 1999) ; SAW (US, James Wan, 2004) ; PSYCHO (US, Alfred Hitchcock, 1960) ; PSYCHO II (US, Richard Franklin, 1983) ; PSYCHO III (US, Anthony Perkins, 1986) ; PSYCHO IV: THE BEGINNING [TV] (US, Mick Garris, 1990) Notes: The Psycho Records follows the influence of the primal shower scene within subsequent slasher and splatter films. American soldiers returning from World War II were called "psychos" if they exhibited mental illness. Robert Bloch and Alfred Hitchcock turned the term into a catch-all phrase for a range of psychotic and psychopathic symptoms or dispositions. They transferred a war disorder to the American heartland. Drawing on his experience with German film, Hitchcock packed inside his shower stall the essence of schauer, the German cognate meaning "horror." Later serial horror film production has post-traumatically flashed back to Hitchcock's shower scene. In the end, though, this book argues the effect is therapeutically finite. This extensive case study summons the genealogical readings of philosopher and psychoanalyst Laurence Rickels. The book opens not with another reading of Hitchcock's 1960 film but with an evaluation of various updates to vampirism over the years. It concludes with a close look at the rise of demonic and infernal tendencies in horror movies since the 1990s and the problem of the psycho as our most uncanny double in close quarters. -- publisher's blurbISBN: 9780231181136
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SATAN PLACE: A SOAP OPERA FROM HELL : (US, Alfred Ramirez & Scott Aschbrenner, 1990)
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Screen writings : scripts and texts by independent filmmakers / [edited by] Scott MacDonald Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995.
Call No: 792 SCRAuthor: MacDonald, Scott, 1942 Place: BerkeleyPublisher: University of California PressPubDate: 1995PhysDes: ix, 339 p. : ill. ; 24 cmSubject: SCRIPTS ; INDEPENDENT FILMS ; MULVEY, LAURA ; WOLLEN, PETER ; SNOW, MICHAEL ; TRINH, T. MINH-HA ; FRIEDRICH, SU ; ONO, YOKO ; GREAVES, WILLIAM ; BENNING, JAMES ; ROSE, PETER ; FISHER, MORGAN ; FLEMING, ANN MARIE ; RAINER, YVONNE ; FRAMPTON, HOLLIS ; REASSEMBLAGE (US, Trinh T. Minh-ha, 1983) ; NAKED SPACES (US, Trinh T. Minh-ha, 1985) ; PRIVILEGE (US, Yvonne Rainer, 1990) ; NEW SHOES : AN INTERVIEW IN EXACTLY 5 MINUTES (CN?, Ann Marie Fleming, 1990) ; YOU TAKE CARE NOW (CN?, Ann Marie Fleming, 1989) ; SYMBIOPSYCHOTAXIPLASM : TAKE ONE (US, William Greaves, 1991 [prod.1967]) ; ZORNS LEMMA (US, Hollis Frampton, 1970) ; POETIC JUSTICE (US, Hollis Frampton, 1972) ; GLORIA! (US, Hollis Frampton, 1979) ; RIDDLES OF THE SPHINX (UK, Laura Mulvey & Peter Wollen, 1977) ; GRAND OPERA (US, James Benning, 1979) ; HIM AND ME (GW, James Benning, 1982) ; SO IS THIS (CN, Michael Snow, 1982) ; PLEASURES OF THE TEXT (US, Peter Rose, 1985) ; SECONDARY CURRENTS (US, Peter Rose, 1983) ; STANDARD GAUGE (US, Morgan Fisher, 1985?) ; GENTLY DOWN THE STREAM (US, Su Friedrich, 1983) ; SINK OR SWIM (US, Su Friedrich, 1981) Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 337-339)ISBN: 0520080246 (cloth : alk. paper); 0520080254 (pbk. : alk. paper)LON: 9335490
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Sound and stills from "Grand Opera" in October (Spring 1980) iss.12 p.22-45
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[Tennis court opera : stills file]
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Theory of film : the redemption of physical reality / Siegfried Kracauer New York: Oxford University Press, 1965.
