An Australian film reader / edited by Albert Moran and Tom O'Regan Sydney: Currency Press, 1985.
Call No: 71(94) AUSAuthor: Moran, Albert, 1942 ; O'Regan, Tom, 1956 Place: SydneyPublisher: Currency PressPubDate: 1985PhysDes: 391 p. ; 21 cmSeries: Australian screenSubject: FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA ; DOCUMENTARY FILMS. AUSTRALIA ; AVANT-GARDE FILMS. AUSTRALIA ; SUPER-8 MM FILMS. AUSTRALIA ; WOMEN IN FILMS. AUSTRALIA ; BERESFORD, BRUCE ; WEIR, PETER ; CHAUVEL, CHARLES ; Grierson, John ; HALL, KEN G. ; SENTIMENTAL BLOKE, THE (AT, Raymond Longford, 1919) ; GALLIPOLI (AT, Peter Weir, 1981) ; SCHOOL IN THE MAILBOX (AT, Stanley Haews, 1946?) ; FROM THE TROPICS TO THE SNOW (AT, Richard Mason and Jack Lee, 1964) ; BIG COUNTRY, A (AT, 1979) ; LAST TASMANIAN, THE (AT, Tom Haydon, 1978) ; MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER, THE (AT, George T. Miller, 1982) ; SERIOUS UNDERTAKINGS (AT, Helen Grace, 1983) ; INDONESIA CALLING (AT, Joris Ivens, 1948) Notes: Includes index; Bibliography: p. 376-379ISBN: 086819123X (pbk.) : $24.95 AustLON: anb86819123; 4105507
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The Australian film revival : 1970s, 1980s, and beyond / Susan Barber New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 9 Feb 2023.
Call No: 71(94) BARAuthor: Barber, Susan Edition: 2023Place: New YorkPublisher: Bloomsbury AcademicPubDate: 9 Feb 2023PhysDes: 280 pages ; 24 cmSubject: AUSTRALIA ; MASCULINITY IN FILMS. AUSTRALIA ; FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA ; ROAD MOVIES. AUSTRALIA ; MOTHERS IN FILMS ; ADVENTURES OF BARRY MCKENZIE, THE (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1972) ; ADVENTURES OF PRISCILLA, QUEEN OF THE DESERT, THE (AT, Stephan Elliott, 1994) ; MAD MAX [...] (AT, 1979-85) ; BACKROADS (AT, Philip Noyce, 1977) ; CARS THAT ATE PARIS, THE (AT, Peter Weir, 1974) ; CHANT OF JIMMIE BLACKSMITH, THE (AT, Fred Schepisi, 1978) ; DON'S PARTY (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1976) ; GETTING OF WISDOM, THE (AT, Bruce Beresford, 1977) ; HIGH TIDE (AT, Gillian Armstrong, 1987) ; MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER II, THE (AT, Geoff Burrowes, 1988) ; MY BRILLIANT CAREER (AT, Gillian Armstrong, 1979) ; PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK (AT, Peter Weir, 1975) ; RABBIT-PROOF FENCE (AT, Phillip Noyce, 2001) ; TRACKER, THE (AT, Rolf de Heer, 2002) ; WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD (AT, Ned Lander, 1981) Summary: The Australian Film Revival: 70s, 80s, and Beyond explores the matrix of forces – artistic, cultural, economic, political, governmental, and ideological – that gave rise to, shaped, and sustained this remarkable film movement. This engaging new study brings fresh perspectives, insights, and innovative approaches to a variety of films from a diversity of filmmakers. Areas of focus include the complex and contentious subjects of masculinity, femininity and feminism, the maternal, as well as the Indigenous road film and the protean Australian gothic. During the formative years of the revival, Australian films seemed to emerge from out of the blue in terms of global film history, with many features including Picnic at Hanging Rock (l975), Caddie (l976), The Last Wave (l977), The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith (l978), and My Brilliant Career (l979) receiving international distribution and enthusiastic critical acclaim with strong box office results. By the time the film revival was in full swing, not only did Australian audiences flock to theaters to see “homegrown” films, but the quantity of Australian films on overseas screens was so high that ardent critics declared this outpouring an Australian “New Wave.” The eyes of the world had turned to a compelling and largely unknown culture. -- publisher's web siteISBN: 9781501390029Contents: Acknowledgements -- Dedication -- In Memory Of -- Introduction -- 1. The Ocker: Chauvinistic and Oedipal -- 2. Alternate Masculinities of Paul Cox and John Duigan -- 3. Historical Women and the Bush -- 4. Negligent, Runaway, and Abject Mothers -- 5. The Indigenous Road Film -- 6. Australian Gothic -- Index
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Australian film theory and criticism : Volume 3 / By Verevis, Constantine and Williams, Deane United Kingdom: Intellect, 2018.
