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CHEUN GWONG TSA SIT : (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1997)
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City on fire : Hong Kong cinema / Lisa Odham Stokes and Michael Hoover New York: Verso, 1999.
Call No: 71(512.317) STOAuthor: Stokes, Lisa Odham ; Hoover, Michael Place: New YorkPublisher: VersoPubDate: 1999PhysDes: p. cmSubject: FOOD IN FILMS ; CHAN, JACKIE ; CHAN, PETER ; CHOW, YUN-FAT ; CHIAU, STEPHEN ; DOYLE, CHRISTOPHER ; HUI, ANN ; KWAN, STANLEY ; LAM, RINGO ; LAW, CLARA ; TSUI, HARK ; WONG KAR-WAI ; TONG, STANLEY [pseud. of Tony Kwei Lai] ; WOO, JOHN [pseud. of Wu Yusen] ; Yeoh, Michelle ; Yu, Ronnie ; YINGXIONG BENSE II (HK, John Woo [pseud. of Wu Yusen], 1988) ; BALLISTIC KISS [SAT SAT YAN, TIU TIU MO / SHA SHA REN TIAO TIAO MIU] (HK, Donnie Yen, 1998) ; ASHES OF TIME [DUNG CHE SAI DUK] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1994) ; GAMYUK MUNTONG (HK, Tsui Hark, 1996) ; CHUNGKING EXPRESS [CHONGQING SENLIN] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1994) ; CHUNGKING EXPRESS [CHONGQING SENLIN] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1994) ; TIAN MIMI (HK, Peter Chan, 1997) ; CHEUN GWONG TSA SIT (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1997) ; HAPPY TOGETHER [CHUNGUANG ZHAXIE] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1997) ; LASHOU SHENTAN (HK, John Woo [pseud. of Wu Yusen], 1992) ; DIEXUE SHUANG XIONG (HK, John Woo [pseud. of Wu Yusen], 1989) Notes: Includes bibliographical references and indexISBN: 1859847161 (cloth); 1859842038 (pbk.)LON: 20214722ID2: 291
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A companion to Wong Kar-wai / edited by Martha P. Nochimson Chichester, West Sussex ; Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016.
Call No: 81WONG COMSource: USPlace: Chichester, West Sussex ; Malden, MAPublisher: Wiley-BlackwellPubDate: 2016PhysDes: xvi, 627 pages : illustrations ; 25 cmSeries: Wiley Blackwell Companions to Film DirectorsSubject: CITY OF SADNESS, A [ ; WONG KAR WAI ; AS TEARS GO BY (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1989) ; ASHES OF TIME [DUNG CHE SAI DUK] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1994) ; ASHES OF TIME REDUX (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1994) ; CHUNGKING EXPRESS [CHONGQING SENLIN] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1994) ; DAYS OF BEING WILD [AH FEI ZHENG ZHUANG] (HK, Wong Kar-Wei, 1991) ; EROS (US/IT/HK/FR/LU/UK, Michelangelo Antonioni / Steven Soderbergh / Wong Kar-Wai, 2004) ; FALLEN ANGELS [DUOLUO TIANSHI] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1995) ; GRANDMASTER, THE [YI DAI ZONG SHI] (HK/CC, Wong Kar Wai, 2013) ; HAPPY TOGETHER [CHUNGUANG ZHAXIE] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1997) ; IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE [FA YEUNG NIN WA] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 2000) ; MY BLUEBERRY NIGHTS (HK/C/FR, Wong Kar-Wai, 2007) ; [TWO THOUSAND AND FORTY-SIX] 2046 (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 2004) Summary: Contains 26 essays addressing numerous topics including intertextuality, transnationality, gender representation, repetition, the use of music, color, and sound, depiction of time and space in human affairs, and Wong's portrayal of violenceNotes: Includes bibliographical references (pages 586-599) and index.
