Alternative worlds in Hollywood cinema : Resonance between realms / James Walters Chicago: Intellect, 2008.
Call No: 735.3 (73) WALAuthor: Walters, James Source: USPlace: Bristol; ChicagoPublisher: IntellectPubDate: 2008PhysDes: 232 p. : ill. ; 23 cmSubject: FANTASTIC FILMS ; FANTASY FILMS ; DREAMS IN FILMS ; MEMORY IN FILMS ; INNOCENCE IN FILMS ; REPETITION IN FILMS ; TIME IN FILMS ; POINT-OF-VIEW ; NARRATIVE IN FILMS ; FLEMING, VICTOR ; LANG, FRITZ ; GONDRY, MICHEL ; CAPRA, FRANK ; RAMIS, HAROLD ; MINNELLI, VINCENTE ; ROSS, GARY ; WIZARD OF OZ, THE (US, Victor Fleming, 1939) ; WOMAN IN THE WINDOW, THE (US, Fritz Lang, 1944) ; ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND (US, Michael Gondry, 2004) ; IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE (US, Frank Capra, 1946) ; GROUNDHOG DAY (US, Harold Ramis, 1993) ; BRIGADOON (US, Vincente Minnelli, 1954) ; PLEASANTVILLE (US, Gary Ross, 1998) ; DONNIE DARKO (US, Richard Kelly, 2001) ; BACK TO THE FUTURE [...] (US, Robert Zemeckis, 1985-90) ; ABRE LOS OJOS (SP, Alejandro Amenabar, 1997) ; AWFUL TRUTH, THE (US, Leo McCarey, 1937) ; LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST, THE (US/CN, Martin Scorsese, 1988) ; MAGNIFICENT AMBERSONS, THE (US, Orson Welles, 1942) ; LETTER FROM AN UNKNOWN WOMAN (US, Max Ophuls, 1948) Summary: "The use of alternate realities in cinema has been brought to new heights by such recent films as 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' and 'Donnie Darko'. 'Alternative Worlds in Hollywood Cinema' is the first book to analyze these imaginary realms, tracing their construction and development across periods, genres and history.
"Through an analysis of such landmark films as 'The Wizard of Oz', 'It's a Wonderful Life' and 'Groundhog Day', Walters reveals how unconventional worlds are crucial to each film's dramatic agenda and narrative structure. This groundbreaking volume unifies decades of divergent work by film scholars and points the way towards a new theoretical framework for understanding fantasy in the context of popular film. 'Alternative Worlds in Hollywood Cinema' will be an essential resource for film studies scholars and movie buffs alike." (Taken from the back cover.)Notes: Includes Filmography, Bibliography and IndexISBN: 9781841502021
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AWFUL TRUTH, THE : (US, Leo McCarey, 1937)
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The big picture : Hollywood asks if journalism still has a pulse in Sunday Age [M] (29/11/2015) p.20
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Blanchett's Truth proves elusive in Weekend Australian (05/12/2015) p.3
Call No: TITLE CLIPPINGS FILE; TRUTH (US/AT, James Vanderbilt, 2015)Author: Bodey, Michael PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: TRUTH (US/AT, James Vanderbilt, 2015) Summary: Report on the film TRUTH and the small amount of screens it plans to be shown on in Australia, even though it stars Australian actor Cate Blanchett and a score of other Australians
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Blurred boundaries : questions of meaning in contemporary culture / Bill Nichols Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994.
Call No: 409 NICAuthor: Nichols, Bill Place: BloomingtonPublisher: Indiana University PressPubDate: 1994PhysDes: xvii, 187 p. ; 25 cmSubject: ANTHROPOLOGY AND THE CINEMA ; AUDIENCES ; BODY IN FILMS ; DOCUMENTARY FILMS ; ETHNOGRAPHIC FILMS ; MELODRAMA ; NARRATIVE IN FILMS ; SEMI-DOCUMENTARIES ; SOCIAL HISTORY AND THE CINEMA ; KING, RODNEY ; STACHKA [STRIKE] (UR, Sergei M. Eisenstein, 1925) ; REALISM ON TV ; REALITY TV ; RACIAL ISSUES ON TV ; RACIAL ISSUES AND TV ; TRUTH IN FILMS ; VIOLENCE ON TV ; WAR AND THE CINEMA ; GULF WAR ON TV ; ETHICS AND TV Summary: "Blurred Boundaries explores decisive moments where the traditional boundaries of fiction/non-fiction and truth/falsehood blur. Nichols argues that the history of social representation in film, television, and video requires an understanding of the fate of both contemporary and older work. Traditionally, film history and cultural studies sought to place films in a historical context. Nichols proposes a new goal: to examine how specific works, old and new, promote or suppress a sense of historical consciousness. Examining work from Eisenstein's Strike to the Rodney King videotape, Nichols interrelates issues of formal structure, viewer response, and historical consciousness. Simultaneously, Blurred Boundaries radically alters the interpretative frameworks offered by neoformalism and psychoanalysis: Comprehension itself becomes a social act of transformative understanding rather than an abstract mental process, while the use of psychoanalytic terms like desire, lack, or paranoia to make social points metaphorically yields to vocabulary designed expressly for historical interpretation - such as project, intentionality, and the social imaginary. An important departure from prevailing trends in many fields, Blurred Boundaries offers new directions for the study of visual culture." -- BOOK BLURBNotes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 149-182) and indexISBN: 0253340640 (alk. paper); 0253209005 (paper : alk. paper)LON: 10767942
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Close up : great cinematic performances. Volume 1, American / edited by Murray Pomerance and Kyle Stevens UK: Edinburgh University Press, 2018.
Call No: 227.01(73) CLOPlace: UKPublisher: Edinburgh University PressPubDate: 2018Series: International film starsSubject: ACTORS ; CHARACTER ACTORS ; STARS ; WOMEN IN FILMS. USA ; WATERS, ETHEL ; DUNNE, IRENE ; GRANT, CARY ; GAYNOR, JANET ; HEPBURN, KATHARINE ; DAVIS, BETTE ; CLIFT, MONTGOMERY ; CURTIS, TONY ; SELLERS, PETER ; Stewart, James ; Lombard, Carole ; MASON, JAMES ; BURTON, RICHARD ; LEWIS, JERRY ; POITIER, SIDNEY ; HACKMAN, GENE ; ROWLANDS, GENA ; NICHOLSON, JACK ; HOFFMAN, DUSTIN ; GOULD, ELLIOTT ; PACINO, AL ; GOLDBERG, WHOOPI ; BLANCHETT, CATE ; ISAAC, OSCAR ; STEWART, KRISTEN ; CLOUDS OF SILS MARIA (FR/SZ/GG/US/BE, Olivier Assayas, 2014) ; MOST VIOLENT YEAR, A (US, J. C. Chandor, 2014) ; BLUE JASMINE (US, Woody Allen, 2013) ; COLOR PURPLE, THE (US, Steven Spielberg, 1985) ; DONNIE BRASCO (US, Mike Newell, 1997) ; LONG GOODBYE, THE (US, Robert Altman, 1973) ; RAIN MAN (US, Barry Levinson, 1988) ; PASSENGER, THE (IT/SP/FR, Michelangelo Antonioni, 1975) ; GLORIA (US, John Cassavetes, 1980) ; CONVERSATION, THE (US, Francis Ford Coppola, 1974) ; IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT (US, Norman Jewison, 1967) ; KING OF COMEDY, THE (US, Martin Scorsese, 1983) ; SPY WHO CAME IN FROM THE COLD, THE (UK, Martin Ritt, 1965) ; PINK PANTHER, THE (US, Blake Edwards, 1964) ; SWEET SMELL OF SUCCESS (US, Alexander Mackendrick, 1957) ; PLACE IN THE SUN, A (US, George Stevens, 1951) ; LOLITA (US, Stanley Kubrick, 1962) ; TO BE OR NOT TO BE (US, Ernst Lubitsch, 1942) ; VERTIGO (US, Alfred Hitchcock, 1958) ; LION IN WINTER, THE (UK, Anthony Harvey, 1968) ; HIS GIRL FRIDAY (US, Howard Hawks, 1940) ; AWFUL TRUTH, THE (US, Leo McCarey, 1937) ; MEMBER OF THE WEDDING (US, Fred Zinnemann, 1952) ; DANGEROUS (US, Alfred E. Green, 1935) ; SUNRISE (US, Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, 1927) Summary: "Examines the significance of women's participation in popular genres.
