Australian Council for Children's Films and Television : a history 1957-1989 / by Betty Rankin Melbourne: The Council, 1990.
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Big world, small screen : the role of television in American society / Aletha C. Huston ... [et al.] Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1993.
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Child's Play : issues in Australian Children's Television 2013 2013.
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Children and television : a semiotic approach / Robert Hodge and David Tripp Cambridge, U.K. Oxford, U.K.: Polity Press In association with B. Blackwell, 1986.
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subject clippings file
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Children's television: an analysis of programming and advertising / Francis Earle Barcus with Rachel Wolkin New York: Praeger, 1977.
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Cognitive and social aspects of imitation in childhood and infancy / John P. Murray; School of Behavioural Sciences; Macquarie University North Ryde, NSW: Macquarie University,
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Commentary on the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal's Children's Program Committee draft children's television program, advertising and drama program standards / Federation of Australian Commercial Television Stations Sydney: Federation of Australian Commercial Television Stations, 1982.
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Levy Collection
The early window : effects of television on children and youth / Robert M. Liebert, John M. Neale and Emily S. Davidson New York: Pergamon Press, 1973.
Call No: 412-053.2 LIEAuthor: Davidson, Emily S. ; Liebert, Robert M. ; Neale, John M. Source: USPlace: New YorkPublisher: Pergamon PressPubDate: 1973PhysDes: 193p : ill ; 23cm.Series: General PsychologySubject: CHILDREN AND TV ; CHILDRENÂ EFFECTS OF TV ON ISBN: 0080170927Donation: donated by the family of Wayne Levy, 2006Contents: Foreword -- Preface -- Chapter 1: From birth to maturity in twenty years -- Chapter 2: Television today: Production and content -- Chapter 3: Television and aggression: the problem and the issues -- Chapter 4: Television and aggression: laboratory studies -- Chapter 5: Television and aggrssion: field studies -- Chapter 6: Television's potential: prosocial effects -- Chapter 7: The commerical interests -- Chapter 8: Control of content: the government and the industry -- Chapter 9: The past - and the future -- Appendix A -- Index
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An eye on TV : the ACTAC handbook, information, research & activities, years 7-12 / written by Jane Chesneau Melbourne: Swinburne Press, 1991.
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From the early window to the late night show : a cross-national review of television's impact on children and adults / John P. Murray and Susan Kippax North Ryde, NSW: School of Behavioural Sciences, Macquarie University, April 1978.
Call No: 412 MURAuthor: Murray, John P. -- Kippax, Susan Edition: DraftSource: ATPlace: North Ryde, NSWPublisher: School of Behavioural Sciences, Macquarie UniversityPubDate: April 1978PhysDes: 135 pages : diagrams ; 30 cmSeries: Television and socialisation research reportsSubject: ADVERTISING. CHILDREN ; ADVERTISING. TV ; AUDIENCE RECEPTION ; AUDIENCE RESEARCH ; AUDIENCES. TV. AUSTRALIA ; CHILDREN AND TV ; CHILDREN AND TV. AUSTRALIA ; CHILDREN, EFFECTS OF TV ON ; CHILDREN, EFFECTS OF TV ON. AUSTRALIA ; EFFECTS OF TV ; VIOLENCE ON TV Summary: "This paper is designed to evaluate television's influence within the social context in which the medium is used. The inclusion of context variables is important because it emphasizes the notion that television does not affect the individual in isolation, but rather, television's influence must be seen in terms of the audience member's construal of the televised message. How the audience will interpret what it views will depend not only upon the content of the programs but also on the nature of the viewer and the context in which the viewing occurs." - INTRODUCTIONNotes: Draft version for comments only, prepared for Berkowitz, L. (Ed.) Advances in social psychology. New York: Academic Press -- Includes referencesContents: Introduction -- Television's culture context -- Television's impact on daily life -- Impact of televised violence -- Other aspects of television's impact -- Understanding television -- Functions of Television -- Television and the "real" world -- Conclusions, implications and research priorities -- References
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Ill effects : the media/violence debate / edited by Martin Barker and Julian Petley London New York: Routledge, 1997.