Call No: 67(94) VERAuthor: By Verevis, Constantine and Williams, Deane Place: United KingdomPublisher: IntellectPubDate: 2018Subject: EXPERIMENTAL FILM AND TELEVISION FUND ; BIRTLES, FRANCIS ; PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK (AT, Peter Weir, 1975) ; GILDA (US, Charles Vidor, 1946) ; FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA ; PORNOGRAPHY AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA ; DOCUMENTARIES. AUSTRALIA ; MAD MAX BEYOND THUNDERDOME (AT, George Miller & George Ogilvie, 1985) ; CHAUVEL, CHARLES ISBN: 9781783208371
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A catalogue of independent women's films Sydney: Sydney Women's Film Group, 1979.
Call No: REFERENCE SECTION; 027(94) SYD CATCopy Management: Copy 1; Copy 2CorpAuthor: Sydney Women's Film GroupSource: ATPlace: SydneyPublisher: Sydney Women's Film GroupPubDate: 1979PhysDes: 80p. : ill. ; 29cmSubject: WOMEN, FILMS MADE BY. AUSTRALIA ; FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA Notes: Cinema films directed by women. Australia. Catalogues (ANB/PRECIS SIN 0239739); Cover title; Index; Bibliography: p.73-75ISBN: 0959839925 : $1.50 Aust; 0959839925LON: 1590040 1590040
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Do contemporary women filmmakers share a feminist perspective in their work? / submitted by Lisa French 1995.
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Don't shoot darling! : women's independent filmmaking in Australia / edited by Annette Blonski, Barbara Creed, Freda Freiberg Richmond, Vic.: Greenhouse, 1987.
Call No: 462-02(94) DONCopy Management: Copy 1; Copy 2Author: Blonski, Annette ; Creed, Barbara ; Freiberg, Freda Place: Richmond, Vic.Publisher: GreenhousePubDate: 1987PhysDes: 400 p. : ill., facsims., ports. ; 28 cmSubject: WOMEN AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA ; WOMEN FILM WORKERS. AUSTRALIA ; INDEPENDENT FILMMAKERS. AUSTRALIA ; INDEPENDENT FILMS. AUSTRALIA ; EXPERIMENTAL FILMS. AUSTRALIA ; FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA ; ADDIS, ERIKA ; ANSARA, MARTHA ; ASH, EVE ; CANTRILL, ARTHUR & CORINNE ; FISKE, PAT ; GIBSON, SARAH ; GRACE, HELEN ; LAMBERT, SUSAN ; HARTMAN, RIVKA ; HOASS, SOLRUN ; KEARNEY, BRIANN ; KELLY, GABRIELLE ; ROLLE, DI ; SCHWARZ, MONIQUE ; THORNLEY, JENI ; TILSON, ALISON ; ARMSTRONG, GILLIAN ; CAMPION, JANE ; BEHIND CLOSED DOORS (AT, Sarah Gilbert & Susan Lambert, 1980) ; IN THIS LIFE'S BODY (AT, Corinne Cantrill, 1987) ; FOR LOVE OR MONEY (AT, Megan McMurchy & Jeni Thornley, 1983) ; MY LIFE WITHOUT STEVE (AT, Gillian Leahy, 1986) ; WE AIM TO PLEASE (AT, Robin Laurie & Margot Nash, 1977) ; SERIOUS UNDERTAKINGS (AT, Helen Grace, 1983) ; SONG OF CEYLON, A (AT, Laleen S.B. Jayamanne, 1984) Summary: Don't shoot darling! affirms the significant role played by women filmmakers. Various contributors examine the institutions and organisation which provide support for women's films; the achievements and limitations of affirmative action training schemes for women; and the reception and coverage of women's independent films by the press. A number of particular films - among them, For love or mone, My life without Steve, Serious Undertakings and Behind closed doors - are analused from feminist critical perspectives, and the book includes a collection of statements by individual women filmmakers about their own experiences and attitudes. -- Back coverNotes: Includes bibliographical references and indexesISBN: 0864360584 : price unknownLON: anb86436058; 5042996Contents: Preface -- Beginnings -- Big brother - women and the state -- Feminist initiatives -- Training and affirmative action -- Personal statements -- The press -- Textual analysis
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journal article
Films of change in Lumiere (March, 1973) iss.21 p.33-34
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A fine romance : five ages of film feminism / Patricia Mellencamp Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995.