Analyses what makes an acting performance excellent, through a range of examples from world cinema. What actors do on-screen is a fascination for audiences all over the world. Indeed, the cultural visibility of movie stars is so pronounced that stardom has often been regarded as intrinsic to the medium's specificity. Yet not all great cinematic performances are star turns, and so, what really makes a cinematic performance good, interesting, or important has been a neglected topic in film criticism. This two-volume set presents detailed interpretations of singular performances by several of the most compelling actors in cinema history, asking in many different and complementary ways what makes performance meaningful, how it reflects a director's style, as well as how it contributes to the development of national cinemas and cultures. Whether noting the precise ways actors shape film narrative, achieve emotional effect, or move toward political subversion, the essays in these books innovate new approaches to studying screen performance as an art form and cultural force"--Page 4 of cover.Notes: Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN: 9781474417006Contents: Intro -- Acknowledgments -- Close-up: great American performances -- Chapter 1 Ethel Waters in The Member of the Wedding -- Chapter 2 Irene Dunne in The Awful Truth -- Chapter 3 Cary Grant in His Girl Friday -- Chapter 4 Janet Gaynor in Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans -- Chapter 5 Katharine Hepburn in The Lion in Winter -- Chapter 6 Bette Davis in Dangerous -- Chapter 7 James Stewart in Vertigo -- Chapter 8 Carole Lombard in To Be or Not to Be -- Chapter 9 James Mason in Lolita -- Chapter 10 Montgomery Clift in A Place in the Sun -- Chapter 11 Tony Curtis in Sweet Smell of Success.
Chapter 12 Peter Sellers in The Pink Panther -- Chapter 13 Richard Burton in The Spy Who Came in from the Cold -- Chapter 14 Jerry Lewis in The King of Comedy -- Chapter 15 Sidney Poitier in In the Heat of the Night -- Chapter 16 Gene Hackman in The Conversation -- Chapter 17 Gena Rowlands in Gloria -- Chapter 18 Jack Nicholson in The Passenger -- Chapter 19 Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man -- Chapter 20 Elliott Gould in The Long Goodbye -- Chapter 21 Al Pacino in Donnie Brasco -- Chapter 22 Whoopi Goldberg in The Color Purple -- Chapter 23 Cate Blanchett in Blue Jasmine -- Chapter 24 Oscar Isaac in A Most Violent Year -- Chapter 25 Kristen Stewart in Clouds of Sils Maria -- Index.ID2: 362
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A companion to contemporary documentary film / edited by Alexandra Juhasz and Alisa Lebow Malden, MA: John Wiley and Sons, 2015.
Call No: 761 COMSource: USPlace: Malden, MAPublisher: John Wiley and SonsPubDate: 2015PhysDes: xvi, 674 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 25 cmSubject: DOCUMENTARIES ; DOCUMENTARY FILMS ; ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN FILMS ; SEA IN FILMS ; IMMIGRATION IN FILMS AND TELEVISION ; WORKERS IN FILMS ; YUGOSLAVIA ; SEX IN FILMS ; WOMEN MAKE MOVIES [organisation] ; DISEASES IN FILMS ; SCIENCE AND THE CINEMA ; SCIENCE IN FILMS ; AIDS ON TV. SOUTH AFRICA ; RELIGION AND THE CINEMA ; WAR FILMS ; BAL, MIEKE ; ZILNIK, ZELIMIR ; TRAN VAN THUY ; FAROCKI, HARUN ; CRUDE AWAKENING: THE OIL CRASH A (SZ, Basil Gelpke & Ray McCormack, 2006) ; CRUDE (US, Joe Berlinger, 2009) ; H [TWO] 2 OIL (CN, Shannon Walsh, 2009) ; PLANET, THE (SW/NO/DK, Michael Stenberg / John Soderberg / Linus Torell, 2006) ; INTO ETERNITY: A FILM FOR THE FUTURE (DK/FI/SW/IT, Michael Madsen, 2010) ; OTOLITH I [OTOLITH 1] (UK, Anjalika Sagar and Kodwo Eshun, 2003) ; OTOLITH II [OTOLITH 2] (UK, Anjalika Sagar and Kodwo Eshun, 2007) ; OTOLITH III [OTOLITH 3] (UK, Anjalika Sagar and Kodwo Eshun, 2009) ; INCONVENIENT TRUTH, AN (US, Davis Guggenheim, 2006) ; SOMEPLACE WITH A MOUNTAIN (US/FM, Steve Goodall, 2010) ; CONTAINED MOBILITY (SZ, Ursula Biemann, 2004) ; SAHARA CHRONICLE (SZ, Ursula Biemann, 2006-2009) ; GHOSTS (UK, Nick Broomfield, 2006) ; LOVE ON DELIVERY [FRA THAILAND TIL THY] (DK, Janus Metz Pedersen, 2007) ; TICKET TO PARADISE [FRA THY TIL THAILAND] (DK, Janus Metz Pedersen, 2008) ; WHEN MOTHER COMES HOME FOR CHRISTMAS (II/GR, Nilita Vachani, 1996) ; H [TWO] 2 WORKER (US, Stephanie Black, 1990) ; LIFE AND DEBT (US, Stephanie Black, 2001) ; MAQUILAPOLIS: CITY OF FACTORIES (MX/US, Sergio de la Torre and Vicky Funari, 2006) ; DECENT FACTORY, A (FR/FI/UK/AT/DK, Thomas Balmes, 2004) ; WHY CYBRACEROS? (US,Alex Rivera, 1997) ; WHY BRACEROS? (US, 1959) ; VALLEY CENTRO, EL (US, James Benning, 1999) ; LOS (US, James Benning, 2001) ; DOUBLE TIDE (US/AU, Sharon Lockhart, 2009) ; GLEANERS AND I, THE [GLANEURS ET LA GLANEUSE, LES] (FR, Agnes Varda, 2000) ; GLANEURS ET LA GLANEUSE, LES: DEUX ANS APRES (FR, Agnes Varda, 2002) ; WORKINGMAN'S DEATH (AU/GG, Michael Glawogger, 2005) ; OLD SCHOOL OF CAPITALISM, THE [STARA SKOLA KAPITALIZMA] (SB, Zelimir Zilnik, 2009) ; LIVE NUDE GIRLS UNITE! (US, Julia Query & Vicky Funari, 2000) ; TALES OF THE NIGHT FAIRIES (II, Shohini Ghosh, 2002) ; SCARLET ROAD (AT, Catherine Scott, 2011) ; PLACE OF RAGE, A [WARRIOR MARKS] (UK, Pratibha Parmar, 1991) ; DAY I WILL NEVER FORGET, THE (UK, Kim Longinotto, 2002) ; AFRICA RISING (US, Paula Heredia, 2009) ; SENORITA EXTRAVIADA [MISSING YOUNG WOMAN] (MX, Lourdes Portillo, 2001) ; PARIS IS BURNING (US, Jennie Livingston, 1990) ; WILDNESS (US, Wu Tsang, 2012) ; INNER LIFE OF THE CELL (US, XVIVO, 2006) ; BEAT IT! [TV] (SA, 2001) ; MY REINCARNATION (SZ/NE/IT/GG/FI/VE/US/TZ/SI/MY/RM/CC/MX/RU/IS/AU, Jennifer Fox, 2011) ; GEVALD (IS, Netalie Braun, 2009) ; BLACK