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Kids and the scary world of video : a study of video viewing among 1498 primary school children in South Australia / [formulated and compiled C.G. Cupit] Millswood, S. Aust.: The Television Committee, South Australian Council for Children's Films & Television Inc., 1986.
Call No: 412-053.2 KIDAuthor: Cupit, Glenn CorpAuthor: South Australian Council for Children's Films and T.V. Television CommitteePlace: Millswood, S. Aust.Publisher: The Television Committee, South Australian Council for Children's Films & Television Inc.PubDate: 1986PhysDes: 200 p. : ill., facsims. ; 30 cmSubject: AUDIENCE RESEARCH. AUSTRALIA ; CHILDREN, EFFECTS OF TV ON. AUSTRALIA Notes: Available from The Secretary, South Australian Council for Children's Films and Television (Inc.), 54 Barton Terrace, North Adelaide, S.A. 5006ISBN: 0959548025 : price unknownLON: 4783727
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The lively audience : a study of children around the TV set / Patricia Palmer Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1986.
Call No: 412-053.2 PALAuthor: Palmer, Patricia Source: ATPlace: SydneyPublisher: Allen & UnwinPubDate: 1986PhysDes: x, 166 p. : ill. ; 22 cmSubject: CHILDREN AND TV. AUSTRALIA ; CHILDREN, EFFECTS OF TV ON. AUSTRALIA Summary: 'The lively audience' scrutinises the claim that television is "bad" for children. It critically examines the notion that children's relationship to television is one of passive dependency by exploring television as children themselves see it and use it.Notes: Includes bibliographical references; Index pp. 165-6ISBN: 086861954XDonation: donated by the family of Wayne Levy, 2006Contents: 1. A new look at children and television -- 2. Methods of research -- 3. TV: the child's view -- 4. Family room, TV room -- 5. Talk-back television -- 6. The friendship network -- 7. What is 'children's television'? --8. The lively audience
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newspaper article
Loophole gives free kick to restricted ads in Sun Herald (13/12/2015) p.13
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newspaper article
New TV code for the monster child in Sydney Morning Herald (05/12/2015) p.30
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No sense of place : the impact of electronic media on social behavior / Joshua Meyrowitz New York: Oxford University Press, 1985.
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Non-violence, tolerance and television : an international roundtable organized by UNESCO, the International Programme for the Development of Communication and the Indian Government, New Delhi, 1 April 1994 / report of the Chairman of the Intergovernmental Council of the International Programme for the Development of Communication [Geneva, Switzerland]: UNESCO, 1994.
Call No: 45:179 NONCorpAuthor: International Programme for the Development of Communication. Intergovernmental Council; International Programme for the Development of Communication; UnescoPlace: [Geneva, Switzerland]Publisher: UNESCOPubDate: 1994PhysDes: ix, 89 p. ; 21 cmSubject: VIOLENCE ON TV ; CHILDREN, EFFECTS OF TV ON ; PUBLIC BROADCASTING Notes: Includes bibliographical referencesLON: abn96048829; 12125571
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(Official Hansard report) : Commonwealth of Australia. Senate. Standing Committee on Education, Science and the Arts: (Reference: broadcasting and television). (PROOF); Sydney, Monday, 17 December 1973 / Australia. Parliament. Senate. Standing Committee on Education and the Arts 1973.