Call No: 62 KRAAuthor: Kracauer, Siegfried Place: New YorkPublisher: Oxford University PressPubDate: 1965PhysDes: xix, 364 p. ill., 20 cm.Subject: ACTORS ; ADAPTATIONS ; EXPERIMENTAL FILMS ; THEORY ; AGEE, JAMES ; ALEXANDROV, GROGORIO ; ANGER, KENNETH ; ANSTEY, EDGAR ; ARNHEIM, RUDOLF ; ASTAIRE, FRED ; BALAZS, BELA ; BENJAMIN, WALTER ; BERGMAN, INGMAR ; BOGART, HUMPHREY ; BRAKHAGE, STAN ; BRANDO, MARLON ; BUNUEL, LUIS ; CAGNEY, JAMES ; CAPRA, FRANK ; CASTELLANI, RENATO ; CAVALCANTI, ALBERTO ; CHANEY, LON ; CHAPLIN, CHARLES ; CLAIR, RENE ; CLEMENT, RENE ; CLOUZOT, HENRI-GEORGES ; COCTEAU, JEAN ; DALI, SALVADOR ; DE FILIPPO, EDUARDO ; DEMILLE, CECIL B. ; DE SICA, VITTORIO ; DISNEY, WALT ; DOVZENKO, ALEKSANDR ; DREYER, CARL TH. ; DUCHAMP, MARCEL ; DUVIVIER, JULIEN ; ELTON, ARTHUR ; ENGEL, MORRIS ; EPSTEIN, JEAN ; FELLINI, FEDERICO ; FEUILLADE, LOUIS ; FEYDER, JACQUES ; FISCHINGER, OSKAR ; FLAHERTY, ROBERT ; FORD, JOHN ; FRANJU, GEORGES ; FREUD, SIGMUND ; GANCE, ABEL ; GARNETT, GALE ; GIDE, ANDRE ; GREENE, GRAHAM ; GRIERSON, JOHN ; GRIFFITH, DAVID WARK ; GRIFFITHS, RICHARD ; GUITRY, SACHA ; HARRINGTON, CURTIS ; HILL, DAVID ; HITCHCOCK, ALFRED ; WACHSFIGURENKABINETT, DAS (G, Paul Leni, 1924) ; SMULTRONSTALLET (SW, Ingmar Bergman, 1957) ; VITELLONI, I (IT, Federico Fellini, 1953) ; VAMPYR: THE STRANGE ADVENTURE OF ALLEN GRAY [VAMPYR: DER TRAUM DES ALLAN GRAY] (G/FR, Carl Th. Dreyer, 1932) ; VARIETE (G, E.A. Dupont, 1925) ; VALLEY TOWN - A STUDY OF MACHINES AND MEN (US, Willard Van Dyke, 1940) ; UMBERTO D. (IT, Vittorio De Sica, 1952) ; TRIUMPH DES WILLENS (G, Leni Riefenstahl, 1935) ; THIRD MAN, THE (UK, Carol Reed, 1949) ; OKTIABR (UR, Sergei M. Eisenstein, 1928) ; TEN COMMANDMENTS, THE (US, Cecil B. DeMille, 1956) ; SYMPHONIE PASTORALE, LA (FR, Jean Delannoy, 1946) ; SWING TIME (US, George Stevens, 1936) ; STRADA, LA (IT, Federico Fellini, 1954) ; ROMAN D'UN TRICHEUR, LE (FR, Sacha Guitry, 1936) ; MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH, A (UK, Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, 1946) ; SPIONE (G, Fritz Lang, 1928) ; SPELLBOUND (US, Alfred Hitchcock, 1945) ; SOUS LES TOITS DE PARIS (FR, Rene Clair, 1930) ; SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS (US, David Hand, 1937) ; SMILING LIEUTENANT, THE (US, Ernst Lubitsch, 1931) ; SHANE (US, George Stevens, 1953) ; SJUNDE INSEGLET, DET (SW, Ingmar Bergman, 1957) ; GEHEIMNISSE EINER SEELE (G, Georg Wilhelm Pabst, 1926) ; SCARFACE (US, Howard Hawks, 1932) ; SANG DES BETES, LE (FR, Georges Franju,1949) ; SAN FRANCISCO (US, W.S. Van Dyke, 1936) ; ROUE, LA (FR, Abel Gance, 1922) ; ROMEO I DZULETTA (UR, Lev Arnstam & Leonid Lavrovskij, 1954) ; RICHARD III (UK, Laurence Olivier, 1955) ; REGLE DU JEU, LA (FR, Jean Renoir, 1939) ; RED SHOES, THE (UK, Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, 1948) ; RASHOMON (JA, Akira Kurosawa, 1950) ; REGEN (NE, Joris Ivens, 1929) ; PYGMALION (UK, Anthony Asquith & Leslie Howard, 1938) ; PLACE IN THE SUN, A (US, George Stevens, 1951) ; PATHER PANCHALI (II, Satyajit Ray, 1955) ; PASSION DE JEANNE D'ARC, LA (FR, Carl Th. Dreyer, 1928) ; PARIS 1900 (FR, Nicole Vedres, 1948) ; PARADINE CASE, THE (US, Alfred Hitchcock, 1947) ; OTELLO (UR, Sergej Jutkevic, 1956) ; ON THE WATERFRONT (US, Elia Kazan, 1954) ; OLVIDADOS, LOS (MX, Luis Bunuel, 