BUS (IS, Anat Zuria, 2010) ; REBELLIOUS SON, THE (IS, Shosi Greenfield, 2009) ; STORY OF KINDNESS [CHUYEN TU TE] (V, Tran Van Thy, 1987) ; NICHT LOSCHBARES FEUER [INEXTINGUISHABLE FIRE] (GR, Harun Farocki, 1969) ; IMAGES OF THE WORLD AND THE INSCRIPTION OF WAR [BILDER DER WELT UND INSCHRIFT DES KRIEGES] (GW, Harun Farocki, 1988) ; SERIOUS GAMES [series] (GG, Harun Farocki, 2009) ; I ONLY WISH I COULD WEEP (LE, Wallid Raad, 2002) ; MIRACULOUS BEGINNINGS (LE, Walid Raad) ; SPIRITUAL VOICES: FROM THE DIARIES OF WAR [DUKHOVNYE GOLOSA, IZ DNEVNIKOV VOYNY. POVESTVOVANIE V PYATI CHASTYAKH] [TV] (RU, Aleksandr Sokurov, 1995) ; DAY OF THE SPARROW [DER TAG DES SPATZEN] (GG, Philip Scheffner, 2010) ; [FORTY-EIGHT] 48 (PO, Susana de Sousa Dias, 2010) ; ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE (UK/CB, Thet Sambath and Rob Lemkin, 2009) ; DUCH: MASTER OF THE FORGES OF HELL (CB, Rithy Panh, 2011) ; SKINNY ALEJANDRA: LIVES AND DEATHS OF A CHILEAN WOMAN [LA FLACA ALEJANDRA: VIDAS Y MUERTES DE UNA CHILENA] (CL, Carmen Castillo, 1994) ; OPERATION ATROPOS (CL, Coco Fusco, 2005) ; ROAD TO GUANTANAMO, THE (UK, Michael Winterbottom and Mat Whitecross, 2006) ; TAXI TO THE DARK SIDE (US, Alex Gibney, 2007) ; BRIDGE, THE (UK/US, Eric Steel, 2006) Summary: This book presents a collection of original essays that explore major issues surrounding the state of current documentary films and their capacity to inspire and effect change. This book presents a comprehensive collection of essays relating to all aspects of contemporary documentary films It includes nearly 30 original essays by top documentary film scholars and makers, with each thematic grouping of essays sub-edited by major figures in the field. This book explores a variety of themes central to contemporary documentary filmmakers and the study of documentary film the planet, migration, work, sex, virus, religion, war, torture, and surveillance. This book considers a wide diversity of documentary films that fall outside typical canons, including international and avant-garde documentaries presented in a variety of media.ISBN: 9780470671641Contents: Machine generated contents note: pt. I Planet / Juan Francisco Salazar -- 1.Crude Aesthetics: The Politics of Oil Documentaries / Imre Szeman -- 2.Anticipatory Modes of Futuring Planetary Change in Documentary Film / Juan Francisco Salazar -- 3.Projecting Sea Level Rise: Documentary Film and Other Geolocative Technologies / Janet Walker -- pt. II Migration / Aniko Imre -- Introduction / Aniko Imre -- 4.Videogeographies / Ursula Biemann -- 5.Rates of Exchange: Human Trafficking and the Global Marketplace / Leshu Torchin -- 6.Documenting What? Auto-Theory and Migratory Aesthetics / Mieke Bal -- pt. III Work / Silke Panse -- Introduction / Silke Panse -- 7.The Work of the Documentary Protagonist: The Material Labor of Aesthetics / Silke Panse -- 8.Old School Capitalism in Post-Socialism: The Struggles of Zelimir Zilnik's Workers / Ewa Mazierska -- 9.Capturing the Labors of Sex Work: The Pedagogical Role of Documentary Film / Anna E. Ward -- pt. IV Sex / Laura Hyun Yi Kang -- Contents note continued: Introduction / Laura Hyun Yi Kang -- 10.Documentary Practice and Transnational Feminist Theory: The Visibility of FGC / Patricia White -- 11.Transforming Terror: Documentary Poetics in Lourdes Portillo's Senorita Extraviada (2001) / Rosa-Linda Fregoso -- 12.Reading Realness: Paris Is Burning, Wildness, and Queer and Transgender Documentary Practice / Eve Oishi -- pt. V Virus / Bishnupriya Ghosh -- Introduction / Bishnupriya Ghosh -- 13.Animating Informatics: Scientific Discovery Through Documentary Film / Kirsten Ostherr -- 14.HIV on Documentary Television in Post-Apartheid South Africa / Rebecca Hodes -- 15.Digital AIDS Documentary: Webs, Rooms, Viruses, and Quilts / Alexandra Juhasz -- pt. VI Religion / Alisa Lebow -- Introduction / Alisa Lebow -- 16.Rising in the East, Sett(l)ing in the West: The Emergence of Buddhism as Contemporary Documentary Subject / Angelica Fenner -- Contents note continued: 17.The New Religious Wave in Israeli Documentary Cinema: Negotiating Jewish Fundamentalism During the Second Intifada / Raya Morag -- 18.Tran Van Thuy's Story of Kindness: Spirituality and Political Discourse / Dean Wilson -- pt. VII War / Jeffrey Skoller -- Introduction / Jeffrey Skoller -- 19.Second Thoughts on "The Production of Outrage: The Iraq War and the Radical Documentary Tradition" / Jane M. Gaines -- 20.One, Two, Three Montages ... Harun Farocki's War Documentaries / Nora M. Alter -- 21.The Unwar Film / Alisa Lebow -- pt. VIII Torture / Alisa Lebow -- Introduction / Alisa Lebow -- 22.(In)visible Evidence: The Representability of Torture / Susana de Sousa Dias -- 23.Interviewing the Devil: Interrogating Masters of the Cambodian Genocide / Deirdre Boyle -- 24.The Female Perpetrator: La Flaca Alejandra and Operation Atropos / Macarena Gomez-Barris -- 25.Toward the Dark Side: Seeing Detainee Bodies in Documentary Film / Anjali Nath --
Contents note continued: pt. IX Surveillance / Elizabeth Cowie -- Introduction / Elizabeth Cowie -- 26.Architectures of Control and Points of Resistance: Surveillance Culture and Digital Documentaries / Sharon Lin Tay -- 27.The World Viewed: Documentary Observing and the Culture of Surveillance / Elizabeth Cowie -- 28.Surveillance in the Service of Narrative / Brian Winston -- 29.Face Blind: Documentary Media and Subversion of Surveillance / Patrik Sjoberg.
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Contemporary New Zealand cinema : : from new wave to blockbuster / edited by Ian Conrich and Stuart Murray London: I.B. Tauris, 2008.