Filmography: pages 558-561ISBN: 9781118424247Donation: donated by Senses of CinemaContents: (from table of contents) Part One. Introduction. Wong Kar-wai: Invoking the universal and the local / Martha P. Nochimson -- Part two. Mapping Wong's liminality. 1. Transnational Wong / Ken Provencher -- 2. It is a restless moment: Wong Kar-wai and the phenomenology of flow / Joseph G. Kickasola -- 3. Wong Kar-wai and his jiang hu / Be´re´nice Reynaud -- Part three. Thresholds of texture and mood. 4. Wong Kar-wai's cinema of repetition / Ackbar Abbas -- 5. Wong Kar-wai: The optics of the virtual / Angelo Restivo -- 6. Color design in the cinema of Wong Kar-wai / Shohini Chaudhuri -- 7. The value of re-exports: Wong Kar-wai's use of pre-existing soundtracks / Giorgio Biancorosso -- Part four. In the corridors of history and culture. 8. Wong's ladies from Shanghai / Gina Marchetti -- 9. The Sinophone cinema of Wong Kar-wai / Audrey Yue -- 10. New queer angles on Wong Kar-wai / Helen Hok-Sze Leung -- 11. "Pity about the furniture": Violence, Wong Kar-wai style / Karen Fang -- 12. In the mood for food: Wong Kar-wai's culinary imaginary / Mike Ingham and Matthew Kwok-kin Fung -- 13. "Chungking Express", Tarantino, and the making of a reputation / David Desser -- Part five. Close-up of Wong's inflections of time and space. "Chungking Express": Slow - images - ahead / Raymond Bellour ; translated by Allyn Hardyck -- 15. Wong Kar-wai: The actor, framed / Joe McElhaney -- 16. Infidelity and the obscure object of history / Vivian P.Y. Lee -- 17. Metonymy, mneme, and anamnesis in Wong Kar-wai / Thorsten Botz-Bornstein -- Part six. Focus on individual films. 18. Serial, sequelae, and postcolonial nostalgia: Wong Kar-wai's 1960s Hong Kong trilogy / Yiman Wang -- 19. We can't go on not meeting like this: "Fallen angels" and Wong's intertextuality / Martha P. Nochimson -- 20. The third reality: "In the mood for love" / Michel Chion ; translated by Claudia Gorbman -- 21. Cinephiliac engagement and the disengaged gaze in "In the mood for love" / Yomi Braester -- 22. Wong's America, North and South: "My blueberry nights" and "Happy together" / Ken Provencher -- 23. Queer utopias in Wong Kar-wai's "Happy together" / Carlos Rojas -- 24. Wong Kar-wai's genre practice and romantic authorship: The cases of "Ashes of time redux" and "The grandmaster" / Stephen Teo -- 25. Wong Kar-wai, auteur and adaptor: "Ashes of time" and "In the mood for love" / Wai-ping Yau -- Filmography -- Appendix I. Wong works in television / Chih-ting Chen -- Appendix II. Wong works in advertising / Chih-ting Chen -- Selected bibliography -- Index
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WKW : the cinema of Wong Kar Wai / Wong Kar Wai, John Powers New York: Rizzoli, 2016.
Call No: 81WON POW; FOLIOAuthor: Kar Wai, Wong ; Powers, John Source: USPlace: New YorkPublisher: RizzoliPubDate: 2016PhysDes: 303 pages : illustrations (colour), portraits ; 32 cmSubject: WONG KAR-WAI ; HONG KONG CINEMA ; LEUNG, TONY ; CHEUNG, LESLIE ; CHEUNG, MAGGIE ; IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE [FA YEUNG NIN WA] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 2000) ; IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE [FA YEUNG NIN WA] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 2000) ; AS TEARS GO BY (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1989) ; WONG GOK KA MOON (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1988) ; DAYS OF BEING WILD [AH FEI ZHENG ZHUANG] (HK, Wong Kar-Wei, 1991) ; DAYS OF BEING WILD [AH FEI ZHENG ZHUANG] (HK, Wong Kar-Wei, 1991) ; CHUNGKING EXPRESS [CHONGQING SENLIN] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1994) ; CHUNGKING EXPRESS [CHONGQING SENLIN] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1994) ; ASHES OF TIME [DUNG CHE SAI DUK] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1994) ; ASHES OF TIME [DUNG CHE SAI DUK] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1994) ; HAPPY TOGETHER [CHUNGUANG ZHAXIE] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1997) ; HAPPY TOGETHER [CHUNGUANG ZHAXIE] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1997) ; [TWO THOUSAND AND FORTY-SIX] 2046 (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 2004) ; FALLEN ANGELS [DUOLUO TIANSHI] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1995) ; DUOLUO TIANSHI (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1995) ; GRANDMASTER, THE [YI DAI ZONG SHI] (HK/CC, Wong Kar