Call No: 626:396 MELAuthor: Mellencamp, Patricia Place: PhiladelphiaPublisher: Temple University PressPubDate: 1995PhysDes: xiii, 330 p. : ill. ; 24 cmSeries: Culture and the moving imageSubject: FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA ; FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA ; BODY IN FILMS ; EXPRESSIONISM ; DASH, JULIE ; DELEUZE, GILLES ; CAMPION, JANE ; ARMSTRONG, GILLIAN ; POTTER, SALLY ; Tarantino, Quentin ; CHRISTIE, JULIE ; DAVIS, GEENA ; DAVIS, JUDY ; EPHRON, NORA ; GLYN, ELINOR ; GOGOBERIDZE, LANA ; HANKS, TOM ; JAYAMANNE, LALEEN ; LAFFONT, COLLETTE ; LANGTON, MARCIA ; RYAN, MEG ; MOFFATT, TRACEY ; HOOKS, BELL ; PREER, EVELYN ; STONE, SHARON ; SWINTON, TILDA ; TAYLOR, CLYDE ; SINGIN' IN THE RAIN (US, Gene Kelly & Stanley Donen, 1952) ; THELMA & LOUISE (US, Ridley Scott, 1991) ; ORLANDO (UK/RU/FR/NE, Sally Potter, 1992) ; ANGEL AT MY TABLE, AN (NZ, Jane Campion, 1990) ; ANGIE (US, Martha Coolidge, 1994) ; NIGHT CRIES : A RURAL TRAGEDY (AT, Tracey Moffatt, 1990) ; NICE COLOURED GIRLS (AT, Tracey Moffatt, 1987) ; DAUGHTERS OF THE DUST (US, Julie Dash, 1991) ; MY BRILLIANT CAREER (AT, Gillian Armstrong, 1979) ; BASIC INSTINCT (US, Paul Verhoeven, 1992) ; BEDEVIL (AT, Tracey Moffat, 1993) ; SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, THE (US, Jonathan Demme, 1991) ; COVER GIRL (US, Charles Vidor, 1944) ; DOLLY SISTERS (US, Irving Cummings, 1945) ; FORBIDDEN LOVE: THE UNASHAMED STORIES OF LESBIAN LOVE (CN, Aerlyn Weissman & Lynne Fernie, 1993) ; GOLD DIGGERS, THE (US, Sally Potter, 1983) ; GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933 (US, Mervyn LeRoy, 1933) ; GROUNDHOG DAY (US, Harold Ramis, 1993) ; ILLUSIONS (US, Julie Dash, 1983?) ; LITTLE WOMEN (US, Gillian Armstrong, 1994) ; PRIVILEGE (US, Yvonne Rainer, 1990) ; PULP FICTION (US, Quentin Tarantino, 1994) ; QUICK AND THE DEAD, THE (US/JA, Sam Raimi, 1995) ; SHERLOCK, JR. (US, Buster Keaton, 1924) ; SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT (US, Lasse Hallstrom, 1995) ; THRILLER (UK, Sally Potter, 1979) ; JEDDA (AT, Charles Chauvel, 1955) ; PIANO, THE (AT, Jane Campion, 1993) ; METROPOLIS (G, Fritz Lang, 1926) Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 291-324) and index; Five ages of film feminismISBN: 1566394015 (pbk.: acid-free paper); 1566394007 (hbk.: acid-free paper)LON: 11870265
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Furious feminisms : alternate routes on Mad Max: Fury Road / Alexis L. Boylan, Anna Mae Duane, Michael Gill, and Barbara Gurr Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2020. Available here
Call No: 79 MAD FURAuthor: Boylan, Alexis L. ; Duane, Anna Mae ; Gill, Michael ; Gurr, Barbara Edition: 2020Place: MinneapolisPublisher: University of Minnesota PressPubDate: 2020PhysDes: xix, 73 pages ; 18 cmSeries: Forerunners: ideas first; 40Subject: MAD MAX: FURY ROAD (AT/US, George Miller, 2015) ; FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA ; WOMEN AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA ; PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES IN FILMS. AUSTRALIA ; MAD MAX [...] (AT, 1979-85) Summary: While both fans and foes point to Mad Max: Fury Road’s feminist credentials, Furious Feminisms asks: is there really anything feminist or