Call No: 71 (931) NEWAuthor: Conrich, Ian (ed) ; Murray, Stuart(ed) Place: LondonPublisher: I.B. TaurisPubDate: 2008PhysDes: xiv, 273 p. : ill. ; 24 cmSeries: I.B Taruris world cinema seriesSubject: FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA ; FESTIVALS. NEW ZEALAND ; MAORI CINEMA ; MASCULINITY IN FILMS ; NEW ZEALAND FILM COMMISSION ; NEW ZEALAND IN FILMS ; REALISM IN FILMS ; RELIGION IN FILMS ; BARCLAY, BARRY ; CAMPION, JANE ; CURTIS, CLIFF ; DUFF, ALAN ; DONALDSON, ROGER ; DENNIS, JONATHAN ; Grierson, John ; JACKSON, PETER (NZ) ; LAWRENCE, BRUNO ; MUNE, IAN ; MURPHY, GEOFFREY ; LANGE, DAVID ; MACLEAN, ALISON ; MITA, MERATA ; MORRIESON, RONALD HUGH ; MORRISON, TEMUERA ; MULDOON, ROBERT ; NEILL, SAM ; PRESTON, GAYLENE ; SARGESTON, FRANK ; SARKIES, ROBERT ; TAMAHORI, LEE ; WARD, VINCENT ; BAISE-MOI (FR, Virginie Despentes, 2000) ; BRAINDEAD (NZ, Peter Jackson, 1992) ; CAME A HOT FRIDAY (NZ, Ian Mune, 1985) ; CHANNELLING BABY (NZ, Christine Parker, 1999) ; CINEMA OF UNEASE: A PERSONAL JOURNEY BY SAM NEILL (NZ, Sam Neill & Judy Reimer, 1995) ; CRUSH (NZ, Alison MacLean, 1992) ; DESPERATE REMEDIES (NZ, Stewart Main & Peter Wells, 1993) ; END OF THE GOLDEN WEATHER, THE (NZ, Ian Mune, 1991) ; GOODBYE PORK PIE (NZ, Geoffrey Murphy, 1980) ; HEAVENLY CREATURES (NZ, Peter Jackson, 1994) ; IRREFUTABLE TRUTH ABOUT DEMONS ((NZ, Glenn Standring, 2000) ; JUBILEE (NZ, Michael Hurst, 2000) ; LORD OF THE RINGS, THE (US, Peter Jackson, 2001-2003) ; MAGIK AND ROSE (NZ, Vanessa Alexander, 1999) ; NGATI (NZ, Barry Barclay, 1987) ; ONCE WERE WARRIORS (NZ, Lee Tamahori, 1994) ; PIANO, THE (AT, Jane Campion, 1993) ; PRICE OF MILK, THE (NZ, Harry Sinclair, 2000) ; QUIET EARTH, THE (NZ, Geoffrey Murphy, 1985) ; RAIN (NZ, Christine Jeffs, 2001) ; SAVING GRACE (NZ, Costa Botes, 1997) ; SCARECROW, THE (NZ, Sam Pillsbury, 1982) ; SCARFIES (NZ, Robert Sarkies, 1999) ; SKIN DEEP (NZ, Geoff Steven, 1978) ; SNAKESKIN (NZ, Gillian Ashurst, 2001) ; SLEEPING DOGS (NZ, Roger Donaldson, 1977) ; SMASH PALACE (NZ, Roger Donaldson, 1981) ; TOPLESS WOMEN TALK ABOUT THEIR LIVES (NZ, Harry Sinclair, 1997) ; UTU (NZ, Geoffrey Murphy, 1983) ; VIGIL (NZ, Vincent Ward, 1984) ; WHALE RIDER (NZ/GG, Niki Caro, 2002) Summary: "Focusing on industrial and commercial concerns, questions of aesthetics and form, and the cultural debates surrounding nation and identity, the book surveys the full range of filmmaking in New Zealand. It displays the rich diversity of film production in the country, and in doing so highlights a number of specific contexts - Maori, documentary and short filmmaking, literary adaptations, the development of the national Film Commission and Archive, marketing and censorship, in addition to explorations into the place of bicultural relations, spirituality, masculinity and disability - that have created a cinema of global significance. Featuring critical accounts of internationally-acclaimed features like The Piano and Once Were Warriors, as well as the growth of the national infrastructure that made such films possible, Contemporary New Zealand Cinema is the most thorough study available of a vibrant filmmaking culture. The book also includes a fully comprehensive filmography detailing all New Zealand feature and television films."--BOOK JACKETNotes: Filmography: p.[239]-253
Bibliography: p. 255- 258; Includes indexISBN: 9781845118372
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Crafting truth : documentary form and meaning / by Louise Spence and Vinicius Navarro New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, c2011.
Call No: 761 SPEAuthor: Spence, Louise ; Navarro, Vinicius Source: US/UKPlace: New Brunswick, NJPublisher: Rutgers University PressPubDate: c2011PhysDes: x, 281 p. : ill. ; 26 cmSubject: AESTHETICS ; AUTHORSHIP ; BIOGRAPHICAL FILMS ; CINEMATOGRAPHY ; COMMENTARY ; CONSTRUCTIVISM ; CONTINUITY ; CINEMA-DIRECT ; DOCUMENTARIES ; DOCUMENTARY FILMS ; EDITING ; ETHNOGRAPHIC FILMS ; HISTORY AND THE CINEMA ; INTERVIEWING ; INTERVIEWS IN FILMS ; LIGHTING ; LOCATION SHOOTING ; MEMORY IN FILMS ; MUSIC IN FILMS ; NARRATIVE IN FILMS ; NON-FICTION FILMS ; PALESTINE ; PHOTOGRAPHY AND THE CINEMA ; REALISM IN FILMS ; SOUND ; SOUND EQUIPMENT ; THEORY ; TRUTH IN FILMS ; VOICE OVER ; WORLD WAR II AND THE CINEMA ; AFRIQUE, JE TE PLUMERAI (CM/FR/G, Jean-Marie Téno, 1992) ; GOKUSHITEKI EROSU: RENKA 1974 (JA, Kazuo Hara, 1974) ; FAR FROM POLAND (US, Jill Godmilow, 1984) ; HALVING THE BONES (US, Ruth Ozeki Lounsbury, 1995) ; HANDSWORTH SONGS (UK, John Akomfrah, 1986) ; HEARTS AND MINDS (US, Peter Davis, 1974) ; JOYCE AT 34 (US, Joyce Chopra, 1972) ; LESSONS OF DARKNESS (GG, Werner Herzog, 1992) ; LEKTIONEN IN FINSTERNIS (GG, Werner Herzog, 1992) ; LIFE AND TIMES OF ROSIE THE RIVETER, THE (US, Connie Field, 1980) ; NANOOK OF THE NORTH (US, Robert Flaherty, 1922) ; NEKAM ACHAT MISHTEY EYNAY (FR/IS, Avi Mograbi, 2005) ; NIGHT MAIL (UK, Harry Watt & Basil Wright, 1936) ; PRELUDE TO WAR (US, Frank Capra & Anatole Litvak, 1942) ; SANS SOLEIL (FR, Chris Marker, 1983) ; SHOAH (FR/SZ, Claude Lanzmann, 1985) ; TIES THAT BIND, THE (US, Su Friedrich, 1984) ; TITICUT FOLLIES (US, Frederick Wiseman, 1967) ; WAR GAME, THE (UK, Peter Watkins, 1966) Summary: "Although nonfiction film may have captured imaginations, many viewers enter and leave theaters with a naive concept of "reality"- for them, documentaries are sources of information. But is truth or reality readily available, easily acquired, or undisputed? Or do documentaries convey illusions of reality? What aesthetic means are used to build these illusions?
Crafting truth illuminates the way these films tell their stories; how they use the camera, editing, sound, and performance; what rhetorical devices they employ; and what the theoretical, practical, and ethical implications of those choices are. Complex documentary concepts are presented through easily accessible language, images, and a discussion of a wide range of films and videos to encourage new ways of thinking about and seeing nonfiction cinema. " -- BOOK BLURBISBN: 9780813549033Contents: -- acknowledgments -- Introduction -- Authenticity -- Evidence -- Authority --
Responsibility -- Argument -- Dramatic stories, poetic and essay documentaries --
Editing -- Camerawork -- The profilmic -- Sounds / coauthored with Carl Lewis --index --ID2: 90
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Documentary : the margins of reality / written by Paul Ward London ; New York: Wallflower, c2005.
