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BLOOD HOOK : (US, James Mallon, 1987)
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Double exposure : fiction into film / Joy Gould Boyum New York: New American Library, 1985.
Call No: 753.4 BOYAuthor: Boyum, Joy Gould, 1934 Place: New YorkPublisher: New American LibraryPubDate: 1985PhysDes: xiii, 287 p., 8 p. of plates : ill. ; 23 cmSubject: ADAPTATIONS ; FRENCH LIEUTENANT'S WOMAN, THE (UK, Karel Reisz, 1981) ; INNOCENTS, THE (UK, Jack Clayton, 1962) ; FRENCH LIEUTENANT'S WOMAN, THE (UK, Karel Reisz, 1981) ; APOCALYPSE NOW (US, Francis Ford Coppola, 1979) ; WOMEN IN LOVE (FR, Jacques Doillon, 1988) ; AMOUREUSE, L' (FR, Jacques Doillon, 1988) ; RAGTIME (US, Milos Forman, 1980) ; TESS (FR/UK, Roman Polanski, 1979) ; DAISY MILLER (US, Peter Bogdanovich, 1974) ; CLOCKWORK ORANGE, A (UK, Stanley Kubrick, 1971) ; LORD OF THE FLIES (US, Harry Hook, 1990) ; WISE BLOOD (US/GW, John Huston, 1979) ; DEATH IN VENICE (IT/FR, Luchino Visconti, 1971)
MORTE A VENEZIA ; SLAUGHTERHOUSE-FIVE (US, George Roy Hill, 1972) ; UNDER THE VOLCANO (US, John Huston, 1984) ; DAY OF THE LOCUST, THE (US, John Schlesinger, 1975) ; SWANN IN LOVE (FR/GW, Volker Schlondorff, 1984)
AMOUR DE SWANN, UN ; AMOUR DE SWANN, UN (FR/GW, Volker Schlondorff, 1984) Summary: ...Refuting the commonly held view that film adaptations are in most ways inferior to the works on which thay are based, the author contendsthat film is an art eminently capable of translating a novel, not only in plot and theme but in style, technique and effect. And it can also do so without destroying the original work... or emerging as a second-rate version of the printed word.
Providing a close-up study of the ways in which adaptation may serve as a successful, even superlative, interpretation of literature, Double Exposure examines the aesthetics, the history, and the contemporaryresults of moviemakers' use of fiction in film. Here is an eye-opening of contemporary films that succeed, fail, or even transcend their literary source when two parallel art forms join forces at the movie. [taken from BOOK JACKET]Notes: "A Plume book."; Includes index; Bibliography: p. 243-253ISBN: 0452257220 (pbk.) : $10.95LON: 85013848; 4087750
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I GOT THE HOOK UP : (US, Michael Martin, 1998)
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HOOK : (US, Steven Spielberg, 1991)
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HOOK, LINE AND SINKER : (US, George Marshall, 1968)
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KITCHEN TOTO, THE : (UK, Harry Hook, 1987)
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LORD OF THE FLIES : (US, Harry Hook, 1990)
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Steven Spielberg : the man, his movies, and their meaning / Philip M. Taylor New York: Continuum, 1992.
Call No: 81SPI TAYAuthor: Taylor, Philip M Place: New YorkPublisher: ContinuumPubDate: 1992PhysDes: 176 p. : ill. ; 25 cmSubject: SPIELBERG, STEVEN ; LUCAS, GEORGE ; CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND (US, Steven Spielberg, 1977) ; E.T. THE EXTRA TERRESTRIAL (US, Steven Spielberg, 1982) ; COLOR PURPLE, THE (US, Steven Spielberg, 1985) ; HOOK (US, Steven Spielberg, 1991) Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. [171]-172), filmography (p. [143]-169), and indexISBN: 0826406157 : $17.95LON: 92010212; 8966119
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Steven Spielberg / George Perry London: Orion, 1998.
Call No: 81SPI PERAuthor: Perry, George Source: UKPlace: LondonPublisher: OrionPubDate: 1998PhysDes: 144 p. : ill. (some col.), ports. ; 20 cmSubject: SPIELBERG, STEVEN ; ALWAYS (US, Steven Spielberg, 1989) ; CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND (US, Steven Spielberg, 1977) ; COLOR PURPLE, THE (US, Steven Spielberg, 1985) ; DUEL (US, Steven Spielberg, 1972) ; E.T. THE EXTRA TERRESTRIAL (US, Steven Spielberg, 1982) ; EMPIRE OF THE SUN (US, Stephen Spielberg, 1987) ; HOOK (US, Steven Spielberg, 1991) ; INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE (US, Steven Spielberg, 1989) ; INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM (US, Steven Spielberg, 1984) ; JAWS (US, Steven Spielberg, 1975) ; JURASSIC PARK (US, Steven Spielberg,, 1993) ; LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK, THE (US, Steven Spielberg, 1997) ; [NINETEEN FORTY-ONE] 1941 (US, Steven Spielberg, 1979) ; RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK (US, Steven Spielberg, 1981) ; SCHINDLER'S LIST (US, Steven Spielberg, 1993) ; SUGARLAND EXPRESS, THE (US, Steven Spielberg, 1974) ; TWILIGHT ZONE THE MOVIE (US, John Landis & Steven Spielberg & George Miller & Joe Dante, 1983) ISBN: 0752811940
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journal article
'Tender' journey inside a time machine in Encore (September 2007) vol.26 iss.09 p.31, 39
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[The tender hook : poster]
Call No: P TENPhysDes: 1 poster : col. ; 100 X 69 cm.Subject: TENDER HOOK, THE (AT, Jonathan Ogilvie, 2008) Summary: Image: Has a photo of Rose Byrne, one of Hugo Weaving and one of Matt Le Nevez on it. Text: 'Love is a prize and the winner takes all'.
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