[Come in spinner : stills file]
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Enough rope with Andrew Denton / Edited by Jon Casimir Sydney, NSW: ABC Books, December 2003.
Call No: 81 ENO DENAuthor: Denton, Andrew ; Casimir, Jon Place: Sydney, NSWPublisher: ABC BooksPubDate: December 2003PhysDes: 274 p. : illus ; 23 cm.Subject: ENOUGH ROPE WITH ANDREW DENTON [TV] (AT, 2003-) ; HOGAN, PAUL ; GIBNEY, REBECCA ; IRWIN, STEVE ; CARREY, JIM ; RILEY, GINA ; TURNER, JANE ; MELDRUM, IAN "MOLLY" ; READ, MARK "CHOPPER" ; WIGGLES, THE ; PEARCE, GUY ; CROWE, RUSSELL ISBN: 0733313612
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personality microfilm collection
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newspaper article
Gibney smashes myth of making films in Sunshine state in Sun Herald [Regional Changes Qld] (31/01/2016) p.15
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[Halifax f.p. : stills file] / Dennis Wisken
Call No: TITLE STILLS AUSTRALIASource: ATPhysDes: 18 photographs : b&w ; 12 x 10 cm - 26 x 21 cmSubject: GIBNEY, REBECCA ; ROXBURGH, RICHARD ; FRIELS, COLIN ; McKENZIE, JACQUELINE ; FURNESS, DEBORRA-LEE ; VIDLER, STEVEN ; O'CONNOR, FRANCES ; MCCLORY, BELINDA ; MARNIKA, DINO ; KOVSKI, JEFF ; JODRELL, STEVEN ; HALIFAX F.P. [TV] (AT, 1995- ) Summary: Eighteen black and white photographs relating to the television series Halifax f.p., including publicity stills of actors and also one of the director of the episode 'The Feeding' Steve Jodrell.
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[Lucky break : stills file]
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Crawford collection
crawford publicity fly
[The flying doctors. Publicity material] AT:
Call No: CRAWFORD PUBLICITY FLYPlace: ATPhysDes: 3 boxes ; 39 x 17 x 27 cmSubject: CRAWFORD PRODUCTIONS ; AUDIENCE RECEPTION. AUSTRALIA ; INDUSTRY, TV. AUSTRALIA ; LOCATION SHOOTING. AUSTRALIA: VICTORIA ; SOAP OPERAS. AUSTRALIA ; LEE, SOPHIE ; DIPIERDOMENICO, ROBERT ; SMITH, LENORE ; JELLAY, VAL ; FIELDS, MAURIE ; MCFARLANE, ANDREW ; GRUBB, ROBERT ; KAPINIARIS, GEORGE ; GIBNEY, REBECCA ; O'BRIEN, PETER ; PAPPS, ALEX ; MACINTOSH, TAMMY ; FLYING DOCTORS, THE [TV] (AT, 1986-91) Summary: Publicity, media clippings and periodicals about Crawford Productions' series The flying doctors. Material is organised primarily in date order. Additional files cover production and location shooting. Where possible Crawford Productions' original ordering system has been retained.Notes: Annotations on some clippings -- Labels follow Crawfords designations unless provided by cataloguerDonation: Donation of Crawford ProductionsContents: 3 archive boxes containing material from Australia, New Zealand and the Netherlands
Folders as listed:
Box 1: Locations; Production publicity; Show-Series; Series generally; [March 1991]; [April 1991]; Press cuttings July [1991]; Press cuttings Mar-Oct 1991 -- Press cuttings Jan-Mar 1991 -- Press clippings Mar Apr May 1991 -- [April 1991] file has attached memo card -- Also contains periodicals: TV soap (July 1991); Margriet (30 Apr 1991); The Flying Doctors Story; Additional photocopies of press clippings -- Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia Fanclub Germany n. 16, June 2003 [79 leaves]; n. 17, December 2003 [85 leaves]; n. 18, June 2004 [66 leaves]; n. 19, December 2004 [74 leaves]
Box 2: Press clippings Originals 1988 -- Original press clippings Jan-June 1989 -- Press clippings originals July-Dec 1989 -- Press clippings, originals Jan-May 1990 -- Press cuttings May-Dec 1990 -- [Press clippings April 1990, photocopies] --Also contains: TV Week (Feb 13 1988); Humo (Maart 31 1988; Mei 12 1988); TV magazine (Mei 14 1988); TV week (June 4 1988); Dag (n. 230 April 9 1989); TV Guide (August 14 1989); Woman's own (April 10 1989); Star! (Summer 1989); Australia now (v. 13 n. 4 1989); Stars of Oz (August 1990) -- Additional photocopies of Australian press clippings -- Clippings from Dutch language magazines
Box 3: Photocopies of press cuttings 1982-1990 covering location, general production, notable guests and publicity for individual actors -- Facsimile copies of press from UK -- (17 leaves) Fan produced materials -- Fan produced Reserapport [Trip report] 1988 (39 leaves) -- Telegrams (6 leaves)
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Crawford collection
[Zoo family : album #1] Crawford Productions [distributor],
Call No: CRAWFORD STILL ZOOSource: ATPublisher: Crawford Productions [distributor]PhysDes: 19 photographs : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm + 15 slides : col.Subject: ORCSIK, JOHN ; GIBNEY, REBECCA ; FINLAYSON, JON ; NEVINSON, GENNIE ; MACIEK ; JACOBSON, STEVE ; GORMAN, KATE ; CURTIN, PETER ; SUMMERS, ROBERT ; KOUNNAS, MELISSA ; MCTERNAN, JOHN ; BROOKE, BUNNY ; COLOSIMO, VINCE ; ZOO FAMILY [TV] (AT, 1985) Summary: Photographs and slides relating to the TV series 'Zoo Family"Notes: Arranged by record type: photographs with accompanying promotional sheet then slides with accompanying promotional sheetDonation: Gift of Crawford Productions
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