Call No: 761 WARAuthor: Ward, Paul Source: USPlace: London ; New YorkPublisher: WallflowerPubDate: c2005PhysDes: 115 p. : ill. ; 20 cmSeries: :Short cuts : introductions to film studiesSubject: DOCUMENTARIES ; DOCUMENTARY DRAMAS ; DOCUMENTARY FILMS ; INTERVIEWS IN FILMS ; TRUTH IN FILMS ; VOICE OVER ; BROOMFIELD, NICK ; GRIERSON, JOHN ; TOUCHING THE VOID (UK, Kevin MacDonald, 2003) ; CAPTURING THE FRIEDMANS (US, Andrew Jalecki, 2003) Summary: "In discussing films such as Touching the Void (2003), Capturing the Friedmans (2003) and the work of Nick Broomfield, this timely introduction to the growing field of documentary explores the definition and understanding of the form, as well as the relationship between documentary and drama, specifically the notion of reconstruction and re-enactment. Paul Ward also examines animated documentaries, the meeting point of comedy and documentary modes, the ability of documentary to accurately represent historical events, and feature-length contemporary works that have achieved widespread cinematic release."--BOOK JACKET.Notes: Includes index; Includes bibliography: 108-112ISBN: 9781904764595Contents: -- acknowledgments -- introduction -- 1. Defining documentary -- 2. Fiction and nonfiction : the great divide? -- 3. The changing face of the historical documentary -- 4. Documentary and comedy -- 5. Animation and documentary representation -- Conclusion : the future of documentary -- notes -- bibliography -- index --
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Documentary and educational films of the 1930s / Rachael Low London, UK: George Allen & Unwin, 1979.
Call No: 761(41) LOWAuthor: Low, Rachael Source: UKPlace: London, UKPublisher: George Allen & UnwinPubDate: 1979PhysDes: 244 p. : ill. ; 22 cmSeries: The History of British Film 1929-1939Subject: BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE ; DOCUMENTARY FILMS. UK ; EDUCATION, USE OF FILMS IN ; EDUCATION, FILM. UK ; INDUSTRY, FILM. UK ; INSTRUCTIONAL FILMS ; PROPAGANDA FILMS ; POLITICAL FILMS ; TRUTH IN FILMS ; ANSTEY, EDGAR ; CAVALCANTI, ALBERTO ; ELTON, ARTHUR ; GRIERSON, JOHN ; ROTHA, PAUL ; WRIGHT, BASIL Summary: "With the advent of sound a host of film makers began, during the 1930s, to explore the wider possibilities of film as a means of communication. Without doubt the most spectacular development during this decade of social and political unrest was the dramatic growth of the mainstream British documentary movement closely associated with names such as John Grierson and Paul Rotha, which is often described as Britain's most important contribution to world cinema. In these pages for the first time a full and detailed account is given of people involved in the documentary movement and a coherant attempt is made to date and describe their whole output. Rachael Low demonstrates how different documentary styles evolved, developed and changed - and eventually split into two distinct schools of film making.
An equally important innovation in the 1930s was the first use of film for educational purposes. Rachael Low records in detail the many experiments and debates held to determine the best use of films in schools and the often disappointing attempts to produce satisfactory educational films."--BOOK JACKETNotes: includes bibliographical references; incldues film listing
includes indexISBN: 0047910364Contents: -- Acknowledgements -- List of Illustrations -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The Educational Film -- 3. The Documentary Movement -- (i) Early Stages -- (ii) The Middle Years -- (iii) Maturity -- (iv) The End of the Decade -- 4. Reality and the Documentary Film -- Appendix: The British Film Institute -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Film List -- Index --
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Documentary in American television : form, function, method / A. William Bluem New York: Hastings House, [1965].
Call No: 761(73) BLUAuthor: Bluem, A. William Source: USPlace: New YorkPublisher: Hastings HousePubDate: [1965]PhysDes: 311 p. illus., ports. 24 cmSubject: BIOGRAPHICAL FILMS ; DOCUMENTARIES. USA ; JOURNALISM IN THE CINEMA ; PHOTOGRAPHY AND THE CINEMA ; RADIO AND THE CINEMA ; TELEVISION JOURNALISM ; TELEVISION ; TELEVISION. USA ; TRUTH IN FILMS ; WAR AND TV Summary: "The documentary movement in American television is explored critically in this knowledgeable, and often controversial, book. Analyzed here are forms and functions of the television documentary; its heritage in other media (print, still photography, motion pictures, radio, living theatre); its major achievements; the people who have shaped it; the problems and the possibilities of its use in a free society." -- BOOK BLURBNotes: Bibliography: p. 297-301ISBN: 0803815271LON: 646183 8085578URL status: URL: 'http://-'
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Fallout from a news broadcast in Weekend Australian [Review] (05/12/2015) p.13
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FLICKERING TRUTH, A : (NZ, Pietra Brettkelly, 2015)
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INCONVENIENT SEQUEL, AN : TRUTH TO POWER : (US, Bonni Cohen / Jon Shenk, 2017)
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INCONVENIENT TRUTH AN : (US, Davis Guggenheim, 2006)
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Independent visions : a critical introduction to recent independent American film / Donald Lyons New York: Ballantine, 1994.
Call No: 71(73) LYOAuthor: Lyons, Donald Place: New YorkPublisher: BallantinePubDate: 1994PhysDes: xiv, 337 p., [8] p. of plates : ports. ; 21 cmSubject: INDEPENDENT FILMS. USA ; ALMEREYDA, MICHAEL ; ANDERS, ALLISON ; COEN, JOEL & ETHAN ; CRONENBERG, DAVID ; DASH, JULIE ; DAVIS, JUDY ; EGOYAN, ATOM ; FERRARA, ABEL ; HARTLEY, HAL ; LEE, SPIKE ; LINKLATER, RICHARD ; PHOENIX, RIVER ; SODERBERGH, STEVEN ; Tarantino, Quentin ; VAN SANT, GUS ; ARAKI, GREGG ; BIGELOW, KATHRYN ; DICKERSON, ERNEST R. ; GOMEZ, NICK ; JARMUSCH, JIM ; LEHMANN, MICHAEL ; MORRISSEY, PAUL ; O'BRIEN, JOHN ; COCHRAN, STACY ; COOLIDGE, MARTHA ; DAVIS, TAMRA ; FRANKLIN, CARL ; HARRIS, LESLIE ; LEGROS, JAMES ; LYNCH, DAVID ; MCNAUGHTON, JOHN ; MUNCH, CHRISTOPHER ; THORNTON, BILLY BOB ; RODRIGUEZ, ROBERT ; ROCKWELL, ALEXANDRE ; SINGLETON, JOHN ; SAYLES, JOHN ; SAVOCA, NANCY ; GAS FOOD LODGING (US, Allison Anders, 1992) ; MARIACHI, EL (US, Robert Rodriguez, 1992) ; BOYZ N THE HOOD (US, John Singleton, 1991) ; BODIES, REST & MOTION (US, Michael Steinberg, 1993) ; BARTON FINK (US, Joel Cohen, 1991) ; PASSION FISH (US, John Sayles, 1992) ; ONE FALSE MOVE (US, Carl Franklin, 1991) ; MYSTERY TRAIN (US, Jim Jarmusch, 1989) ; MY NEW GUN (US, Stacy Cochran, 1992) ; MS 45 (US, Abel Ferrara, 1981) ; METROPOLITAN (US, Whit Stillman, 1990) ; MALA NOCHE (US, Gus Van Sant, 1986) ; JUST ANOTHER GIRL ON THE I.R.T. (US, Leslie Harris, 1992) ; JUICE (US, Ernest R. Dickerson, 1992) ; IN THE SOUP (US, Alexandre Rockwell, 1992) ; HOURS AND TIMES, THE (US, Christopher Munch, 1992) ; HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER (US, John McNaughton, 1986) ; HEATHERS (US, Michael Lehmann, 1989) ; GUN CRAZY (US, Joseph H.Lewis, 1949) ; LIVING END, THE (US, Gregg Araki, 1992) ; MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO (US, Gus Van Sant, 1991) ; NAKED LUNCH (CN/UK, David Cronenberg, 1991) ; BAD LIEUTENANT (US, Abel Ferrara, 1992) ; DO THE RIGHT THING (US, Spike Lee, 1989) ; DRUGSTORE COWBOY (US, Gus Van Sant, 1989) ; RAMBLING ROSE (US, Martha Coolidge, 1991) ; RESERVOIR DOGS (US, Quentin Tarantino, 1992) ; SEX, LIES AND VIDEOTAPE (US, Steven Soderbergh, 1989) ; SHE'S GOTTA HAVE IT (US, Spike Lee, 1986) ; SIMPLE MEN (US, Hal Hartley, 1992) ; SLACKER (US, Richard Linklater, 1990) ; TO SLEEP WITH ANGER (US, Charles Burnett, 1990) ; TRUE LOVE (US, Nancy Savoca, 1989) ; TRUST (US, Hal Hartley, 1990) ; UNBELIEVABLE TRUTH, THE (US, Hal Hartley, 1989) ; VERMONT IS FOR LOVERS (US, John O'Brien, 1992) ; WILD AT HEART (US, David Lynch, 1990) Notes: Includes filmography and indexISBN: 0345382498 (pbk.)LON: 11029535
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Looking for trouble : on shopping, gender and the cinema / Suzanne Moore London: Serpent's Tail, 1991.