radical happening on the screen? The four authors—from backgrounds in art history, American literature, disability studies, and sociology—ask what is possible, desirable, or damaging in theorizing feminism in the contested landscape of the twenty-first century. -- publisher's web siteISBN: 9781517909192Contents: Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Introduction -- Welcome to the Wasteland: Some Terms -- Just a Warrior at the End of the World -- Is the Future Disabled? -- We Are Not Things! Fury Road’s White Slavery Story -- Post-Post-Post Beauty at the End of the World -- We and Not We: Conclusion -- Notes
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Gillian Armstrong : popular, sensual and ethical cinema / Julia Erhart Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020.
Call No: 81 ARM ERHAuthor: Erhart, Julia Source: UKPlace: EdinburghPublisher: Edinburgh University PressPubDate: 2020PhysDes: x, 189 pages : illustrations ; 22 cmSeries: VisionariesSubject: FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA ; AUSTRALIAN FILM AND TELEVISION SCHOOL ; WOMEN FILMMAKERS. AUSTRALIA ; ARMSTRONG, GILLIAN ; SATDEE NIGHT (AT, Gillian Armstrong, 1973) ; GRETEL (AT, Gillian Armstrong, 1973) ; MRS SOFFEL (US, Gillian Armstrong, 1984) ; LITTLE WOMEN (US, Gillian Armstrong, 1994) ; CHARLOTTE GRAY (GG/UK/AT, Gillian Armstrong, 2001) ; DEATH DEFYING ACTS (UK/AT, Gillian Armstrong, 2007) ; FIRES WITHIN (US, Gillian Armstrong, 1991) ; MY BRILLIANT CAREER (AT, Gillian Armstrong, 1979) ; OSCAR AND LUCINDA (AT, Gillian Armstrong, 1997) ; STARSTRUCK (AT, Gillian Armstrong, 1982) ; LAST DAYS OF CHEZ NOUS, THE (AT, Gillian Armstrong, 1992) ; UNFOLDING FLORENCE: THE MANY LIVES OF FLORENCE BROADHURST (AT, Gillian Armstrong, 2005) ; WOMEN HE'S UNDRESSED (AT, Gillian Armstrong, 2015) ; HIGH TIDE (AT, Gillian Armstrong, 1987) ; [FOURTEEN'S] 14'S GOOD, 18'S BETTER (AT, Gillian Armstrong, 1981) Summary: A commercially successful Australian director of over eighteen feature films and documentaries, including My Brilliant Career (1979), Gillian Armstrong is an early, notable example of a woman director connecting with mass audiences. Armstrong’s films are unique in their aesthetic expression and in the ethical relationships that they depict, framed through the language of gender inclusivity and due in part to her foregrounding of original, complex and nuanced female characters. This important book fills a gap in the literature on women screen practitioners and is a long overdue response to demands for new insight into the work of this significant director. [Edinburgh University Press website]Notes: Includes bibliographical references and indexISBN: 9781474434324Contents: -- Introduction -- 1. An authorial cinema -- 2. A popular, commercial cinema: Mrs. Soffel, Little Women, Charlotte Gray, Death Defying Acts -- 3. An Australian genre cinema: My Brilliant Career, Oscar and Lucinda, Starstruck -- 4. A sensual cinema: Last Days of Chez Nous, Unfolding Florence: The Many Lives of Florence Broadhurst, Women He’s Undressed -- 5. An ethical cinema: High Tide and The Story of Kerry, Josie and Diana -- Conclusion: A collaborative cinema
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Lip Carlton, Vic.: Women in the Visual Arts Collective, 1976.
