A cinema without walls : movies and culture after Vietnam / Timothy Corrigan London: Routledge, 1991.
Call No: 626(73) CORAuthor: Corrigan, Timothy, 1951 Place: LondonPublisher: RoutledgePubDate: 1991PhysDes: x, 258 p. : ill. ; 23 cmSubject: HEAVEN'S GATE (US, Michael Cimino, 1980) ; PLATOON (US, Oliver Stone, 1986) ; FULL METAL JACKET (UK, Stanley Kubrick, 1987) ; SINGING DETECTIVE, THE [TV] (UK, Jon Amiel, 1986) ; BLUE VELVET (US, David Lynch, 1986) ; CHOOSE ME (US, Alan Rudolph, 1984) ; AFTER HOURS (US, Martin Scorsese, 1985) ; COPPOLA, FRANCIS FORD ; KLUGE, ALEXANDER ; RUIZ, RAUL ; BONNIE AND CLYDE (US, Arthur Penn, 1967) ; BADLANDS (US, Terrence Malick, 1973) ; PARIS, TEXAS (GW/FR, Wim Wenders, 1984) ; KING OF COMEDY, THE (US, Martin Scorsese, 1983) ; THIRD GENERATION, THE (GW, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1979) ; MY BEAUTIFUL LAUNDRETTE (UK, Stephen Frears, 1985) ; IN EINEM JAHR MIT 13 MONDEN (GW, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1979) ; DRITTE GENERATION, DIE (GW, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1979) Notes: Includes index; Bibliography: p. [233]-250ISBN: 0415071348 (pbk.) : ª9.99; 041507133X (cased) : ª35.00LON: bnb41507133; 8595450
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The essay film : from Montaigne, after Marker / Timothy Corrigan Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Call No: 632.22 CORAuthor: Corrigan, Timothy Edition: 2011Place: Oxford ; New YorkPublisher: Oxford University PressPubDate: 2011PhysDes: 238 pages : illustrated ; 24 cmSubject: DOCUMENTARY FILMS ; MCELWEE, ROSS ; VARDA, AGNES ; KIAROSTAMI, ABBAS ; FOLMAN, ARI ; MARKER, CHRIS Summary: Even though essay films have been a key practice since the 1950s, there is scant analysis about this form in English. Part of this is likely due to the inherent difficulty of definition. The films, which foreground subjectivity and adopt an explicit, personal approach to their subject matter, can look and feel very different from one another. Their coherence as a group, however, comes into focus when contextualized as part of the larger tradition from which they draw. By looking to the literary and philosophical lineage of the essay form, Corrigan brings new clarity to a practice that, arguably, is one of the most common and successful in contemporary film culture. The Essay Film situates its investigation in the literary tradition of essayists such as Montaigne, Barthes, and Huxley before moving to an expansive discussion of filmmakers such as Derek Jarman, Allan Clark, Werner Herzog, Harun Farocki, Chantal Akerman, Chris Marker, Errol Morris, Nanni Moretti, Agnès Varda, Ross McElwee, Abbas Kiarostami, Raoul Ruiz, Lynne Sachs, and Trinh T. Minh-ha. -- publisher's web siteISBN: 9780199781706Contents: Introduction: Of Film and the Essayistic -- Part I: Toward the Essay Film -- Chapter One:One Thoughts Occasioned by . . .Montaigne to Marker -- Chapter Two:Of the History of the Essay Film: from Vertov, to Varda -- Part II: Essayistic Thinking -- Chapter Three:About Portraying Expression: The Essay Film as Inter-view -- Chapter Four:To Be Elsewhere: Cinematic Excursions on Essayistic Travel -- Chapter Five:On Essayistic Diaries: Or, the Velocities of Non-Peace -- Chapter Six:Of the Currency of Events: The Essay Film as Editorial -- Chapter Seven:About Refractive Cinema: When Films Interrogate Films -- Works Cited -- Index
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Essays on the essay film / edited by Nora M. Alter; Timothy Corrigan Chichester, U.K.: Columbia University Press, 2017.
Call No: 632.22 ESSAuthor: Alter, Nora M. ; Corrigan, Timothy Place: New York; Chichester, U.K.Publisher: Columbia University PressPubDate: 2017PhysDes: ix,372 : illus. ; 23 cmSeries: Film and culture seriesSubject: DOCUMENTARY FILMS ; RICHTER, HANS ; ASTRUC, ALEXANDRE ; MARKER, CHRIS ; VERTOV, DZIGA ; GODARD, JEAN-LUC ; GORIN, JEAN-PIERRE ; MULVEY, LAURA ; JULIEN, ISAAC Summary: The essay—with its emphasis on the provisional and explorative rather than on definitive statements—has evolved from its literary beginnings and is now found in all mediums, including film. Today, the essay film is, arguably, one of the most widely acclaimed and critically discussed forms of filmmaking around the world, with practitioners such as Chris Marker, Hito Steyerl, Errol Morris, Trinh T. Minh-ha, and Rithy Panh. Characteristics of the essay film include the blending of fact and fiction, the mixing of art- and documentary-film styles, the foregrounding of subjective points of view, a concentration on public life, a tension between acoustic and visual discourses, and a dialogic encounter with audiences.