Call No: 67(41) MOOAuthor: Moore, Suzanne Source: UKPlace: LondonPublisher: Serpent's TailPubDate: 1991PhysDes: ix, 305 pages ; 20 cmSubject: CRITICISM ; FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA ; JAMES BOND IN FILMS ; POPULAR CULTURE AND THE CINEMA ; ALWAYS (US, Steven Spielberg, 1989) ; BIRD (US, Clint Eastwood, 1988) ; BLACK RAIN (US, Ridley Scott, 1989) ; BLUE STEEL (US, Kathryn Bigelow, 1989) ; BROKEN NOSES (US, Bruce Weber, 1987) ; CHOCOLATE [CHOCOLAT] (FR, Claire Denis, 1988) ; DEAD RINGERS (CN, David Cronenberg, 1988) ; DECLINE OF WESTERN CIVILISATION PART II: THE METAL YEARS, THE (US, Penelope Spheeris, 1988) ; DO THE RIGHT THING (US, Spike Lee, 1989) ; FAMILY VIEWING (CN, Atom Egoyan, 1987) ; FAREWELL TO THE KING (US, John Milius, 1989) ; GHOSTS... OF THE CIVIL DEAD (AT, John Hillcoat, 1988) ; GOOD MOTHER, THE (US, Leonard Nimoy, 1988) ; JESUS OF MONTREAL (CN/FR, Denys Arcand, 1989) ; KAMIKAZE HEARTS (US, Juliet Bashore, 1986) ; KROTKI FILM O ZABIJANIU (PL, Krzysztof Kieslowski, 1988) ; LONGTIME COMPANION (US, Norman Rene, 1990) ; MADONNA: TRUTH OR DARE (US, Alek Keshishian, 1991) ; MARUSA NO ONNA (JA, Juzo Itami, 1987) ; PARIS BY NIGHT (UK, David Hare, 1989) ; PATTY HEARST (US, Paul Schrader, 1988) ; ROGER AND ME (US, Michael Moore, 1989) ; SCANDAL (UK, Michael Caton-Jones, 1989) ; SERPENT AND THE RAINBOW (US, Wes Craven, 1988) ; SHE-DEVIL (US, Susan Seidelman, 1989) ; SHE MUST BE SEEING THINGS (US, Sheila McLaughlin, 1987) ; SKIN DEEP (US, Blake Edwards, 1989) ; SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY (US, Joesph Ruben, 1991) ; SOMETHING WILD (US, Jonathan Demme, 1986) ; STAR TREK V: THE FINAL FRONTIER (US, William Shatner, 1989) ; SWEETIE (AT, Jane Campion, 1989) ; TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (US, Steve Barron, 1990) ; THIN BLUE LINE, THE (US, Errol Morris, 1988) ; THIRTYSOMETHING [TV] (US, 1987-91) ; TIE ME UP! TIE ME DOWN! (SP, Pedro Almodovar, 1990)
ATAME! ; TORCH SONG TRILOGY (US, Paul Bogart, 1988) ; TOTAL RECALL (US, Paul Verhoeven, 1990) ; TUCKER (US, Francis Ford Coppola, 1988) ; TWIN PEAKS [TV] (US, David Lynch & others, 1990-1991) ; UNHOLY, THE (US, Camilio Vila, 1988) ; WAR OF THE ROSES, THE (US, Danny DeVito, 1989) ; WIRED (US, Larry Peerce, 1989) ; WORLD APART, A (UK, Chris Menges, 1988) ; BAUDRILLARD, JEAN ; TARKOVSKY, ANDREI ; WINDSOR, BARBARA Summary: "In her articles and essays, Suzanne Moore takes a vitriolic look at the icons of modern life - post feminism, Baudrillard, Laura Ashley, Twin Peaks, the new man, safe sex, James Bond, a green planet. In her film reviews, she dissects the 'mega' filmmakers of our time - Steven Spielberg, Federico Fellini, Akira Kurosawa, Pedro Almodovar, Ken Russell and David Lynch. Definitely not 'one of the boys', Suzanne Moore's attitude to the good and famous is refreshing and irreverent." -Book blurb.Notes: Contains bibliographyISBN: 1852422424Contents: Introduction -- Feminism -- Men: Men against men; Target man; The brothers grim; Toy soldiers or wicked willies; Prince; Torch Song tightrope; Here's looking at you, kid -- Women: Material girl; Hi, I'm Anneka - fly me; Green light spells danger; The odds of getting even; A call to underarms; Fatal fantasies; Happiness is a warm gun; Close-up as the cookie crumbles; Women who read too much; The great awakening; Modern romance; The merry life of Windsor -- Children: Hiding in the wardrobe; Hung-up on Father Christmas; Politics of choice; Birth and death; Maternal melodramas; Eternal childhood; Unhappy families; Heroes in a half-shell -- Fantasy -- Fear: Killjoy culture; Filming by numbers; The death of intimacy; To hell and back; Murder most foul; Electric shocks; Fag end; Soft soap -- Flesh: Good vibrations; Deviant laws; Everyday eroticism; One big act; A screw of convenience?; Missionary sex; The struggle for safe endings -- Faith: Kidnapped by the counter-culture; Sculpting in time; Playing Jesus by night; Nithing but the truth; Always a love story; Jazz junkie -- Power: Pleasure: Understimulation; And now for the news; Film slobs; The metal age; All night long; The money game; Mall-content?; Mini-politics: saying no in public; Belushi's last high; something to stay home about; Reach for the stars; Starship stories -- Politics: Political poison; Junk culture; Never really at home; A problem of identities; Brand loyalty; Sun rises in the east; You can't do the right thing all the time; Great expectations -- Populism: Postmodern paralysis; Britain's macho man; On the side of the man in the street; Against the sober grain -- Postmodernism: Politics of seduction; Getting a bit of the other - the pimps of postmodernism.ID2: 291
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Lunatics and lovers : a tribute to the giddy and glittering era of the screen's "screwball" and romantic comedies New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, [1973].
