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30 SECONDS [TV] : (AT, 2009)
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The cinema of John Frankenheimer / by Gerald Pratley London: A. Zwemmer; A.S. Barnes, 1969.
Call No: 81FRA PRAAuthor: Pratley, Gerald Source: UKPlace: LondonPublisher: A. Zwemmer; A.S. BarnesPubDate: 1969PhysDes: 240 p. : illus., ports. ; 16 cm.Series: International Film Guide SeriesSubject: FRANKENHEIMER, JOHN ; BIRDMAN OF ALCATRAZ (US, John Frankenheimer, 1962) ; ALL FALL DOWN (US, John Frankenheimer, 1962) ; YOUNG STRANGER, THE (US, John Frankenheimer, 1957) ; YOUNG SAVAGES, THE (US, John Frankenheimer, 1961) ; MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, THE (US, John Frankenheimer, 1962) ; SEVEN DAYS IN MAY (US, John Frankenheimer, 1963) ; TRAIN, THE (US/FR/IT, John Frankenheimer, 1964) ; SECONDS (US, John Frankenheimer, 1966) ; GRAND PRIX (US, John Frankenheimer, 1966) ; FIXER, THE (US, John Frankenheimer, 1968) ; GYPSY MOTHS, THE (US, John Frankenheimer, 1969) ; EXTRAORDINARY SEAMAN, THE (US, John Frankenheimer, 1969) ISBN: 0302020004Language: English
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[EIGHT] 8 SECONDS : (UK, John G. Avildsen, 1994)
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GONE IN 60 SECONDS : (US, Dominic Sena, 2000)
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A little solitaire : John Frankenheimer and American Film / edited by Murray Pomerance and R. Barton Palmer New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, c2011.
Call No: 81FRA LITAuthor: Palmer, R. Barton(ed) ; Pomerance, Murray(ed) Source: USPlace: New Brunswick, NJPublisher: Rutgers University PressPubDate: c2011PhysDes: ix, 312 p. : ill. ; 24 cmSubject: FILM. USA ; FRANKENHEIMER, JOHN ; ALL FALL DOWN (US, John Frankenheimer, 1962) ; BIRDMAN OF ALCATRAZ (US, John Frankenheimer, 1962) ; FIXER, THE (US, John Frankenheimer, 1968) ; GYPSY MOTHS, THE (US, John Frankenheimer, 1969) ; ICEMAN COMETH, THE (US, John Frankenheimer, 1980) ; MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, THE (US, John Frankenheimer, 1962) ; RONIN (US, John Frankenheimer, 1998) ; SECONDS (US, John Frankenheimer, 1966) Summary: "Think about some commercially successful film masterpieces - The Manchurian Candidate, Seven Days in May, Seconds. Then consider some lesser known, yet equally compelling cinematic achievements- The Fixer, The Gypsy Moths, Path to War. These triumphs are the work of the best known and most highly regarded Hollywood driector to emerge from live TV drama in the 1950s- five-time Emmy award-winner John Frankenheimer. Although Frankenheimer was a pioneer in the genre of political thrillers, who embraced the antimodernist critique of contemporary society, some of his later films did not receive the attention they deserved. Many critics claimed that at a midpoint in his career he lost his touch. World-renowned film scholars put this myth to rest in A Little Solitaire, which offers the only multidisciplinary critical account of Frankenheimer's oeuvre. They emphasize his deep and passionate engagement- not only with national politics and people's irrepressible need to assert their rights against those who would reduce them to silence and anonymity, but also with a mise-en-scene filmd from just the right angles. " -- BOOK BLURBNotes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 287-298), filmography (p. 279-286) and indexISBN: 9780813550602Contents: -- acknowledgments -- Introduction : why don't you pass the time by playing a little solitaire? / R. Barton Palmer and Murray Pomerance -- Thrills. Murdered souls, conspiratorial cabals: Frankenheimer's paranoia films / David Sterritt -- The Manchurian candidate: compromised agency and uncertain causality / Charles Ramirez Berg -- Stealth, sexuality, and cult status in The Manchurian candidate and Seconds / Rebecca Bell-Metereau -- The train: John Frankenheimer's "Rape of Europa" / Matthew H. Bernstein -- Action and abstraction in Ronin / Stephen Prince -- Politics. "Late Frankenheimer/political Frankenheimer" / Douglas McFarland -- John Frankenheimer's "War on terror" / Corey K. Creekmur -- The burning season: environmentalism versus progress? / Robin L. Murray -- Pictures and prizes: Le Grand Prix de Rome and Grand Prix / Victoria Duckett -- Families. Crashing in: Birdman of Alcatraz / Tom Conley -- Walking the line with the fille-fatale / Linda Ruth Williams -- Live TV, filmed theater, and the new Hollywood: John Frankenheimer's The Iceman cometh / James Morrison -- Ashes, ashes: structuring emptiness in All fall down / Murray Pomerance -- Secrets. An American in Paris: John Frankenheimer's impossible object / Jerry Mosher -- Shot from the sky: The gypsy moths and the end of something / Dennis Bingham -- Frankenheimer and the science fiction/horror film / Christine Cornea -- -- The fixer: a Jew who could be any man, any time, anywhere / R. Barton Palmer -- Jonah / Bill Krohn -- John Frankenheimer's Directorial Career: a chronology -- works cited and consulted -- contributors -- index --
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SECONDS : (US, John Frankenheimer, 1966)
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SEVEN SECONDS [TV] : (US, 2018-)
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Short fiction film & short animation scripts : supporting material AT: 2008.
