The garden in the machine : a field guide to independent films about place / Scott MacDonald Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 2001.
Call No: 738(71) MACAuthor: MacDonald, Scott Place: Berkeley, CaliforniaPublisher: University of California PressPubDate: 2001PhysDes: xxvi, 461 p. : ill. (some colour) ; 24cmSubject: INDEPENDENT FILMS ; NATURE IN FILMS ; PLACE IN FILMS ; PLACE IN FILMS. USA ; CITIES IN FILMS ; NEW YORK IN FILMS ; GOTTHEIM, LARRY ; COLE, THOMAS ; MURPHY, J. J. ; ANGER, KENNETH ; MENKEN, MARIE ; SCHNEEMANN, CAROLEE ; BRAKHAGE, STAN ; KELLER, MARJORIE ; ROBERTSON, ANNE CHARLOTTE ; LOWDER, ROSE ; MANGOLTE, BABETTE ; BENNING, JAMES ; STONE, OLIVER ; SPIRO, ELLEN ; DEBONT, JAN ; KUCHAR, GEORGE ; BURCKHARDT, RUDY ; WEEGEE ; THOMPSON, FRANCIS ; MENKEN, MARIE ; HARRIS, HILARY ; LEE, SPIKE ; STAUFFACHER, FRANK ; BAILLIE, BRUCE ; RUDNICK, MICHAEL ; GEHR, ERNIE ; O'NEILL, PAT ; MARTIN, EUGENE ; MEKAS, JONAS ; GREAVES, WILLIAM ; FRAMPTON, HOLLIS ; HUOT, ROBERT ; DORSKY, NATHANIEL ; HUTTON, PETER ; DASH, JULIE ; FRANKLIN, CARL ; CONNER, BRUCE ; HERZOG, WERNER ; LANZMANN, CLAUDE ; STRAND, CHICK ; NOREN, ANDREW ; PIERCE, LEIGHTON ; GATTEN, DAVID Summary: "Explores the evocations of place, and particularly American place, that have become so central to the representational and narrative strategies of alternative and mainstream film and video. Scott MacDonald contextualises his discussion with wide-ranging and deeply informed analysis of the depiction of place in nineteenth and twentieth-century literature, painting and photography. Examining the representation of nature and landscape in particular, and location in general, MacDonald offers new readings of films under consideration as well as an expanded sense of modern film history."Notes: Includes distribution sources for films and videos (in US), notes and indexISBN: 0520227387
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An introduction to the American underground film / by Shelton Renan New York: E.P. Dutton, 1967.
Call No: 771.3(73) RENAuthor: Renan, Shelton Edition: 1st ed.Place: New YorkPublisher: E.P. DuttonPubDate: 1967PhysDes: 318 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.Subject: EXPANDED CINEMA ; UNDERGROUND FILMS. USA ; EXPERIMENTAL FILMS. USA ; AVANT-GARDE FILMS. USA ; ANGER, KENNETH ; BAILLIE, BRUCE ; BELSON, JORDAN ; BRAKHAGE, STAN ; BRANAMAN, ROBERT ; BREER, ROBERT ; BURCKHARDT, RUDY ; CONNER, BRUCE ; CONRAD, TONY ; D'AVINO, CARMEN ; EMSHWILLER, ED ; GOLDMAN, PETER EMANUEL ; JACOBS, KEN ; JORDAN, LARRY ; KAYE, STANTON ; KUCHAR, GEORGE ; KUCHAR, MIKE ; LANDOW, GEORGE ; MARKOPOULOS, GREGORY ; MEKAS, JONAS ; MENKEN, MARIE ; NELSON, ROBERT ; RICE, RON ; SMITH, HARRY ; SMITH, JACK ; VAN DER BEEK, STAN ; WARHOL, ANDY Summary: A study of the American Underground Film, its subject matter and stylistic elements. Also a history of avant garde film in America with director and actor profiles.Notes: Bibliography: p. 295-296
Includes index.Contents: -- What is the underground film? -- A history of the avant-garde/experimental/underground film in America -- A gallery of film-makers -- Stars of the underground films -- The underground establishment -- Expanded Cinema
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Women's experimental cinema : critical frameworks / Robin Blaetz, editor Durham: Duke University Press, 2007. Available at OAPEN (open access)
Call No: 771-02 WOMAuthor: Blaetz, Robin Source: USPlace: DurhamPublisher: Duke University PressPubDate: 2007PhysDes: viii, 421 p. : ill., ports. ; 24 cmSubject: WOMEN, FILMS MADE BY ; WOMEN, FILMS FOR ; EXPERIMENTAL FILMS ; CRITICISM ; BLAETZ, ROBIN ; RAGONA, MELISSA ; ARTHUR, PAUL ; MENKEN, MARIE ; WIELAND, JOYCE ; HOLMLUND, CHRIS ; NELSON, GUNVOR ; CARROLL, NOEL ; SERRA, M.M ; RAMEY, KATHRYN ; SCHNEEMANN, CAROLEE ; OSTERWEIL, ARA ; RUBIN, BARBARA ; HALLER, ROBERT ; GREENFIELD, AMY ; KLEINHANS, CHUCK ; HAMMER, BARBARA ; PRAMAGGIORE, MARIA ; STRAND, CHICK ; KELLER, MARJORIE ; DOANE, MARY ANN ; THORNTON, LESLIE ; TURIM, MAUREEN ; CHILD, ABIGAIL ; WEES, WILLIAM C ; CUTLER, JANET ; FRIEDRICH, SU ; MCHUGH, KATHLEEN ; MACDONALD, SCOTT Notes: Formerly CIP; Includes bibliographical references and indexISBN: 9780822340447Contents: Swing and sway / Melissa Ragona -- Different/same/both/neither / Paul Arthur -- Excavating visual fields, layering auditory frames / Chris Holmlund -- Moving and moving / Noel Carroll -- Eye/body / M. M. Serra and Kathryn Ramey -- 'Absently enchanted' / Ara Osterweil -- Amy Greenfield / Robert A. Haller -- Barbara Hammer / Chuck Kleinhans -- Chick Strand's experimental ethnography / Maria Pramaggiore -- Amnesis time / Robin Blaetz -- In the ruins of the image / Mary Ann Doane -- Sounds, intervals, and startling images in the films of Abigail Child / Maureen Turim -- Peggy's playhouse / William C. Wees -- Su Friedrich / Janet Cutler -- The experimental 'dunyementary' / Kathleen McHugh -- Women's experimental cinema / Scott MacDonald.URL status: URL: ''
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