This anthology of fundamental statements on the essay film offers a range of crucial historical and philosophical perspectives. It provides early critical articulations of the essay film as it evolved through the 1950s and 1960s, key contemporary scholarly essays, and a selection of writings by essay filmmakers. It features texts on the foundations of the essay film by writers such as Hans Richter and André Bazin; contemporary positions by, among others, Phillip Lopate and Michael Renov; and original essays by filmmakers themselves, including Laura Mulvey and Isaac Julien. -- publishers' web siteISBN: 9780231172677Contents: Introduction, by Nora M. Alter and Timothy Corrigan
Part I. Foundations
1. "On the Nature and Form of the Essay," by Georg Lukács
2. The Man Without Qualities, by Robert Musil
3. "On the Essay and Its Prose," by Max Bense
4. "The Essay as Form," by Theodor W. Adorno
5. "Preface to The Collected Essays of Aldous Huxley," by Aldous Huxley
Part II. The Essay Film Through History
6. "The Film Essay: A New Type of Documentary Film," by Hans Richter
7. "The Future of Cinema," by Alexandre Astruc
8. "Bazin on Marker," by André Bazin
Part III. Contemporary Positions
9. "In Search of the Centaur: The Essay-Film," by Phillip Lopate
10. "The Political Im/Perceptible in the Essay Film: Farocki's Images of the World and the Inscription of War," by Nora M. Alter
11. "Essay Questions," by Paul Arthur
12. "The Electronic Essay," by Michael Renov
13. "The Essay Film: Problems, Definitions, Textual Commitments," by Laura Rascaroli
14. "Of the History of the Essay Film: Vertov, to Varda," by Timothy Corrigan
15. "The Cinema and the Essay as a Way of Thinking," by Raymond Bellour
16. "The Essay Film: From Film Festival Favorite to Flexible Commodity Form?," by Thomas Elsaesser
Part IV. Filmmakers on the Essayistic
17. "Performing Borders: Transnational Video," by Ursula Biemann
18. "Proposal for a Tussle," by Jean-Pierre Gorin
19. "The Essay as Conformism? Some Notes on Global Image Economies," by Hito Steyerl
20. "On Writing the Film Essay," by Lynne Sachs
21. "Tramp Steamer," by Ross McElwee
22. "The ABCs of the Film Essay," by Harun Farocki and Christa Blümlinger
23. "Riddles as Essay Film," by Laura Mulvey
24. "Certain Obliquenesses," by Renée Green
25. "Essay Documentary: The disembodied narrator and an unclaimed image that floats through space and time," by Rea Tajiri
26. "From Ten Thousand Waves to Lina Bo Bardi, via Kapital," by Isaac Julien
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The Films of Werner Herzog : between mirage and history / edited by Timothy Corrigan New York: Methuen, 1986.
Call No: 81HER FILAuthor: Corrigan, Timothy, 1951 Place: New YorkPublisher: MethuenPubDate: 1986PhysDes: 232 p. : ill. ; 24 cmSubject: HERZOG, WERNER Notes: Includes index; Filmography: p. [209]-220; Bibliography: p. [221]-226ISBN: 041641060X; 0416410707 (pbk.)LON: 86012430; 4680214
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New German film : the displaced image / by Timothy Corrigan Austin: University of Texas Press, 1983.
Call No: 71(430.1) CORAuthor: Corrigan, Timothy, 1951 Edition: 1st edPlace: AustinPublisher: University of Texas PressPubDate: 1983PhysDes: xiv, 213 p. : ill. ; 24 cmSubject: GERMANY ; BITTEREN TRANEN DER PETRA VON KANT, DIE (GW, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1972) ; STARKE FERDINAND, DER (GW, Alexander Kluge, 1976) ; JEDER FUR SICH UND GOTT GEGEN ALLE (GW, Werner Herzog, 1974) ; FANGSCHUSS, DER (GW/FR, Volker Schlondorff, 1976) ; IM LAUF DER ZEIT (GW, Wim Wenders, 1976) Notes: Includes index; Bibliography: p. [203]-210; Filmography: p. [197]-201ISBN: 0292710860; 0292710879 (pbk.)LON: 2807733 2807733
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A short guide to writing about film / Timothy Corrigan New York: HarperCollinsCollegePublishers, 1994.
Call No: 67 CORAuthor: Corrigan, Timothy Edition: 2nd edPlace: New YorkPublisher: HarperCollinsCollegePublishersPubDate: 1994PhysDes: xiv, 190 p. : ill. ; 21 cmSubject: CRITICISM ; FILM STUDY AND RESEARCH Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 181-182) and indexISBN: 0673522997LON: 93021631; 10183435
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A short guide to writing about film / Timothy Corrigan New York: Longman, 2001.
Call No: 67 CORAuthor: Corrigan, Timothy Edition: Fourth EditionSource: USPlace: New YorkPublisher: LongmanPubDate: 2001PhysDes: xiii, 224 p. : ill . ; 21 cmSeries: The Short guide seriesSubject: CRITICISM ; FILM STUDY AND RESEARCH Notes: Includes bibliographical references and indexISBN: 0321081145 (paperback)
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Levy Collection
A short guide to writing about film / Timothy Corrigan New York: HarperCollins College Publishers, 1994.
Author: Corrigan, Timothy Source: USPlace: New YorkPublisher: HarperCollins College PublishersPubDate: 1994PhysDes: 20 cm ; 190 p.Series: Short GuideISBN: 0673522997Donation: donated by the family of Wayne Levy, 2006
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