Call No: 732 SENAuthor: Sennett, Ted Place: New Rochelle, N.Y.Publisher: Arlington HousePubDate: [1973]PhysDes: 368 p. illus. 24 cmSubject: COMEDIES ; STURGES, PRESTON ; AWFUL TRUTH, THE (US, Leo McCarey, 1937) ; BRINGING UP BABY (US, Howard Hawks, 1938) ; IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT (US, Frank Capra, 1934) ; [MISTER] MR DEEDS GOES TO TOWN (US, Frank Capra, 1936) ; YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU (US, Frank Capra, 1938) ; HAIL THE CONQUERING HERO (US, Preston Sturges, 1943) Notes: Bibliography: p. [355]-356ISBN: 0870001965LON: 506387
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MADONNA: TRUTH OR DARE : (US, Alek Keshishian, 1991)
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Multiple voices in feminist film criticism / Diane Carson,Linda Dittmar, and Janice R. Welsch, editors Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1994.
Call No: 626:396 MULAuthor: Carson, Diane ; Dittmar, Linda, 1938 ; Welsch, Janice R Place: MinneapolisPublisher: University of Minnesota PressPubDate: 1994PhysDes: ix, 547 p. : ill. ; 24 cmSubject: FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA ; PSYCHOANALYSIS AND THE CINEMA ; WOMEN IN FILMS. MEXICO ; WOMEN IN FILMS. CHINA ; WOMEN IN FILMS. THIRD WORLD ; WOMEN IN FILMS. CUBA ; HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE CINEMA ; HOMOSEXUALITY IN FILMS ; ETHNIC GROUPS IN FILMS ; BORDEN, LIZZIE ; DASH, JULIE ; DIETRICH, MARLENE ; DOANE, MARY ANN ; GARBO, GRETA ; GORRIS, MARLEEN ; GUY-BLACHE, ALICE ; MULVEY, LAURA ; TRINH, T. MINH-HA ; BAHTIN, MIHAIL ; ARZNER, DOROTHY ; FIELD, CONNIE ; CHENZIRA, AYOKA ; SAYONARA (US, Joshua Logan, 1957) ; AWFUL TRUTH, THE (US, Leo McCarey, 1937) ; LIFE AND TIMES OF ROSIE THE RIVETER, THE (US, Connie Field, 1980) ; SWING SHIFT (US, Jonathan Demme, 1984) ; SUZANNE, SUZANNE (US, Camille Billops & James Hatch, 1982) ; RAMPARTS D'ARGILE (FR/AE, Jean-Louis Bertuccelli, 1970) ; SALT OF THE EARTH (US, Herbert J. Biberman, 1954) ; BORN IN FLAMES (US, Lizzie Borden, 1983) ; DRY WHITE SEASON, A (US, Euzhan Palcy, 1989) ; MARRYING KIND, THE (US, George Cukor, 1952) ; MARTY (US, Delbert Mann, 1954) ; MOROCCO (US, Josef von Sternberg, 1930) ; PILLOW TALK (US, Michael Gordon, 1959) ; RETRATO DE TERESA (CU, Pastor Vega, 1979) ; QINGCHUN JI (CC, Zhang Nuanxin, 1986) ; SURNAME VIET GIVEN NAME NAM (US, Trinh T. Minh-ha, 1989) ; BLACK FURY (US, Michael Curtiz, 1934) ; STILTE ROND CHRISTINE M., DE (NE, Marleen Gorris, 1982) Notes: Includes bibliographical references and indexISBN: 0816622728(acid-free paper); 0816622736 (pbk.)LON: 10052767
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NAKED TRUTH, THE [TV] : (US, Chris Thompson, 1995-1998)
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NUIT DE LA VERITE, LA : (UV/FR, Fanta Regina Nacro, 2004)
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The politics of documentary / Michael Chanan London: British Film Institute, 2007.
Call No: 761 CHAAuthor: Chanan, Michael Source: UKPlace: LondonPublisher: British Film InstitutePubDate: 2007PhysDes: viii, 280 p. : ill., ports. ; 24 cmSubject: ARCHIVES & INSTITUTES, FILM ; AVANT-GARDE FILMS ; CINEMA VERITE ; CINEMA-DIRECT ; COMMENTARY ; DOCUMENTARY FILMS. JAPAN ; DOCUMENTARY FILMS. LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES ; DOCUMENTARY FILMS. USA ; DOCUMENTARY FILMS ; FREE CINEMA ; MONTAGE ; MUSIC AND THE CINEMA ; POLITICAL FILMS ; POLITICS AND THE CINEMA ; POLITICS IN FILMS ; TRUTH IN FILMS ; FLAHERTY, ROBERT ; GRIERSON, JOHN ; IVENS, JORIS ; ROUCH, JEAN ; VERTOV, DZIGA ; NANOOK OF THE NORTH (US, Robert Flaherty, 1922) Summary: "Chanan traces the history of the documentary from the first Lumiere films to Grierson and his contemporaries, though to Free Cinema, Cinema verite and Direct Cinema, up to the current resurgence of documentary with high profile films such as those of Michael Moore. Chanan's thematic approach takes in topics such as the documentary before documentary, how documentary film language works, the veracity of the image, the construction of the soundtrack, the migration of documentary to television, political documentary, censorship, first-person film making, and the relation of the archives to history and memory. Drawing on examples of documentary cinema in Japan, Iran, and Latin America as well as Europe and the USA, Chanan argues that documentary provides a crucial public space in which ideas are debated, opinion is formed and those in authority are held to account. " - BLURBNotes: Includes bibliographical references and indexISBN: 9781844572267Contents: Part 1: Mapping the field -- 1:The new documentary wave -- 2: The documentary field -- 3: Rules of evidence -- Part 2: Historical moments -- 4: Documentary before documentary -- 5: Discovery of space -- 6: The documented point of view -- 7: Soundscapes -- 8: Public address -- 9:Essays and endeavours -- 10:Truth games -- Part 3: Contemporary Themes -- 11:Different histories -- 12: Living history -- 13: The space of the subject -- 14: After Verite -- 15: History and memory -- Index
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Post-theory : reconstructing film studies / edited by David Bordwell and Noel Carroll Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1996.
Call No: 62 POSAuthor: Bordwell, David, 1947 ; Carroll, Noel (NoFl E.) Place: MadisonPublisher: University of Wisconsin PressPubDate: 1996PhysDes: 564 p. : 23 cmSeries: Wisconsin studies in filmSubject: THEORY ; FILM STUDY AND RESEARCH ; PSYCHOANALYSIS AND THE CINEMA ; FEMINISM AND THE CINEMA ; HORROR FILMS ; TRUTH IN FILMS ; MUSIC, FILM ; NON-FICTION FILMS ; REALISM IN FILMS ; AVANT-GARDE FILMS ; SPECTATORSHIP ; JAPAN ; DENMARK ; EXHIBITION ; CHARACTERIZATION IN FILMS ; AUDIENCES ; CONSTRUCTIVISM ; EDITING ; PERCEPTION ; PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FILMS ; GENRES ; LOVE IN FILMS ; MELODRAMA ; NARRATIVE IN FILMS ; COLUMBIA PICTURES ; WARNER BROS. ; BRECHT, BERTOLT ; GIBSON, JAMES J. ; COHN, HARRY ; JAMESON, FREDRIC ; MANDEL, ERNEST ; RENOV, MICHAEL ; JAZZ SINGER, THE (US, Alan Crosland, 1927) ; CASABLANCA (US, Michael Curtiz, 1942) ; ACCUSED, THE (US, Jonathan Kaplan, 1988) Notes: Includes bibliographical references and indexISBN: 0299149404 (cloth : alk. paper); 0299149447 (pbk. : alk. paper)LON: 95037052; 11859923
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Publish and be dammed in Sydney Morning Herald [Spectrum] (21/11/2015) p.14
Call No: TITLE CLIPPINGS FILE; TRUTH (US/AT, James Vanderbilt, 2015)Author: Bunbury, Stephanie PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: TRUTH (US/AT, James Vanderbilt, 2015) Summary: Article on the film TRUTH with interviews and quotes from the lead actors Robert Redford and Cate Blanchett
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Reel time : Truth is, thoughtful films are a hard sell in The Australian (02/12/2015) p.15
Call No: TITLE CLIPPINGS FILE; TRUTH (US/AT, James Vanderbilt, 2015)Author: Bodey, Michael PhysDes: Clippings File ArticleSubject: TRUTH (US/AT, James Vanderbilt, 2015) Summary: Report on the film TRUTH having a very limited exhibition in Australia even though it features numerous Australian actors including Cate Blanchett
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Representing reality : issues and concepts in documentary / Bill Nichols Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991.