Wai, 2013) ; GRANDMASTER, THE [YI DAI ZONG SHI] (HK/CC, Wong Kar Wai, 2013) ; MY BLUEBERRY NIGHTS (HK/C/FR, Kar Wai Wong, 2007) ; LOST IN TRANSLATION (US, Sofia Coppola, 2003) Summary: "The long-awaited retrospective from the internationally renowned film director celebrated for his visually lush and atmospheric films. Wong Kar Wai is known for his romantic and stylish films that explore—in saturated, cinematic scenes—themes of love, longing, and the burden of memory. His style reveals a fascination with mood and texture, and a sense of place figures prominently. In this volume, the first on his entire body of work, Wong Kar Wai and writer John Powers explore Wong’s complete oeuvre in the locations of some of his most famous scenes. The book is structured as six conversations between Powers and Wong (each in a different locale), including the restaurant where he shot In the Mood for Love and the snack bar where he shot Chungking Express. Discussing each of Wong’s eleven films, the conversations also explore Wong’s trademark themes of time, nostalgia, and beauty, and their roots in his personal life. This first book by Wong Kar Wai, lavishly illustrated with more than 250 photographs and film stills and featuring an opening critical essay by Powers, WKW: The Cinema of Wong Kar Wei is as evocative as walking into one of Wong’s lush films." [Publisher's website]ISBN: 9780847846177Contents: Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps / 37 views of Wong Kar Wai -- Six conversations -- Conversation one : Amarcord -- Conversation two : not Hitchcock -- Conversation three : Hong Kong nocturne -- Conversation four : Perfidia -- Conversation five : Pan-American highway -- Conversation six : North, South, East and West -- Captions -- Timeline -- Acknowledgments
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Wong Kar-wai / Peter Brunette Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2005.
Call No: 81KAR BRUAuthor: Brunette, Peter Source: USPlace: UrbanaPublisher: University of Illinois PressPubDate: 2005PhysDes: xviii, 149 p. : ill. ; 21cm.Series: Contemporary Film DirectorsSubject: DIRECTORS. CHINA ; WONG KAR WAI ; DOYLE, CHRISTOPHER ; LEUNG, TONY ; CHEUNG, MAGGIE ; WONG GOK KA MOON (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1988) ; DAYS OF BEING WILD [AH FEI ZHENG ZHUANG] (HK, Wong Kar-Wei, 1991) ; ASHES OF TIME [DUNG CHE SAI DUK] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1994) ; CHUNGKING EXPRESS [CHONGQING SENLIN] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1994) ; CHUNGKING EXPRESS [CHONGQING SENLIN] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1994) ; DUOLUO TIANSHI (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1995) ; CHEUN GWONG TSA SIT (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1997) ; HAPPY TOGETHER [CHUNGUANG ZHAXIE] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1997) ; IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE [FA YEUNG NIN WA] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 2000) ; [TWO THOUSAND AND FORTY-SIX] 2046 (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 2004) Summary: Taken from backcover: This book traces film director, Wong Kar-wai's themes of time, love, and loss, and examines the political implications of his films, especially concerning the handover of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China.Notes: Includes transcripts of interviews with Wong Kar-wai.
Filmography: p.[135] - 141.
Includes bibliography and index.ISBN: 9780252072376
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Wong Kar-Wai's Happy Together / Jeremy Tambling Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2003.
Call No: 79HAP TAMAuthor: Tambling, Jeremy Source: HKPlace: Hong KongPublisher: Hong Kong University PressPubDate: 2003Series: New Hong Kong CinemaSubject: WONG KAR WAI ; CHEUN GWONG TSA SIT (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1997) ; HAPPY TOGETHER [CHUNGUANG ZHAXIE] (HK, Wong Kar-Wai, 1997) Summary: Closely examines the film "Happy Together"Contents: -- series preface -- preface -- 1: introduction: approaching the film -- 2: happy together amd allegory -- 3: contexts: why Buenos Aires? -- 4: contexts: the road movie -- 5: reading the film -- 6: happy together and homosexuality -- 7: happy together, Hong Kong and Melancholy -- 8: epilogue: happy together and in the mood for love -- notes -- filmography -- bibliography --
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