1951) ; OF MEN AND MUSIC (US, Irving Reis, 1950) ; NOSFERATU - EINE SYMPHONIE DES GRAUENS (G, Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, 1922) ; NIGHT MAIL (UK, Harry Watt & Basil Wright, 1936) ; NIGHT AT THE OPERA, A (US, Sam Wood, 1935) ; NANOOK OF THE NORTH (US, Robert Flaherty, 1922) ; MOULIN ROUGE (UK, E.A. Dupont, 1928) ; MONSIEUR VERDOUX (US, Charles Chaplin, 1947) ; MODERN TIMES (US, Charles Chaplin, 1936) ; MOBY DICK (UK, John Huston, 1956) ; MOANA (US, Robert Flaherty, 1926) ; MILLION, LE (FR, Rene Clair, 1931) ; METROPOLIS (GG, Fritz Lang, 1927) ; MESHES OF THE AFTERNOON (US, Maya Deren & Alexander Hammid, 1943) ; MENSCHEN AM SONNTAG (G, Robert Siodmak & Edgar G. Ulmer, 1929) ; MARTY (US, Delbert Mann, 1954) ; MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH, THE (UK, Alfred Hitchcock, 1936) ; MAJOR BARBARA (UK, Gabriel Pascal, 1941) ; MADAME BOVARY (FR, Claude Chabrol, 1991) ; MACBETH (US, Orson Welles, 1948) ; M (G, Fritz Lang, 1931) ; LOVE PARADE, THE (US, Ernst Lubitsch, 1929) ; LIMELIGHT (US, Charles Chaplin, 1952) ; LIFEBOAT (US, Alfred Hitchcock, 1944) ; OSTATNI ETAP (PL, Wanda Jakubowska, 1948) ; LADY IN THE LAKE (US, Robert Montgomery, 1946) ; KID, THE (US, Charles Chaplin, 1921) ; JULIUS CAESAR (US, Joseph L. Mankiewicz, 1953) ; JAZZ SINGER, THE (US, Alan Crosland, 1927) ; IVAN GROZNY [IVAN THE TERRIBLE] (UR, Sergei Eisenstein, pt.1:1945, pt.2:1958[prod.1946]) ; IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE (US, Frank Capra, 1946) ; INVISIBLE MAN, THE (US, James Whale, 1933) ; INTOLERANCE (US, David Wark Griffith, 1916) ; HUMAN DESIRE (US, Fritz Lang, 1954) ; HOUSING PROBLEMS (UK, Edgar Anstey & Arthur Elton, 1935) ; HOTEL DES INVALIDES (FR, Georges Franju, 1952) ; HIGH NOON (US, Fred Zinnemann, 1952) ; HENRY V (UK, Laurence Olivier, 1944) ; HEIRESS, THE (US, William Wyler, 1949) ; HATFUL OF RAIN, A (US, Fred Zinnemann, 1957) ; HAMLET (UK, Laurence Olivier, 1948) ; HALLELUJAH (US, King Vidor, 1929) ; GREED (US, Erich von Stroheim, 1925) ; GREAT EXPECTATIONS (UK, David Lean, 1946) ; GRAPES OF WRATH, THE (US, John Ford, 1940) ; GRANDE ILLUSION, LA (FR, Jean Renoir, 1937) ; GOLD RUSH, THE (US, Charles Chaplin, 1925) ; GLASS MENAGERIE, THE (US, Irving Rapper, 1950) ; VORMITTAGSSPUK (G, Hans Richter, 1928) ; GHOST GOES WEST, THE (UK, Rene Clair, 1935) ; GHOST AND MRS MUIR, THE (US, Joseph L. Mankiewicz, 1947) ; GERVAISE (FR, Rene Clement, 1956) ; JIGOKUMON (JA, Teinosuke kinugasa, 1953) ; FURY (US, Fritz Lang, 1936) ; [FOUR] HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE, THE (US, Vincente Minnelli, 1962) ; FARREBIQUE [FARREBIQUE OU LES QUATRE SAISONS] (FR, Georges Rouquier, 1946) ; FANTASIA (US, Walt Disney, 1940) ; ZEMLJA (UR, Alexksandr Dovzenko, 1930) ; DESTRY RIDES AGAIN (US, George Marshall, 1939) ; DESTINY [MUDE TOD, DER] (G, Fritz Lang, 1921) ; DEATH OF A SALESMAN (US, Laslo Benedek, 1951) ; DEAD OF NIGHT (UK, Alberto Cavalcanti & Charles Crichton & Basil Dearden & Robert Hamer, 1945) ; CONDAMNE A MORT S`EST ECHAPPE, UN (FR, Robert Bresson, 1956) ; CITY LIGHTS (US, Charles Chaplin, 1931) ; CITIZEN KANE (US, Orson Welles, 1941) ; CINDERELLA (US, Wilfred Jackson & Hamilton Laske & Clyde Geronomi, 1950) ; CHIEN ANDALOU, UN (FR, Luis Bunuel, 1928) ; BROKEN BLOSSOMS (US, David Wark Griffith, 1919) ; BROADWAY