Call No: S SHOEdition: Final shooting script (reading draft)Place: ATPubDate: 2008Subject: [THIRTY] 30 SECONDS [TV] (AT, 2009) ; CHANDON PICTURES [TV] (AT, 2007) ; JESTERS, THE [TV](AT, 2009-) ; LIBRARIANS, THE [TV] (AT, 2007) ; VERY SMALL BUSINESS [TV] (AT, 2008) ; WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THAT GUY [TV] (AT,2009-) Summary: "In 2009 after consultation with the Australian Writers Guild, the AFI agreed to collect and distribute scripts for the jurors review in consideration of the AFI Award for Best Screenplay in a Short Fiction Film". The collection of scripts included in this resource were submitted to the AFI to act as supporting material when considering the award. -- Shorts films and animations included are: Affair written by Lav Bodnaruk; Be my brother written by Genevieve Clay & Gerard Odwyer; Blind date written by Chris Ramos; Boundless written by Stephen Kanaris; Boxer written by Michael Latham; Carrot written by Tom Salisbury; Chance given written by Ariel Martin; Fences written by Chris Corbet; First love written by Matthew Duffy; I can speak swedish written by David Forster; INK written by Justine Wallace; Jacob written by Dena Curtis; Kind of man written by Kelly Schilling; Miracle fish written by Luke Doolan; Monster audtions- Sam written by Stu Connolly; Nia's Melancholy written by S.F Tusa; Pinata written by Sian Davies; Plastic written by Sandy Widyanata; Red water red written by Qing Xie; Shockwaves written by Michael Cove; The Bully written by Shane McNeil; The Divorce Case written by Leon Hooke; The not-so-great Eugene Green written by Michael Hill & Jamie Messenger; The pessimist written by James Lindsay; Vinyl written by Ashley Fairfield.Notes: "In 2009 after consultation with the Australian Writers Guild, the AFI agreed to collect and distribute scripts for the jurors review in consideration of the AFI Award for Best Screenplay in a Short Fiction Film". The collection of scripts included in this resource were submitted to the AFI to act as supporting material when considering the award. -- Shorts films and animations included are: Affair written by Lav Bodnaruk; Be my brother written by Genevieve Clay & Gerard Odwyer; Blind date written by Chris Ramos; Boundless written by Stephen Kanaris; Boxer written by Michael Latham; Carrot written by Tom Salisbury; Chance given written by Ariel Martin; Fences written by Chris Corbet; First love written by Matthew Duffy; I can speak swedish written by David Forster; INK written by Justine Wallace; Jacob written by Dena Curtis; Kind of man written by Kelly Schilling; Miracle fish written by Luke Doolan; Monster audtions- Sam written by Stu Connolly; Nia's Melancholy written by S.F Tusa; Pinata written by Sian Davies; Plastic written by Sandy Widyanata; Red water red written by Qing Xie; Shockwaves written by Michael Cove; The Bully written by Shane McNeil; The Divorce Case written by Leon Hooke; The not-so-great Eugene Green written by Michael Hill & Jamie Messenger; The pessimist written by James Lindsay; Vinyl written by Ashley Fairfield.Donation: Australian Film Institute
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TV Light entertainment & comedy scripts : supporting material AT: 2008.
Call No: S TVLEdition: Final shooting script (reading draft)Place: ATPubDate: 2008PhysDes: 280 leavesSubject: [THIRTY] 30 SECONDS [TV] (AT, 2009) ; CHANDON PICTURES [TV] (AT, 2007) ; JESTERS, THE [TV](AT, 2009-) ; LIBRARIANS, THE [TV] (AT, 2007) ; VERY SMALL BUSINESS [TV] (AT, 2008) ; WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THAT GUY [TV] (AT,2009-) Summary: A collection of supporting comedy script material for Australian television programs written and produced in 2008-09 including: 30 Seconds, Chandon Pictures, The Jesters, The Librarians, Very Small Business and Whatever Happened To That Guy?Notes: A collection of unpublished television scripts -- 30 seconds, Episode 3. 'Good clown, Bad clown' by Scott Nowell, Justin Drape, Tim Bullock. Copyright 2008 Zapruder's Other Films. -- Chandon pictures, Episode 2. 'Run bitch run' written by Rob Carlton, developed by Russell Smyth, Alex Weinress. c2008 Shadowfax TV. -- Chandon pictures, Episode 8, Series 2. 'Rock$tar' written by Rob Carlton, developed by Russel Smyth, Alex Weinress. c2008 Shadowfax TV. -- The jesters, Episode 3. 'Breakfast clubbed' written by Angus FitzSimons & Kevin Brumpton. c2009 Jester Productions. -- The jesters, Episode 8. 'Wrap up' written by Angus FitzSimons & Kevin Brumpton. c2009 Jester Productions. -- The librarians, Series 2, Episode 2. 'This little piggy' by Robyn Butler and Wayne Hope. c2008 Gristmill Pty Ltd. -- The librarians, Series 2, Episode 5. 'Deliverance' by Robyn Butler and Wayne Hope. c2008 Gristmill Pty Ltd. -- Very small business, Episode 4. 'Diversification of capital' by Wayne Hope and Gary McCaffrie, additional matterial written by Robyn Butler. Developed with the assistance of Film Victoria. c2008 Gristmill Pty Ltd. -- Very small business, Episode 6. 'Obligations under the taxation act' by Wayne Hope and Gary MCCaffrie. Additional material written by Robyn Butler. c2008 Gristmill Pty Ltd. -- Whatever happened to that guy?, Epsiode 2. 'Bryan Brown stole my life' by Brendan Luno & Peter Moon. c2008 Ruby Entertainment. -- Whatever happened to that guy?, Episode 7. 'Dog' by Doug MacLeod. c2008 Ruby Entertainment.Donation: Australian Film Institute
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