Call No: 761NICAuthor: Nichols, Bill Place: BloomingtonPublisher: Indiana University PressPubDate: 1991PhysDes: xx, 313 p. ; 24 cmSubject: ANTHROPOLOGY AND THE CINEMA ; BODY IN FILMS ; COMMENTARY ; DEATH IN FILMS ; DOCUMENTARY FILMS ; DOCUMENTARIES ; ETHNOGRAPHIC FILMS ; GAZE IN FILMS ; IDEOLOGY AND THE CINEMA ; IDEOLOGY IN FILMS ; INTERVIEWS IN FILMS ; NARRATIVE IN FILMS ; PHILOSOPHY AND THE CINEMA ; REALISM IN FILMS ; TRUTH IN FILMS ; VIEWERS Summary: "Representing Reality examines the styles, strategies, and structures of documentary film. It does not offer a general survey of documentary film history so much as a conceptual overview of the form itself: what qualities of cinema underpin it, what institutional structures sustain it, what rhetorical operations inform it, what interpretive perspectives encompass it. How these questions arrange themselves into recurrent patterns and preoccupations [is] the central focus." -- Taken from preface.Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. [267]-296) and index; Filmology: p. [297]-304ISBN: 0253340608 (alk. paper); 0253206812 (pbk. : alk. paper)LON: 91002637; 8905992Contents: Axes of orientation: I. The domain of documentary -- II. Documentary modes of representation -- III. Axiographics: ethical space in documentary film -- Documentary: a fiction (un)like any other: IV. Telling stories with evidence and arguments -- V. Sticking to reality: rhetoric and what exceeds it -- VI. The fact of realism and the fiction of objectivity -- Documentary representation and the historical world: VII> Pornography, ethnography, and the discourses of power / Christian Hansen, Catherine Needham, Bill Nichols -- VIII. Representing the body: questions of meaning and magnitude
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ROBBED OF TRUTH : (US/UK/AE/FR/AT, Carlos Gonzalez, 2011)
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Romantic comedy in Hollywood : from Lubitsch to Sturges / James Harvey New York: Knopf, 1987.
Call No: 732(73) HARAuthor: Harvey, James, 1929 Edition: 1st edSource: USPlace: New YorkPublisher: KnopfPubDate: 1987PhysDes: xii, 716 p. : ill. ; 25 cmSubject: ACTORS ; COMEDIES ; DIRECTORS ; HISTORY OF CINEMA. 1930's ; HISTORY OF CINEMA. 1940's ; Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ; ROMANTIC COMEDY ; ROMANTIC FILMS. USA ; PARAMOUNT STUDIOS ; STAR SYSTEM ; ARTHUR, JEAN ; ASTAIRE, FRED ; BRACKEN, EDDIE ; CAGNEY, JAMES ; CAPRA, FRANK ; COLBERT, CLAUDETTE ; COOPER, GARY ; DUNNE, IRENE ; GABLE, CLARK ; GRANT, CARY ; HARLOW, JEAN ; HAWKS, HOWARD ; LA CAVA, GREGORY ; Lombard, Carole ; LOY, MYRNA ; LUBITSCH, ERNST ; MCCAREY, LEO ; MCCREA, JOEL ; POWELL, WILLIAM ; ROGERS, GINGER ; Stanwyck, Barbara ; STEVENS, GEORGE ; STURGES, PRESTON ; AWFUL TRUTH, THE (US, Leo McCarey, 1937) ; BRINGING UP BABY (US, Howard Hawks, 1938) ; [FIFTH] 5TH AVENUE GIRL (US, Gregory La Cava, 1939) ; HIS GIRL FRIDAY (US, Howard Hawks, 1940) ; IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT (US, Frank Capra, 1934) ; LADY EVE, THE (US, Preston Sturges, 1941) ; LOVE PARADE, THE (US, Ernst Lubitsch, 1929) ; NINOTCHKA (US, Ernst Lubitsch, 1939) ; PALM BEACH STORY, THE (US, Preston Sturgess, 1942) ; SHOP AROUND THE CORNER, THE (US, Ernst Lubitsch, 1940) ; TROUBLE IN PARADISE (US, Ernst Lubitsch, 1932) ; UNFAITHFULLY YOURS (US, Preston Sturges, 1948) Summary: "Reading ROMANTIC COMEDY is like going to the movies. It recreates for us movies we've come to love: movies the way they were when, in 1934, four in particular - IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT, TWENTIETH CENTURE, THE THIN MAN, and THE GAY DIVORCEE - heralded the arrival of the golden age of Hollywood romantic ("screwball") comedy. Over the next ten years, some of Hollywood's brightest directors and stars turned out some of America's most enduring and beloved films. The screwballs - slangy, irreverent, playful, skeptical, and "powerfully, glamorously in love with love" - constitute a genre of American film unique in its combination of the innocent and the worldly, of swank and slapstick. Now critic James Harvey - writing with brilliance and humor - gives us the first truly comprehensive book about these movies and the people who made them." [Taken from book jacket]Notes: Includes indexISBN: 0394503392LON: 5273661
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TRUTH : (US/AT, James Vanderbilt, 2015)
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TRUTH ABOUT CATS AND DOGS, THE : (US, Michael Lehmann, 1996)
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TRUTH ABOUT CHARLIE, THE : (US, Jonathon Demme, 2002)
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TRUTH ABOUT JULIET, THE : (US, Sean McGinly, 1998)
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Truth and betrayal in the storm of a story in Sunday Age [M] (6/12/2015) p.19
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TRUTH, LIES AND INTELLIGENCE : (AT, Carmel Travers, 2005)
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TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES, N.M. : (US, Kiefer Sutherland, 1997)
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TRUTH OR DARE : (US, Jeff Wadlow, 2018)
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TRUTH SEEKERS [TV] : (UK/US, 2020) Digital clippings file available
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UGLY TRUTH, THE : (US, Robert Luketic, 2009)
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UNBELIEVABLE TRUTH, THE : (US, Hal Hartley, 1989)
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Under fire in Bush war in Weekend Australian [Review] (05/12/2015) p.1
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VERITE, LA : (FR/JA, Hirokazu Koreeda, 2019)
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WHERE THE TRUTH LIES : (CA/UK, Atom Egoyan, 2005)
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WHOEVER SAYS THE TRUTH SHALL DIE : (NE, Philo Bregstein, 1984)
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Whole truth in AFR Weekend (12/12/2015) p.51
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WHOLE TRUTH, THE : (US, Dan Cohen, 1992)
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