Call No: held 1976-1984CorpAuthor: Women in the Visual Arts Collective; Lip (Carlton, Vic.)Source: ATPlace: Carlton, Vic.Publisher: Women in the Visual Arts CollectivePubDate: 1976PhysDes: v. : ill. ; 30 cmSubject: ART CINEMA. AUSTRALIA ; FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA ; WOMEN AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA Summary: Lip was an interdisciplinary feminist arts journal founded in 1976 in Carlton. In 1975, one of Lip’s founders, Suzanne Spunner, coordinated the Melbourne edition of the International Women’s Film Festival, held at the Palais Theatre and RMIT.
The festival was held in every state capital across Australia and was provoked by the lack of women’s films at the 1975 Sydney Film Festival. The festival was a success and proved to dismissive distributors that there was an appetite and an audience for women’s films.
To compliment the festival, Spunner, Christine Johnston, Pat Longmore and Sue Johnston, had prepared related articles, interviews and reviews for a special edition of Cinema Papers devoted to women and film. When the issue was inexplicably pulled, Cinema Papers purportedly agreed to publish only a short piece on the festival - for a sum below the usual writer’s commission.
Outraged, the group resolved to publish a feminist film magazine. With the “paltry proceeds” from Cinema Papers and some jumble sales on the streets of Carlton, as well as the support of the Women’s Art Register and the Women’s Theatre Group, Lip was born.
Lip was a strikingly visual publication, which featured artworks, essays, interviews, articles and critical reviews. The editorial team of Lip functioned as a “collective of feminists” and held open evaluation meetings after each issue to critically discuss the ideas raised in the publication.
The magazine featured the work of many highly regarded Australian artists, including Ponch Hawkes and Mirka Mora - the artist behind the image here of a Melbourne tram.
Lip magazine ceased print publication in 1984. The AFIRC holds incomplete physical copies of Lip Magazine from 1976 to 1984. -- AFIRCNotes: Imprint varies: Lip Magazine Co-operative Ltd., <1984-; Description based on surrogate; title from coverISSN: 0313-4288Missing Issues: 1977LON: cvx00300222; 2506359
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Metaphors of femininity and the landscape in Australian cinema : five 'New Wave' films / Robin Wright 1992.
Call No: 626:396(94) WRIAuthor: Wright, Robin, 1963 PubDate: 1992PhysDes: 110 leaves : col. ill. ; 30 cmSubject: LANDSCAPES IN FILMS. AUSTRALIA ; FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA. AUSTRALIA ; NATIONAL IDENTITY IN FILMS. AUSTRALIA ; MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER, THE (AT, George T. Miller, 1982) ; SUNDAY TOO FAR AWAY (AT, Ken Hannam, 1975) ; WE OF THE NEVER NEVER (AT, Igor Auzins, 1982) ; PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK (AT, Peter Weir, 1975) ; PLAINS OF HEAVEN, THE (AT, Ian Pringle, 1982) Summary: This thesis examins the representation of the Australian landscape in five Australian films released between 1975 and 1982. The films are 'The Man From Snowy River', 'Sunday Too Far Away', 'We of the Never Never', 'Picnic at Hanging Rock' and 'The Plains of Heaven'. These five texts are examined in light of feminist theories dealing with subjectivity and representation. The analysis of the place and role of femininity within the texts is conducted through the examination of symbols and metaphors associated with the landscape which operate within the film structure. The thesis concludes that the Australian landscape is constructed within these films in such a way as to support the concept of a white, masculine Australian identity..." -- taken from summaryNotes: Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, Centre for Womens Studies; Summary: [unpaged] at front of text; Typescript; Includes bibliographical references (leaves 104-110)LON: abn93171145; 10039377Contents: 1. Introduction -- 2. Feminist strategies -- 3. The production context -- 4. The man from Snowy River -- 5. Sunday too far away -- 6. We of the never never -- 7. Picnic at hanging rock -- 8. The plains of heaven -- 9. Ideological position and Australian identity
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The Money shot : cinema, sin and censorship / Jane Mills Annandale, N.S.W: Pluto Press, 2001.
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Ukraine Is Not a Brothel in Australian Cinematographer (Dec 2014) iss.64 p.51-65
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