MELODY OF 1938 (US, Norman Taurog, 1940) ; BRIEF ENCOUNTER (UK, David Lean, 1945) ; BOOMERANG (US, Elia Kazan, 1947) ; SANG D'UN POETE, LE (FR, Jean Cocteau, 1932) ; BLACKMAIL (UK, Alfred Hitchcock, 1929) ; BIRTH OF A NATION, THE (US, David Wark Griffith, 1915) ; LADRI DI BICICLETTE (IT, Vittorio De Sica, 1949) ; BEZZERIDES, A.I. ; BEN HUR (US, Fred Niblo, 1925) ; BAMBI (US, David Hand, 1942) ; BALLET MECANIQUE, LE (FR, Fernand Leger, 1924) ; BACK STREET (US, John M. Stahl, 1932) ; ATALANTE, L' (FR, Jean Vigo, 1934) ; A PROPOS DE NICE (FR, Jean Vigo, 1930) ; APARAJITO (II, Satyajit Ray, 1957) ; ANNA CHRISTIE (US, Clarence Brown, 1930) ; ANATOMY OF A MURDER (US, Otto Preminger, 1959) ; AMERICAN TRAGEDY, AN (Josef von Sternberg, 1931) ; ALEKSANDR NEVSKI (UR, Sergei M. Eisenstein, 1938) ; BROADWAY MELODY, THE (US, Harry Beaumont, 1929) ; LETZIE MANN, DER (G, Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, 1924) Notes: Frist published 1960; Previously published as: Nature of films. England : Dobson ;1965; Includes bilbiograpy: p. 351-364; Includes indexURL status: URL: 'http://-'
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Visitations : operatic quotation in three Aids films in UTS Review (Nov 1996) vol.2 iss.2 p.24-67
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Wagner & Cinema / edited by Jeongwon Joe & Sander L. Gilman Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c2010.
Call No: 81WAG WAGAuthor: Joe, Jeongwon (ed.) ; Gilman, Sander L. (ed.) ; Palmer, Tony (foreword) Source: USPlace: BloomingtonPublisher: Indiana University PressPubDate: c2010PhysDes: xiii, 487 p. : ill. ; 23 cmSubject: CRITICISM ; MUSIC AND THE CINEMA ; MUSIC IN FILMS ; OPERA IN FILMS ; HISTORY OF CINEMA ; WAGNER, RICHARD ; NIBELUNGEN, DIE (G, Fritz Lang, 1922-24) ; THING FROM ANOTHER WORLD, THE (US, Christian Nyby/Howard Hawks, 1951) ; DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL, THE (US, Robert Wise, 1951) ; HUMORESQUE (US, Jean Negulesco, 1947) ; GLADIATOR (US, Ridley Scott, 2000) ; FLIEGENDE HOLLANDER, DER (GE, Joachim Herz, 1964) ; LUDWIG (IT/FR/GW, Luchino Visconti, 1973) ; BUGS BUNNY NIPS THE NIPS (US, Friz Freleng, 1944) Summary: "The work of Richard Wagner is a continuing source of artistic inspiration and ideological controversy in literature, philosophy, and music, as well as cinema. In Wagner and Cinema, a diverse group of established and emerging scholars examines Wagner's influence on cinema from the silent era to the present. The essays in this collection engage in a critical dialogue with existing studies - extending and renovating current theories related to the topic - and propose unexplored topics and new methodological perspectives. The contributors discuss films ranging from the 1913 biopic of Wagner to Ridley Scott's Gladiator, with essays on silent cinema, film scoring, Wagner in Hollywood, German cinema, and Wagner beyond the soundtrack. " -- BOOK BLURBNotes: Formerly CIP; Includes bibliographical references, filmography (p. 441-455), and indexISBN: 9780253221636Contents: -- foreword by Tony Palmer -- Introduction: Why Wagner and cinema? Tolkien was wrong / Jeongwon Joe -- Part 1. Wagner and the silent film. Wagnerian motives : narrative integration and the development of silent film accompaniment, 1908-1913 / James Buhler ; Underscoring drama--picturing music / Peter Franklin ; The life and works of Richard Wagner (1913) : Becce, Froelich, and Messter / Paul Fryer ; Listening for Wagner in Fritz Lang's Die Nibelungen / Adeline Mueller -- Part 2. Wagnerian resonance in film scoring ; The resonances of Wagnerian opera and nineteenth-century melodrama in the film scores of Max Steiner / David Neumeyer ; Wagner's influence on gender roles in early Hollywood film / Eva Rieger ; The penumbra of Wagner's Ombra in two science fiction films from 1951: The thing from another world and The day the earth stood still / William H. Rosar -- Part 3. Wagner in Hollywood. "Soll ich lauschen?" : love-death in Humoresque / Marcia J. Citron ; Hollywood's German fantasy: Ridley Scott's Gladiator / Marc A. Weiner ; Reading Wagner in Bugs Bunny nips the nips (1944) / Neil Lerner ; Piercing Wagner: The Ring in Golden earrings / Scott D. Paulin -- Part 4. Wagner in German cinema. Wagner as leitmotif: the new German cinema and beyond / Roger Hillman ; The power of emotion: Wagner and film / Jeremy Tambling ; Wagner in East Germany: Joachim Herz's Der fliegende Holla¨nder (1964) / Joy H. Calico -- Part 5. Wagner beyond the soundtrack. Nocturnal Wagner: the cultural survival of Tristan und Isolde in Hollywood / Elisabeth Bronfen ; Ludwig's Wagner and Visconti's Ludwig / Giorgio Biancorosso ; The Tristan Project: time in Wagner and Viola / Jeongwon Joe ; "The threshold of the visible world": Wagner, Bill Viola, and Tristan / Lawrence Kramer -- Postlude: Looking for Richard: an archival search for Wagner / Warren M. Sherk -- Epilogue: Some thoughts about Wagner and cinema; opera and politics, style and reception / Sander L. Gilman -- appendix: interview with Bill Viola / Jeongwon Joe -- filmography / Jeongwon Joe, Warren M. Sherk and Scott D. Paulin -- list of contributors -- index --
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Women in focus / Jeanne Betancourt Dayton, Ohio: Pflaum Pub., c1974.
Call No: 802.253 BETAuthor: Betancourt, Jeanne Source: USPlace: Dayton, OhioPublisher: Pflaum Pub.PubDate: c1974PhysDes: xxii, 186 p. : ill. ; 23 cmSubject: WOMEN IN FILMS ; WOMEN FILMMAKERS ; BRAKHAGE, STAN ; DEREN, MAYA ; VARDA, AGNES ; WINDOW WATER BABY MOVING (US, Stan Brakhage, 1959) ; CLEO FROM 5 TO 7 [CLEO DE 5 A 7] (FR, Agnes Varda, 1962) ; CLEO FROM 5 TO 7 [CLEO DE 5 A 7] (FR, Agnes Varda, 1962) ; DIARY OF A PREGNANT WOMAN (FR, Agnes Varda, 1958) ; OPERA MOUFFE, L' (FR, Agnes Varda, 1958) ; MESHES OF THE AFTERNOON (US, Maya Deren & Alexander Hammid, 1943) ; RITUAL IN TRANSFIGURED TIME (US, Maya Deren, 1946) ; THIGH LYNE LYRE TRIANGULAR (US, Stan Brakhage, 1961) ; AT LAND (US, Maya Deren, 1944) Summary: "I hope Women in focus can serve many people. By reading about and seeing films that present real women, those who have been oblivious to the stereotypes of women in film may begin to recognize them by the contrast offered in the films I suggest. " -- Introduction, Women in FocusNotes: Reviews of films; Includes indexes; Bibliography: p. 168-181ISBN: 0827802609LON: 74078728; 462301Contents: -- introduction -- the films index -- the filmmakers -- the films -- thematic index -- program possibilities -- bibliography -- distributors of the films --
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