Call No: 205 (94) AUSSource: ATPubDate: 1973PhysDes: 290 pages ; 30 cmSubject: TELEVISION. AUSTRALIA ; INDUSTRY, TV. AUSTRALIA ; PRODUCTION, TV. AUSTRALIA ; PRODUCTION. AUSTRALIA ; EXPERIMENTAL FILM AND TELEVISION FUND ; EXPERIMENTAL FILMS. AUSTRALIA ; INDEPENDENT FILMMAKERS. AUSTRALIA ; AUSTRALIAN FILM INSTITUTE ; WOMEN AND TV. AUSTRALIA ; WOMEN TV WORKERS. AUSTRALIA ; AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING COMMISSION ; CHILDREN, EFFECTS OF TV ON. AUSTRALIA ; CHILDREN, PROGRAMMES FOR. AUSTRALIA ; OFFICE PICNIC, THE (AT, Tom Cowan, 1973) Summary: Reports and discussions made by the Media Women's Action Group, Australian Children's Television Action Committee, Australian Film Institute, and Reg Grundy Enterprises with members of the Australian Senate. These reports and discussions include descriptions of Australian TV (particularly daytime TV) in relation to the women who watch it, the effect of programs on children, the role the Australian Film Institute has in relation to the Experimental Film and Television Fund, it's effectiveness and relationship to the Australian Broadcasting Commission, and the ability of Australian's to sell their TV shows overserasNotes: condition of distribution: this is an uncorrected proof of evidence taken before the Standing Committee. It is made available under the conditiion that it is recognised that this copy is an uncorrected proof.Contents: Witnesses: Suzanne Baker and Eva Maria Cox / Media Women's Action Group -- Merle James and Ewart Wade / Australian Children's Television Action Committee -- Richard Brennan / Australian Film Institute -- Edwin Morrisby / Reg Grundy Enterprises
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The plug-in drug / Marie Winn New York, N.Y.: Penguin Books, 1985.
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Regulation of children's programs / [prepared by Debra Richards] [North Sydney, N.S.W.: Australian Broadcasting Tribunal], 1987.
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Supertoy : 20 years of television / [by] Sandra Hall South Melbourne, Vic.: Sun Books, 1976.
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Television and socialisation : beyond entertainment: television's effects on children and youth / John P. Murray; School of Behavioural Sciences; Macquarie University North Ryde, NSW: Macquarie University,
Author: Murray, John P. Place: North Ryde, NSWPublisher: Macquarie UniversityPhysDes: 27 pages : 26 cmSeries: Television and socialisation research reportsSubject: YOUNG PEOPLE, EFFECTS OF TV ON ; CHILDREN, EFFECTS OF TV ON Summary: A review of the research undertaken into the effects of television upon the behaviour of children and young peopleDonation: Henry Mayer Collection
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Television in the lives of our children / [by] Wilbur Schramm, Jack Lyle, Edwin B. Parker; with a psychiatrist's comment on the effects of television by Lawrence Z. Freedman, M.D. California: Stanford University Press, 1961.
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Television, sex roles, and children : a developmental social psychological account / Kevin Durkin Milton Keynes Philadelphia: Open University Press, 1985.
Call No: 451-01/02 DURAuthor: Durkin, Kevin Place: Milton Keynes PhiladelphiaPublisher: Open University PressPubDate: 1985PhysDes: xi, 148 p. ; 22 cmSubject: MEN ON TV ; WOMEN ON TV ; CHILDREN, EFFECTS OF TV ON Notes: Cover title: Television, sex roles & children; Includes indexes; Bibliography: p. 131-139ISBN: 0335150691; 0335150683 (pbk.)LON: 85013629; 3949331
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journal article
Telly tubbies : is television making our kids tubby? in Australian Screen Education (1999) iss.20/21 p.30-33
Author: Corboy, Denise PhysDes: Article; Illustration(s)Subject: CHILDREN, EFFECTS OF TV ON. AUSTRALIA ; COMMERCIALS, TV Summary: RMIT's Department of Human Movement Science's study of flexibility, height and weight in 2000 children indicates that children are gaining weight due to watching television and eating junk food. Children are exposed to a lot of commercials for junk food.
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Ten years of television / edited by Mungo MacCallum Melbourne: Sun Books, 1968].
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